Chapter 792: Zhen and Aslan

After that war, United seemed to have forgotten Orb, but the military enterprises and technology development companies controlled by LOGOS began to develop new equipment, more powerful MS, more powerful weapons, and more powerful organisms. CPUs are all within the scope of their research and development. Now that they can't do anything against Orb, but they can't ignore Orb, the joint side can only enhance their combat capabilities as much as possible, so that they can get more advanced combat power. In one fell swoop, he won the most uncertain factor on Earth, Orb.
However, although he ignored Orb for the time being, the United also knew that today's Orb also had no power other than defense to attack the United, so it was relatively easy to deal with the larger enemy, ZAFT. He even planned an attack on the ZAFT Army Zhibutuo base, an attack on the Minerva.
On the second day after the battle, without waiting for the situation in Orb to really stabilize, Aslan left to Xiao Ran, exchanged the black savior Gundam X11, and drove his red savior Gundam to go to Zhibutra. The base, Aslan, who had left, did not encounter any obstacles when heading to the Zhibutuo base. After arriving at Zhibutuo easily, he joined the Minerva.
As in the original plot, when Aslan descended from the Savior Gundam, the Minerva crew saw that the newly equipped MS pilot on the Minerva turned out to be Aslan, and he still had an independent When the authority was FAITH, the people on the entire ship were shocked, but Zhen Asuka just looked at this person who originally belonged to Orb, but now joined ZAFT.
Zhen Asuka also hurried back when he saw the Savior Gundam enter the Minerva while shopping outside. Although Zhen Aslan didn’t know why Aslan appeared here, he also felt something in his heart. No matter what kind of person Aslan was in the past, at least Aslan is a member of Orb in the recognition of Asuka, and he is also a member of Orb, but now he has all come to ZAFT. , Came to Minerva.
At first, Zhen Asuka didn’t notice the FAITH badge on Aslan’s chest. Although he was wearing a red shirt, his neckline was open, holding a plastic bag full of things in his hand, looking at Aslan in amazement. Lan asked, "Why did you come and joined ZAFT? Are you tired of the princess who doesn't understand anything?"
Fortunately, Zhen Asuka knew his identity, and didn't say a word, let this sentence become how you came, otherwise it would definitely make the person next to him look at him, which would cause unnecessary suspicion.
Aslan was stunned when he heard True Asuka's words, but Luna Maria, who was standing next to True Asuka, hurriedly talked about True Asuka, and whispered: "Really, what are you talking about, he is FAITH."
"Huh?" It wasn't until Luna Maria reminded that Real Asuka discovered the badge on the chest of Aslan's driving suit. In shock, he quickly tucked the plastic bag in Luna Maria's hand and quickly buttoned the neckline. 'S button, and salute Aslan: "Sir."
Aslan did not rise up because of Zhen Asuka's rudeness just now, and slightly nodded at Zhen Asuka, and then said: "Can someone take me to the Captain's Room? I want to report to Captain Thalia. ."
Zhen Asuka just wanted to say that she would take Aslan, but she did not expect Luna Maria to put the bag in her hand back into Zhen Aslan's body, grabbed Aslan by the arm and walked out:" I'll take you there."
Facing Luna Maria’s familiarity, Aslan nodded in a daze, and was taken by Luna Maria’s hands and left the crowd, while Zhen Asuka watched the two leave in a daze, then annoyed. He patted his head, and was immediately attracted by the red savior Gundam.
A few hours later, Aslan was reporting with Captain Thalia and officially settled down on the Minerva. The strange environment and the previous encounters with Kagali and Kira made him feel extremely lonely. After strolling around on the Neva, she walked out of the ship to the observation platform, lying on the handrail in a daze.
And True Asuka didn’t know how to get to the viewing platform. Perhaps he came here to find Aslan. After seeing Aslan’s figure, he quickly ran to Aslan’s side, hurriedly walking. Also noticed by Aslan, before Zhen Asuka hadn't spoken, he turned to look at him and smiled at him.
"I know you, true Asuka, it was not determined at the beginning. After all, it was two years ago. At that time, I thought you should have seen me. At that time, I remembered that you were with your family. Why, you Has all the family emigrated? Why did you leave Orb and join ZAFT?"
