Chapter 873: Livonz visits

If the two of them were not sure whether Xiao Ran came back before, the completely unreasonable actions of a-las made people completely sure of this. (3K Chinese Network--Domain name of this site:)
a-las was established because the original three-nation forces were unable to deal with the heavens and humans. After the three countries formed the Earth Federation, a powerful force dedicated to fighting against the heavens and humans was established, and it was still a super high-level force. , The ultra-highly configured independent troops have the right to command local garrisons, and they also have the right not to report independent actions.
This force has huge rights and independence that no other force can match. It has its own logistics organization, funding sources, independent research institutes, independent logistics departments, independent channels for soldiers, and can even recruit any federal soldier to join. Among the troops.
At the beginning, as the first chief officer of this army, Xiao Ran was greatly reused by the Federation, and Xiao Ran did not disappoint those who reused him. He successfully led the army to solve the problems brought by heaven and man. The threat of the Confederation made the earth’s environment stabilized and became the real dominance of the Confederation. However, after Xiao Ran made such a contribution to the Confederation, he chose to retreat and rest. This was completely incomprehensible to many people. Thanks to Xiao Ran's status at the time and the credit, the particularity of a-las will not take long to become the true military leader of the Federation.
But even under such circumstances, Xiao Ran still gave up all his rights and chose to leave. Whether he really rested, whether it was because of his psychological trauma after the war, or the rapid retreat made during a certain period of time, the Federation I have not forgotten Xiao Ran’s original credit, and for some reason, this reason is even more specific to Livonz, the true behind-the-scenes controller of a-las and the Federation, so even if Xiao Ran disappeared for several years, nominally a- The identity of the top commander of las has not changed at all.
Even if the deputy commander named Goodman had already controlled the entire a-las right at this time, and made more credit according to the idea of ​​the controller behind the scenes, Goodman has never become the true name of this force. The chief officer, from this point of view, Xiao Ran's meaning to a-las is very special, but more people hope that Xiao Ran can disappear forever. (Domain name of this site:)
But in the a-las, there are also the back players arranged by Xiao Ran, people who are not used to the current a-las behavior but are helpless in the game, although these people also made a lot of in the a-las It is good for the Federation and the world in the main, but it has been waiting for Xiao Ran's return, waiting for Xiao Ran to truly lead a-las back on the right path.
a-las was originally established to deal with the heavens and humans, but with the passage of time, this force has evolved into an independent security maintenance force in the Earth Federation. Not only was it not restricted in size but was supported by Livonz. However, it has gradually expanded. On the surface, its activities are for world peace and unity of the world. In fact, it is a high-pressure policy to attack the anti-earth federation forces. What it does includes killing innocents and using self-propelled weapons against people who are unable to resist. Massacres, etc., have the most advanced armed forces.
In the previous mission, due to the random entry of many participants, Gundam is no longer a unique weapon of the universe, and with the addition of the gn-x technology provided by Livonz, the current a-las has The standard body is basically equipped with ps armor, and the new mass-produced gn-t solar is up to.
And because of the need for mass production, easy repair, maintenance and supplementation, it is very normal to use a model of the body in the army. After repeated tests, it is made with the most versatile body of Strike Gundam as a prototype. The solar furnace derivative machine that came out has become the most suitable choice. Of course, the mass-produced solar furnace Strike Gundam has also changed a lot from the original version. It is almost invisible to the original Strike Gundam. Moreover, with the relationship of the Sun Furnace, the military versatility of Assault Gundam has broken through the sky for this world. It can be said that a-las is now more powerful than in the original plot.
In the end, the reason why a-las became like this has something to do with Xiao Ran. The relationship with certain members of the Burning Legion is even greater. At the beginning, it was the Essie quartet from the world of sex. After taking out the information about the Assault Gundam, this federation had more things that they shouldn't have. It was the Eich four-man group that gave the Burning Legion, which made Xiao Ran change direction more difficult. (3K Chinese Network--Domain name of this site:)
In short, after the nature of a-las changed from a counter-force to the devas to an independent security force, in order to maintain the balance of this force, Katy Manikin and Smirnov wrote two original genres. The two commanders of the Aeu and the RIGF, even when they expressed some dissatisfaction with Goodman, the deputy commander, were not removed from this team at all, but their rights were slightly restricted. some.
Under such circumstances, even though Katie and Sergey, and the two people who obeyed the orders of a-las, but actually did not buy much, they never really gathered after Xiao Ran left for about half a year. I have been up, and I have rarely met Goodman in person, and this time these people unexpectedly started to move towards a place. There were other reasons besides to meet Xiao Ran.
And besides these people who opposed Goodman began to take his subordinates to the small town where Xiao Ran is located, Goodman himself rushed to the town personally, and also brought more manpower. For the first time in recent years, all commanders of a-las moved towards one place. This situation can basically confirm the fact that Xiao Ran is back.
Among them, there are people who hope that Xiao Ran will re-appoint a-las, and there are also people who have completely disappeared. Whoever can arrive early seems to be able to determine Xiao Ran's fate, but no matter what, some people who have arrived in the town have already The whole town was almost cleaned up, completely surrounded the town and besieged Xiao Ran in it.
Xiao Ran seems to have become a turtle in the urn, completely confined to the small town. The original lively town has become deserted because of Xiao Ran's relationship. There is no pedestrian walking on the street, and he is not driven out of the town. Just be restricted to different places.
But whether it’s Goodman or Katy and Sergey, or Celestial or A-las, many people have already arrived in this small town before Xiao Rangan came and arrived, wearing loose white clothes. The clothes dotted with green knocked on the door of the room where Xiao Ran was.
