Chapter 248: Wei Wei rescued Zhao and regained his crutches

Samel suddenly broke the stalemate, smashed through the n fronts and rushed to the base of the apostolic civilization.
In the face of this critical situation, the apostle civilization ’s combat commanders did not have the slightest tension and fear--
I was trapped in the three-dimensional space on the other side, and witnessed the long and painful experience that the world is nearing the end and the living environment is rising. The spirit of civilization that never gives up has been written into the core message of the apostles.
Although most of the current high-level apostolic civilization was born after being transferred to positive space, they completely inherited the spiritual will of the sacrifice of their predecessors.
The death in front of them couldn't make them afraid, no more sacrifice would make them shake in the slightest--
In the war with the Angel Army, under the threat of Samar's unknown abilities, any shake and retreat of the mind means defeat, which means the increase of enemy power.
At this moment, Samer ignored all defensive souls and invaded the command center of the apostles, but the affected apostles decisively started the reserved back-hand and cut off all their emotions. The spirit-wounded ones remained calm and calm. Work, take every effort to get every bit of time.
The six-claw gravitational monsters that are large enough to surpass the galaxy group cooperate with the Central Army, which can produce the space-time interference ability that surpassed the apostolic group that encircled Samael.
Relying on this terrifying scale, the precision of which is far beyond the ordinary time and space interference force, the six-claw gravitational monster continuously creates four-dimensional vibration and time difference. The specially designed gravitational monster can maintain part of the ultra-long-range movement ability in the four-dimensional vibration.
This allowed it to pull away a little distance and retreat in the direction of the assembled apostle army.
Although Samael previously exposed a completely incomprehensible transfer method in the siege of the Legion, it was only used once when locked by the siege of the army. It can be seen that there must be any burden and cost behind it.
Whether it uses that ability or not, the actions of the Six-Claw Gravity can be profitable.
On the other hand, the army near the front line in the starry battlefield gave up their previous positions, began to abandon the unrestricted expansion of troops, and made penetrating assaults towards the earth with the highest number of high-level angels.
You must know that from the beginning of his physical manifestation in this world, Samael has been looking forward to the earth that is protected by isolation.
That ordinary planet still retains the broken appearance of human beings when they just turned into angels, and it seems that Samer is deliberately maintaining those human remains.
Although I don't know what the significance of the existence of the earth is, since it is one of the few things that Samael may care about, it is worth taking the risk of trying to attack, maybe it will affect Samael, which is far away near the Apostle Base.
In fact, Samer has indeed been affected.
Earth has a special purpose for Samuel, and it cannot be easily given up until its purpose of coming to this world is achieved or it fails completely.
It thought that it should be okay to call the Angel Army to defend the earth, but it did not expect that those apostles who had penetrated behind the enemy actually burst out of unexpected potential, and in a short period of time, the apostle combat-related technologies were upgraded and strengthened. A lot.
So that the angel legion that has not completely returned and integrated the position was penetrated and dropped, and the apostles have directly fought against the angel legion that the earth is stationed on. Even Samir made the defense system of the seat that enveloped the earth. The twelve optical wing protection nets were severely damaged by the fire.
In the turbulent four-dimensional gap, Samer stopped the pursuit of the giant six-claw gravitational monster.
Relying on his own demon authority, Samal collected the perceptual information of the fiery and hot life around the earth, and completed the information assembly in an instant, and learned the specific battle conditions and results prediction
The apostles deep into the enemy line may not be able to defeat even the Earth Army with more high-level angels, but the Earth may have a certain possibility of being completely destroyed before the other Angel Army rushes back.
Ordinary pure physical destruction is fine, but if the earth is stuffed into a black hole
Samel groaned for a moment.
It's measuring-at a time when a series of parallel world actions have entered a key stage, it is not worthwhile to continue to consume more of the original power in this somewhat out of control world.
In his reincarnation, he reshaped and adjusted the earth countless times, which is essentially the fulcrum of Samuel's ontology anchoring the world outside the realm and interfering.
If there is something wrong with this fulcrum, its ability to interfere in this world will be greatly reduced, let alone control the angel legion. It cannot maintain its own extremely distorted demon body, and may even fall back to the original parasitic time. The state of spiritual engraving.
So even if the probability of being destroyed by an attack is very low, the earth will have to save, but Samal is too far away from the earth, no more than the situation where the transfer target was within this body's perception range when it was under siege before. It can never catch up with its highest speed in the mortal realm, after all, its authority does not include things like time and space.
