Chapter 253: Betrayers and difficult wars

Although the experiment and the final product have not yet come out, Cheng Bin, who has a vacuum zero-energy extraction device, already has the ability to resist in the face of the vast force of erosion in light years when the cycle is restarted, so he has greatly reduced his concerns. I went straight to the back of the scene and talked about it.
Unfortunately, Samer did not show up, and Cheng Bin was slightly disappointed.
If you think about it, Samer seems to be a very pragmatic guy. Cheng Bin, a clearly problematic person, came out and contacted Xun Xun for such a long time. He also gave Xun Xun another class and experiment. It There has been no response.
Until Cheng Bin touched its bottom line and tried to dismantle his boarding soul.
Samel didn't come out, 渚 Xun Xun recalled the recent two reincarnation events under the stimulation of Cheng Bin, so the two exchanged information on the current situation.
"... So, was it the original change of Shinji's exaggerated change? It was because of my last awakening reincarnation memory that I thought a companion finally appeared."
"Although there is nothing common in the algorithm, but as far as the soul carrier is concerned, 碇真嗣 should be your semi-apostle as Adam's soul converter, a fully humanized finished product stacking station ...
"With his connection to you, it is not wrong to say that it is your companion. You can even say that you are the same person ..."
After Cheng Bin paused, he summarized the changes in the soul of this world:
"According to the information I have collected so far, Adam has just come to this world, and when his soul adjusts and is preparing to reshape his body, he is suppressed by Samuel Cuthu, the way should be through spiritual intervention ...
"After that, Samer was hiding in Adam's soul, continuously eroding and transforming Adam's spirit, splitting out a second personality named Lilith, and finally bred two independent forms in the hotbed of division ...
"Then Samuel created the human form in the specified form by the power of Lilith. After that, reincarnation began. Based on the huge amount of human thinking and memory information that meets the requirements of Samuel, the human Lilith was completed by human supplementation. Re-integrate with Adam, expand the erosion of his soul, and split more weight in the next decomposition.
"And you, Xun Xun, is the cutting and transforming link of Adam's soul with the potential of Samuel's consciousness. Adam's soul flows through you, converges to Lilith, and accumulates on human beings represented by Shinji.
"Sammel is a good method. He just put in a spiritual seed and used his efforts to completely dismantle Adam."
After listening to Cheng Bin's words, after finally digesting and comprehending these shocking facts, Xun Xun smiled bitterly: "I thought that the awakening of the reincarnation memory had jumped out of the strange circle of entanglement between the apostles and humans, but did not expect this. ..Hey...
"I have always been a betrayer ..."
After sighing, Wu Xun asked, "Is Adam's original consciousness still there? Where did he go?"
"Not quite sure ..." Cheng Bin thought for a while, "I think the original Adam's residual consciousness should be split into other apostles, so they are obsessed with finding the ontology of Adam, want to return to the ontology, reawaken, and gain strength Destroy humans and Lilith. "
"Strange ..." Xun Xun said with some confusion, "Samer in my body, since Adam's soul can already be so easily broken down, why should it be so troublesome to transform it? Even violent dismantling and rebuilding Shaping is easier than that? "
谁 "Who knows?" Cheng Bin shrugged--
He probably guessed something, because this kind of progressive personality replacement from self can keep the original unknown variables of the soul, or the parallel world information resonance.
存在 The parallel world resonance of the apostle civilization in this world exists, which shows that the parallel world of the EVA series is very close. This world is already like this, what about other worlds?
Samel, how many parallel worlds are currently engaged in Adam interference work? It retains Adam's parallel resonance. What is the purpose?
If the spiritual seed of Samer is similar to the never-ending dragon Hughes, the low-dimensional dependents put down by high-dimensional life are all right, if Samer is directly a low-dimensional daughter of a high-dimensional existence ...
These issues are not the current Cheng Bin they can get involved.
Systematic behavior, shouldn't he be exposed to those beings so early? probably...
"Cheng Bin, what is your plan now?"
Looked at her gray-haired boy seriously, Cheng Bin embarrassedly touched his head: "This, I want to probe more information about Samuel, but it refuses to come out now, so ..."
