Chapter 140: Asteroid belt

The battlefield in space seems to be vast and boundless, with endless space for tactical movement.
At present, under the constraints of material conditions, whether humans or dragons, there are very few macro strategies that can be selected in space operations.
In the open space, material supplies will be lost, and sooner or later they will be consumed by the enemy who can supplement and develop.
Earth, Mars, asteroid belt, Jupiter, the war on both sides is basically around these four material points.
Mercury and Venus are too close to the sun. Although it can not be said that there are no resources, the current technology is too difficult to collect and the efficiency is too low.
As for the planets lacking sunlight farther away than Jupiter, if they are to explore outside the solar system, they have a little value as transit.
After the antimatter bomb trap pitted by the human ship No. 1 was rebuilt, the remnants of dragons in space gathered near the asteroid belt and settled away from the base of the human asteroid belt.
The asteroid belt rich in various metal elements is a good material supplement, especially for those dragon species that use fission dragon crystals.
As a dragon of biological weapons, naturally there is no shortage of methods for violent soldiers.
There are a large number of incubating force types in high-level dragons. In addition, with the support of sufficient energy, the cells of fifth-level dragons can even multiply in the complex asteroid material, and quickly evolve into a fighting giant. Long.
However, most of them are low-level dragons, which are basically cannon fodder in front of the powerful firepower of the human fleet.
The high-end dragons, the main force in space combat, seem to take a long time, harsh environments, and detailed adjustments to be born. In addition to the outbreak of the mystery when the Earth Dragon family was born, the generation speed of high-end dragons is still accepted by humans. Within range.
At this time, the human warship group with the No. 2 spherical mothership as its core has reached the asteroid belt and made direct contact with the dragon army.
The main reason for waiting for the mother ship to be completed before starting the pursuit is mainly because there are very few independent navigation capabilities in the human warship queue. Previously, the human mineral bases in the asteroid belt were sent to prevent dragon attacks.
Most battleships are essentially supplements and vassals of the mothership. Except for the nuclear engine that is activated at an emergency, most of the time is supplemented by high-energy electromagnetic waves emitted by the core mothership. In daily travel, you can even rely solely on the mothership. The ship's energized laser moves like a "solar sail."
This is done, on the one hand, considering the impact of huge fuels and corresponding engines on the performance of warships, and on the other hand, because the cost and manufacturing difficulty of warships can be greatly reduced by getting rid of these two.
母 The core engine of the mothership, the fuel needed—
Plutonium antimatter, which is mainly composed of negatively charged antiprotons and positively charged positrons, can annihilate with normal matter, undergo mass energy conversion of nearly 100%, thereby generating huge energy.
But anti-matter is very difficult to prepare or store. Not only does it need to consume dozens of times the energy of anti-matter production, maintain the existence of anti-matter, extract and use it, the environmental requirements of these processes are also extremely demanding.
Only the core mother ship can provide this environment.
Relying on Jupiter's endless fusion fuel reserves, after pushing the antimatter reserve of the No. 2 mothership to 30%, humans can't wait to kill the dragons who are violent in the asteroid belt.
There is no suspense in the war. Although the number of dragons has returned to its previous scale in a short time, the high-level dragons representing its quality have not changed much, and the tactics of the dragons after the war are as reckless as ever-
There are no detours, don't seduce 怼.
The dragon does not take his own life seriously.
In this case, the humans occupying the military advantage can easily pull out the scenes of collecting more fires, relying on frigates and a large number of short-range small aircraft to delay the pace of the Dragons, and orderly kill a few high-level Dragon.
However, the top-level fifth-level dragon still caused a lot of losses to human beings under this disadvantage. Without accurate focus set fire, most of the battleship weapons can hardly cause damage to the fifth-level dragon.
But in cosmic space, where lasers require complex preview procedures to hit, it is not so easy to complete the focused set fires that arrive at the same time.
Finally, the No. 2 mothership ventured close to the core of the battlefield, using high-energy particle guns propelled by antimatter engines and antimatter bombs to kill a handful of fifth-level dragons.
Although the mother ship paid a small price for this, it also nailed the human advantage and the entire battlefield entered garbage time.
The energy-saving mothership maintains support for the surrounding fleet, and bee colony battleships and dragons are flying in the three-dimensional space near the mothership, strangling each other with all their strength.
Uh ...
In the huge No. 2 mothership, the short and bald black Andrew stood in a closed metal box, descending rapidly along the magnetic well toward the depth of the mothership.
Looking at the mother ship's external battle scene displayed on the tablet in his hand, looking at the last five kilometers long, five-level dragon that stiffened a crack in the battleship formation, was destroyed by the mother ship's main gun after approaching Andrew just nodded, but there wasn't much joy on his face.
