Chapter 259: Mystery

The dying roar of the behemoth behemoth spread far from the four-dimensional shock.
Relying on the gravitational repulsion generated by the curvature of time and space, the super six-claw gravitational monster body constructed by a large number of black holes was rushed into the body of Samael by risk, driving the strong interaction to destroy all internal operating systems.
The unbalanced gravitational pull caused the vacuum zero-point energy extraction device built by numerous black holes to collapse. The dark starry sky suddenly lit up super strong ray bursts that could evaporate the galaxy. Countless black holes caused a fierce four-dimensional oscillation between evaporation and merger.
Samael, who lost an arm in the gravitational monster's dying counterattack, quickly regenerates his limbs with the continuous energy support, and immediately begins to guide the confusion power that erupted after the gravitational monster died.
The Apostolic Legion, which was trapped by the angelic forces, failed to grab the power of this power in the hands of Samuel, and could only watch Samuel backhand to force out all the subspaces anchored in the remains of the gravitational monster. , Then a wave of indiscriminate large-scale blows hit them hard.
The virtual force descendants, which are parts of the six-claw gravitational spirit system, have survived. They call on the remaining power of the six-claw graffiti shell to protect several core areas of the apostles that have fallen in three dimensions, including the combat command center and the core experimental area.
After the command system was paralyzed, several apostles as the heads of civilization, without hesitation, led everyone to put on the already prepared combat life shell and greeted Samal.
For the future of civilization, they have no fear. The apostles in other heavenly areas will immediately build the central brain of the second-generation apostle civilization according to the pre-set plan.
As long as there is one apostle left, this war will not end.
Samer has no interest in crushing a few bugs. When the various subspaces protected by Gravity Monster collapse, he accurately captures the turbulent flow of time and space where his target is located.
The flashing body appeared in front of the target, and the Samael demon's body shook. The majestic force rolled into space and time, stabilized the surrounding chaotic environment, and extended the time scale to form a small space-time plateau covering the target.
Think of time acceleration for itself and time stop for the outside. Such a manipulation of time and space is no stranger to both the apostle and the angel. As long as the remaining apostolic legion recovers, they can simultaneously climb up or directly neutralize the stop plateau. It's not difficult.
However, the time needed by the newly damaged Apostolic Legion was enough for Samael to communicate with his goal for a while under the condition that the distortion accelerated to the extreme.
In the marvelous landscape of all things stagnant, humans less than two meters tall and twelve-winged monsters the size of the planet looked at each other.
"Cheng Bin, since you know my name in the human world, I don't need to introduce myself ..."
Exploring the human body in front of him is much weaker than himself. At this time, Samael, who has an absolute advantage on the plateau of space, smiled slightly. The demon's demon body was hidden, and a gray-haired red-eyed boy gathered in front of Cheng Bin Stature.
"... I think using this human image to communicate with you will make you feel more comfortable?"
Cheng Bin looked at Samael who frowned in front of Xun Xun, frowning, although in theory, Samaer who had been lurking in Xun Xun's soul during the reincarnation, it was also normal to set a case of Xun Xun ...
After shaking his head, Cheng Bin opened his mouth and said, "Sammer ... I remember that at the beginning, except when I dismantled Adam's soul, you didn't take a chance, let alone submit a stream. Now you can't wait to find me like this What do you want to do? "
"I originally thought that you were a ruthless tool of mortal things, but I didn't expect it to be a divine original stone. Naturally I couldn't bear to watch you go to the road of death ..."
Samer smiled and looked at Cheng Bin in front of him. His authority overwhelmed the opponent ’s resistance of the same level of power. He affected the humans in front of him with the highest intensity all the time, but he did not have any abnormal reactions, which made it even more. Satisfied.
Silently recorded an unprecedented state of weakness, and Cheng Bin, who isolated most of the disordered emotional modules, said indifferently: "Dead end? Samal ... are you confident enough to win to the end?"
"Ah, don't get me wrong, I'm not aiming at this juggling war, I mean ..." Samer made a low, seductive voice, "You want to be a god?
"Stand up from the endless world to complete the discrete souls and become the upper world demon with a true self."
