Chapter 183: With soil and girl

At the border of the country of rain, the original barren mountains and forests, at this moment, a stunning city appeared.
Cities without walls have continued to expand during this period of time, and their internal architectural shapes have also changed with each passing day, and they are almost always being updated.
Only the towering silver and white giant tower in the center of the city has remained unchanged.
In the continuous rain, it even broke through the top of the tower where the clouds are located, flashing the light of thunder all the time.
Just on the hill outside this slightly awkward city, a twisted vortex suddenly appeared in the air next to a giant tree, and a figure emerged from the twisted ripple.
He was wearing a red robe with black background and a vortex mask showing only his right eye, and his eyes flickered to look at the city far away, the most famous Ninin village in the world.
"How long has this been? It's incredible speed."
The ground next to it suddenly bulged, and a plant like the pitcher plant that was half-fused with the ground came out, then separated with sharp-toothed leaves, exposing a half-black and half-white human head.
The yin and yang people vertically divided into two halves along the middle made two different sounds: "The underground is full of strange metal structures, and my mysticism cannot penetrate." "The person who built this city is Cheng Bin, who made Nagato miss, what are you going to do, take soil? "
"Cheng Bin ... weird name."
The only right eye that was exposed was the blood-red writing wheel with three hooked jade spins, and Uchiha, who walked in the ninja world with a spotted name, looked at Okinawa murmured, "It is said that he has a speed beyond understanding. The long door with reincarnation eyes can not even see the trajectory of the opponent's movement ... "
"I'm afraid that this kind of speed can't be compared with the thunder shadow that has thunder ninja body art?" The yin and yang man named Jue said its black half, "Hey, when it comes to the extreme speed, with soil, you Think of your teacher Bo Feng Shui Men? "
"Fourth generation of Naruto's Thundercraft," referring to his former teacher, four generations of Naruto, wearing a mask and unable to see the expression with a pause, said calmly, "is the basis of the second generation of Naruto's Thundergod. In the past, the upgrade of the enchantment and seal based on the reverse psychic and vortex family is that there is really no spatial transfer of the movement process, and Cheng Bin's speed cannot exceed him. "
"But the reincarnation eyes can't observe the clear speed, and there is not much difference between the short distance and the flying thunder god? And there is the powerful power brought by the speed ..." Bai never smiled with a good intention, "It is really tricky My enemy. "
"No matter how powerful the speed and the power, it is meaningless in front of my writing chakras." For the space-time pupil technique "Shenwei" brought by the kaleidoscope writing chakras, I am still full of confidence. "Let me test it out, this Is it possible for Cheng Bin to accept the invitation, if he becomes an obstacle to Xiao ... "
Hei Ju chuckled lowly: "Don't forget that the other party can also create a tadpole that can defeat the tadpole master Scorpion, and can also pull up the mountain and pinch a small moon ... A person who can convince Dashe Wan will never It's that simple. "
"Then you dare to come?"
Hearing the strange and crisp sound behind him, he was surprised by the dirt and abruptly, and turned to look at the same time.
A suffocating young girl with soft black hair stands on the ever-expanding silver-white ground, but the sparse raindrops cannot wet her thin white dress.
"The enemy who can break into the inner area over wide area surveillance ... Uchiha takes soil, must-data matching confirmation ..." The girl leaned her head cutely, looking at the soil, said, "The creator is promising You are ready for the experimental plan, and go with me. "
The mysterious girl shouted her identity, lost her sight, and then hurled at the girl.
The silver-white ground suddenly reconstructed some strange instruments. Countless metal wires were swept toward the soil by the flashing thunder. The giant tree stones along the way were cut into smooth sections in front of these metal wires.
As for the attack that can divide ordinary people into corpses, the soil is indifferent, and the speed has not changed at all. He whole person penetrates a large number of metal grids like a ghost, and can see the white skirt girl.
The vortex of space gradually emerged from the right eye with soil, and he planned to involve this young girl who knew his identity into the magical space of kaleidoscope.
However, at this moment, among the silver-white metal reconstruction equipment behind the girl, a small metal tower that looks similar to the core tower of Yin Nimura suddenly diffused a circle of transparent ripples.
