Chapter 885: Opportunity comes

After Xiao Ran wanted to overthrow the Confederation and establish a new federal government, completely dissolve the a-laws and try all those guilty of these massacres, Celine Baftial also contacted the headquarters of the resistance organization and agreed. Xiao Ran cooperated.
Perhaps the rebel groups have some other ideas, but their desire to overthrow the federal government is a perfect fit with what Xiao Ran wants to do, and they cannot be faked. And Xiao Ran’s material assistance and personnel support really benefited them. Although the resistance to the organization was severely damaged under the a-laws sweep, Xiao Ran cannot be blamed for this. After all, from four years Xiao Ran had nothing to do with a-laws before.
The current resistance organization is in a weak position, and Xiao Ran’s identity as the real strong side is more in line with the righteousness. In fact, there is no need to think about the cooperation between the two sides, and having such a strong ally is actually also for the resistance organization. I can't ask for it. With the power that Xiao Ran holds, it will be easier for them to overthrow the federal government, and they can also get more support from Xiao Ran.
The two sides negotiated some details of the cooperation, but Xiao Ran did not talk to them about what will happen after the overthrow of the Confederation. He only gave a guarantee that they can enter the new government assembly after the overthrow of the Confederation. Other specific things are It's a problem to be discussed later.
Time passed quickly under Xiao Ran’s various arrangements. When the a-laws in the Middle East and the United Local Army soldiers left suddenly, the federal government and a-laws also gave the Middle East a notice to join the Federation. It was also the fact that Xiao Ran came to this world for nearly two months.
In the past two months, thanks to Xiao Ran’s material and manpower support, the resistance organization has done a lot of things around the world. Various actions have rescued many rebels detained by the Federation. When carrying out armed oppression with Africa, they stood up and blocked the actions of the Federation many times, although most of the time the resistance organizations can only delay time.
However, although it can’t do much, nor can it bring much loss to a-laws, in fact, the loss in the operation of the resistance organization is not as great as it seems. This is also because of Al Elf For the sake of.
As for the heavens and humans, they also fought with a-laws no less than four times. Each battle ended with the successful departure of the heavens and humans. As information about the cruel massacre of the Federation and a-laws was revealed, the world The complaints of dissatisfaction with the Confederacy in Shanghai became even greater, and there were small turbulences that were quickly suppressed in various places.
The chaos and resistance in all aspects have also made the heads of the federal government a little embarrassed and angry. As the commander of a-laws, Homer Katagiri has also endured tremendous pressure from all sides. Under such circumstances, someone finally made a real use of force. The decision to completely unify the world.
And soon, a notice spread almost all over the world. The Federation gave the final warning to the chaotic Middle East region, warning the other side to lay down all armed resistance and accept the control of the Federation within 48 hours, otherwise the most severe military strike would be taken. , The Middle East is responsible for all the consequences caused.
As soon as the news came out, Xiao Ran, one of the commanders of the federal local army, naturally knew what the federation and a-laws really were. Even if Xiao Ran did not sit in the position of commander of Japan, he also knew the federation and the a-laws. a-laws is about to use orbital ring attack satellites to attack the Middle East to suppress the world's resistance forces.
After the news spread, it was those people who had the right, the force, and the status who knew the real content for the first time. In the first base in Japan, Brigadier General Jeter also hurried after learning about the news. Ran into Xiao Ran's office.
As Xiao Ran’s deputy, the second person in the Japanese military, and Brigadier General Jeter, who has cooperated with Xiao Ran for a long time, naturally can understand some of Xiao Ran’s current things, and he who is both honored and insulted by Xiao Ran can also From some of Xiao Ran's usual attitude, Xiao Ran was aware of Xiao Ran's dissatisfaction with the Federation and a-laws, not to mention Xiao Ran did not hide what he wanted to do.
After entering Xiao Ran’s office, Brigadier Jeter saw Xiao Ran holding the phone and calmly talking to the phone, and Xiao Ran, seeing Brigadier Jeter entering his office, nodded and raised his hand gently. Indicate yourself to finish the call first.
After a few minutes, Xiao Ran put down the phone and looked at Brigadier General Jeter, and said, "It seems that you also know about this. The Federation and a-laws are preparing to use orbital ring satellites to attack the Middle East. Let us immediately. Make all preparations for total martial law to prevent unrest in Japan."
Brigadier Jet and Xiao Ran are on the side, and naturally they are somewhat similar to Xiao Ran in thought. Although it is not completely clear that Xiao Ran has arranged all preparations for overthrowing the federal government, it can be guessed that Xiao Ran may already have this idea. , At this time, there was also a hint of unbelievable anger, and with a little temptation, he said:
"What they want to do. The things that a-laws do are not enough. Now they have to use that thing to deal with the Middle East. That is the lives of tens of millions of people. How can they do such things? Is this forcing the world to go into chaos again!"
After hearing Brigadier General Jeter’s words, Xiao Ran was slightly silent, and then said:
The federation is no longer the federation that was just established, and the a-laws is no longer the same team I used to manage. Now the federation wants to do it. Things are likely to lead to the sacrifice of countless people, and I am afraid that various problems will also arise worldwide."
"My lord, you won't just watch them do such a wrong thing." Brigadier General Jeter looked at Xiao Ran, gritted his teeth and said, "My lord, I also know what you are planning, and you never concealed it from me. No matter what you want to do, the humble job will always stand by your side."
"You have a heart." Xiao Ran gently nodded and stood up, walked to Jeter's side and patted him on the shoulder, and said: "I never wanted to hide from you, and the moment you decided to stay in Japan was actually considered Standing with me, I didn’t tell you before because I didn’t arrange it properly and it was not a suitable opportunity.