"I see ..." 渚 Kaor looked up at the ring ripples that obscured the sky, "I will continue my self-soul analysis experiment, but is it really good for you to act so boldly?"
"At this level of Samuel and I, if there is no new external force, it is not difficult to rely on sufficient information to analyze and predict all possible movements of the enemy."
Similarly, looking up at Gav's Gate, Cheng Bin shook his head and said, "Like now, although Samer refuses to come out to communicate with me, I can probably guess what it intends to do. After all, the more effective option is actually not not much."
Based on the performance of Samuel ’s reincarnation cleaning and dimensional reduction strike before relying on Adam ’s power, it will probably run out of ways to build an independent vacuum energy agreement after it detects the presence of Cheng Bin. It has done this work long ago.
This is an inevitable thing, otherwise when Cheng Bin pulls the apostle civilization over, and negative space unilaterally cuts off the original vacuum energy agreement, Samael who does not have enough power available will directly GG?
削弱 Now weakened to the limit and even split into four Adam's bodies and a large number of Adam's souls and gates in the sky, it may not be the unreliable power thrown away by Samuel.
其他 As for the other things, it depends on how attached Samael is to his goals ...
Cheng Chengbin looked at his eyes and began to self-analyze, and continuously passed experimental data to his Xun Xun.
In fact, he knew very well that Samael is not necessarily on Xun Xun now. After all, Adam's soul transformation work has been temporarily unimportant in the case of Cheng Bin, a misguided trespasser. Samael has operated in this world. For so long, it is impossible to know nothing about the negative space without any backhand.
After knowing that the apostolic civilization would not advance according to its expectations, if Samael had no external support, and it was originally hosted in the apostle's soul, he wanted to prepare for war. The efficiency and reliability were obviously the Lilith it had made in one hand.
If Samuel really did this, then the mythical descendants born by Samuel and Lilith—continued to be born again in reincarnation, are essentially human beings with Lilith ’s soul fragments, and I ’m afraid there will be no chance from the coming Get out of the whirlpool of war.
Which one, Xun Xun, who has the apostolic soul and human conception, will choose in this war? Cheng Bin is curious about this issue.
The soul analysis data sent by Xun Xun continued to go deeper, and soon passed the level that touched Samer last time.
Relying on the incomplete data obtained by the original violent dismantling of Xun Xun's soul, and the original soul data of Adam provided by the Apostle Civilization, Cheng Bin compared the new and updated data of Xun Xun, and quickly understood the clues of Samuel and restored it a little bit. Techniques to interfere with Adam's soul and his own form of existence.
At this time, Xun Xun, who digs her soul to the deepest, suddenly stunned, and then smiled bitterly.
Samuel was not in his soul, but left a lot of messages.
"What's wrong?" Perceived the data was interrupted, Cheng Bin looked strangely at Xun Xun.
"That Samael ..." 渚 sighed, "In human language, you didn't guess the name wrong ... Besides ...
Xun Xun stretched out his arm.
The guns of the Langinus on the four fuzzy light men suddenly disintegrated, and turned into countless roots that had penetrated into Adam's body like bones. The dim shapes of the four light giants instantly stabilized, and became like EVA. Shape.
"Although I hate reincarnation and Samal, but I don't want to see humans and this world go to the end, so ..." The four giants of light floated next to Xun Xun, and he apologized that he had not blocked his journey Bin nodded, "... I'm afraid I have to continue on the path of the betrayer."
"Oh? What information does it leave for you?" Cheng Bin raised an eyebrow. "If it is threatening, it is not difficult for me to protect, control, and even restore the earth and human beings."
不 "Not the same, the soul of human reincarnation is with Lilith, you can only manipulate the shell and the replica, and ..."
He controlled the gate of Gaff on his head to close and close, and put all the scattered Adam souls into his body, and He Xun tilted his head and looked in the direction of the island nation.
因为 "Because the door has really been opened 扉, the world is very close to the end ... as close as Samel can erase the option of defeating."
The dark moon broke through the earth and rose to high altitude.