Zhen Asuka was stunned for a moment, and his eyes suddenly showed a panic and looked around, but fortunately, there was no one else on the viewing platform except for the two of them, so no one knew the conversation between the two.
After seeing no one around, Zhen Asuka approached Aslan with an expression of dissatisfaction and fear, and said: "I said what happened to you, how can you talk nonsense about this kind of thing, it's so hard that the guy didn't tell You have to pay attention when you come here. Do not reveal the news that my family is still alive?"
True Asuka's words suddenly made Aslan's eyes widened, opened her mouth and seemed to stop breathing for a moment, and then her brow twitched with a wry smile: "What's the matter, you wouldn't be the adult who arranged to come and hide It’s in ZAFT."
The sluggish person turned into a real Asuka with Aslan’s words, his stiff expression was full of astonishment and panic, and his throat did not move. It was not until a long time that he uttered three words: "You Isn't it?"
"Heh..." Aslan gave a wry smile, shook his head and said, "Hey, a lurking person like you is really unqualified. How can I expose myself without confirming the identity of the other party? If I really are I chose to leave Orb and join ZAFT, and then I lied to you to tell Captain Thalia about you. Do you know what consequences you will have in the end?"
" really weren't that guy sent to help me?" Zhen Asuka burst into tears, and looked at Aslan in panic, indeed worried that Aslan would tell her situation. , Both eyes looked around from time to time, his fists were already tightly pinched, and it seemed that he was ready to escape at any time.
To be honest, Asuka's fighting ability is not much better than Aslan. Both of them graduated from the ZAFT military academy with the first place in fighting, so if they really fight, they can be considered evenly matched.
And Aslan didn’t laugh or cry after seeing True Asuka’s behavior, and quickly said: "Don’t worry, I won’t tell you about you. Although I am ZAFT now, Aub is the same to me. It is important and has a special meaning. I joined ZAFT just to find some answers, and the adult arranged for you to come here. It should be the adult's thoughts."
"The lord also knows that I will come to Minerva. I also participated in the previous battle against Orb by the coalition army, and I participated after joining ZAFT. After all, I am no different from you, since He can rest assured that he let me leave Orb and come here without telling me anything. It is also a kind of trust in me. I believe that even after I know about you, I will not leak your affairs."
"If you don't believe it, you can also confirm with that adult yourself."
"Really?" Although Zhen Asuka was relieved when he heard Aslan's words, he still seemed a little doubtful.
Aslan nodded affirmatively: "Of course, I can go with you to confirm with that adult."
In fact, even Xiao Ran did not expect that Zhen Feiiao was clumsy to such an extent. Without really confirming Aslan’s identity, he took the initiative to expose his identity in a few words, and Xiao Ran did not specifically instruct Aslan. Lan's thing about Zhen Asuka is also because of this, and also believes that even if Aslan finds something from it, he will never be nosy to expose it, but will try his best to help Zhen Asuka to cover up if he can. Although Aslan said those things, he clearly knew that he did make a big mistake. True Asuka did not believe it like a fool, but dragged Aslan away from Miner. Wahao, at the Zhibutuoluo base, began to think of ways to contact Orb. Of course, it is definitely impossible to use the communication facilities of the base in the base, but as a FAITH and a red shirt, there are naturally their ways.
Anyway, in the current situation, Orb hasn't cut off contact with the side, as long as he wants to contact the Orb side, it is not very difficult.
In the evening, Zhen and Aslan also returned to the Minerva. The message was sent towards Orb, but I don’t know how long it will be if I want to receive a reply from Orb. Aslan passes. The letter method is an urgent special code he knew when he was the guard of Kagali in Orb, which can ensure that this information is seen by Xiao Ran in the first time.
While waiting like this, Aslan also understood Zhen Asuka’s thoughts very well, so he took the initiative to get a little closer to True Asuka, but gradually Aslan discovered that, in many cases, although Nervous, but the person who really pays attention to him is not only True Asuka. The person who has the best relationship with True Asuka and is also the most impossible person for Aslan, even pays attention to him when True Asuka is away. Every move. (To be continued~^~)
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