Mortal world? Demon?
Some accidents Cheng Bin remembered some guys who claimed to be gods in the last world.
However, looking at Sammer's previous performance and special ability of the same quality, the demon in the mouth of the guy with a human shell in front should refer to high-dimensional life?
Although Samuel's ability is far worse than Cheng Bin's estimate of the ability that medium and high-dimensional life should have, it does come from outside the world and it does have a high-dimensional interference force like thought. power.
Perhaps from it, I can get some high-dimensional intelligence ... After thinking about it for a moment, Cheng Bin temporarily suppressed the idea of ​​hands-on. Anyway, there needs to be more adaptation, and I have the opportunity to observe and observe the Samael ability Works well ...
"what do you want to say in the end?"
"Accept this gift, join us and you will become a par being with me, even surpassing me to be the closest being to the Lord."
Samael stretched out his right hand and spread out his palm, and a pure white light emerged from his palm, forming an image of a mini two-dimensional inverted tree.
Cheng Bin took a look at this thing, and something strange happened. A lot of information has been used to adapt his body to be transformed into an extreme thinking structure. He ignored the channels and formats and passed it into his perception memory.
That is a path for the mortal to be promoted to a demon, a set of life transformation process with the purification of the soul as the core, so that one can eventually become an individual who can resonate with the power of the "lord", in order to complete the sublimation of life and leap For a real angel--
Unlike the cannon fodder angels that are mass-produced in this world, it is a true demon genus, a high angel who occupies the upper world, just like the twelve-winged fallen angel Samer.
It is a pity that this information does not have the part after the upgrade that Cheng Bin is interested in ...
After glancing at the information received, Cheng Bin sneered: "Hello, you have been in contact with me for a long time in your soul, do you think that people like me can easily change their own path and pursuit?"
"Of course I understand what your path is, and I know how firm you are, so I didn't exchange ideas with you in the beginning."
Samer shook his head and said, "But because of your good qualifications and later confirmation that you can still save, I am now here to advise you-the path you are taking is bound to be a dead end."
"Oh?" Cheng Bin re-examined the material representing the other three views, "Because of the so-called authority?"
"Yes, the foundation of ascension, the source of demon power-authority."
Samer said solemnly: "The simpler and the purer the authority, the higher the possibility of achieving the demon, and the stronger the power will be after becoming a demon.
"Like me, my power lies in the sin and negative souls of souls. As long as there is a wise life in the realm within my sight, I am immortal."
Cheng Bin frowned and meditated--Samael's statement verified his previous conjecture that the so-called authority is a high-dimensional interference force similar to Nianqi, but depending on the situation, Samuel's authority depends on specific information to produce effects of...
This is a bit weird. The information corresponding to Samuel's authority is a carrier of high-level matter at the atomic and molecular level. This is very different from Cheng Bin's theoretical conjecture that the situation of high-dimensional and low-dimensional starting to associate at the bottom of the material. It seems that the relevant models and experimental directions need to be readjusted ...
"Mortal people are always obsessed with fiddling with matter, and they know that the soul is the only reliance on detachment."
Samer looked at the thoughtful Cheng Bin and continued, "From those little bugs, I know what you are studying recently, this is a real dead end ...
"The deeper you go into the material, the more complex your soul becomes, and the more terrible the obstacles you face when you become a god. Only the purest soul will be able to establish the only soul in the world at the time of final ascension. Keep yourselves in battle, and you won't die completely because of soul collapse. "
Cheng Bin heard a word in his heart—Although Samuel's term is strange, after all, it looks like determining the core algorithm of the soul when talking about ascension, and based on this, he builds a high-dimensional soul that integrates countless parallel world selves.
To a certain extent, these statements by Samer are basically the same as those of the system in the past, but ... he deeply studied the laws of the low-dimensional material world without affecting his manual extraction of the core from his soul. The algorithm comes as a basis for ascension, as Samar said ...
After flipping through the information that was lost before Samuel again, Cheng Bin was surprised--
According to the routine shown by Samuel, only those who have not been directly transformed by external forces, adjust their pure soul step by step with their own self, and use this to associate people who resemble the parallel world and resonate with a special authority in a high-dimensional existence. Only qualified to become a true demon.
