Chapter 834: The two sides meet

As the true flagship of the Ashar family of Ober, the Cao Pheasant is also the prototype ship of the Archangel. After the end of the last war, it landed on Earth from the universe, and has been sleeping in the port on the island and has never been used again. . To a certain extent, this ship symbolized Kagali and also served as the flagship of the Ober War.
But now Kagali has been wiped out of all duties and has become a pure noble, so this ship belonging to the Orb Army will not become Kagali’s exclusive ship, but has become a ship with no special meaning. Xiao Ran can naturally take this battleship out and use it in a suitable place when needed.
A MS was sent to the Lord Angel and Grass Pheasant respectively. After contacting Durandal, everything needed for the operation was completed in the shortest time, but it was just because we needed to wait for Luo to complete what Xiao Ran needed. Because of the custom backpack, it was a two-day delay.
Xiao Ran was standing in front of the cabin door of the Lord Angel at this time, and on this long connecting bridge, besides Xiao Ran, behind him also stood Mina, Mayu, Luo, and Esh. Stella San Xiaoqiang, Xiao Ran is going to join in this action personally, that is, Luo will also go to the universe to join the action together. Whether it is Xiao Ran or Luo, the two are a huge combat power against the librarian. This kind of power with unknown background is naturally the more power that joins in, the better.
Xiao Ran naturally does not need to say much, and Luo Na can also explode terrifying combat abilities to the body of a completely different system in this world. Of course, it is impossible to stay in the Shuguang Society. Once he fights with the librarian, Of course, it was to destroy the greatest combat power of the librarian directly in a battle. Anyway, it won’t take much time. Luo can’t do much in the time of the Dawn Society. Going to the universe and participating in the battle can actually wield him. The role of.
Before entering the Lord Angel, Xiao Ran also turned back to look at the people behind him, especially Mina and Mayo. Mina must be in charge of the overall situation in Orb. Although Mayo has good skills, he still lacks experience. , So Mayo will not participate in such a dangerous operation this time, but the Midnight Gundam she is driving has already been sent to the Lord Angel, and she is also carrying a new dual-thermal energy engine backpack made by Luo specifically for Midnight Gundam. Also sent into the Lord Angel.
The new type of backpack is actually a modified version of the Shiranui backpack, but it is not as simple as the original one except for the six dragoons, which is a shelf. Speaking of this backpack made by Luo, it is more like Justice Gundam now. The backpack used is more alike, and it also looks like the upcoming assault free backpack.
The four sides, once unfolded, are like a pair of multi-winged wings hung behind you. The eight ports exposed by the release of the dragoon will become eight thrusters to strengthen the midnight height, and in the middle are two thermonuclear energy sources. The engine is the main body, and there are also four adjustable propeller nozzles. The backpack is used as the main energy source to supply energy to Midnight Gundam. This shortcoming of energy is completely supplemented.
Of course, although the defense against live ammunition without PS armor is extremely low, if it is replaced by a suitable pilot, it does not matter if there is no PS armor, and the person driving this body is Kira, who is already sitting at this time. Midnight Gundam adjusts the os of the body and the os of the backpack, and the black savior gundam, which was originally delivered to Kirako but has never been driven, will be temporarily handed over to Aslan, who has no suitable body to use now.
Replace the weakest and most in need of protection, and hand over the body to the strongest person to drive. Only in this way can everyone's combat power be brought out, and they will fight in this battle against librarians. Power to the highest degree.
Xiao Ran looked at Mina and nodded lightly to Mina: "I will leave the business to you. This time when he travels to the universe, Aub's current combat power is basically transferred away except for quantity. During the period of eradicating the librarian base, we must be more careful in all aspects."
"Even if there is no Silver Hand, Orb still has others to use." Mina smiled faintly. Although Xiao Ran took the Silver Hand away, it doesn't mean that there are no other elite pilots and trump cards among Orb. Mina alone is a trump card, not to mention the trump card pilots under him. With the current strength of Orb's forces, as long as he does not die, there is definitely no problem with self-protection.
Xiao Ran nodded and looked at Mayo, who was somewhat lost. He couldn't help but said to Mayo amusedly: "The main reason for not allowing you to participate in this operation is for your safety. You have been fighting the Lord Angel during this period of time. With these experiences, you can also take advantage of these times to think about the precipitation. After we return from the universe, the point that Midnight Gundam is still yours will not change."
