Chapter 875: Better plan

If the brain quantum wave removes the ability to fight, what is really reflected in the plot is the role of contact and communication. Livonz can use this ability to directly connect with other artificial changers, and Shisaku uses this ability to let Communicating with els and understanding each other is the most basic quality for a mature changer who can truly control his own abilities. ()√
The same is true for Xiao Ran, although Xiao Ran puts this ability more in combat, because it doesn’t really mean much to communicate with a participant, but instead is the improvement and ability given in combat. It is the place that participants really need, but at this moment, Xiao Ran can’t just let Livonz believe his own words, so he opened up the state of changer, and Livonz, who is also a changer, can naturally learn from the brain. From the information that Bo gave him back, he felt whether what Xiao Ran was saying was the truth.
In Xiao Ran’s opinion, Prometheus left him only half a year. In other words, he must solve the current chaotic situation on the earth within half a year and prepare for the battle, because Prometheus is impossible for the participants. The two-year window period that is the same as the original plot exhibition, this is also something that has never been born before.
In other words, at least half a year and no more than eight months, els will appear and start to attack the earth. It may not be appropriate to use the word attack. It is better to replace it with els to understand humans, so it is better to prepare to integrate humans, but it is better to change to human Bian’s own opinion is not much different from offense.
Xiao Ran gave absolute trust to Prometheus’ mission time, so for him, half a year’s time was a fact. What Livonz felt was also Xiao Ran’s incomparable certainty, a firm fact, that’s why. Will calm down from the frantic laughter and begin to take what Xiao Ran said seriously.
Xiao Ran answered Livonz’s question with confidence:
Yes, this world only has half a year to prepare for the threats or dialogues it faces. With the current chaotic situation, you simply cannot integrate the entire planet within half a year. Your methods are more cruel, and heaven and humans will definitely jump out again and become your biggest stumbling block. For you, if there are more disturbances by heaven and humans, it will be even impossible to complete the mission of unification in half a year."
"I don’t have time to waste your messy things, and I don’t care what means you use to complete Aeolian’s plan and your mission. What I really care about is whether the world can do everything in half a year. If you can’t do it and want to stop me, then I will kill you to do it yourself. Now answer me, what is your choice, become my enemy, or stand on my side.

When Xiao Ran said these words, he was already in contact with the state of changers. He didn't want to cause Els to pay attention in advance because his brain quantum waves released too much. Even if it really took half a year to attack the earth on a large scale, There is no guarantee that his brain quantum waves attract a small part of the els into the earth in advance and then regard him as a target. Of course, this small part is based on the number of els.
Just when Livonz was silent, Xiao Ran already had an absolutely stable and reliable pistol produced in Prometheus in his hands. It was less than a few centimeters away from Livonz’s forehead. Perhaps Livonz As long as the slightest disapproval is shown, he will shoot without hesitation.
But after all, Livonz has the courage and ability to play with the entire world, how could he be frightened by Xiao Ran's pistol, and his face calmly bowed his head in contemplation, until several minutes passed did he raise his head to show his elegance towards Xiao Ran? For Livonz’s smile, his mission is always the first, even if he has other ideas and ambitions in the process, but from the day he was created, his mission Has been engraved in his instinct.
Knowing that there is only half a year, his arrangement is simple, direct and violent. He can directly use the completed orbital ring satellite weapons to attack those countries and forces that currently oppose the Confederation, although it can make all of them in the shortest time. All the voices of opposition disappeared, but in fact, it was impossible to clean up all the mess in half a year, including whether it would cause more rebounds after using satellite weapons. Although Livonz is sure, but the most uncontrollable. The factor is still heaven and human, but now there is another Xiao Ran.
The reason why Livonz has not used satellite weapons to attack the earth, is also afraid of Xiao Ran, the threat of heaven and human beings is great, but the threat to Livonz is the only thing that is not clear to him. In Xiao Ran's situation, he was worried that his actions would completely push Xiao Ran to the side of the heavens and humans, so he waited for the moment when Xiao Ran appeared, and personally invited Xiao Ran to witness the changes in this world, even the changes under the envelope of terror.
Inviting success will naturally be ignored, but if the invitation fails to allow Xiao Ran to agree with his approach, it can be regarded as accomplishing the goal, but if Xiao Ran opposes Livonz, he will completely lose his thoughts of Xiao Ran, even if he is afraid of Livonz Everything will completely wipe out Xiao Ran and Tianren. 360 search: Aoxue has the fastest update without pop-up reading!
But the current situation was completely beyond Livonz’s expectations. Xiao Ran did not choose one of the three situations he had expected, but gave the fourth choice. Livonz never thought of one. Xiao Ran did not intend to give Livonz any opportunity to use satellite weapons at all. Either he became an enemy, or became a subordinate which became Livonz’s only choice now, or Livonz had no other choice at all, especially It was after confirming that what Xiao Ran said was the truth.
"I understand." With a graceful smile, Livonz gently pushed away the pistol in front of his forehead with his hand without worry, and said: "If it's only half a year, in you and the sky I really can't accomplish my plan to unify the earth due to people's opposition, so now it seems that I have no choice, so can I know what you plan to do next?"
Livonz’s expressions and words didn’t show that he was unwilling. He accepted Xiao Ran’s arrangement very simply and freely, but in his words, he still stubbornly believed that Aeolian’s plan was originally planned. It was his plan, and of course Xiao Ran had nothing to say on this point.
