Chapter 822: coordination

? (Respond to a book review, I don’t know how to deal with the three units of oo79, but this is after the change, one or three. This book just follows the original but not the original, I want You can watch cartoons to watch the real original work. Why do you have to watch the drunken warfare? Your questioning and straightforwardness are also drunk and admire, o fan value, ha ha.
Staying in dssd, on the one hand, Xiao Ran has to wait for dssd to sort out the technology that Xiao Ran needs and deliver it to Luo, and then bring it back to Orb to improve the combat direction, a more efficient nano repair system, more flexible and more powerful The light energy protection system can already be used freely for the faster and more convenient light transmitter system.
All these dssd technologies existed to explore the deep universe from the beginning. It is natural to be used in combat, and the same self-repair and self-defense capabilities are also sufficient, but they cannot perfectly integrate the effects of these technologies. Really manifested in the battle.
For example, the Radiance Transmitter system, when acting on the Stargazer Gundam, is based on the solar sail of the Mu of Light that bears the solar wind, so as to gradually gain almost infinite navigation ability, and the degree will increase with time. Faster and faster, it can be regarded as a very useful navigation system in the solar system in this world.
The effect on Destiny Gundam and Assault Freedom Gundam is to convert the special power obtained from the Radiant Transmitter into a powerful light pressure to form a light wing as an extra-time wishing propulsion ability, thereby obtaining explosive power. Although the two different modes of operation are derived from the same technology, there are actually some differences.
The former can be started without high-powered energy when starting, the initial degree is slow, and the aging effect is fast, while the latter needs to use high-power energy to get the explosion after starting, the initial degree is fast but the aging effect is slow, this is the biggest Different, and compared to combat, of course, the latter mode is more in line with the rules of combat.
And Xiao Ran is even more curious about whether this system can be used in a combined solar furnace and exert more powerful power. It is necessary to know that the gn particles scattered by the solar furnace can also generate a powerful particle storm, even if it is normally dispersed gn particles. At the time, there will be a lot of wind pressure. If the Radiant Transmitter can use the wind pressure of the solar furnace, the combined effect will definitely be quite terrifying.
And the nano repair system, in fact, can not only act on the armor of the body, or even the skeleton of the body, any part can use this nano repair system. In terms of nano repair, Xiao Ran still has such a consumable in his hands. The nano repair props, the props that can restore the body, may be the result of the nano repair system.
Xiao Ran even imagined that this kind of nano repair system can even turn the original modular parts into nano, so that the parts deform themselves like transformers. They are weapons when they are needed and flying wings when they are not. Of course, this is just thinking about it. That's all, to reach the level Xiao Ran imagined, Luo alone will definitely not work, even if all the technical forces of the three worlds are gathered to attack the tough, it may not be necessarily more than ten or twenty years. A key breakthrough can be obtained.
In addition to waiting for dssd to sort out the information, Xiao Ran also meant to hand over the Brilliance Transmitter system to Lux. In Lux's hands there are also a group of good technicians, ZaFT, Orb, or other places. , The technical strength is not much worse than that of Shuguang. The key is that the innovation ability is good. Xiao Ran wants to hand over the Brilliance Transmitter system to Lux. After counting the technologies previously given to Lux, it’s not that she doesn’t hold it. Will there be any new breakthroughs in the silk technical staff?
However, these are not the main purposes of Xiao Ran staying on the dssd space station. His real purpose is to wait for a reply from the dssd side and move the headquarters to Orb's reply. Even Xiao Ran even wants to suspend all work on the space station or transfer to other Locally, if it is suspended, Xiao Ran would definitely want to move the entire space station back to Orb. If it is to move, then moving the entire space station to the Imperial Pillar of Heaven is the best choice.
After all, although the coalition side is not willing to provoke Orb while fighting ZaFT, in the Minerva matter, Orb has already provoked a coalition proactively, and if this is because of dssd Continuing to fight the joint war, maybe the joint side will be really crazy, regardless of the cost, start to target Orb, and with the current strength of Orb, it is true that he does not have the ability to divide troops and send fleets to stay behind dssd, so it will fight. Disrupting the normal deployment and defense of other places will greatly share the combat effectiveness of the Orb army. In general, the current Orb does not have the ability to fight on multiple lines. The key is to protect the dssd because of too few troops. , It will inevitably make Orb's defensive power smaller, so it is helpless to move the dssd headquarters, stop the current work of the space station, or transfer the space station.
   Especially when Xiao Ran was using the solar furnace as a technical exchange with d.s.s.d, Xiao Ran couldn't let d.s.s.d stay. In case of any accident, this exchange might become a rival.