While talking, Xiao Ran took Jeter and sat on the sofa: "I am indeed ready to act on the current federal government and I am ready. This time the federal decision is the best opportunity for action, and I must not just watch. With the lives of hundreds of thousands of people dissipating in our eyes, there are obviously more gentle ways to unify the world, but the Federation and a-laws have chosen the most wrong path, and this must be corrected."
Hearing Xiao Ran's decision to take action against the Federation, Brigadier General Jeter's expression calmed down and asked: "Then what should we do."
"For the time being, start a full-scale martial law on Japan as mentioned above, and their request also gave me a good opportunity to act, and the next thing to do in Japan is only you can do." Xiao Ran said here. After a while, he continued: "I need you to take all those who are not our own and imprison them after getting my notice, especially the army must maintain absolute control."
Brigadier-General Jeter nodded heavily: "I know what to do. I have been here in Japan for four years. I don’t say I have a complete grasp, but at least most of them are my people. In addition, the adult’s return this time gave me the opportunity to smooth it. Given the remaining resistance, I know very well who has different intentions and can definitely grasp the situation in Japan in the shortest time."
"But what should be done in other places? If adults act against the federal government, they will inevitably encounter obstruction and resistance from other local troops."
Xiao Ran shook his head: "Don't worry about this. There are other people who are responsible for this aspect of work. Although I am the leader in this matter, there are still many people behind me who have the same idea. The arrangements have been made, and I have already planted my hands in the current federal government, and once I start the operation, I will completely suppress the federal government with a deafening force. By then, things are a foregone conclusion and there will be no resistance. Become an obstacle to us."
In fact, in the entire plan for the Federation, most of Xiao Ran was only responsible for coordinating and arranging, but the real action was entirely dependent on Livonz’s huge power, Wang Liumei’s intelligence and interpersonal relations, and Laguna’s money. It was these people who really took the risk to contact other people, but under Livonz's huge influence, there was no trouble in all this.
At this time, Kruze was also inserted in the federal government as Livonz’s representative. Although he did not have any real rights, his identity was enough to allow him to access more things, draw some people, and arrange some People are really simple things.
When I was saying this to Jeter, the team communicator in his arms rang, Xiao Ran nodded at Jie's characteristics and then took out the team communicator to connect it, and Krze was lazy. Yangyang's voice: "You should also know things. I have made arrangements here. I have recruited some people, including the defense commander of the Federal Government Headquarters. As long as they start to act, they will be able to fully control the Federal Government Headquarters at the first time."
"But I won't be able to participate in the next battle. Things here need me to watch. Without me, these people might have other ideas. Maybe there will be some clowns who jump out to exercise. Profit."
Xiao Ran smiled slightly when he heard what Cruz said: "It seems that you have achieved good results during this period. Since this is the case, you will be responsible for the things behind the front."
Kluzer replied: "Well, I will deal with things here, Al Elf, I will also ask him to pick him up in the past, it is not difficult for the two of us to calm the situation behind, Livonz He has already inserted his subordinates into the a-laws. Once the battle begins, they will cooperate with us. You should also pay attention to some of the stronger Livonz, the less he will have other ideas. But it’s not easy to say if the battle is at a disadvantage."
"I suggest that it's best to call the Burning Legion. If we don't know the actual number of combat power, the Burning Legion is enough to suppress many problems."
"Okay, I will leave for the universe later and get in touch with the Burning Legion." Xiao Ran nodded, and after a few words with Cruz, he hung up the communicator and said to Brigadier Jet: "Here's here. The matter will be left to you. Arrange for me to go to the universe immediately. My departure must not be leaked out. Later, I will issue an order for you to take charge of this martial law operation."
"Yes." Brigadier-General Jett stood up and offered a military salute to Xiao Ran. For a moment, Brigadier-General Jeter suddenly felt a little excitement in his heart. Once the coup succeeds, Xiao Ran will become the largest person on the planet. And as Xiao Ran's confidant, he might also get more benefits and greater rights. How could Jeter feel unexcited?
It's just that the benefits and risks coexist. Jeter also understands, but all he can do is to do well in his own turf, and when he salutes Xiao Ran, countless personal names popped out of his head. , There are also some people who are accustomed to contradicting him.
Jeter seemed to have thought of something suddenly, and said to Xiao Ran, "By the way, my lord, since you are going to the universe, do you need to make some other arrangements?"
"This is not necessary. The power in my hand is enough to deal with the full power of a-laws in the universe." Xiao Ran waved his hand and slightly revealed the power he possessed to Jeter, saying: "If I wanted to It is not difficult to deal with a-laws and the federation. What I lack is just a righteousness, a suitable opportunity. This time the federation and a-alws have given the opportunity to my hands, and I can act without consideration. "
Although he didn’t know what the power Xiao Ran was talking about, Jeter still expressed great confidence in Xiao Ran, and soon arranged for Xiao Ran to leave quietly, taking over all the rights of the Japanese local army and arranging federal martial law. task.
After Xiao Ran picked up Shiryllu, who had joined him some time ago, quietly went to the universe and then went to the base on the back of the moon. Not long after Xiao Ran arrived, the Skeleton Squad, the Esch Foursome, and the W Squad also returned to the Frontier one after another and began to prepare for the next battle.
After receiving Xiao Ran’s notice, the Burning Legion also began to move towards the earth. However, in order to conceal the space jump, the Burning Legion first made a short jump to shorten the distance to the earth. Slowly sailing towards the earth. (To be continued.)
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