However, apart from the original purpose, Cheng Bin, an interesting outsider, has appeared in the world. If he can test some information that exists behind him, or directly transform him into family members
It ’s also worth taking a little risk, and giving a little effort in this world
After a brief measurement of gains and losses, Samer snorted at the disappearance of the gravitational monster, and the figure turned into nothingness in situ.
的 The distant earth is drifting in the silent dark vacuum after the super galaxy cluster is engulfed by the angel cluster.
外 Out of the earth's atmosphere, twelve dark light wings are protecting this solitary planet, and an increasing number of angel troops are guarding it.
Just in space a few light years away, the angels and the apostles who came in were fighting each other.
The distance of several light years is almost within reach for both sides of the battlefield, which are vertical and horizontal.
The anxious angel legion was unable to use mass extinction attacks. It was forced by more and more apostle clusters to retreat with the earth, but the apostles stared at the earth, making Angel's attack quite passive. , Completely stuck and cannot be transferred from the war.
这两 These two weak lines of defense outside the earth have been touched three or five times by the apostles, and the situation is extremely critical.
In the chaos where the apostles drove the turbulent waves of time and space into the position of the angel army, the light giant or Xun Xun, who had twelve light wings, felt exhausted in his heart.
没 It wasn't long before he was kicked to the front line, and the entire army he was in was pulled back to earth by a command, and then he has been fighting with the crazy apostles deep behind the enemy until now.
Waving the gun of Langinus, breaking up an electromagnetic field-type apostle captured by a gravitational trap. After killing the last theoretical sibling in this area, 渚 Kun stopped in a rare dressing gap.
Adam ’s body, which uses carbon as its energy source, will never feel tired under the endless vacuum zero energy and the support of s2. However, it still maintains the human soul ’s soul, even after experiencing numerous reincarnations, but it still cannot escape the source. Numbness and dullness in the soul.
After observing the boundless battlefield situation, Yun's deep powerlessness filled the body and mind of Yun Xun.
多少 How many lives have been lost in the war on the race and civilization level? Even if you do n’t count those unconscious puppets, the dead are far more than trillions.
In such a large-scale war, his strength is indeed too small as Cheng Bin said at the time, and his existence is simply insignificant and meaningless.
"Betraying the apostles, choosing humans is obviously a choice that has been repeated many times in reincarnation. Why is this feeling particularly complicated?"
I glanced at those high-level angels who were directly transformed by humans and looked like trumpet eva, and I sighed at the bottom of my heart.
Although he seemed to be able to choose another path at that time, in fact he could only choose and could only choose to be a betrayer.
If he did not necessarily choose to be a betrayer, would Samal keep his soul? This is too small to underestimate the brainwashing ability and choice of Samuel?
Although this side is chosen for those feelings that have not faded in the reincarnation, and for the self-cognition of human identity as a beacon, in this cruel battlefield, those who retain the high order of human's original soul from Lilith The angels cannot escape.
The soul that exists in the four-dimensional slit has no possibility of surviving in the face of the devastating various space-time attacks of the apostolic civilization, and Samuel, whose original plan was destroyed, has no interest in protecting and recovering Lilith's soul. Debris.
With hundreds of millions of human souls on earth, Fei Xun's heart is getting more and more stressed.
After waiting for the last human soul to disappear, what should he do next?
When Xun Xun was a little upset, a familiar whisper sounded in his soul--
The pure white giant of light and the wings instantly dyed black, and then twisted and changed under the support of a large amount of vacuum energy, reappearing the demon body of Samer.
"So far, the mentality hasn't changed. A little bit of so-called scientific knowledge, knowing the truth in advance, and dying of mortals have such a big impact? It seems that Adam in this world can only give up, in order to avoid pollution, start Prepare for the end "
After Xun crushed Xun Xun's soul and crushed it down, Samael glanced over the battlefield in the distance, and the apostles scattered in hundreds of light years were crushed and torn by invisible forces instantly.
After receiving the latest order, part of the Angels' Legion dispersed. Samael flickered beside the earth. It looked a little bit embarrassed looking at the blood-red planet that was a circle larger than his body.
It temporarily abandoned the pursuit of the six-claw gravitational monster and came back to defend the earth. It is in itself emphasizing the importance of the earth. The apostles are afraid that they will not miss any chance to seize the focus and strike.