Xiao Ran did not care about the gun that was pushed down, and directly put the gun down and said to Livonz: "Actually, I don't care how big you and the power behind you are, or whether you still have it after making a choice. What other plans, I only care about one thing, complete the unity of the earth within half a year, and prepare for the upcoming dialogue, so I don’t want any other messy things to happen in the middle, and after all this is over, I also You are welcome to continue your conspiracy and put it into action, of course if you still have such thoughts at that time."
Xiao Ran glanced at Livonz, and the latter still had an elegant smile on his face. He didn't object to Xiao Ran's words but didn't agree with Xiao Ran's words. He just kept the meaning that I don't express your opinion, and Xiao Ran. After looking at Livonz, he also sat directly on the bed in the room.
"My plan is very simple. First, to overthrow the current federal government and form a new government to alleviate the opposition's complaints against the federal government. At this point, we cannot take the initiative to do this, but to let more people join in and let them go. Do, including those opposition forces, to make them feel that all this is achieved through their efforts, only in this way will they truly identify with the new world government."
"In the dark place, we need to develop newer bodies as quickly as possible to strengthen our strength of force. These only need to make reasonable arrangements to be carried out in the dark, without involving too many other aspects."
"Third, whether to choose dialogue or war, we must know the nature of the guests. As far as I know, the guests should be a hive-like ethnic group. Individuals do not actually have more thinking skills, but simply rely on instinctive actions. Of course, it does not rule out the existence of a queen bee, and the characteristics of swallowing, fusion, and change.
"If you want to understand each other with them simply relying on gn particles and brain quantum waves cannot fully understand, you must merge with them, and they want to know that our ideas must also merge with us. This is also In the future, what human beings must learn to set foot in the vast universe, then one or a group of people must merge with the guests to become the pioneers of the more changeable existence. I don’t want to be that kind of existence, and your skewed worldview It absolutely cannot be that kind of existence."
"Otherwise, once you merge with the guest and become a pioneer, maybe what the guest understands is completely destroying, ruling, and killing these things. If it becomes that way, you know the consequences."
Regarding Xiao Ran saying that his worldview was skewed, Livonz just smiled and did not refute, but in his heart he became more vigilant and surprised, because these things Xiao Ran said, especially those in the back, were really for those guests. I know too much, and Livonz also has some other thoughts about integrating with the guests and becoming the pioneers of the more change makers.
However, since Xiao Ran dared to speak out clearly, he would naturally not worry about Livonz’s plans and conspiracies. As long as Livonz agreed to stand on Xiao Ran’s side at the beginning, then Livonz could also be said to fall into Xiao Ran’s Under control, every move will be firmly nailed to death by Xiao Ran, and there will never be any chance to the position of the pioneer of the moment. Of course, then Livonz will not necessarily have the courage to do it.
Livonz thought about something in his heart, but asked in his mouth: "So in your plan, who is suitable to be the pioneer? A person or a group of people?"
"A person." Xiao Ran said without concealment: "In my opinion, there is only one person in this world who is most suitable to be a pioneer. Shina·f. Qingying, and only his pure character is suitable to be a pioneer. Although he may not be as capable now, and his thoughts are still immature, we still have some time, with his potential enough to evolve into a thoroughbred changer and then a carrier of pioneers in half a year."
Livonz Tantanshou didn’t say anything, although he was a little dissatisfied with the candidate Xiao Ran had given him. After all, Setsuna was inserted into the heavens with his own hands. At the beginning, he was attracted by the eyes of Setsuna watching O Gundam. The strong interest was arranged among the heavenly people, and he didn't think that'human' had any qualifications to be a pioneer than these changers.
But no matter what he thinks, Livonz will not show this, completely as if I followed the arrangement. In the following dialogue, Xiao Ran was basically talking about Livonz.
In fact, Xiao Ran’s plan is also very simple. It is to further promote the current federal government and cruel rule and actions, forcing the celestial man to jump out and confront the confederation, using the celestial man as a representative to draw out those forces opposed to the confederation, and to lead the coup d'état within the confederation. The appearance of the faction completes the replacement of the federal government. Speaking of which, these are not very different from the exhibition process in the original plot, but all this has become the operation and dominance of Xiao Ran behind the The establishment of the new government is also the same as Xiao Ran’s control behind the scenes. It is impossible for other people to become the leader of the government. In order to save time, Xiao Ran will speed up all the progress as much as possible and distribute all the members of the legion. Local governments speed up the process of action. It is impossible to spend half a year on this. At least one month to one and a half months are needed to clean up the stalls and wait for the arrival of els.
Xiao Ran’s plan had benefited a lot from listening to Livonz. It went around in a circle, but in fact, the rights of the Federation still remained unchanged in their hands. However, the pure repression turned out to be completely opposite. As a result, the contradictions hidden under the water surface were resolved more easily, and all the resistance forces were placed on the table under their own control. The other party thought that all of them were the result of their efforts, clearing the world’s contradictions and letting the whole While the world is more closely connected, the right to control remains unchanged.
After Xiao Ran told Livonz of his plan, Livonz also clapped his hands in admiration. It’s not difficult to think of Livonz’s IQ, but the point is that Livonz’s contempt for humans has led him to never have a plan like Xiao Ran. He who despises humans completely treats humans as scum. , Crushing and crushing is what humans should bear. It is precisely because of this idea that it will lead to his ultimate failure.
(Sorry, sorry, I’m really sorry. I thought I updated it yesterday. After seeing the book review area, I was a little confused. I realized that I didn’t update at all. I was confused for a day and didn’t know what I did, eh. I will go.) (To be continued.) 8
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