Chapter 245: Method for extracting zero energy of vacuum and low-key dive

The unknown existence, let's call it Samael according to its characteristics.
Wu Chengbin re-examined the previous war situation, and after repeated deductions, his mind was questioned-did his Jin Chan get rid of the shell and walk away, wasn't it really discovered by Samuel?
Cheng Bin's previous behavior was mainly focused on speed and safety rather than covertness. In fact, he was mentally prepared to rely on widely distributed co-workers and fight each other for three hundred rounds. Plans for a mass production machine to make and control a large number of rudimentary neutron star warfare bodies are ready.
I have a tendency to carry out the Lai Pi tactic of "kill one me, and tens of millions of me".
However, I did not expect that Samael did not care about him.
This kind of running action is not even concealable by himself, let alone the Samer who smashed time and space into hundreds of pie in hundreds of light years.
Why, then, why does this fallen angel Samuel, who comes with BGM, smash his body and then stop chasing him?
"After using the dimensional reduction strike, I almost went back to reshape the earth, re-disintegrate into various apostles ... Is it necessary to be so anxious?"
Cheng Chengbin looked at the current state of the earth and felt a little puzzled.
"Hmm ... can't Samel be able to maintain that super-god state for a long time? Or ... can't it completely occupy its core master position after integrating all the achievements of the body?"
This possibility is really not small, because Samuel appears in the soul of Xun Xun, and Xun Xun's soul has been proven to be a minor fragment of Adam's soul. If Samal really bombards the sky, it is entirely possible The erosion lodged in all the apostles' souls confined in subspace.
Cheng Bin, who was on fire in the backyard, couldn't fight back and forth with it at all, it would definitely go a thousand miles directly.
Chengbin Bin recalled the first reincarnation triggered by himself. At that time, Adam's soul had not been broken down, and the image displayed when the reincarnation restarted was completely different from the previous Samer, and most importantly-
When Adam restarted his reincarnation, there was no Lilith and human involvement at all.
From the record, Adam at that time even had the tendency to wipe out Lilith and humans together, but Lilith's soul, which was also one of the apostles, was obviously not so good, and she lived to the next cycle.
"Sammel controls all the apostles from the fusion of apostles. It requires Lilith to take back human participation to achieve it, but her consciousness lurks in Adam's soul shard, Kaoru ... The common ground between Kaoru and Lilith ... .Human form? Or human nature? "
The apostles of Adam's line have basically no human form except Adam himself and Xun Xun. From the big bug to the crystal, one with two strange shapes, they can hardly find much in common, but Lilith and the humans derived from it except for the body color The appearance is almost the same ...
If Adam ’s ontology is human, because of the indirect influence of Xun Xun in the reincarnation, the significance of the existence of Xun Xun ’s strange identity ...
The vague conjecture in his mind seemed to be corroborated. After thinking about it, Cheng Bin put down the problem and began to plan the next action.
The most important thing is, of course, to try the vacuum zero point extraction, Cheng Bin has had enough energy to keep up with the depressed feeling of consumption.
Relying on the previously accumulated apostolic soul data, as well as Xiu Xun's self-analysis and the violent dismantling of Samuel's soul, Cheng Bin has completely restored the process of extracting the vacuum zero energy of the apostolic soul.
Theoretically, it should be okay to copy the vacuum zero-point energy extraction device as it is.
But that is a theory after all, there is a big problem in practical operation to be solved ...
The vacuum zero energy is at the ground state level of the quantum vacuum. It is not possible to extract it for normal use without consuming additional energy. The energy consumed will only be more than the energy obtained.
So how did the apostle soul continuously obtain energy from the vacuum?
The answer is to extract energy with a total value of zero.
Extract zero energy, naturally does not need to consume any extra energy.
Sounds like a cold joke, but this is the truth.
From the current knowledge of time and space accumulated by Chengbin Cheng, it has been confirmed that starting from the three-dimensional space of the ground state and continuously advancing to the limit along the expanded fourth dimension, another ground-state three-dimensional space can be reached.
Jain is the space in which the same amount of antimatter as the current universe matter exists, the negative three-dimensional space, and the antiuniverse.
的 The quantum vacuum ground state energy level in the positive three-dimensional space is the highest energy level in the negative three-dimensional space, and all energy reactions in the anti-universe proceed to a lower negative energy level.
