Chapter 222: Iceberg 1 in the High Dimension War

Cheng Bin froze.
He knew that sooner or later he would come into contact with the real high-dimensional world and face the real high-dimensional life, but he did not expect this day to come so fast.
He thought that in this world, he could only touch some high-dimensional pieces of information in the sky, just like the dragon gods looming behind the endless science fiction dragons.
Unexpectedly, there will be a high-dimensional life directly come forward to talk to him.
Cheng Bin asked in the same space-time tremor language: "Skull? Why do you call yourself dead?"
"The dead are, of course, the dead."
The self-proclaimed dead but bounced skeleton, transformed a piece of soil on the floor laid by Cheng Bin, and pierced the roots while saying, "I have been killed by the master behind Chakra, you see now Yes, it's just a bit of corpse debris that I have left on this world's information resonance body. "
Cheng Bin saw the skeleton with a black line on his face, simulating a piece of sunlight, stretching his limbs lazily.
Bathed in the sun and drizzle, Skeleton said with emotion: "It's been a long time since there was such a primitive experience. Chakra is really a very convenient thing. Your interpretation of Chakra is also amazing."
Cheng Bin asked with a little doubt in a silent state: "If you use Chakra like this, aren't you afraid that the person who killed you will come to your door?"
"Rest assured, although I'm dead, the guy is not up to say that his connection with the world has long since been cut off by me. Chakra has only some pre-set operational processes, otherwise you thought you were tossing in this world so much Things, still have a chance to live now? "
The crystals on the bones flashed different lights, which seems to be a habit of expressing emotions in their family: "I know you still have a lot of questions, please continue, I will try my best to answer and give your help."
"Eh?" Although he really wanted to know what he helped, Cheng Bin first asked his most interesting question, "How did you become a high-dimensional life? What did you do before and after the high-dimensional war?"
"I don't know," Skeleton answered neatly.
"Hey!" Cheng Bin raised an eyebrow. "Do you tease me? Is this the best answer?"
"I didn't lie to you," Zuosan waved up and down. "Do you think I should know everything? No, you have misunderstood the form of my high-dimensional existence—
"As far as I know, I'm also just one of the numerous functional daughters that the ontology has differentiated during the war. Each child has its own memory and function, except for the core algorithm of the soul.
"If you think about it carefully, you should understand that in war, if every trace of derivative forces of high-dimensional life contains all its information, it will not be finished if it is captured by the enemy and researched and analyzed. So each child only needs to know himself What you should know
"You don't even need to know what information, you just need to make the right choices-with the soul-core algorithm that locks in choices, you can guarantee that without splitting."
Cheng Bin's heart moved—the core algorithm and the experiments with the different daughters and his splits were similar in terms of ideas and goals.
Chakra's luster emerged from the body, and continued: "Look, even Chakra's high-dimensional life-derived things do not contain complete wisdom and memory, and they are just tools."
Cheng Binkong, who thought he could get a lot of information and knowledge, rejoiced, but shrugged helplessly: "Well, then how much do you know about high-dimensional and this world, say it all at once."
With the description of the serious skeleton, Cheng Bin finally knew what happened in this world of Naruto that became unrecognizable under his in-depth exploration-
This world was not originally one of the countless parallel worlds under the control of Gao Weishou, supporting it to become a high dimensional life.
Until one day, another high-dimensional life came into contact with the skeleton and the battle broke out. The endless Chakra was born in a world close to the skeleton. The creation and reproduction of countless sub-spaces where the same civilization exists.
Next, Chakra in this world is constantly expanding the subspace civilization according to the variable differentiation of the plant civilization in the main space, and constantly selecting the plant civilization in the subspace to replace the civilization in the main space, and cyclically derivatizing the subspace. It has always maintained a world of plant civilization with a constantly changing civilization process.
According to Skeleton's explanation, Cheng Bin with a chill in his heart understood the original purpose of Chakra-
Simply put, in this high-dimensional war, this world with a long history, birth and destruction of countless plant civilizations, is just a reconnaissance device similar to a search engine.
Chakra ’s master used this world to simulate plant civilization and observe its evolution, constantly changing the state of main space civilization, to accurately find the possibility of resonating with the world under the control of the skeleton, and to position the world of the skeleton as another war The basis of the options.
In short, this behavior is Cheng Bin holding the anime script to match the super upgraded version of the target world.
However, Cheng Bin thought about it from this perspective. From this perspective, the system's ability to search and match the world seems to be much stronger. Not only can he fuzzy search based on simple information, but he can also choose precisely
I just do n’t know whether the requirements of high-dimensional warfare are different from Cheng Bin ’s crossing the world. Is the system ’s true matching method strong or arbitrary?
"So, you destroyed countless plant civilizations in this world just to stop your enemy's detection action?" Cheng Bin frowned, and then resigned helplessly-
High-dimensional warfare with the world as a chessboard and civilization as a chess piece, his ordinary human nature that he deliberately reserved cannot be measured right or wrong
"It was a matter of finally seizing the gap after Chakra seized it," Skeleton's voice slowed a lot. "At that time, the world had established an information resonance with our world, and I have been captured by the resonance positioning. There are really no other options
"If it is allowed to continue to evolve ~ ~ until the world produces low-dimensional skeletons that can resonate with the soul, it will be too late, and even higher-dimensional ontology can be split on this basis."
Cheng Bin sighed, and then asked, "Where did the human information come from? Why did you create humans later? How can there be parallel world resonance in humans in the main space?"
"Oh, human beings obviously have high-dimensional strong people, so their distribution is quite extensive. It is not difficult to obtain human information-you see, even you are personal."
The scarce leaves on the skeleton trembled at the same time and whispered: "I just learned the operation of the opponent and created a substitute human on the ruins of the plant civilization, thereby distorting the target of this detection device to these human civilizations. Matching world regions only
"I was hoping to elicit the existence of things around the world that behaved the same as the adjusted Chakra, which caused my enemy's backyard to catch fire, but unfortunately there was no response after being positioned by resonance."
Cheng Bin's complexion is no wonder-no wonder that the world of Naruto has dug deeper and found so many outrageous things. The world chosen by his emotional system does not belong to Naruto.
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