Chapter 811: Xiao Ran at a loss

"Xiao Ran, when you hear these words, I am afraid that I have already passed away for a long time. I cannot witness the re-emergence of Orb with my own eyes, nor can I see the peace of the world with my own eyes, but I believe that you can do it. We want to do things that we will never be able to do. With this idea, I can also go to death calmly with a smile."
"I have always thanked you for everything you have done for Orb. It is you who reminded us that we cannot protect ourselves if we have no ideas without power. You have reminded us that we must keep for the re-emergence of Orb. The seed that can grow into a towering giant tree. It is you who helped us and gained more time under the threat of union. Although I cannot witness the new Orb, the world peace adjuster and natural people can live in harmony, but I am firm I believe that this day will not be too far away, because there are too many people like you who are definitely willing to fight for the same goal."
"Perhaps when you hear these words, Aub has once again fallen into internal and external troubles, but if one day you need power, then this machine in front of you is the power we give you, a special The body prepared for you, Midnight Gundam, represents yesterday’s past and tomorrow’s bring, and it also represents our confidence in you to maintain Orb’s ideals at all costs."
"Kagali has the belief in guarding Orb, but she is too naive, and too immature. The relationship between the country and the country is not just a slogan. I believe she can hold Orb's stability in the true peace. But she also knows that she is unable to find the right path for Orb in the midst of the war. A narrow retreat will not bring peace to Orb, but the strength of the same also makes Hui Orb be jealous of other countries. I believe you Can handle the light and heavy in the middle, but Kagali does not have this ability."
"You have the determination to implement Orb's belief in peace and the ability to implement this belief. I also believe that you can build Orb into the country we expect. Under such a premise, we take Orb The most decadent part disappears forever, laying the most solid foundation for you to rebirth from the ashes, and no one will be an obstacle to Orb's progress on the right path after us. We believe that you can lead Orb. Going on the right path, if after you hear these words, Kagali or someone else becomes Ob’s hindrance someday, then I, Uzmi Yula Asha..."
"I, Patriarch of Sahak..."
"I, Patriarch Seran..."
"Together, we give you complete control of Orb at any time, all rights to control Orb, all rights of the army, and become the new prime minister of Orb, leading Orb to uphold the concept of peace and prevent the world from being rendered as only two. The persistence of color continues to develop."
Even if Bucky Lulu, Mu, and Aslan have heard these words, they are shocked and admired by Ashar’s words once again, not just that Ashar can Saying this, when I was unable to determine the future, I had already thought of the present so far, and prepared these words. It was even more shocked by the unity of the patriarchs of the various families of Orb at the time. The place disappeared forever, and I would rather sacrifice myself than let myself become Orb, an obstacle to Xiao Ran.
And I admire them for their willingness to make such a sacrifice for Orb, and even give the country they created to someone they believe in, and they are willing to deprive their offspring of all rights for Orb’s tomorrow and hand over to a person who is not really real. Orb people, all this is only for the development of the country, for the peace of this world.
When Kagali heard these words, the whole person was completely stunned. In addition to the unstoppable tears in her eyes, Kagali's heart also rose with immense guilt and regret, but More is the feeling of yearning for Uzmi after hearing Uzmi's voice.
Not only Kagali, but the entire members of the Archangel including Kira were stunned. With Uzmi’s words, then everything Kagali did before, even Kira wanted To explore, everything I wanted to make Kagali truly sober and mature, turned out to be the worst thing.
At this time, Kira just wanted to return to Orb immediately, knowing from Xiao Ran's mouth that all the arrangements made by Xiao Ran during this period of time were based on what reason, and what purpose was it for, and more still wanted to say to Xiao Ran. Sorry.
While sitting on the seat of CIC, Lacus was taken aback for a while, but then she also showed a smile. Leaving Orb from the Archangel, Lacus always thought about more than Kira and Kagali. Knowing Xiao Ran is also considered understanding Xiao Ran, knowing that what Xiao Ran did was definitely not a meaningless thing, and it definitely couldn't be that simple on the surface.