On this matter, Xiao Ran communicated with the senior management of dssd for almost three days, analyzing the current situation to the other party, and the consequences of being attacked by the dssd, etc. Seeing that the other party was already hesitating and moved, Xiao Ran I will directly photograph the technology of the FoLd space jump engine, telling the other party that after the war stops, dssd will get this technology and open the universe with Orb, dssd happily agreed.
Although they still can’t get the technology of the space jump engine, it does not prevent them from trusting Xiao Ran’s assurance. Soon the busy transfer work of the space station began, and the earth and the space station’s dssd started to move in the direction of Orb. For the transfer, with Xiao Ran’s assurance, in addition to the transfer of the Stargazer Gundam project to the Imperial Pillar of the Sky, all other ongoing studies will also begin to go to Orb, and the space station will also be Temporarily closed, and then transported to the direction of Tianzhiyuzhu with the help of the Waste Trade Union.
The things that needed to be dealt with this time came to the universe were perfectly achieved, Xiao Ran was in a very good mood, arranged for manpower to send Lacus away, and left a small fleet to him to assist in the transfer of dssd. The man left directly with some guarding power.
Originally, the Essie four were sent by Xiao Ran to protect the DSSD in case, and they also thought of handing over the side mission of the joint attack on the DSSD to a few people, but now they can touch the side according to the original plot. The task is definitely not touchable now, but Xiao Ran still left the four people behind to protect the transfer, because Xiao Ran also worried that after receiving the news of the dssd transfer, Xiao Ran also worried that the joint team would jump the wall and attack the transferred fleet. It would be okay to have four of them in Xiao Ran Don't worry.
But if the joint team really sends troops to pursue and attack the transfer fleet, then the four of them may not be enough. After all, the fleet left to assist in the transfer work is just a small fleet, and there are not a few warships at all, so Xiao Ran will also be there. After returning to Orb, let people gather the participants who are now touching the side missions and looking for the trail of librarians in various places, and let them also come to the universe to help complete the transfer.
When I returned to Orb, almost half a month had passed since Xiao Ran left. During this half month, Orb’s things were basically handed over to the people below to deal with, even the main angel's situation was Xiao Ran. I don't know, it can be said that the connection with the earth is basically broken.
   As soon as he returned to Orb, Xiao Ran's secretary put the reports on Xiao Ran's desk. Before he had time to rest after the long journey, he had to devote himself to everything.
During Xiao Ran’s absence, Kagali had always been very honest according to the reports of her monitor and Maru. In addition to paying attention to the situation of the world and the situation of Orb, she did not step down at all. Half a step out of the Ashar residence.
Of course, after Kagali came back, many senior officials from Orb visited, and there was no shortage of those who were implicated in the Sairan family incident to ask her to intercede, but he did not dare to say anything more. To say it more, everyone knew that Kagali was forbidden by Xiao Ran, so naturally he knew that Kagali was surrounded by Xiao Ran's people.
Who visited Kagali, at what time, what was said, even what Kagali replied, what expression was it, all these were recorded in a report, so that Xiao Ran could see at a glance Use text and photos to understand the situation at that But what made Xiao Ran gratified was that with the company of Maru and Kira, even if Kagali received these people who came to visit, He didn't make any moths during the time he was away.
In addition, the movement of the Heavenly Imperial Pillar is also extremely fast. Most of the technical staff have already entered the Shuguang Society at this time, and the resources reserved by the Heavenly Imperial Pillar have also been sent to Orb in batches, including Most of the equipment of the Imperial Pillar of the Sky was also being disassembled and sent to Orb. From the second day after Xiao Ran and Mina had negotiated, every day there would be an airborne ship filled with materials and landed in Orb. Aub's background and power.
   However, Mina will not return to Orb until she has completed most of the coordination work of the Imperial Pillar of Heaven before returning to Orb to bear the responsibilities and rights that Xiao Ran has given her, and is responsible for the overall work of Orb's army when Xiao Ran has no time to take care of it.
Regarding the Lord Angel, Bucky Lulu sends back the report of the day to Orb every day. Xiao Ran also carefully read the report for half a month. At this time, the body of the Lord Angel who was damaged by Freedom Gundam was in ZaFT. With the aid of the material, all repairs have been completed, and Xiao Ran’s photocopier has been sent to Orb, plus the two photocopier captives sent from the Imperial Pillar of Heaven, in fact, a total of four have appeared in Orb Xiao Ran's existence. (To be continued.) 8
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