Chapter 879: Livonz's 3-day tour

After Katie Manikin merged Sergey's forces, while advancing all the way to the Federal Army headquarters, Katie Manikin also added to Xiao Ran some things that Sergey did not understand or said. Circumstances made Xiao Ran also know more. (3K Chinese Network--Domain name of this site:)
But no matter what the federation is, Xiao Ran only knows that the federation at this time is no longer the federation that was just established at that time. Although many countries were unwilling to join the federation at that time, it still maintained normal exchanges and basically no power was publicly issued. There is no such thing as a resistance army.
The current federation has a rebel army. Most of its composition is composed of people who oppose the federation, some national soldiers forced to unite by the federation, and some soldiers who are dissatisfied with the current federal policies and military operations have retired and joined the federation. The composition is quite complicated, but it has the same purpose. To overthrow the federal government, there are actually many voices even within the Federation, but they are only suppressed by the existence of a-laws.
Generally speaking, the current federation is an ultimate boss, which is evil, and Xiao Ran only understands this. If this federation is a federation supported by all, then Xiao Ran wants to overthrow this federation to complete the task. That's more difficult, and now the evil the Federation is showing just gives Xiao Ran a chance to complete the task.
Regarding the a-laws side, the people headed by Katie Manikin and Sergey control about less than one-third of the a-laws’ power. In this case, the a-laws’ privileges can be It can be regarded as a member of the party, but the logistics supply line of these troops is firmly grasped by Goodman, so even if there are so many people and questioning and opposing Goodman's many unreasonable orders, they are actually subject to them. Goodman and the Federation are restrained, and this is the main reason why even so many people have insufficient voice.
As for the heavens and humans, Xiao Ran learned from Katie Manikin’s mouth that in the past four years, heavens and humans have actually appeared, although they did not appear and intervene on a large scale like four years ago. Among them, the actions of Celestials have never really been interrupted. There have been reports of Celestial bodies in some small battles, and there have also been reports of suspected Celestial agents’ activities, but they have not caused Too many waves also make a-laws always vigilant against the actions of heaven and man. 3k Novel Network
Until he arrived at the Federal Army headquarters, Xiao Ran could be considered to have a better understanding of the current world situation, the situation within the Federation, the situation of heaven and human, and the situation of a-laws.
The return of Xiao Ran may be a major event in the eyes of some people, but in the eyes of more people, it seems to be a trouble that must be ignored. The particularity of a-laws makes the Federal Army headquarters have the ability to control and appoint. , But in fact the control over this independent security force is actually very small.
Whether it is Xiao Ran, or Katie Manikin and Sergey, both of them are very clear, but their purpose of bringing Xiao Ran to the army headquarters is not to expect the army headquarters to truly restore Xiao Ran's a-laws commander. Status, but only to allow the army headquarters and the Federation to recognize Xiao Ran's identity and recognize Xiao Ran's return.
And Xiao Ran, who had disappeared in this world for more than four years, although he returned to the army headquarters accompanied by Katie Manikin and Sergey, he was not really warmly received by the army headquarters, but only to Xiao Ran. Welcomed his return. After sending people to give condolences, he almost left Xiao Ran aside. The specific statement is that the current situation of a-laws is special and the world situation is complicated. After careful consideration, Xiao Ran is not suitable for continuing to be a-laws command The official position, please wait for specific arrangements.
Just such a reply put Xiao Ran aside. Although this reply made Katie Manikin and Sergey a little helpless, at least the army headquarters officially recognized Xiao Ran's identity, at least on the surface. No one is posing a threat to Xiao Ran.
Katie Manikin had to leave after two days in the army headquarters because he still had a job. Sergey stayed to protect Xiao Ran on the grounds that the army needed training. He couldn't object to this at all. And although Xiao Ran can be regarded as a stand-by now, after all, he was a great hero and important official when the federation was established. Even if the arrangement at the military headquarters was not enthusiastic enough, he was not indifferent to it. All the arrangements were properly carried out. Arrangement, the salary subsidy over the past four years is the same, except for work, of course.
In this situation, it seems that I want to ignore the meaning of wanting to raise him altogether, and Xiao Ran is more satisfied with this situation. He does not want to go to the a-laws that will inevitably be eliminated when he goes back, and a-laws will definitely be. It became an important tool for him to disrupt the Confederacy and let more people stand up against the Confederacy. If he returned to it, wouldn’t he also encircle himself? Whatever arrangement would be made at the Federal Army headquarters, after all, he has the rank of general. , No matter how arranged it is impossible to let him guard the gate. Baidu search 3K Chinese network update faster!
Either stay in the army headquarters to do things. In this way, Xiao Ran will be more likely to get all the information he wants, and more contact with senior officers in the army headquarters to determine who can be used to overthrow the federal plan. If not, then It is expatriate. At Xiao Ran's level, as long as exogenous is the chief officer of a region, either he is independently commanding a military base, and it is also suitable for him to develop his own strength, so no matter how the military headquarters is arranged, it will not hurt. , The key is that the earlier the time is naturally the better.
Three days passed. Graham also followed him to the army headquarters and contacted Xiao Ran, and then he was taken into his ship by Sergey. Not many people knew about it. During these three days, Elf began to investigate all the information he needed in his own way, including the information of Wang Liumei. With Elf’s ability, even if he could not dig out the king There are more things to stay in the United States, but he can also successfully obtain a lot of the content he needs. Where Al Elf wants to sneak into, there are really few places in this world that he can't go.
