Chapter 261: How dare you not even kill yourself ...

Suddenly, half of his body was suddenly regenerated in an infinite energy supply, but the suspicion in Samuel's heart could not be calmed down.
Based on his ability in time and space manipulation, it can also estimate how much Cheng Bin ’s strength will jump after the experiment is completed, so Cheng Bin suddenly shows the combat power that can easily crush its descendants. Samuel Nothing unacceptable.
In the endless experience of thousands of worlds, Samer has seen some strong mortals beyond common sense. After all, its own authority is not suitable for fighting, and it generally does not invest too much power in a world. It's not the first time a mortal rides his face in a head-on conflict.
Anyway, for Samuel, who lives in the upper world, after all, those mortals can only be stubborn for a while. In the face of the power of the demon and the ruthless time, the mortals walking on the path will eventually become dust.
The horrible frontal fighting force, but in the subtle distortion of the spirit becomes a mortal under his own authority, Samael has seen more.
What Samael was really surprised about was that he had not seen the authenticity of Cheng Bin in front of him, or that he did not expect that Cheng Bin, who had incomplete authority, dared to make an avatar that was completely consistent with his body.
In addition, the fact that Cheng Bin did not shake his authority after twisting the soul after completing the experiment also surprised Samer.
It must be known that in the common sense of Samuel's world view of the demon world, the essence of the upper world demon soul is essentially supported by the countless discrete souls of the lower world as a matrix aggregation.
Under the control of the subjective consciousness transferred to the upper realm, the soul matrix of the lower realm can be transferred arbitrarily in thousands of worlds. Generally, these soul matrixes will be moved by the gods and demons to the realm of the kingdom and kingdom under their absolute control to strengthen and protect the core strength.
Although these lower-bound souls, which can share some information, are secondary to the demon's main consciousness, this cannot change its important position as a cornerstone.
It's okay to destroy the foundation stone of the Nether Soul. Expanding the total number and scope of the foundation stone of the soul is the daily work of the growth of the original power of the gods and demons. It has little loss in the process of exploring and interfering with the world.
But one thing that they absolutely cannot accept is that the soul cornerstones of a certain nether have been twisted and tampered with, deviating from authority and taking another path and continue to live.
Because the endless world is always expanding.
After the achievement of the demon, even if you do nothing, every cornerstone of the soul will always grow with the differentiation of the world. As long as you hold the core of authority and do not move these tributary tributaries, they will be brought together. God The power of the devil will never end.
In this case, if a part of the underworld soul cornerstone changed its path and survived smoothly, then its nature of expanding and expanding with the world will soon grow into a new demon and directly split the original demon. power.
The most terrible thing is that this kind of existence is extremely closely related to the original gods and demons. After all, they were originally the same life, so this change in path may even spread to other soul matrices of the original gods and demons.
There is a part of the self-identification path, and it is not impossible to convince other parallel identities to identify together.
In a world of infinite expansion and differentiation, the possibility is not zero, which means that it must happen.
At that time, the gods and monsters will inevitably come into direct negative contact with their sinners on the foundation, and they will fall into a deadly desperate struggle.
Sameer has seen many demons that have fallen because of this kind of thing. Even if he counts optimistically, the victory ratio of the father and son is also fifty or five, and those new demons who finally stand on their father's body, Its authority and path will only be stronger and more stable than the original demon.
This is why, after seeing that Adam in this world deviated from the expected path, he directly intended to accelerate the end of the world and completely destroy Adam's chance of survival.
Because in other nearby parallel worlds, there are already a lot of Adams who have completely devoured the apostle civilization, and were guided by Samuel on the path of humanization and angelization. The eyes of a new demon looked to join his Majesty.
In this case, in all the parallel worlds related to Adam's soul, all Adams who have gone astray cannot leave any possibility of development. It must be pushed to the end where the world in which Adam lives is divided. In this way, try to avoid angelic Adam being polluted by the self of other world lines.
Therefore, under the environment of the circle of gods and demons, Samuel has never considered himself recreating an independent embodiment of the soul matrix in a certain nether, or twisting the soul form to deeply touch other roads in order to gain in the mortal world. More power.
