Chapter 194: Neutron Star Warrior

After solving the problem of the efficiency of mindfulness, as long as there is no problem with the final operating load, Cheng Bin can completely transform his body into any shape, which can be a spaceship or a battle star.
The only remaining constraint on the material level is the unknown perturbation variable that is close to the outline of the human shape at the point that has not yet been explored, but this does not affect the construction of various additional structures outside the matter involving the variables.
After careful consideration, Cheng Bin sighed from the bottom of his heart, still retaining the human appearance of the neutron star battle body that will be formed and the control mode of ordinary people—
In the meantime, there are things like the parallel world that are not completely understood, and the peers are all humanoids, which is a bit worrying;
Secondly, if the quality of the neutron star warfare is too high, he will not be able to completely consolidate the power of the neutron star warfare. In the event of an accident, the possibility of collapse into a black hole will increase greatly. At that time, it is estimated that even GG is too late type it out.
"However, I always feel that I am trying to make excuses ... the mentality and original intention of human beings ... 啧 ..."
Just after Cheng Bin made his decision, a perfect human male body was solidified in the hot sun. Even with an optical microscope that could observe the atoms, he could not find a trace of irregular undulations on the skin of this body.
In the core area of ​​this powerful body, Cheng Bin carefully completed the last step of the neutron star battle body transformation-the core of thinking was transferred to the control center of the new body.
The neutron star battle body shook slightly, Cheng Bin opened his eyes, looked around with a new detection module, and then completely converged the role of qi in the body.
After throwing away the cane, the body works perfectly.
With the control center coordinating the operation of various functional organs, Cheng Bin released the time and space constraints of the neutron star warfare. Its huge density suddenly brought horrific space-time distortions, pulling a lot of solar matter over by gravity.
These materials were smashed and transformed into classifications, and then converged and disappeared on the dark ring on Cheng Bin's left index finger. It took a while for Cheng Bin to stop this behavior and smooth the space-time distortion of the neutron star.
"The space ring ... I finally have the standard treatment for the protagonist, although I used it for my own experiments ..."
This ring is a plug-in component made by Cheng Bin along the way. It expands a space structure that mimics the self-sealing space-time bubble. In addition to this, Cheng Bin also cracked the Shenwei kaleidoscope and opened a small one near the fourth-dimensional offset. Parallel space, and marked with his own neutron star body extended thinking matter, the connection of the mark is on this ring.
The two different spaces of this ring can be used as a convenient tool for the interference of material reserves and time and space, but this is not its main purpose.
Cheng Bin's two external add-on components are mainly to explore the relationship between matter and time and space. He intends to see how these two things will change before and after crossing.
Gravity, or changes in time and space, and Cheng Bin's other analysis, have been integrated in the electromagnetic force, strong and weak interaction forces, have not found a reliable unified way to associate.
Cheng Bin is currently deeply involved in the quark's physical interference and the fourth-dimensional space-time cognition, which are only indirectly affecting each other. If the interaction process between them can be studied, Cheng Bin's ability can be expected. Take another step.
At this time, a stream of information appeared in Cheng Bin's senses out of thin air.
Cheng Bin, who has transformed most of his sensory patterns into a mathematical perspective, seems to see a stick figure person in the real world, seeing a black cat ghost image composed of crude data.
"System?" Cheng Bin was surprised. "Is there anything wrong?"
"First of all, congratulations to the host's ability has been enhanced," the ordinary cat could not see anything unusual, but in the eyes of Cheng Bin, the black cat full of physical holes crouched in the sea of ​​fire, "second, the system is here to inform the host
"The last temperament change has been completely completed. If you are free, you can explore and experiment with new mental ability."
"Reading a change in temperament?" Cheng Bin froze, and countless associated memories flowed through his heart like lightning, and he remembered what the system said--
Before entering the Matrix world, he found that the lottery number on which he had won was slightly modified on earth. Investigation revealed that this modification involved changes in the world line.
At that time, the system said that this was a symptom of the integration of his soul and mind into a new stage.