But Al Elf is still digging out the content of the world itself, especially the dark events done by the Federation and a-laws. With a little bit of it being unearthed by El Elf in various ways, Ai Elf's small handheld computer also has a lot more things.
Laguna, the source of funds from the gods, the guy who was overwhelmed by Xiao Ran and gave great benefits before leaving, Team W also successfully contacted Laguna, although the process was a bit unsightly, Team W The five of them seized the opportunity to directly kill all the bodyguards protecting Laguna's side without leaving them, and appeared in Laguna's bedroom without making any major movements.
It is conceivable that Laguna saw the expressions of five people after opening his eyes, and now Laguna also knows one thing, that is, Xiao Ran wants his life and can end his life at any time. Laguna can't help but feel deeply. I felt deeply grateful, fortunate that even though I wanted to take all of the Celestial Base, I didn't do too much in the end, at least there was still room for maneuver.
From that day on, Laguna’s bodyguards lost a bunch of people and then five more. Five people who were personally protected, Dabi's supplies were also sent to the base of the gods.
After leaving with Kluzer, Livonz left the earth just sitting on the deformed fighter. Livonz did not feel too surprised that the deformed fighter had the ability to break through the atmosphere alone. He was so indifferent. With a smile on his face, Cruze took him anywhere.
But as time passed, Livonz felt that something was wrong. First he flew over the moon’s orbit, flew past only a handful of small colonial satellites, and then flew farther and farther, and the speed of the fighters became faster At this time, the indifferent light in Livonz’s eyes didn’t know where he went, and when he flew into the meteorite belt hidden by the Border and the Burning Legion a few hours later, Livonz was expressionless. But the thoughts in my mind are quite wonderful.
Even if Livonz didn’t know the true performance of the deformed fighter, let alone piloted the deformed fighter himself, but in the back seat, you can see where you are from the front panel, and he flew so far away from the earth in a short time. According to Livonz's understanding, this is simply impossible, and it is something that the technology of this earth can't do at all, but he couldn't help not believe what was happening in front of him.
And when Livonz saw the two battleships, one large and one small, parked together, the surprise on his face appeared completely uncontrollable, and his eyes stared at the huge Burning Legion and There were many HMS Frontiers, this huge battleship, which was completely different from the battleship of the current world system, which greatly impacted Livonz's cognition.
Although I don’t know what kind of combat capabilities these two warships have, to a certain extent, the huge size represents huge firepower. Livonz speculates that these two warships may already have the ability to completely destroy the current Federal Space Fleet. Up.
You must know that in this world, space combat is more or MS has no warships at all. The warships in this world are not so much battleships as transport ships. The warships only have some missile launchers besides main guns. , The ignition power felt inadequate when facing ms. Fighting with warships basically regarded warships as targets. In Livonz's eyes, these two warships existed for battle no matter how they looked.
Especially the huge muzzles in front of the two battleships made Livonz feel enough fear. He also understood what Xiao Ran said, the fear that could not be stopped, he really did not have any ability to stop these two ships. The battleship, even if the power of the entire Federation was gathered, he could not stop it.
It wasn't until the deformed fighter entered the Burning Legion hangar that Cruze took the lead to jump off the fighter and then made a gesture of inviting Livonz with a smile, and Livonz got off the plane in silence. Followed behind Cruze.
Livonz did not speak, either because of shock, or because of other thoughts in his mind, but his absence does not mean that Kruze could not speak: "Welcome to the Burning Legion, this is our flagship. One is a special warship named Frontier. I will show you this ship. Our ship is somewhat different from all the ships on earth today, and it has a very interesting function. If you have the opportunity, you will see."
Livonz nodded, although he was shocked by the size of the Burning Legion, and he was really interested in everything around him like Grandma Liu entered the Grand View Garden, but Livonz still showed an indifferent attitude. He looks like and puts on a little smile: "I am looking forward to it, but can I ask a question? I am afraid that such a ship is not something that the earth can make. I am very curious where you got this ship. This size must require a lot of people to participate and a huge amount of materials, but I don’t know that there were huge amounts of materials and people going to unknown things in the past few haha He smiled and said, "Then you think we are aliens? Haha, I can answer you clearly that we are not aliens, and are normal earthlings like countless earthlings. We can prove this to you. I think dna can best prove whether we are humans. . "
"Of course, it does require countless materials and personnel to make such a ship, but these are not unsolvable problems. There are endless resources in the universe for us to use, and we can complete this without using any earth resources. As for the manufacture of warships, although there are a lot of personnel, it is certainly not as much as you think. A lot of work can be done by industrial robots, and your intelligence agency is only within the scope of the earth circle, and it is naturally impossible to detect the earth circle. Things outside the scope."
"As for other things, I don't think I can tell you too much, but if you have any ideas, you can think that it is a fact."
From the moment Livonz stepped into the Burning Legion, in fact, many things have been out of his plan and out of his control. A three-day tour of the Burning Legion and the Frontier has allowed Livonz to see more things. , But there are more doubts in my heart, and the fear of Xiao Ran has truly evolved into fear. With the Burning Legion’s reserves, it may take only one day to create an invincible army, such a force. Livonz thinks he has no resistance at all.
After the three-day tour ended, Cruze also drove Livonz back to Earth in a deformed fighter plane, and that was the day Xiao Ran's appointment finally appeared in Xiao Ran's hands. (To be continued.)
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