After thinking for a while, Samer mobilized the power he had buried on the earth to shrink the earth as a whole and swallow it with his mouth.
Carrying the earth with you, although you can avoid being passively targeted because you are too far apart as before, it also means that Samal has lost the ability to transfer through mental distortion--
That kind of movement is essentially a process of re-birth after death, which is equivalent to the process of unplugging the existing interference probe inserted in this world, and then locking and positioning the intelligent creature through the authority to locate and re-insert it. The earth in the body could not follow suit.
I ca n’t fight off the remaining part of the angel army, like the apostle assaults the earth, to help it break through to the place where the six-clawed monster of the apostle base camp or Cheng Bin is located, there should be no problem.
He gathered all the angel legions that had not received the final order all the way. Samal leaned towards the position of the six-claw gravitational monster at a much slower speed than the previous lone breakthrough.
On its path, the apostles who received the latest information sent out a large number of troops to hunt down those angels that were scattered and proliferating, while mobilizing the army to prepare for the second containment.
At the same time, in the negative space, Cheng Bin transformed his past white body with thoughts, and has led a large number of apostles to complete the investigation of the overall space, and began to lock the suspicious targets found for a one-time fixed-point clearing operation. Ready to work.
"No, right, this idea is problematic. According to a similar method, even if the transformation and migration of the carrier of the soul algorithm is smooth, it is just making an alternative gravitational strange."
In the subspace where the time flow velocity has risen to the limit, a ball of spherical lightning disintegrates after a few rounds in the mid-air, invisible spatio-temporal fluctuations are transmitted to the energy reserve area, and a human-shaped body is instantly recast.
Cheng Bin opened his eyes and raised his hand to take a look at his temporarily constructed neutron star battle body. Then he turned his eyes to the side showing a swirling space-time twisted ripple-it was in a standby state and penetrated the positive and negative space. .
Before he opened the door to conduct experiments on the smallest scale, he harvested a lot of time-space-related knowledge data, but some of the experiments related to the new version of the war development plan, the data results are very different from expectations.
The channel that runs through positive and negative space is similar to the fourth-dimensional space-time funnel in which the core of the black hole is twisted to the fourth dimension. Although the external morphological distortion has a fourth-dimensional height, the channel itself and the internally dependent matter still exist in three-dimensional space-time. middle.
Just like origami and stickman on paper, even if it folds out a complicated three-dimensional structure, the paper has not changed the essence of its existence. The stickman Cheng Bin above is still perceiving and moving through three-dimensional paper. Life form Did not jump out of the paper to get a qualitative improvement.
Although along this line of thinking, it is not impossible to make a new generation of space-time warfare or gravitational strange shells that can barely be used, but Cheng Bin is not satisfied with such a thing that is far from expected--
He also counts on turning himself from a stickman on a page to a book flipper
The matter in the dimensional reduction strike ~ ~ will completely collapse due to the warping of a spatial dimension. Similarly, matter will completely lose its original form in a true four-dimensional space.
There is no material reference, and he has never really seen the scene outside the three-dimensional space. Cheng Bin can only use the numbers and formulas to indirectly recognize the four-dimensional space on a mathematical level.
This situation is a bit similar to that before the evolution of the panorama, the rough electromagnetic wave detection could not penetrate the atomic nucleus, and there was an information fault that could not make practical perceptual interference.
"Can you only rely on mindfulness? After the analysis of memory thinking is completed, based on the theoretical calculations, mindfulness can also interfere to a certain extent, if the carrier of the soul's core algorithm is changed to mindfulness"
Cheng Chengbin was a little hesitant. He started with the neutron star battle body, so he lost his cane crutches. Would he want to pick it up again now? I feel a little reconciled
Moreover, this is no problem than losing the mind after casting the war body. When the core of the mind is transferred to the mind, and the mind as the contact medium fails, he will completely lose the ability to perceive interference in the three-dimensional space. And even died directly
解决 To solve these troubles, the follow-up must understand the normal existence form of the true four-dimensional space and transfer the core of thinking, and maintain the port that can keep in touch with him in the three-dimensional space.
At this moment, the emergency communication of the apostle civilization about the current situation of war helped Cheng Bin make up his mind--
Samael, who has made a comeback, has dismembered the gravitational monster of the six-claw black hole, and is ready to attack the core area of ​​the apostle civilization.
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