Chapter 170: Planet Naruto and the Prophet

Even though the planets in the Dyson Cloud planetary ring system are relatively close, they are also close to the astronomical unit level. For the civilized individuals trapped on the planet's surface, they are still as distant as the heavens.
When Cheng Bin, who was able to cross this day, was cleaning all the way to the big tube family of fruit farmers, he found an embarrassing problem—
Although the low-ranking Big Tumu people are not weak, they basically do not have the ability to travel in stars. Only the high-ranking Big Tumu people who have reincarnation eyes can carry a small number of subordinates for long interplanetary trips between the planets of the Dyson Cloud, Make a space jump directly.
的 The reference target of space jump is the tree existing on the planet.
The Datongmu family stationed near the tree has the task of guarding the tree and maintaining the curvature of the space where the tree is located.
名词 The term space curvature was spoken out of this group of large-tubular wooden people who can only think with muscles, which surprised Cheng Bin.
Although Taoist talks with Xia servant in the original data of Naruto, this term is also mentioned ...
But when Cheng Bin carefully checked the operation of the planetary system, and figured out what it means to maintain the curvature of space in the general Datongmu people, he found that he might have done something extraordinary--
大型 The large space curvature interference device that was originally used by plant civilization to adjust the planet's operation and maintain the Dyson Cloud system is buried near the end of each planet.
I do n’t know what happened when the skeleton of the plant civilization was entangled with the ancestral monster. The tree planted by the Datongmu family indirectly commanded by the ancestral monster in addition to the fruit produced, also has a space curvature interference device connected to the skeletal , Continue to maintain the effect of the planet's normal operation.
The Datongmu family, who has been implanted with relevant knowledge, instinctively regulates this process through communication with Chakra and the Divine Tree, so that the superiors of the Datongmu Family can teleport to each Divine Tree without a long interstellar trip. It can also ensure that the complex Dyson cloud planetary ring does not collapse.
But when Cheng Bin discovered this problem, the trees on all the planets behind him were either bombed by him or chopped by him ...
"That is to say ..." Cheng Bin, who returned to space, unfolded a panoramic view and took a closer look at the planetary operating system in this star system. "... this unnatural Dyson cloud planetary ring lacks active maintenance. Sooner or later, will there be various crashes in the world? "
Load detailed data of all stars into the panel, Cheng Bin made a simple calculation and determined his guess--
After hundreds of years, the planetary ring system will gradually become unstable. After thousands of years, the unmaintained planetary ring system will eventually collapse. A small number of planets will cause car accidents. Some planets will gradually fall into stars. Most of them will be in the stars. The internal chaos was lumped together.
嘶 "His ... the tree that uses intelligent life as a firewood will do a good job? I can't carry this pot ..."
Cheng Bin muttered for a while, then shook his head and said, "The planet-level curvature engine ... is not impossible, but to the depth of the water behind Chakra ... I can't leave Bai in this group either Let's maintain the planetary ring, after all, people in this world have to stand up by themselves.
"In the millennium, if civilization can develop normally, with the world's technological level and convenient Chakra, inheriting the planetary ring system of plant civilization should not be a problem ..."
Cheng Chengbin looked at the target planet that was getting closer and was full of all kinds of life. In the results of the panoramic scan, there was no tree on this planet.
I do n’t want to have the coordinates of the long-distance space jump provided by the tree, which is the reason why the Taoist style has not had time to patronize the planet.
"This is the planet where Naruto fantasy scripts are located ..."
Wu Chengbin glanced at the moon floating near the Naruto planet--
According to the Huo Yingying data, the moon was created by the creator of the Nin Sect, the six-barreled wooden robe, which was created out of nowhere using the seal technique of the six earth-explosive stars, which contained the six-barreled mother's large-barreled wooden night--
The caretaker of the tree on this planet, the eater of the fruit of the tree, has become the body of a monster named Ten Tail, which fuses human pillar strength with the tree.
"Being able to pinch the moon out of nowhere, the power of the Six Immortals cannot be underestimated in terms of energy scale ..."
Cheng Chengbin looked at the moon through a panoramic picture. From the results of various measurements, the moon is indeed quite new-it is estimated to be thousands of years, which is just the approximate cycle of the fruit of the tree.
"But from the point of view of the plot provided by me when I matched the world, the ten-tailed shell on the moon has been summoned away by a psychic similar to space transfer. The moon should be empty ...
"It is said that the brother of the six immortals, Datong Muyu Village, sealed her mother Hui Ye together, and she lived with a clan on the moon to monitor the ten-tailed shell, but it seems that there is no one on the moon ... Well, these things have nothing to do with me for the time being ... "
After digging deeper into the moon's interior, Cheng Bin, who didn't find anything special, set his sights on the planet earth that is getting closer and closer.
"... Chakra, here I am ..."
Uh ...
When Cheng Bin's figure crossed a certain boundary near the planet Naruto ...
In a mysterious corner of a certain continent of the planet, Miao Mushan, known by Ninja as one of the three sacred places of spiritual practice, a giant toad opened its eyes suddenly on the seat of its deepest seat.
皱 The wrinkled old toad, wearing an "oil" necklace and a doctor's hat, leaned on the seat, staring blankly at the high scary ceiling above him, with a very complex look.
In the hall full of thick stone pillars, only ordinary people with two palms tall but old enough to bearded toads slammed into the huge seat and said with some doubts: "What are you doing, big toad fairy?"
I am a big toad fairy who has always seemed unconscious before, but this time she spit out her words clearly and concisely: "Deep work ... Prophecy, messed up."
"What ?!" Shen Zuo was quite shocked to know that the toad fairy in front of him had lived for thousands of years ~ ~ In the long time, each of his prophecies from sleeping dreams was realized with great precision, now Actually ...
"The outsiders from the sky will bring unprecedented changes to the world."
The toad fairy's gaze drifted away from the ceiling, seeming to be gazing through the building.
"I have seen the destruction of countless worlds, and the development of civilization beyond imagination ... Deep work, recalling our psychic contractor of Miao Mushan."
"Do you want to recall Little Sui?" Shen Zuozhuo, the only person who has signed a psychic contract with Miao Mushan to fight alongside is Sui, and Sui should still be on behalf of the big toad fairy. Prophecy runs around ...
"We need to strengthen communication with the Ninja community," said the Great Toad Fairy, who looked down at the toad that was many times smaller than him. "And ... sending a messenger, I need to talk to the snake in Dilongdong."
"What ?!" Shen Zuo was taken aback. You should know that the Dilong Cave, which is also one of the three holy places, is filled with snakes. It is incompatible with the toads of Miaomu Mountain in nature. Now you want to talk to them? What to talk about?
等等 "Wait," Shen Zuo suddenly thought of the rest of the three holy places, and quickly asked, "What about the wet bone forest?"
"The fairy of the wet bone forest ..." The big toad fairy sighed and looked up at the sky across the ceiling.
Through the natural energy almost integrated into it, the big toad fairy can see the extremely dark sky in the extremely distant sky, which is falling straight to the wet bone forest.
"... I don't see its future ..."
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