Chapter 188: Independent avatars and false begging Tao Yu

After the expansion of seal-related expansion technology, it has once again become a busy village of Yin Ren, in the laboratory of the core silver white tower.
"Well, it really deserves me. I didn't add a thought lock to it, but things like thinking stamps really don't make much sense and go against the original intention."
Chengbin No. 2, or Cheng Bin, feeling the ontological memory thinking information that can be viewed synchronously in his mind, and said to himself with some uncertainty: "Is there any problem?"
Inefficient and unbearable speed of thinking, standard ordinary human senses, troublesome body operation
As if back to the time before the development of the mind-war, no, although he has basically the same memory and cognition, but in essence he was just created life, and does not really have the feelings of ordinary people before the mind-war. Cheng Bin
The most important thing is that although the solidified mind in his head retains the database-like query function, allowing him to obtain the information on the side of the ontology and to a certain extent the support of the ultra-high computing power of mind.
He can no longer control his mind.
"It seems that I have lost my habitual eyes, hands, and feet. I really don't adapt. I don't know what the recognition mechanism of the inner area and the mind is. It is clear that this body is almost the same as before."
After Cheng Bin murmured, he mobilized Chakra, who could be touched by this body, and performed a technique in the blink of an eye--
"Seal, do not eat or drink."
A set of chakra seal runes that are finely embedded with cellular material is solidified in Cheng Bin's body.
With the convenience of Chakra, which can provide energy from empty creations, this technique that solves the human body's biomass needs is much easier to operate than previous complex mind-war transformations.
"Next, forget it" After hesitating for a while, Cheng Bin gave up the practice of using Chakra to transform other bodies, especially the brain, and let his various qualities soar close to the body.
"The reason why I created me is to compare the mental differences between relatively independent individuals with the same real name core in relatively independent situations. If they are transformed all the way, their thinking and ability will shift to the ontology."
With a strange feeling of "I'm not me in a blink of an eye", Cheng Bin touched his chin and wondered.
"Under the situation of sharing thought information with thoughts, I am afraid that I will be directly covered by the ontological thinking mode, which will not serve the purpose of the experiment and I carefully controlled the efforts to prevent the thinking from forming into a way of embedding Chakra. It's a waste of effort? After all, things like Chakra are unreliable. "
Through Chakrasch's exhibition of electromagnetic wave communication, Cheng Bin contacted Bai everywhere in the tower.
Fortunately, he can pass the creator certification process preset by the co-working unit, and under the clear order, the countless white ideas of the split are not the view that he is another life, otherwise it would be quite embarrassing to communicate.
With the help of Bai, who has all the permissions, Cheng Bin once again built a new version of the Chakra Transmission Rune Array in the room-
Yes, in such a short period of time, the chakra manipulation technology based on sealing technology has been updated twice. This time, it has got rid of the solid line transmission originally set up by the tower and became a wireless transmission.
This is due to the research team led by Osumaru who has absorbed a lot of knowledge. It has to be said that something like Chakra is really convenient. Ojumaru easily expanded the database based on a large amount of knowledge and clear thinking. Strong thinking acceleration and IQ upgrading.
Cheng Bin glanced at the signature of the developer of this version of the Rune Array Method-Dou. It was originally a clever subordinate who was sent by Dasumaru to go undercover to the scorpion of the red sand, and then pulled back after establishing a new village. It is also a villain boss who cannot be underestimated.
"I'm still young at the moment. I'm talking about using those thinking-related techniques. The happiness of ignorant people is completely gone. Alas, I hope that the new-style ninjas will form a stable and reliable social concept in these drastic changes. "
There were some messy thoughts in his head. Cheng Bin activated the Chakra transmission mechanism in the room. Chakra extracted from the distant Chakra engine was transformed into intangible waves by various mechanisms and passed to this room. Transformed into a universal nature Chakra injected Cheng Bin's body.
