Chapter 122: Preparation before departure

"Unfortunately, except for dead-like bones, other body parts are more or less related to the soul. Until the nature of the soul is known, and the specific circumstances of the parallel world's disturbance to the soul algorithm cannot be understood, it cannot be reworked in important parts."
In Cheng Bin ’s regulation, the mind energy reduced the output of nuclear energy, and the focus of transformation was on the white dwarf material. As much as possible, the massive radiation and expansion kinetic energy of the white dwarf material were used to constrain its stability, and then the nuclear energy release point was embedded. The skeletal system is transformed, and the main functions of the original electromagnetic warfare such as skin and muscle are converted into energy conduction.
"The conversion conduction power of Nianqi has increased again. Is it because the panorama has improved ..."
After the adjustment, Cheng Bin looked at the palm of his hand, and then turned his eyes to the unusually strong Martian land compressed under his feet.
抬 After gently raising his feet, Cheng Bin stepped down.
Huge nuclear energy is released throughout the skeletal skeleton, and the white dwarf material constrained by layers is used as a carrier to transmit terrible energy. A huge amount of kinetic energy is accompanied by surging excess radiation, which is released as Cheng Bin's feet fall.
The skin and muscles that are purely used for conduction throw the reaction force to the soles of the white dwarf's soles to bear. Under Cheng Bin's feet, a bottomless hole suddenly appeared on the Martian earth, and the surrounding earth instantly melted in the radiation aftermath of the white dwarf's material diffusion. Like the vortex in the ocean, it collapsed towards Cheng Bin's feet.
I flew to Cheng Bin with a stepping force, watching the large sandspit filled with sand that I stepped on below and nodding for a long time, then nodded, and then turned to fly to the base of enchantment.
Affected by the great mass of white dwarf matter, Cheng Bin's flight acceleration decreased a bit, but compared to that unparalleled defense and energy intensity, this side effect is completely acceptable.
Cheng Bin, who accelerated his flight all the way, looked at his body and found that the light around him was slightly distorted-that is the ultra-high density of the white dwarf material, which caused the space-time distortion to deflect the light.
According to the theory of general relativity, the mass of matter can distort the space and time around it, and thus form the so-called universal gravitation. To give a simple example of metaphor--
If space-time is an elastic film stretched horizontally, the sun is a large iron ball placed on the film. The iron ball will push the film out of a pit, which is the twisted space-time.
这 At this time, if a glass bead representing the earth is thrown to the side of the iron ball along the plane of the film, the linearly rolling glass bead will be deflected toward the iron ball because of the tilted film, which is the surface of space-time.
In the end, the glass beads will spiral around the pit until it hits the bottom of the pit and hits the iron ball, or is fast enough. Before falling, draw an arc to pass through the pit. This is the earth orbiting the sun. The general principle.
Of course, this is just a simple metaphor. The essence of space-time and mass is extremely complicated and difficult to ascertain, and the small pits generated by the glass beads themselves will also cause complex superimposed interference with the pits of the iron balls.
In short, the force that attracts matter to each other due to the curvature of space-time is gravity.
Wu Chengbin's body is also caused by the ultra-high density of white dwarf material creating pits in space and time, which causes the light traveling straight to distort in the space and time.
During the flight all the way, Cheng Bin adjusted to the strange feeling of distorted space and time. After probing the data of this space-time curvature, he corrected the light around him by electromagnetic interference to smooth out the abnormal shape.
After returning to Yingying Base, Cheng Bin dived into the high-precision laboratory built by Bai Qing with all his capabilities--
Although the accuracy of his current mood has reached the level of proton and neutron, the experiments he is currently doing basically involve the bending of space-time and the change of electronic photons. In this respect, his mood is not as reliable as high-end experimental instruments.
I received a quote from Cheng Bin's experimental project, and suspended the quantum entanglement research project in the laboratory, freeing up the most advanced laboratory at the current confusing base for Cheng Bin to use.
The research object of the previous ongoing project of Bai Bai is probably the strangest phenomenon found in human scientific exploration.
To put it simply, the high-energy photons are split into two photons through a non-linear crystal. These two photons, as two different states of the original high-energy photons, have a relationship beyond time and space, no matter how far these two photons are separated. , Can immediately affect the status of each other.
现象 This phenomenon is called quantum entanglement, and it is one of the most powerful proofs of a series of quantum mechanics theories.
This pair of entangled matter can be used to achieve instant communication far beyond the speed of light, regardless of distance, or to explore the quark confinement effect. In short, it is a very valuable research object.
Not to mention, if this is completely successful, at least co-working can develop the 4.0 version of anti-interference and intelligent embedding.
However, although many people in the earth ’s China have produced 8-photon entangled matter many years ago, they have their own conditions and limitations, just like anti-matter, superconductor and other related advanced experimental projects. There is no short distance.
After looking at Bai ’s experiment progress, Cheng Chengbin started tossing his own experiments in the laboratory.
The experiment is to verify the gravitational detection technology obtained from the Matrix world. The prerequisite of this technology is a certain degree of controllable space-time curvature and high-precision observation and manipulation capabilities.
With the help of the space-time distortion generated by the ultra-high density white dwarf material in Cheng Bin's body ~ ~ observe the changing photon movement in the twisted space-time, and perform complex calculations through various mathematical and physical formulas to measure and analyze the curvature of time The various values ​​and superposition status.
Unlike gravitational waves, which are propagating at the speed of light and are essentially space-time ripples, as the effect of space-time bending on mass, gravity itself is super-light-speed and instantaneous. In theory, it can be disassembled from the point of Cheng Bin's measurement and analysis. Real-time material state of the entire universe.
But the complexity of this process is a bit scary, and the space-time distortion caused by too far or too small mass is slightly difficult to detect, so Cheng Bin added a lot of constraints and range limits to get the desired result-
A long list of calculation results was converted into material mass and distance data and marked on the panorama. Cheng Bin's mind emerged from the position and mass of all matter in Mars, as well as other large stars in the solar system. A rough outline emerged.
This is the gravitational detection technology that made Cheng Bin, who was completely invisible on the metal earth of the Matrix, discovered by the mechanical emperor.
Although the gravitational force of long-range force cannot deeply explore the specific situation below the material atomic nucleus, the new gravitational detection module of the panorama can already ignore the electromagnetic interference and the restriction of the speed of light, and instantly obtain the material profile within the specified range.
"The indirect observation of space-time distortion has such an effect. If one day can recognize the essence of space-time, and directly apply the mind to space-time, hey ..."
记录 Recorded the key parameters obtained in the experiment. After trying the new exploration function of the panorama several times, Cheng Bin nodded with satisfaction.
"All the preparations at this stage have been completed, so it is time to set out."
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