If the energy level of the vacuum zero energy is 0 and the energy level in normal space is 1, then the normal energy level in the anti-universe is -1.
So if you want to extract the vacuum zero energy without restriction, you must run through the positive and negative universe, extract the ground state 0, and split it into positive one and negative one along the two-way channel. So for the entire universe, the sum of the extracted energy is still Zero, but in a separate three-dimensional space, an extra amount of energy can be used at will.
Every time the apostle extracts a piece of vacuum zero energy, it means that the anti-universe has generated the same amount of negative energy.
Honestly, this behavior of extracting vacuum energy is estimated to accelerate certain reaction processes between the positive and negative universes, and may accelerate the arrival of the end of the universe ... but this is a drizzle of extraction scale, how wide the universe is, do n’t care These details.
So although Cheng Bin has figured out the technical details of vacuum zero-point energy, he has a big practical problem to be solved-how to run through the positive and negative universe and build the initial cornerstones on both ends?
As far as the results of previous experiments, the space-time distortion of the black hole center to the four-dimensional space undoubtedly leads to the anti-universe side, but no matter can pass through the four-dimensional channel of the black hole center.
Because the closer to the twisted space-time, the slower the time passes, the death of a person falling into a black hole is only an instantaneous thing, but from the outside, he can see that his body is solidified near the black hole until the end of the universe.
Cheng Chengbin is not interested in trying out what it is like to be near the core singularity of a black hole.
So how does he put his power into the anti-universe? How was the apostle soul created?
Wu Chengbin remembered the awakening of deification dominated by human beings, the gate of Gaff that would appear during the completion of human beings, leading to the unknown.
"A lot of problems need to be verified on the earth," Cheng Bin looked at the disbanded co-working fleet around the experimental star area, and then started a four-dimensional submarine to move in the direction of the earth. I do n’t know if I ’m slipping away ...
"In this case, I swayed to show my face on the earth, wouldn't I beating his face to stimulate him to fight with me?"
Cheng Bin, who was sneaking in space, thought carefully and decided on a strategy.
"In the apostle-related experiments, there is no experimentation with human-led deification awakening. The other apostles have not fully studied the form of growth. This time, keep a low profile and indirectly interfere with the detailed process of normal reincarnation.
Cheng Bin, who was determined, came along the expressway and came close to the earth.
避免 In order to avoid accidents that were detected by Samuel, Cheng Bin stopped at a location nearly a thousand light years away, where he could reach the earth with one charge, and the largest scope of previous cycles was not enough here.
At this moment, the earth ’s Antarctic continent has completely evaporated, the ocean is scarlet, and a large number of coastal towns have sunk into the sea floor. These are the characteristics after the second shock caused by the Adam's contact experiment.
However, it seems that it has been a while since the second shock. Human society has restored order and is rebuilding its homeland.
"渚 Kaoru said that each reincarnation will reset to the time before and after the birth of his batch of drivers ..."
Cheng Chengbin used the more concealed gravitational detection to collect the detailed material data of the earth in conjunction with the mind gas, and then found individuals that met the characteristics of Xun Xun in the integrated information.
That is a male infant lying on a bed in a fleet under SEELE near Antarctica, and a dozen-meter-long scarlet Langinus gun is fixed on an aircraft carrier next door.
After careful observation, Cheng Bin found that the infant Xun Xun at this moment did not show any signs of recurrent memory.
"Not awake yet? Or did Samel's possession break him last time?"
Cheng Chengbin selectively ignored his previous violent dismantling of Xun Xun's soul, and then turned his attention to the place where his thoughts were solidified.
That is a newly married woman holding a child who was not long after her birth-碇 Wei.
"The body is completely remodeled, but the consciousness algorithm is indeed shaped under the guidance of the divided Lilith soul, and the thought attached to the original 碇 wei soul still exists in her body after reincarnation ..."
After looking at the marriage between Yu Yuantang and Yun Wei, not long after the marriage, Cheng Bin took another look at the baby they were teasing-碇真嗣, and the 碇真嗣 soul recorded by Xun Xun before reincarnation. The data came out and compared.