"There is a lot of support from Chakra. The bloodstains of the fusion of the three properties are eliminated, and even the bloodstains of the fusion of the five properties and the seven properties of yin and yang can be studied."
Cheng Chengbin spread his palms, and seven chakras spilled out of the body under fine control, each of which changed the frequency characteristics and formed chakras with different properties of yin and yang.
Controls their rubbing friction in the palm of the hand, Cheng Bin carefully feels the information from Chakra, looking for a fusion interface similar to the blood succession boundary.
Chakra's nature changes and attribute fusion are extremely difficult for ordinary ninjas, requiring talent and long-term exercise, but for new ninjas, it feels like playing puzzles with their eyes open. There is no difficulty at all, just time-consuming labor.
I tried at least Dashe Wan a little before, and pinched out the blood stains of Tuying's exclusive earth, wind, and fire three fusions—the dust that can disassemble the material at the molecular level.
If it wasn't for studying the characteristics that Chakra showed in the mid-to-high level of the original work, Cheng Bin wouldn't need the fighting ability provided by the so-called bloodstaining.
With the support of the huge Chakra source spring, Cheng Bin successfully completed the complementary mosaic of the seven attributes. The seven paths of Chakra source exuding different lusters gathered in his palm endlessly, gradually compressing and condensing into a palm-sized pitch-black sphere.
"This is the Taoist Jade that gathers the power of the five elements of yin and yang in the original work, right? No, look at the characteristic parameters displayed, I feel there is something missing"
Cheng Chengbin looked at the black ball held in the palm of his hand. He found that this thing could crush all non-homogeneous chakras, but compared to ordinary chakras, the morphological changes and the speed of property adjustment were slower by several levels.
"All the guys who can make this stuff in the original work have touched the Six Immortals, basically combining the power of nine tailed beasts, and based on the ten tailed chakras, it seems necessary to find each tail beast. Take a sample and study, um, let's call it Daoyu for the time being. "
After testing the control command with a slight change, Cheng Bin controlled this dark Qiu Daoyu to fly fast in the room. Qiu Daoyu constructed a strange black flower in the room with a visual afterimage.
"It is full of quickness and sensitivity to weaken the mass effect and simply move"
When I tried to contact Qiu Daoyu with the co-working unit, Cheng Bin found that with the leakage of energy waves in a very small range, the materials that constitute the co-working disappeared directly. With reference to the experimental data obtained from the ontology side, it should be annihilated and transformed. , Into the ocean of negative energy.
"Yes, Chakra can extract energy from the sea of ​​Dirac, and natural energy can turn it into it ~ ~ During the test, Qiu Daoyu feedbacked that the strange Chakra penetrated into Cheng Bin. A cell, like the blood boundary of the past, strengthens and transforms his physique.
But this transformation is based on Chakra, the physical material of the body
There is not much change in quality.
Although Cheng Bin is currently unable to mobilize his mind for measurement, he uses his optimized kaleidoscope with spatial pupils to write chakras, and with Bai ’s various testing instruments reconstructed in the laboratory, he can still find out a little Find out the characteristics of this chakra in the form of seeking jade.
After a few tests, various characteristics of Qiu Daoyu were explored, but because there is no ability to rub the black hole by hand, there is no good way to explore the essence of Cheng Bin, and it can only be temporarily suspended.
"But this puppet Tao Yu actually has an abnormal response to natural energy?"
Cheng Bin touched his shoulder. There was a curse from Dashewan, which was mixed with a trace of natural energy. After he felt the appearance of Qiu Daoyu, the natural energy there began to write some unclear meanings into his perception. Messy information.
"It's also time to research the fairy art, since this guy is completely confused about the essence of fairy art. When you collect a sample of the tail beast Chakra, stop by and ask the fairy person."
程 When Cheng Bin finished his research, he was lying in the corner of the laboratory, his face facing the cold floor of Uchiha woke up from the coma again.
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