This is exactly the act of death.
But now there is a constant death in front of Samer, and it seems not to be shocked to see that his expression seems to have become a habit of death.
If Cheng Bin is just ignorant and fearless, let alone death, if Cheng Bin has the ability to stably advance in such a situation ...
Remembering that Cheng Bin ’s authority did not show any signs of weakening in the ongoing conflict between the two sides, a strong sense of eagerness emerged in Samer ’s heart—if he had this ability, it would ignore the various taboos and concerns of the demon, the power How much will the speed of inflation increase?
In contrast, Adam, a potential demon who has not been upgraded, is not very important, and it is worth taking a little risk.
Relying on the existence of the ontology, Samael, who was immediately estimated to have a clear interest, abandoned the demon aspect that was destined to collapse after losing the earth, and completely transformed into a human shape. He had a calm and serious discussion with Cheng Bin .
"Do you want to know how I can maintain my only self in the case of replicating the incarnation and twisting my soul?"
After chatting with Samuel, who suddenly changed his eyes and revealed various kinds of information, Cheng Bin was shocked when he heard the purpose he finally exposed.
"That's right." Samer put forward the conditions that Cheng Bin had a lot of weight in his observation. "If you are willing to tell me this secret, I will give up interference in this world and all its related parallel worlds. Everything you care about develops freely. "
"Tell you this, no problem ..." Cheng Bin smiled strangely, "But how can I believe your sincerity? You know how good your reputation is."
"The basis of negotiation is the balance of power. I admit that you already have an advantageous position in this world, and I have nothing to do with you-without investing more original power."
Samer Shen said: "You haven't achieved the demon yet. You can't save all the parallel worlds if you are bound by a single world. If you really care, you should seize this opportunity.
"I don't lie to you. The possibility of these worlds being watched by other gods and demons is not small. Adams in some worlds are growing up themselves, but at least they can continue to develop freely for a while."
"Oh," Cheng Bin said profoundly. "What if you are dissatisfied with the answer and regret it?"
Samer said without hesitation: "Rest assured, as an upper world demon, I have experienced countless successes and failures, and have countless opportunities to retry. As long as what you say is true, I will not be so Click on the frustrated expectations. "
"Okay ..." Cheng Bin nodded indifferently. Anyway, he and Samer were already hostile, and they didn't expect that the essence of the devil could really keep their promises.
The fact is that, as Samuel said, Cheng Bin cannot interfere with all parallel worlds, and he is not a saint willing to sacrifice his goals for other people's affairs. He is not interested in saving the endless world one by one unless such things happen. To him is something that can be done at will.
Now there is an opportunity to solve the problem by speaking, Cheng Bin would like to try it anyway ... Anyway, the answer to this question, Samuel, such a demon knows, but is unwilling, or dare not do it Nothing more.
So Cheng Bin cut a few slices of his mental journey and his plan of transformation for Samuel in general.
All in all, this is a set of ways to kill the common sense self, to extract the concept of the self from a simple material carrier, and use the unique information structure of the core algorithm of the soul to build the root of self cognition, so as to do To all independent individuals who follow the same core set of rules, they can sacrifice each other and unify their cognition.
To replace this process with the idiom of the gods and demons, is--
"You mean, transfer your self-awareness to authority, and treat authority as‘ I ’, the original I as a husk that extends out of authority?

Samuel quickly understood what Cheng Bin was saying, and his face showed an extremely ridiculous look—
Of course, it has long been known that this can be done to improve the Nether soul matrix arbitrarily and still keep the ontological soul unshakable, but ...
The first step is to kill yourself mentally? The number of gods and monsters is endless, and which fool would do such a thing?
To a certain extent, this is the same as human beings actively copying and transforming a brand new self, and giving their names, all resources, including their wives, children's cars, and houses to the other party. This is stupid to what extent can such things be ? It's rare to see such a stupid person in thousands of worlds ... well, in some customs, the race of the father and son is the same ...
For a demon such as Samer, authority is only a tool on which to upgrade. Although it is one of the foundations of the upper body, it is not important enough to replace itself. It really needs to be replaced, and in some worlds. What is the difference between a human holding a magic sword and being transformed into a magic sword by the spirit of the sword?