I did not expect that after this sign, it took so long, and at this time, the qualitative change was completely completed ...
Doesn't this have to do with the neutron star body he just got out of his mind?
However, after chatting with the system for a few words, Cheng Bin found out that he didn't know what the new ability of Qiqi was. He only said that it was related to the interference of high-dimensional information, so that Cheng Bin could try it out slowly when he had time. .
After the system said these things, it disappeared.
Cheng Bin shrugged helplessly, waving his hand to isolate a huge safe area in the sun.
After stabilizing the environmental changes, Cheng Bin called up a few micro and space-time research projects that he is currently most concerned about, and tried to break through the mist with thoughts.
The result was completely wasted.
"Not the strong observation ability I want ..."
Cheng Bin shook his head, and temporarily let go of the problem of the new ability of imagination-his neutron star body has just completed operation, and there are still many places waiting for him to improve.
"Leave the sun first, anyway, the next experiment also needs a little distance."
With the ultra-high density of the neutron star body and the interference of space-time organs, Cheng Bin felt as if he could touch space-time ripples with his hands and feet.
After he pondered carefully, he pedaled in the fiercely twisted space, and the whole person briefly jumped into the high-dimensional space and reappeared in the new asteroid belt of this planetary system in the next instant, or that it had not completely spread Asteroid cluster.
This time the distance of the space jump is longer than the last time when we went to the sun, but the accuracy is much higher than the last time.
Compared to the last time he wanted to move to the outer space of the sun but plunged into the interior, Cheng Bin this time just stuck his ankle on the surface of an asteroid--
He observed that the calculated landing point was just stepping on the ground.
When Cheng Bin fell in three-dimensional space, it was equivalent to squeezing in. Naturally, there was no problem of material overlap with the falling point. The original material at the ankle was either discharged or exiled in spatial changes.
After looking at the asteroid clusters left by the surrounding celestial star burst, Cheng Bin randomly pulled out his ankle and began to adjust the neutron star battle body. By the way, he optimized the various problems exposed in the space jump.
After spending some time adjusting the body condition to the best, Cheng Bin looked at the distant sun, estimated the error caused by the speed of light propagation, and then produced and released a large number of entangled photons.
With the power that the neutron star body can easily maintain, Cheng Bin divided these entangled photons and walked towards him in all directions through high-dimensional space oscillations, forming a particle cloud that changed constantly around him.
A large amount of information was instantly synchronized to Cheng Bin's quantum communication organ through these entangled matter.
By expanding the reduction range of the photon projection density, Cheng Bin instantly observed the general situation in the entire planetary system, and there is no longer a delay of information in minutes.
"Based on this, positioning and calculation are much more convenient, so remote space interference away from the ontology should also be fine ..."
After incorporating this detection module into the panoramic image, Cheng Bin increased the photon projection density and focused in the direction of the sun, and immediately obtained detailed data on some areas of the sun.
Cheng Bin left the asteroid belt with a space jump ~ ~ when he stopped, his body turned to face the asteroid belt in turn, and then he habitually extended his finger.
The neutron star warfare greatly distort space-time with a powerful force, and through a high space dimension, a point pointed by Cheng Bin in the asteroid belt is connected to a point inside the sun.
The endless rays of light appear out of thin air within the asteroid cluster, as if the second sun shone on the starry sky.
A large number of asteroids were vaporized in a terrible torrent of energy close to the sun's core, broken down into basic particles and incorporated into the light.
Cheng Bin stroked his finger, and manipulated the huge light ball diffused from a point, as if the eraser erased the handwriting, erasing the entire asteroid belt.
"Compared to the last time I rubbed a black hole here, this time the energy scale is considered to be a star annihilation. Unfortunately, Chakra's method of extracting vacuum zero energy has not been cracked. Otherwise, the roughly released energy scale can be increased by N orders of magnitude . "
The space ring released part of the material to make up for the previous energy consumption. Before the second whip star Cheng Bin was finished, he suddenly changed his face, and the news from the planet Naruto sent him shocking news. ()
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