"If the information is true ... the Dragons have too much water, how could they be happy ..."
As the governor in charge of resource deployment, Andrew's actions at this time have a taste of leaving the post.
But he must personally confirm the information he had accidentally obtained before. If this battle is over and humans start to execute the next plan, it will be too late.
Relying on the status of a member of the Supreme United Parliament, Andrew was unimpeded in the mother ship No. 2. After leaving the main line of the magnetic well, he turned the railcar twice and reached the depth close to the mother ship's core engine.
穿过 After passing through a pile of isolation doors and coming to a room without a special label in the mother ship system, Andrew saw the person he came to find ... or, people ...
With the opening of the last isolation door, Andrew walked into the laboratory full of various instruments. A group of people looked up at the door, and then continued to do their work.
A man near the door frowned and left the work in hand. He walked in front of Andrew and said, "Welcome, Andrew Andrew ... It's amazing. I think we should hide it well, but it's still you. Found."
"You will be surprised by this? Don't be kidding, after all, material deployment has to go through my system, I don't find that there is really a ghost."
Andrew Andrew sighed as he looked at people who looked exactly the same. He found a chair in the room and sat down, and said to the young man who was sitting next to him:
部长 "Mr. Chen, you stay here and do some experiments that are not easy to put on the bright side. Everyone knows that everyone just respects each other and does not mean to turn over your bottom."
At this time, Minister Chen, who should be presiding in the research department of the mothership, smiled at Andrew: "You don't seem to respect me very much, Andrew Andrew."
"Respecting this feeling is hard to apply to you ..."
He glanced at someone in the room with dragon wings and dragon scales, apparently a dragon blood fighter, who looked similar to Minister Chen, and looked at the body of Minister Chen lying on the experimental bench in the deep part of the room. Andrew again Sighed: "During this time, your lower limit is getting lower and lower ..."
Minister Chen said, "If this is not the case, how can our science and technology continue to advance in the war against the Dragon race and support it to this day?"
Andrew shook his head: "Even if you copy yourself, you are also engaged in dragon blood transformation and human experiments that have been banned ... here is the place close to the mother ship's core engine. Are you afraid of causing problems?"
"I'm still confident in the security protection system in this laboratory. Besides, if the Dragons can remotely control the Dragon Blood Warriors, they have too many opportunities to destroy us, and there is no need to catch me for a while."
Minister Chen shrugged and said, "Dean Andrew, are you here to say this?"
"No, I'm here to confirm ..." Andrew asked, looking wearily, "Mr. Chen, can we humans really win?"
Minister Chen Chen looked down at a projection tablet in his hand and said without raising his head: "This question, you should ask Commander Eddie, who is the operational commander of the fleet."
"It's not the annihilation battle right now, you should know what I'm asking ..." Andrew became serious. "Is the information you covered in the scientific department's system records true?"
"Introduction to the Dragon's genetic structure?" Minister Chen looked up and smiled calmly, "Yes, the information mentioned in it is true ~ ~ The peak of the Dragon individual is far more than five levels, only the outline can be found. There are nine levels. "
He confirmed the news that morale would collapse, Andrew murmured the cold sweat exuding from his forehead: "So you would propose to bomb the earth with an asteroid ..."
Minister Chen nodded: "Towing a huge number of asteroids to hit the earth, only those dragons that have been observed on the earth do not have this ability to stop them. If you care about the dragon family of the earth somehow, there are really more advanced Strength, I'm sure you will show up at this time.
如果 "If it does, at least we can take the lead when the opponent stops the asteroid, and by the way try to find out some of the true face of the enemy.
如果 "If not, then it proves that we humans still have hope, and the Dragons who rely on first-hand advantages and meteorite barrage to deal with the Earth will not suffer."
"Hope? Okay ..." Andrew, who had previously opposed the asteroid program in the meeting, changed his attitude at this moment.
Andrew Andrew couldn't help but think of the civilized tinder plan previously proposed by Minister Chen and passed in Parliament.
Approach to the spacecraft that usually drifts to Centaur, the modified No. 3 mothership of Jupiter satellite modification, the collective backup of human genes and thinking memories in all corners of the solar system, and the supporting automatic reproduction base ...
Are the worst preparations just for this temptation ... It seems that this guy is also not optimistic about the results of the Dragon War ...
While Andrew sighed, the news of the battlefield outside the mothership passed to Andrew and Minister Chen here--
The battle for annihilation ended successfully, and plans for the next phase are awaiting implementation.
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