"Ignorant, I don't know why its space-time ability is meaningless in front of a curvature interferometer."
Countless swept metal wires were interwoven into thick ropes to return to the cage. However, the band of soil that was re-applied was shocked to find that he had sent part of his body into the Shenwei space, and the means of disguising and evading the attack had been invisible, and countless metal wires had caught him The moment he tied him into a bitch.
Countless ropes made of tough wires are enough to lift large machines. While the soil is bound by these ropes, they must have rushed into the ground before they were completely covered by silver and white metal.
"Shenwei was sealed, no, it was suppressed by interference ... Damn, how could that be ?!"
The right eye with soil diffused a vortex-like ripple, but was accurately disturbed and offset by the space-time fluctuations emitted by the metal tower behind the girl, which could not form a channel connecting the divine space.
Looking at the girl in front, the left eye under the clay mask flashed the scarlet light of the writing chakra. His chakra was not bound by the seal. He could also release the ultimate illusion that the writing chakra can deceive reality "Ixana Qi "gains three minutes of invincible time that ignores all damage and negative effects.
With his kaleidoscope pupil technique, it is enough to cope with any dangerous situation, but ...
"The Uchiha Plan for extermination has not yet been implemented. The number of spare writing chakras is too small. One release of Yixian Naqi will consume a three-hook jade writing chakras. It cannot be used unless absolutely necessary."
With a lot of thoughts in his mind, the band of soil quickly calmed down, and when the ultimate escape method was available, he decided to pretend to be subdued and meet the creator of the girl's mouth to see if there was a good opportunity to start.
For the bandit who is no longer resisting, the girl who re-reviewed the bandit related materials tilted her head and nodded in white socks, and then showed an inexplicable smile.
Faced with the cute and charming smile of the girl, her eyes trembled, and her heart flashed an ominous premonition.
In a test room inside Yinni Village's silver-white tower, Cheng Bin killed the explosive energy that could flatten a house in his hands.
Cheng Bin looked at the floor covered with strange patterns in front of him. It was the chakra release mechanism that had been made on the side of Oshimaru after finishing the seal and moved by co-working.
Thinking about the reaction process produced by the antimatter and chakra before hand rubbing, Cheng Bin murmured: "The smallest unit of chakra that can be controlled, a single substance particle exposed in the kinetic energy interference ..."
Cheng Bin, who has sorted out and tested many physical laws of Chakra, is now trying to crack the essence of Chakra's existence from various angles. In the anti-matter contact experiment, Cheng Bin has confirmed the composition of the material particles that Chakra exposed during kinetic energy interference— —
A chain-like molecular compound composed of carbon and hydrogen.
"At present, it is certain that the specific physical changes in Chakras have occurred below the quark, and a large number of Higgs fields involving strong and weak interaction forces and mass origins."
Cheng Bin rubbed his fingers, indirectly created a ray of antimatter, restrained by a strong magnetic cage, and then triggered the ground Chakra mechanism again, releasing the smallest amount of kinetic energy interference state Chakra.
Chakra in contact with antimatter burst into a dazzling light ~ ~ But this weak energy was constrained by Cheng Bin in the palm of his hand to observe carefully, and then converged into the white dwarf warfare body.
"Subtle observations of time and space can touch Chakra, but I currently have too indirect effects on space and time through mass, and the impact of Chakra units on time and space is too weak to obtain results."
"You should first use Chakra ’s convenient space-time interference to advance the depth of analysis of the mind by the mind, and then observe it with the mind ..." Cheng Bin temporarily stopped the experiment and thought, "Wait for the second body to come back, use Chakra Sealing experiments on space and time may find a theoretical model that matches reality. "
At this moment, the girl in the white skirt suddenly reconstructed from the co-working unit on the ground. After sending a series of electromagnetic wave information to Cheng Bin, she stared at him with big eyes.
"Take the soil just to investigate and have you been caught?"
Cheng Bin looked at Bai's anthropomorphic shell, and touched her little head with his hand. Bai He grinned, holding his palm like a pet's head.
"Just research the Shenwei space with soil, Bai, bring him over when Space 2 jumps back." ()
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