It seems that Wei Wei ’s algorithm is less reductive than 碇 真 ,, and there seems to be some potential changes. Is it because of the last transformation that made her deeper in contact with Lilith ’s soul?
Cheng Chengbin pondered for a while, and then began to distort the space-time around him, constructing a space-time trough similar to the environment near the black hole.
Relative to him, outside things stand on the plateau of time and space, and its time operation suddenly accelerates madly.
Cheng Chengbin carefully observes and records the changes of the external earth, while finely adjusting the time distortion scale, and truly achieves the effect of one day in the sky and one year in the underground.
After so much more than ten days, Cheng Bin lifted the time and space distortion.
After collating all the data of the earth's material changes for more than ten years, he showed an interesting expression on his face.
"Yun Xun still hasn't awakened, but Lilith's soul has been interfering with everyone that Xun Xun has contacted ..."
After muttering to himself, Cheng Bin smiled, hung up his body, and devoted most of his attention to the solidified thoughts of the earth.
萨 "Sammer ... what's your purpose?"
Uh ...
With the continuous construction of more than ten years, the island's third new Tokyo city has become a veritable final fort.
More than ten layers have been built from the ground to the hollow defensive armored layer. With the improvement of other facilities in the fortress, the defensive layer construction speed is getting faster and faster. All 20 in the design should be completed within the year. Five-story construction.
Through these twenty layers of metal mechanical shields, you can see the pyramid-shaped headquarters of NERV and the vast lake next to it. Numerous weapons are buried in this beautiful place. The sunlight collected from the ground makes it underground. There is no gloom in the hollow.
Along the several EVA ejection channels standing in the hollow, it penetrates into the underground of NERV headquarters. After crossing the command center floor, it is a special layer for repair and parking of EVA.
He wore a multi-layered composite armor with purple coating, and his forehead armor extended a unicorn-shaped tadpole-shaped weapon forward and upward, standing at the berth labeled number one.
Countless machinery is tightly combined with the fixing bolt and the reserved interface on its armor to support these huge humanoid monsters tens of meters high.
The time is close to the day when the apostles struck in the predictions of the Dead Sea. This is the most complete EVA first machine that is highly anticipated by human beings. It will become an important basis for them to resist the apostles and avoid human destruction.
的 The busy staff who didn't know much about the secrets of the apostles would feel a little relieved when they saw this mighty and powerful body.
The only thing that made them a little bit complained is that the current NERV has only the first qualified driver, Polly, but this little girl has some trouble in operating the experimental No. 0 machine, and the first machine can only be said to be reluctant, and The driver who can synchronize with the first machine and show more performance has not been in place, and he doesn't know what he thinks.
However, no one knows that in the first machine that was constantly swept by staff Yu Guang, among the apostles' flesh wrapped in the composite armor and electromagnetic device manufactured by the most advanced technology of mankind ~ ~ The two consciousnesses communicate secretly.
"... Since reincarnation is so dangerous, aren't you afraid of being discovered by the other person when you fumble with me and Shinji?"
"I didn't directly touch Lilith's soul fragment, which was cut and isolated by me. In fact, you just extracted and restored the algorithm called" Yi Wei "from it. The medium of communication between us is also completely my strength. Don't worry about this for now. "
"So, I'm just a copy of the original 碇 wei? If you can do this, how can I believe that the reincarnation memories you implanted into me are real? In case you just want to usurp the keys of God? "
"Please, you have been in the initial machine for more than ten years. The relevant information logical chain is so complete. How much do you have in your heart? Let's say ..."
Cheng Bin, who sneaked into the first machine with qi, laughed and said, "Even if I really lie to you, what can you do? I just come to you with a certain human concept just in case If you erased your intellect and hardened, you who sleep in the first machine and knew nothing about it will not be as powerless as you. "
"Reassured," Cheng Bin comforted to Wei Wei, "you and your son, your husband, everyone you care about, and even all the earth humans who have appeared, their soul algorithms are backed up with me, you can also personally Temporarily protect the soul of Shinji I replaced, and you will be truly free after the samsara is broken ...
"As for being a or something, you can feel a little bit of that feeling in your memory. You should know that I have this ability ... Things go smoothly. It is not a big deal for me to send you a family to become a god, as long as you are not afraid of chaos It's not too difficult for me to send all humans to heaven. "
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