Chapter 165: Big tube 1 family

Just after Cheng Bin left for a while, a small and thin teenager appeared beside the asteroid belt formed by the broken plant civilization mother star.
He has a fairly neutral face, with symmetrical dots on both sides of the eyebrow center, pure white eyes in the eyebrows without eyebrows, wearing a wide robe, and stepping on a single-tooth wooden claw under his feet.
"The ancestral trees that could not be defeated by the power of the Protoss were completely destroyed?"
If Cheng Bin is still nearby, I can recognize at a glance that this guy is almost exactly the same as the one in the Naruto profile-the big tube peach style.
He Tao extended his right hand to the asteroid belt and opened it, revealing a scarlet reincarnation eye in his palm.
"It took a lot of chakra adventures to make space jumps, and it looks like the right bet ..."
There seems to be a lot of intangible things in the starry sky, attracted by this rippled eyes, forming a strange fruit in the palm-shaped palm.
Tao Tao retracted his right hand and ate the fruit without hesitation.
The peach-shaped body shook, and the thin body suddenly became stronger. The wood-like jade horns protruded from both sides of the forehead, and the height of the body was raised. The scarlet reincarnation eyes of both hands turned purple.
His eyebrows opened a vertical pupil sharply, and there was a purple reincarnation eye inside.
"The Chakras of the ancestral tree are still there, but most of them have disappeared and transferred, but such a little residual Chakras can condense such strong fruits and allow me to evolve to such a point ... It is indeed an ancestor tree, The origin of Chakra ... "
The peach value and temperament have improved a lot. The peach-shaped pair of fine green ribs around the white eyes, he used this pair of powerful observation eyes to look around: "Is this trace the guy who destroyed the ancestral tree? OK Fast speed ... "
Looking at the direction in which Cheng Bin left, Tao Shi thought for a while, and then the figure disappeared as soon as he came.
"Chakra, who did not capture the ancestral tree, should not be a member of our clan, but he has such power ... Yeah, now my strength is enough, I can combine the power of the protoss into one ..."
Uh ...
After leaving the orbit of the distant independent mother star, Cheng Bin came to the Dyson planetary ring system.
After admiring the various planetary rings that accurately run at relatively close distances, Cheng Bin flew towards the nearest planet.
Cheng Bin, who broke through the atmosphere, looked at the scene of the planet—
Desolate is like undeveloped Mars. From the terrain and various debris, it can be seen that a large number of plants and rivers existed.
"From the perspective of their original goals, these planets should have been transformed into a suitable environment for them to live in. This scene now ..."
Cheng Chengbin looked towards the distant horizon, where there were several towering bizarre objects-like giant vines that could reach the clouds in a fairy tale, and the straight and twisted vines had a huge flower bud on top.
The texture of that thing is similar to that of the monster on the parent star, and there are some humanoids in the vicinity.
Cheng Chengbin's figure flickered out of the air and appeared at the top of the nearest towering plant the next moment.
"This look is a bit like the tree in the data ..."
Cheng Chengbin controlled the perspiration to penetrate into the firm petals under his feet, and the plant structure and material analysis report was instantly fed back to him.
"It's really made of organic matter? The material performance is okay, and the structure is a bit like the regular tetrahedron construction material of Mars without gene-like substance clusters."
When Cheng Bin was curiously investigating and researching, the edge of the flower buds on his back rushed up to a figure.
Cheng Chengbin glanced back—two short horns extended on both sides of his forehead, with pure white eyes, wearing broad white robes ... it should be the big tube family in the data.
The blue veins around the man's white eyes exploded, and he hurried towards Cheng Bin: "Rat generation! How dare I approach the sacred tree guarded by my big tube mountain!"
Big tube-wood mountain-like drawing of turbulent air waves in the air, the spin is just one leg towards Cheng Bin.
Cheng Chengbin took a step back to avoid the opponent ’s horizontal kick. The guy's body strength was okay, and the air waves from his leg sweep could blow his hair--
Although ordinary people's simulation mode is turned on, Cheng Bin's seemingly light hair and its density are also real white dwarf levels ...
"It's really Sakura Mandarin? Although the information used when matching the world is like this, but the world with such a big difference can speak the same language ... 啧, I always find it strange ..."