It was Xiao Ran who gave her some skills in the first place and reminded her that maybe when the world falls into war again, Kira, Aslan and the others need strength to maintain peace in this world again, Laks I knew that Xiao Ran was definitely not a person without a back hand, nor a person who would disrupt the world for his own benefit.
Although Uzmi’s words could not prove that Xiao Ran really had no other conspiracy at this time, he at least recognized Xiao Ran’s orthodoxy in ruling Ober. At the same time, Laks himself believed in Xiao Ran, so he kept reminding Kira and Kira. Kagali, why not personally confirm his thoughts and goals with Xiao Ran.
To Lux, Xiao Ran seems very mysterious, sometimes strong and domineering, but in fact she is also a gentle person. From the first time she met Xiao Ran, Lux was very curious about Xiao Ran. It is through inquiry that the more I can feel Xiao Ran's mystery, the more and more mysteries make Lacus dare not continue to explore.
She knows very well that if a woman has more curiosity about a man and wants to explore the idea, it is definitely a very dangerous thing, and now although sometimes because of another woman’s relationship, she’s with Kira Feelings will also make her helpless and angry, but the happiness around her is what she should do.
After playing the last words, Bucky Lulu once again picked up the intercom and said:
In view of the entire attack on our side by the Archangel, this ship maintains an attitude of prosecution. The specific ship will ask Orb’s homeland whether it will You are officially listed as a hostile target. Here, I also inform the joint army that although this ship has suffered a certain loss due to the sudden intrusion of the Archangel, it still retains a certain amount of combat power. If you want to continue fighting, this ship I will respond accordingly, but I want to warn you that the support of the ZAFT army may also arrive soon after the battle. We don’t want to see this battle continue to expand. I hope you can make the right choice based on the current situation."
Just after Bucky Lulu released Ashar’s last words, Xiao Ran, who was watching the test machine in Orb’s homeland, was testing, suddenly a voice that he had never expected came out of his ears, perhaps Xiao Ran also Knowing that this reminder would come sooner or later, he felt astonished that he did not do anything at all now, and also nothing happened. He had done what he had been planning somehow.
"No. 678, you have accepted an independent faction, and this faction meets the following basic conditions."
"1. The population is greater than five million, and they have autonomous territories. The number of people in this camp is 6.3 million, which is comparable to that of autonomous territories."
"2. Negative means such as non-use of force, conspiracy, intimidation, coercion, trading and other negative means to obtain the highest right of the camp to meet. Full control of the current camp's armed forces, full control of the current administrative organization, and sincere support to meet.
"3. The camp has a support rate of more than 85 percent and an opposition rate of less than 5 percent. The current support rate is 88 percent and the opposition rate is 2 percent."
"4. The camp has normal cultural literacy, normal civilization, normal thinking, normal values."
"5. This camp is an independent camp and is recognized by other camps in the world. It has independent diplomatic capabilities and autonomous capabilities."
"6, you have no harm to the history of this camp, you have made a great contribution to the development of this camp."
"You have the highest rights in this camp, and meet all the above conditions, you can make the following choices to convert this camp into an exclusive camp."
"Exclusive camp: exclusive to the legion. You can return to the world camp for training during each mission rest period. Legion personnel can develop in the camp and pay for the corresponding output of the camp. You can consume the merit points to buy. Corresponding materials, technology, materials, etc. to enhance the prosperity of the camp, the level of technology, etc.. Legion-specific buildings can be built in the camp."
"2. Entrust your camp to Prometheus. After the random mission ends, you will return to Prometheus to get the highest reward of the mission and get another reward from Prometheus."
"3. Give up option 1, option 2, continue to complete the task or cancel the task without penalty and return to Prometheus."
"You have twenty-four hours to choose. One of them will be randomly selected after twenty-four hours."
"Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh It is not clear, although he knew that Uzmi must have given Kagali a last word, he did not expect that he was included in the last word, and he officially announced that he would become Prime Minister Obu, the last word of the supreme leader. (~^~)
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