Chapter 127: Anatomy and Intelligence

沥青 Like the asphalt, slowly solidifying dragon's blood, filled the huge pits and covered half the street.
Li Yinlong's limbs were completely divided and scattered on the ground, and her huge body was opened with a huge cross-shaped wound. Various internal organs that were carefully divided and scattered were scattered in a pool of blood along with the broken flesh tissue.
Standing in the knee-deep dragon blood, Cheng Bin, who was completely clean, held the large crystals of the human head just taken out of the dragon's belly and looked carefully.
"Longjing? No, there was no similar thing in the black dragon's body before ..." The crystal's electromagnetic interference is a bit large, and Cheng Bin, who can't be explored by thought, has a bit of desire to dismantle this thing and swallow it.
"This ..." After patiently trying to clear the crystal structure with various detection methods, Cheng Bin's expression was a bit wrong for a while. "... How does it look a bit like a cold fusion battery in radiation? Uh? ... a little bit different, this should be a fission battery. "
"The radioactive material storage chamber, the ionization division chamber, the dynamic conductive network, the electromagnetic propulsion engine ..." Cheng Bin turned and played with the crystal in his hand, and glanced at the dragon organ that had been analyzed under his feet. "Not so much as this The dragon might as well be a biological weapon, no, it feels closer to a robot ... "
But the same function, designed in the form of a robot, is much simpler and more convenient than this dragon ... It can be said that the operating efficiency of each system in this dragon has made many compromises in order to maintain the appearance of the dragon.
From the operational use of biological weapons, this behavior is a bit unclear ... Is there any potential factor that has not been found in it?
Cheng Bin, thinking about it, threw away the biological version of the nuclear battery. He stepped forward to the head of Yinlong. The majestic dragon head was placed solitary on one side, and the short neck was an abnormally smooth fracture.
Each delicate organ in the dragon's body is basically self-controlling and self-maintaining. The nerve lines extending from the head in the dragon's body can be controlled by a few pitiful ones. Cheng Bin cut open the tough head of Yinlong and found it inside His brain is actually flesh and blood.
The sacroiliac nerves are mainly composed of metal wires. The brain is actually a flesh-and-blood structure similar to the human brain?
Cheng Bin thought he would see things like metal computers or biochips ...
However, compared to a dragon that is tens of times larger than humans, this core brain is too small, which is a circle larger than that of humans.
Although looking at the simple neural network in the dragon's body, Cheng Bin probably knew that the dragon's body changes that he could subjectively control were poor, but he was still puzzled after seeing this mind that was inconsistent with the body painting style.
When Cheng Bin was standing on the side of the dragon, thinking hard, two figures, one big, one small, shuddered, and came to this terrible place like a slaughterhouse.
"Amy?" Cheng Bin put down the question in his heart and turned to look at the two men who came.
Under the eyes that Cheng Bin turned around, the bodies of Wang Qi and Amy shuddered subconsciously.
Seeing the reactions of the two, Cheng Bin turned around and looked around at his experimental site, shrugged helplessly, and said aloud to the two people who were walking to the blood covered area of ​​Yinlong: "Don't step on that blood, Watch out for radiation. "
The two men couldn't move without a sharp stop.
Cheng Chengbin pulled his leg out of the abnormal silver dragon's blood with a high metal content. The blood had completely coagulated when he stood and thought about it, and it felt similar to a pile of metal.
His body crossed an arc and landed next to Amy. After Cheng Bin glanced at the decreasing energy of Yinlong's blood in the panorama, he turned his face to the two and said, "It's okay to wait another ten minutes. But it ’s better not to touch the bodies ... why do n’t you hide out underground? "
In front of Cheng Bin's looming Long Wei, the smiling Wang Qi first introduced himself, and it turned out that he was the current temporary leader of the underground shelter.
Cheng Bin, who was keeping a shallow memory and spying, talked with the two for a while, and found out their details and purpose. After Amy repaired the life support system of the underground shelter, he let Amy implant the dragon. The core element is to become a Dragon Blood Warrior.
Dragon Blood Warrior, this human body transformation plan that I do n’t know who came out first, is the main reliance of various eco-cities on Mars to resist the sporadic dragons left on Mars by the Dragon Legion. Cheng Bin killed the third-level silver dragon body. But very valuable resource.
Don't look at Cheng Bin easily disarming the Silver Dragon. For the defense system on the surface of Mars, this three-level dragon, and also an electromagnetic dragon, is almost close to an invincible existence.
Cheng Chengbin has no reason to refute this solution that can instantly increase combat effectiveness in the opponent's eyes and obtain unique experimental data in his eyes.
But after Amy, who went to repair the life support system, left, in a tentative exchange with Wang Qi, Cheng Bin suddenly learned that this transformation process only required to attach the core organs of the Dragon tribe to the skin of a human who had opened a blood mouth. .
The impassive expression of Cheng Bin's face was taken for granted, but his coffee table had been turned over--
Are you kidding me? !! How sophisticated are those dragon organisms? What are the requirements for the operating environment? How could it be turned into something that can be used by humans in such a playful way?
I felt weird. Cheng Bin discovered through the panoramic view that Amy had completed the repair work and was returning. After being unable to hold back, he flashed over and flew back with this little ghost. He immediately said that he would hurry up and start the dragon blood warrior transformation experiment.
The core organ of Xun Yinlong, identified by Wang Qi, should be the cold fission core suspected of Long Jing that was thrown away by Cheng Bin.
After Wang Qi stripped and embarrassed Emmy to the ground, and made a small opening in the chest and abdomen to put Long Jing on it, he clapped his hands to show everything was ok, and then chatted with Cheng Bin, a careful observation .
Most of Cheng Chengbin's thoughts are placed on the panorama that covers Amy ~ ~ Small thoughts are used to read Wang Qi's shallow memory and guide him through conversations to obtain information.
避免 In order to prevent Wang Qi from being aware of the problem of his identity source, Cheng Bin actively controlled the bias of the topic
"Whether it is maintenance work or dragon blood transformation, why rely on Amy to take a risk?"
"This ..." Wang Qi smiled bitterly. "It is indeed helpless. After disconnecting from other places, our medicine has been stopped for a long time, and the last reserves have been consumed some time ago."
medicine? Is it really NZT ...
Cheng Chengbin saw some pea-sized white particles in the flash memory of Wang Qi. The series of medicines named NZT seemed to have become necessities like drinking water.
"Without medicine, almost everyone's intelligence is declining, and the skills and knowledge they have mastered are being forgotten intermittently. Although we are working hard to re-learn in the near future ... but we are indeed unable to do complex work now."
Wang Qi sighed and looked at Amy with some relief, and then continued: "Fortunately, Amy's self-awakening has allowed him to master a lot of knowledge and skills in this case, and he can better resolve the transformation of dragon blood. potential risks."
Self-awakening—The offspring born to individuals who have been taking medicine for a long time have a certain probability of entering the brain overclocking state of being memorable, intelligent, and controllable to the body when taking medicine without external force.
But there is something wrong with the NZT version here? The memory of knowledge and skills should have profoundly changed brain cells. How could it be quickly forgotten as the drug was stopped?
Cheng Bin, who got a lot of information from Wang Qi's head, thought about it. He looked at Amy, who seemed to have not changed, and led the topic to the issue of information and production of drugs.

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