Although Mayu was lost in not being able to participate in this battle personally, he still stood up straight and said loudly, "Yes, sir."
Mayu also knew that in the situation of Zhen Asuka in Zaft now, if he had an accident because of Orb’s battle, he would definitely make the older brother with sister-controlled attributes crazy. If by then he was crazy enough to expose Xiao Ran’s arrangements, That would definitely bring some unnecessary troubles, so she stayed in Orb besides giving up MS to form combat power, but also more for the overall consideration.
After looking at the two of them, Xiao Ran also turned around and walked directly into the main angel. A famous pilot behind him also saluted or nodded to Mina, and followed Xiao Ran into the main angel. All the pilots, including Luo, basically went to the waiting room to put on clothes, while Xiao Ran went directly to the bridge of the Lord Angel.
Entering the bridge, Xiao Ran sat directly under Bucky Lulu's starter. Bucky Lulu also gave the order after Xiao Ran fastened his seat belt.
And in the universe, the Minerva, which is one step ahead of the earth, is already waiting in the universe. At this time, there are two fleets belonging to the Zaft Army hovering near the Minerva waiting for the Lord Angel and The two battleships of the Cao's Pheasant came, and in the distance, an Orb's fleet, under the leadership of Cruze, also rushed towards the assembly point.
The two fleets of the Zaft Army, the one Obb, and the Silver Hand established by Xiao Ran, the combat power of the Minerva, the combined combat power this time can be said to be quite terrifying, even if such a combat power It is completely enough to attack an important base of the coalition army, which also shows that Xiao Ran and Durandal attach importance to the organization of librarians.
Xiao Ran is because of the task, and Durandal simply feels that the librarian will be a very unstable factor and threat, but no matter what, the goal of the two to deal with the librarian is Are exactly the same.
When the Lord Angel and the Grass Pheasant entered the universe one after another and merged with Zaft's fleet, the Orb fleet led by Cruze arrived at about the same time. And this huge force gathered together also successfully attracted the attention of the joint side. The joint side believed that the fleet was ready to attack the moon, and anxiously, it began to deploy a defense in front of the moon base.
But who knows that this large-scale fleet did not move toward the moon at all, but started to move toward the depths of the universe. This move also made the coalition party feel a little baffled in an instant.
On the Lord Angel, the combat meeting room at this time was also full of people. Ob’s, Zaft’s, including Minerva’s Captain Talia were all sitting in the Lord Angel’s combat meeting room. among.
Generally speaking, the space fleet of the Zaft Army is not combined with Orb and the fleet. To be precise, there is no real fleet organization in Zaft. The two fleets mentioned by Durandal are just a general statement. Only ten teams were sent over, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com also has a full thirty battleships and corresponding ms.
And Xiao Ran was also among the group of zaft officers in white and a few people in red, and saw a silver Yitzhak Jiuer, sitting with the man in red but with the faiah badge. Listening carefully to Bucky Lulu who presided over the combat meeting.
Regarding the information in the library, the three photocopiers currently detained in Orb still spoke in considerable detail, saying everything they knew, but the information they said could not truly represent the library. Everything about the librarians, because they are only talking about what they know and don't understand, such as how much combat power exists in the library, what hidden trump cards, etc., these are things they don't know.
After Bucky Lulu gave the information he learned to the Captains of Orb and the zaft army present, he also said the coordinates of the librarian base. As for librarians, since these zaft army can appear Here, you will definitely get the corresponding information about the library, so it is also clear that the librarian will bring threats to the world and zaft, and all are based on the purpose of eliminating librarians. Come.
It was not until Bucky Lulu finished speaking that Xiao Ran stood up from the side and walked to the front of the combat meeting room. After everyone including Zaft stood up and gave a military salute to Xiao Ran, Xiao Ran slightly pressed his hand to signal. Everyone sat down and slowly said,
For the librarian, I think everyone present knows something, but here, I must remind everyone that the librarian is The mysterious organization that rules the world has a technical background that is definitely not worse than Zaft or Orb.
(To be continued.) 8
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