From the perspective of objective physics, such as Cheng Bin, he can manipulate and distort his own memory personality, reshape the soul at will, and still keep the foundation unshakable. Samaire estimates that he has not seen it before.
Therefore, in the view of Samer, if he had been pursuing complex knowledge, if he completed the four-dimensional warfare experiment and transformed the soul originally relying on three-dimensional space matter into an unprecedented new look, it would inevitably completely shake the foundation and lose the dimension. Qualify ...
I do n’t know what those thoughts in Cheng Bin ’s mind turned, Samuel said finally:
Sooner or later, you will understand what I said is true, so join us, our master will not force our higher angels to do it. Anything, as long as basic respect is maintained, we are completely free, without any rules ...
"You see, I even betrayed the Lord on some bright sides of the world, but I still haven't been held accountable by the Lord."
free? No constraints? Hehe ... Cheng Bin sneered--
After accepting that complete set of soul templates to reshape the three views, where does the so-called Lord need mandatory constraints and commands to control the angels under him? Angels naturally follow their own minds to do things that meet the true needs of the Lord.
What Samuel ’s so-called betrayal knows, even if only watching mythology, is that every mythological system needs the duality of good and evil. Without the backing of Satan hell, how can the lambs know the beauty of heaven?
"Thank you for the information ..." Cheng Bin shrugged at Samer. "But being an angel or something ... I'm sorry."
Samer nodded indifferently.
Of course, it knows that the other party will not easily distort its own path. Even Adam, who is ignorant in this world, does not know how much effort it took to guide to see a little result. Cheng Bin has grown to a very high level of existence. Not so easy to convince.
Samer just buried a seed in his heart, and when Cheng Bin himself was uplifted and hit his head, his seed would germinate and grow under the impetus of the endless world. By then, he could naturally harvest the fruit. Even though the fruit was completely broken at that time, its potential value far surpassed Adam's waste.
Although it is not possible to observe the body, the special authority of Samaelite Bin can also slightly infer the size of the shadow behind it. It is no different to use the body to search for and explore such an existence and war, so it If you want to bury a seed and take a step back, there is no need to continue entanglement with it.
"Don't you have anything else to say?" Cheng Bin asked strangely when Samael turned and had the intention to leave.
"Why, have you changed your mind?" Samael looked back at Cheng Bin with amazement.
"Well ..." Cheng Bin sighed. He originally wanted to question Samuel's wanton play with the apostles and human beings in this world, setting off the war of extinction, but now it seems ...
The other party did not hold humans and apostles at heart. The ordinary life in the realm is like an ant in human eyes ...
It seems that relying on the power of crushing the mind, what information was read from Cheng Bin's emotional response, Samuel raised her eyebrows unexpectedly: "You have to do nothing with me for those things Meaningful fight?
"Although you have not completed the final upgrade, UU reading, but you already have a part of the authority of the demon, you should be aware of the existence of us, it is impossible to be killed in this single world . "
Cheng Bin nodded silently, but the surrounding space-time plateau, which was about to be leveled off, suddenly began to elevate infinitely under the influence of unknown forces, and the spatio-temporal faults on the border became larger and more dangerous.
Samer disperses the human figure, revealing the demon deity of the size of the planet.
The giant demon of the twelve wings sneered: "You just have a little weak and complex authority. You have not used authority to cast the advent body beyond the material limit. You have not even elevated your consciousness beyond the realm ...
"Even in this world, my power is far beyond you. Are you sure you want to be my enemy? Just for those bugs who go with the flow of fate and have no free life at all?"
"Those reasons account for half ..." Cheng Bin sighed, "... Actually, I'm also particularly interested in your body's existence and how your authority works, as well as my previous research .. .
"... thank you for your advice, but unfortunately you came a little late."
The planet-sized, highly interactive creatures lost most of their bodies without any warning when Cheng Bin's words fell.
On the cross section of the solid body with extreme density bursting out infinite rays, a cavity that warped the space-time scale was exposed, and a blood-colored planet in the cavity was taken out by invisible forces and instantly disappeared in Samael's perception. ..
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