At the same moment, the terror of billions of humans shook the atmosphere, terrible changes appeared in the soul of each human origin from Lilith, and quickly eroded the entire human body.
All human beings, under the continuous flow of energy from their souls, flesh and blood are distorted and soared into more than ten meters tall giants.
The appearance looks like a blood-red mini version of EVA without armor.
A round-shaped vortex slowly emerged from the heads of these greatly changed human beings, and half-substantial and half-light wings spread out behind them, as if angels, flew up into the sky and converged towards the dark moon.
During the flight, the aperture on their heads is like a mirror, burning their reflections at a higher place, and instantly turning them into a new entity.
The new individual appeared the same halo after turning over, more reflections were engraved ...
One, two, four, four, eight ... The doubled angel legion quickly filled and covered the sky, and the immense boundless energy solidified the entire earth, leaving it free from following the sun and The motion inertia of Xinghe was thrown into the silent darkness.
"Kinematic energy suppression field? It feels like a variant of mass effect manipulation, strange use ..."
Controlling himself, Cheng Bin, who flew a bit along the earth, swayed his arms, and carefully tested the specific effect of the new power of the Angels' Legion. Then he looked at 渚 Xun, who was enveloped by the shadows of the four giants of light overlapping:
"Why do you fight this way? Those humans who have become small EVAs are obviously new Void Energy protocol ports. You and Adam, the old protocol carrier, have been marginalized. Your fighting power can be ignored in the next war. . "
Already fully integrated with Adam's body, Xi Xun, who showed a huge light human shape, shook his head silently, and a scarlet lance with a spiral pattern extended in the palm of his hand. He held the gun of Langinus. In the middle section, the two ends of the gun were unfolded at the same time to form a double-pointed gun head.
The dark moon and Lilith's eggs that swallowed up a large number of angels gathered in the distance, suddenly burst, and a demon-like dark figure emerged from it--
Twenty-six pairs of dark tentacles with five fingers at the ends, arms and wings, three twisted heads with huge horns, and distorted human faces appearing on the undulating trunk.
"Sammer ... this painting is incompatible ..."
At the same time that hell-like figure appeared, Cheng Bin noticed that his thoughts had been touched inexplicably, and the data on the emotion management module suddenly fluctuated sharply.
He couldn't find the physical source of this touch, it felt like he was interfered with by Qi.
"Some kind of high-dimensional interference? What does it mean to only focus on the emotional information structure? It really has the power of the seven original sins as in the legend?"
Cheng Bin, who was scratching his head, glanced and retreated to the distance to continually merge with other angels, Xun Xun, and sighed gently.
Fortunately, he had been on Xun Xun ~ ~ The information he wanted except Samer had been explored in the previous trials.
Although it is verbally said that people can be ignored, Xun Xun still has its value ...
Because Adam's soul was the port of the old agreement, and Xun Xun was the core-specific converter. When Gaff's door was opened during reincarnation, the bilaterally exchanged information and soul erosion left corresponding traces on his soul.
I want to find the trail left by Samer through Adam's erosion of life on the other side of the apostolic civilization, these traces are a good clue.
Neither Cheng Bin nor Sameer started to work the first time. The main reason is that after having a complete vacuum zero-point-related capability, it doesn't make much sense to destroy a port in one side of three-dimensional space.
Unlike the apostolic civilization, which had been usurped half of the control right after the system was just established, Cheng Bin and Samer can completely embed some of the logical structure into the four-dimensional void between the two ports after completing the agreement at both ends. .
As long as the hidden core structure is not found and destroyed, the ports on either side can be automatically generated again according to the protocol after being erased.
It is like destroying a point in front of a line segment, which has almost no effect on the entire line segment.
And the positive and negative cosmic space correspondence method can completely distort in the fourth dimension like jumping in space, and not control the corresponding ports on both sides at the same time. It is impossible to find the core subject in the destruction channel.
"Do you want to endure a protracted war? The bottom line of my and Xu Li's needs is much higher than that of Samael. According to the information revealed by Xun Xun, Samael doesn't mind destroying the entire world at the same time. .. "
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