Chapter 131: Sweeping Mars and collecting data

Amy, who has a pupil that is a bit close to her vertical pupil, is expressionless. He has stopped breathing and does not have a heartbeat. If he is not moving fast, he will feel no different from the dead.
Walking in the wilderness of Mars far from the eco-city, Amy's figure leapt forward and forth at a speed far beyond the ability of human visual capture, and even changed from time to time to avoid the attack of the violent and abnormal dragon in front of him.
面对 He was facing a second-class dragon covered in armor, without wings, standing against two thick anti-jointed hoofs and feet.
The ten-meter-high dragon wielded the claws of gold and jade with incredible strength, and the air that was driven even formed a vacuum blade, cutting the surrounding earth into a fine grid.
And from time to time, it can make a thunderous thunder directly in the thin air.
Take Amy's body shape, let alone be hit positively, even if you put it on, it is estimated that it will be dead.
He can only rely on the super analysis, calculation, and response capabilities of the brain's super-band to avoid the steel wire-like subtle movements in the blade-like dragon storm.
However, despite the overwhelming advantage of the blade armor dragon, its eyes are full of impatience and fear.
In the fierce battle, this second-level dragon couldn't help but look away, and looked at the side not far from the side.
There, a pile of dragon corpses were stacked.
At the peak of the stacking of a large number of first-level and second-level dragon corpses, an angry third-level dragon had its head opened with a large opening, and a human was squatting on the dragon's head, facing the wound on the skull. Probe the brain.
The distracted dragon suddenly felt a sudden pain in his head, and his eyes turned in circles.
It turned out that Amy seized this opportunity, flashing an electric arc all over, and exuding blue and white light on her limbs, and a sharp acceleration turned and gave the dragon's head a hard kick.
Amy, who was chasing after the victory, found out his sharp claws, and found the crack in the thick armor exposed at the neck of the dragon rising to the side. The figure quickly passed, tearing the neck of this secondary dragon. Mostly.
The deadly traumatized dragon was struggling silently on the ground, and the fracture at its neck erupted a dazzling fire, as if a bomb was buried in its body.
The coldness of Amy's face that had fallen in the distance faded slowly, and he looked at the struggling dragon inexplicably.
After recording the physical data of all the dead dragons, Cheng Bin jumped down from the hill piled up by the dragon's body and landed next to Amy watching the struggling dragon.
"Good job, Amy, this is the last dragon on Mars." Cheng Bin glanced at the dragon that gradually stopped struggling. This kind of power source is similar to the dragon that blasted the internal combustion engine with high frequency. His data has been collected before. .
Before Amy completed the transformation of dragon blood, Cheng Bin was interested to observe and study the overclocking of Emine's NZT-like agent's brain and the subsequent changes in the transformation of dragon blood on him. So in the name of the senior teacher, he took Amy to clean up The Martian dragons survive, and try to create suitable fighting conditions for him.
While carrying Amy at high speed and walking between various eco-cities on Mars, Cheng Bin also noticed some weird places
Wu Mingming has the absolute superiority in various aspects such as combat effectiveness, mobility, and information, but the Dragons have not concentrated their efforts to remove the human ecological city one by one.
On the contrary, the strongest third-level dragon on Mars basically stayed still, and various low-level dragons bait generally scattered to "attack" human gathering points.
Occasionally, there are battle results, most of which are anxious, and a small part is directly sent to the dragon blood transformation package.
This turbulent tactic can be described as "giving people a thousand miles, and courtesy is light."
Tong Mingming Dragons generally showed a high level of wisdom. They also faced bitter hatred when they contacted humans, but they were so talkative in their actions.
I couldn't understand it.
Cheng Chengbin tried to catch some dragons for interrogation, but failed without exception.
Even if they directly stimulate their central nerves, there is no way for dragons to yield to the small humans in their mouths.
Unfortunately, the data collected on the operation of the dragon's brain is not yet complete enough to decode and read the dragon's memory and thoughts.
When investigating the information related to the dragon, Cheng Bin did not forget to collect the data of the dragon blood reformer such as Amy. He taught Amy some scientific methods of using dragon organs, and he also did a lot for Amy. Minor surgery to expand Amy's brain control of his body.
After exploring the tolerance limits of Emine's various dragon organs to the control signals of the human brain, and comparing the results with other dragon data, Cheng Bin made a very strange discovery ...
Glancing at the third-level dragon that had been craniated on the eye corpse mountain, Cheng Bin patted Amy's head and said, "Let's make a difference, you can go back to your own eco-city, I will dispose of heaven Those guys will leave Mars. "
"Yes, teacher." Amy nodded a bit, then looked into the sky.
米 Amy, who inherited part of the ability of the third-level dragon, can clearly see the large numbers of dragons approaching in the distant Mars outer space through electromagnetic wave analysis.
But he is not worried about what will happen to the teacher who has given him too much knowledge and help. He has seen too many times along the way. The teacher is a powerful force who crushes everything. He firmly believes that the dragon troops in space are near The teacher was vulnerable.
After bidding farewell without any delay, Cheng Bin looked at the back of Amy, who quickly became smaller in the vertical jump. UU read a book can not help but hesitated.
"Forget it," after frowning and thinking, Cheng Bin shook his head. "That is just a guess after all, Amy's performance has not been abnormal so far ..."
Wu Chengbin turned his gaze to the sky, and as his body flew off the ground, he swept through the space where the abnormal contour had been previously detected through the gravitational detection of the contracted range.
"Did the human fleet leave Jupiter? Looking at this trajectory, is it going to the asteroid belt to chase the dragons there?"
Cheng Bin, who flew to the high altitude, Shen Ning for a while, the system reminded him not to go too deeply into the original things of this world. The war between humans and dragons is obviously of this type.
And compared with the brain overclocking data that has been obtained on Amy, the knowledge and secrets of the Dragon side are more attractive to him.
"Then ... After disposing of this wave of dragons flying from the asteroid belt, I will dive into the earth where the dragons are born ..."
Although in theory, even the surface of Mars and the dragons flying towards Mars, Cheng Bin should not bother ...
But the original word of the system is-after achieving the goal, don't be too entangled ...
Isn't this yet? So don't care about these details ...
Cover the panorama to the dragons approaching Mars. Cheng Bin looked at the unusually large dragon in the dragon group, and the ordinary third-level dragon felt in front of that guy just like the small lizard at the foot of the crocodile ...
"This should be a level 4 dragon. Unfortunately, the remaining level 5 dragons are still on the asteroid belt, but there are more high-level dragons on the earth ... well, you don't need to keep your hands."
After Xun left the atmosphere of Mars, Cheng Bin's look moved, the speed suddenly soared, and greeted the wave of dragon troops flying towards Mars.

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