When the door opened, Xiao Ran saw the guy with green hair and a youthful appearance, but he was actually an immortal guy. Xiao Ran didn't expect that this guy would be willing to take risks personally and even dare to appear in front of him when he was not sure whether he was harmful to him.
After all, in the past four years, although Livonz did not deal with the heavens as he did with Xiao Ran, but only limited it to a certain range and let it go, he did not do it in four years. Olia’s plan really changed the world, but only shrouded the whole world in darkness. In this case, the agreement reached with Xiao Ran was not qualified enough. Under such circumstances, even if Xiao Ran chooses to benefit Fengz’s sanctions are definitely not a breach of promise.
The little surprise that flashed in Xiao Ran’s eyes did not hide from Livonz’s eyes. Livonz only politely put his hand on his chest and bent slightly towards Xiao Ran:
It’s been a long time since I saw Mr. Alex, you are welcome again. come back."
Livonz’s welcome seems to be saying that Phantom Xiao Ran will return to Earth again, but it seems to be saying that Xiao Ran has ended his hidden life and reappeared in the eyes of the world, perhaps even more welcome Xiao Ran to rejoin a-las The meaning is included, but no matter what it means, it seems to indicate that he is not hostile to Xiao Ran at all.
"Come in." Xiao Ran opened his body slightly and let Livonz into the room. At this time, Xiao Ran also knew from Al Elf that the whole town had been almost emptied, so he didn't feel that someone had been found. To the surprise, he was only surprised that Livonz would come in person.
Because it is a temporarily rented room, it is also very simple. After Livonz walked into the room, he stood in the middle of the room and stopped until Xiao Ran closed the door and returned to the room. Livonz said, "Ah. Mr. Alex seems surprised my arrival?"
"It's a little bit." Xiao Ran did not deny the surprise after seeing Livonz. He raised his hand to Li Feng towards the chair in the room and signaled that the other party could sit down, and then said: "I am not surprised that someone found me. , Whether it’s the heavens or your intelligence capabilities, I know very well that as long as I rise up, I will be able to find me. What's more, when I landed on the earth and made such a big movement, it is normal for you to get news the first time. ."
"What really surprised me was that you would come to me in person." After Xiao Ran asked Livonz to sit down, he also found a place to sit down casually. He looked at Livonz and said: " Judging from previous contacts, you should not be a person who easily commits dangers. Are you not afraid that I will kill you here?"
"Of course I'm afraid. With the ability and skill of Alex Changemaker, I don't think I'm your opponent." Livonz smiled slightly, knocking his legs and putting his hands on his knees, with a light smile on his face. Said: "But I think I should be of some use to Alex, so I don't think you want to kill me."
Xiao Ran was slightly silent after listening to Livonz. Even if Xiao Ran returned to the Celestial Man, he still couldn’t kill Livonz, who was the final wave, even if Livonz sat in front of Xiao Ran unprepared. , He is not worried about whether he can escape safely after killing Livonz here. It is possible to escape but at least there is a certain danger. Moreover, if Wang Liumei really gets on the line with Livonz, then the whole That is the trump card that Livonz dared to appear in front of Xiao Ran.
Besides, if people like Tieria and Livonz kill them before disconnecting from veda, who knows if their spirit and consciousness will go to veda, Xiao Ran will even do it. Kill Livonz, but is the person in front of him really Livonz? What if one is a puppet controlled by Livonz consciousness, although this chance is small, it is not impossible, because of these man-made changes People simply cannot be treated with common sense.
Xiao Ran did not speak, but Livonz continued to say: "It has been four years since the last time you met Alex. At that time, Alex, you left a deep impression on me. It also made me extremely jealous, so we made a deal at the time. You disappeared in four years to ensure that the devas would not affect the plan after Aeolia. I would not act on the devas and support all your actions. Now that the time has come, I don’t know what Alex thinks about the current world situation, and is satisfied with the current situation?"
Xiao Ran glanced at Livonz, and said, "Satisfied? Whether your methods are correct or not. I don’t have any opinion on the fact that changers are higher than natural persons and have a dominant position, but they have not yet been incorporated into the Federation The opposition of the country and the country are getting higher and There are so-called terrorist attacks everywhere. In four years, the whole world has not been truly unified and prepared for the upcoming dialogue. This is based on the current situation. If there is no turmoil in the world, if there is a violent turbulence, what do you use to engage in dialogue? You must know that dialogue may be peaceful, and it may also be war."
Regarding Xiao Ran’s words, the expression on Livonz’s face did not change the slightest. After smiling, he said,
The problems encountered now are temporary and deliberate. I have been waiting for you to reappear, Alex. Then, under the witness of you, the most thoroughbred changer, personally see the unity of this world. I believe that this day will come soon, because we have made all preparations for this day."
"Using satellite weapons to completely destroy those opposition forces and countries?" Xiao Ran asked rhetorically. After seeing Livonz nodded leisurely, he shook his head and said, "Once you do this, heaven and human will inevitably reappear and become your biggest A stumbling block, the whole world will feel fear and fear because of this cruel behavior. Sooner or later, such fear and fear will explode. I don't think your method is feasible."
Livonz spread his hands and said: "This world only needs true unity. In this process, certain sacrifices can be allowed, and those who are not suitable can be eliminated. Those who only know the dregs that cannibalize the earth's resources will make this earth clean. Only in this way can we bring better development to the world."
"Even if the devas appear again, will the devas now be our opponents? Of course, if Alex, you can return to the Federation, the devas will be even less worth mentioning, unite with our strength, This world will truly be unified." (To be continued.)
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