Cheng Rao's interested Cheng Bin was not in a hurry to subdue the mountain style. He walked the steel wire at the right speed and distance to limit the opponent's endless boxing attacks.
While carefully observing the panorama, Cheng Bin casually said in the language of the other party: "Are you the guard here? Are you waiting for this tree to blossom and bear fruit?"
Laoshan looked at the person who was erratic and confused under his attack like a piece of paper in front of him. He stopped attacking and yelled with an awkward expression: "Damn, can you just hide ?!"
"Ah, if you don't have any new means, I don't have to hide." Cheng Bin also stopped, his mountain-like gaze was a little strange--
Nian Qi cannot penetrate into the opponent's body, indicating that there is parallel world resonance or high-dimensional interference on the opponent, and other detection methods cannot find the source of power that supports the opponent to carry out such a high-intensity attack ...
何 How complex is the operation of the human body, Chakra can assist human body movement, and just provides the absorption and release of kinetic energy, and its intelligence is definitely not low ...
When I heard Cheng Bin's words, the mountain-like appearance that was originally swollen by the blue muscles became even more sloppy.
Through his white eyes with a wide field of vision without dead corners, Shanshi has seen his companion guarding the Shenshu nearby because he was too late to win over his opponent.
On the wide and undulating sacred tree flower buds, the mountain-style that resolved to trouble before the companion arrived rushed to Cheng Bin again.
A scarlet ray of light lit up in his right hand, and quickly turned into a sharp blade, chopped down to Cheng Bin with his arms waving in a mountain style.
"Chakra ..." Cheng Bin, who blinked in front of his eyes, did not flicker away, stood in place and raised his left hand to meet the light blade.
The Laoshan style can see Chakra's white eyes flashing disdain, and the strength of the hand and Chakra's strength have increased a bit--
How dare he dare to chase the iron-like chakra knife with the fleshy palm without any trace of chakra?
However, the disdain of the mountain style turned into shock in an instant.
Sheshan feels that she is cutting with all her strength on a tough substance beyond his cognition. The palm of the opponent's untouched palm has no scratches on the epidermis.
If he hadn't just instinctively controlled Chakra's weapon to resolve the counter-shock, his hands might have been twisted and broken?
Twenty-five fingers bent and grasped the blade of the mountain-type subconsciously drawn away, Cheng Bin pulled forward, ignoring the mountain-type that he was pulling out of balance, and looked at the light blade in his hand.
"Similar to the previous tail beast jade ... 啧, it is a real weapon that can conduct kinetic energy, but no carrier substance can be found ... You must find a way to get Chakra's observation method."
Cheng Chengbin looked up at the mountain-style with tight muscles, and glanced over his pure white eyes-what he didn't want was the way that the world's blood-stained pupil looked at Chakra ...
Besides, these methods of observing Chakra based on Chakra, so far he has not grasped the clue, he cannot use it.
"Hey ~ ~ Datong Mushan style, right?" Cheng Bin released his finger holding the light blade and asked the two-step mountain style. "How do you, Chakra, learn to perceive and use? of?"
Xun had realized in a short period of resistance that the opponent's power was far beyond himself, but the mountain type did not answer, but instead set his sight behind Cheng Bin.
There, seven other people stationed in the land have already rushed over.
Twenty-six people ran up the tree, and one even flew up directly into the sky.
Wu Chengbin glanced sideways, then retracted his gaze-it seems that these guys are not much different from the mountain style in front of them, so there is no need to repeat the observation.
The air ripples visible from the naked eye erupted and spread around Cheng Bin's body, instantly covering several people gathered behind him.
Distortion of space curvature, Longwei fear aura, fixed-point gravitational wave interference.
The newcomers who were saying something to Cheng Bin suddenly felt that their bodies were heavier and heavier than ever before, and infinite fear spread in their hearts. At the same time, a disordered force directly stirred up somewhere in their heads .. .
山 In the mountain-like sluggish eyes, six companions with similar strengths, a direct superior superior to him by two levels, fell to the ground without a word, and completely lost consciousness.
"It looks like your brain structure is not much different from that of humans."
Obtained some data through fear aura and fixed-point brain intervention. Cheng Bin walked slowly to the side of the mountain stiff and afraid to move, and raised his hand to press his head.
The electromagnetic field and gravitational waves are changing at high speed between Cheng Bin's five fingers ...
"Then try memory detection before talking ..."
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