Primary and secondary are reversed, okay? Authority is only a simple core rule. It cannot support sound thinking at all. And, in the future, if gods and demons with the same authority appear, shouldn't they just make marriage clothes for others?
Samuel's eyes on Cheng Bin have become the eyes of a stupid corpse. No wonder it feels that Cheng Bin's authority feels a bit paradoxical. He turned out to be a demon zombie except that he went astray. ?
However, when this kind of zombie is powerful, I am afraid that it may be a fight with some types of twisted gods. It is better to stay away from him. It seems that the world watched by both parties really needs to give up. .
"At least you are telling the truth ..." Samer, who was a little disappointed in his heart, nodded. "Then, I keep my promise and give up the world ..."
Speaking of Samuel, he mobilized the interference power transformed by the earth, and wanted to obliterate the current body and leave the world.
However, Cheng Bin, who was gradually adapted to the four-dimensional interference method, forcibly restrained Samael's obliteration of the body, or the act of obliterating Adam covered by it.
"Just go if you want to leave, and leave me with Adam." Adam, as the first being infiltrated and interfered by Samer in this world, most of his soul has traces of this kind of demon detective and entered the world. It has certain research value.
Well, Cheng Bin is doing this for research, definitely not for some guy who betrayed his habits.
While chatting, with the help of the four-dimensional thoughts that were not noticeable by Samuel, Cheng Bin has recorded the specific role of Samuel ’s authority in various places. It will take a little time to analyze the specific details, but to understand its existence No problem with trends.
Through the four-dimensional mindfulness, he noticed the obscure movement of some power interference in other parts of Samer at present, and Cheng Bin sneered in the heart--this guy is really not honest. It seems that the so-called letting go in other parallel worlds is mostly false ...
Cheng Bin didn't know that Samael really moved his mind and wanted to simply give up this area that was involved by both parties. After all, the soul matrix scattered here was infected by Cheng Bin's twisted road. It's big ...
No process Bin did not say that those who were left behind by Samuel, just wiped out its earth converter, and simultaneously exerted force in the positive and negative space, emptying all the vacuum energy protocol ports controlled by Samuel, and Coordinated positioning on both sides of the space directly undermines the body of the agreement.
The ability to interfere with this world ’s ability to plunge to the bottom line instantly cannot sustain this human body. With the support of the four-dimensional mind, it can control the body and slowly nodded, removing all its interference. .
Ignoring the three-dimensional spatial distance and scope, the four-dimensional mindlessness swept the whole world roughly, confirming that Samal had completely left.
Although I don't know if it will come again ... After all, as long as there are still intelligent lives in this world that will produce negative emotions, there is no technical problem in Samer ’s involvement ...
But Cheng Bin can't obliterate or castrate all intelligent life in the world because of this?
"I don't even have the consciousness to break through common sense and kill myself ~ ~ How can I become a truly high-dimensional life? The most complicated and difficult path will naturally be the most powerful after you pass it ..."
Cheng Bin felt slightly relieved at the bottom of his heart
Even though Samael is a high-dimensional life no matter how much water he has, he does not really have the ability to defeat the other party, and it is not bad to let him temporarily retreat.
If only the high-dimensional life that often engages in things is as watery as Samael ... but this kind of thing Cheng Bin can only indulge in heart, other than that, the "master" behind Samael "It's definitely not just the same level as Samer, who was pitted by angels.
Looking at the angels who had lost their energy supply in the universe battlefield and were suppressed by the Apostolic Legion, Cheng Bin awakened Xun Xun's soul, and while chatting with him to explain the situation, he studied his soul and stayed in Samer. Traces of
Now ordinary parallel resonance interference can no longer affect Cheng Bin's desire to live in four-dimensional space.
After Cheng Bin completed his general research and coordinated the problems between the apostles and some humans who recovered from the angelic state, he felt that everything in this world had finally come to an end, and all his intended goals had been basically achieved. There were even extra gains beyond expectations, so he started preparing to return.
However at this time ...
A murmur that ignores the sense organs and language forms is deeply imprinted into the soul of all intelligent life in this world
"... God said," Let there be light ... "
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