Chapter 271: Analysis of consciousness change and kinetic energy

It was a small village that had just been washed by the chaos. In the dark night without moonlight, the newborn corpse Jiang Qing, who had come back inexplicably from the muddy night, had a dark-skinned complexion and sharp fangs, just like the average ghoul.
Squatting next to the corpse pile, Jiang Qing's ugly face, through the eyes that can night vision after the mutation, looked at her holding something in her hands.
One with a faint tremor, a little flat red and white peach ...
But this is the heart of a person. Jiang Qing, who has read Master's collection of medical books, recognizes it.
What am I doing?
Some shivering Jiang Qing shook his hands, exuding a seductive flavour, and a fascinating texture of meat pieces falling to the ground.
His eyes moved slowly, and his neck stiffly turned to look around.
In front of him there was a vague blood corpse that was ripped open, surrounded by a large number of well-dressed and broken human bodies. The wreckage of buildings that once seemed to have faint smoke scattered in the scattered flames.
The frantic and excited howling, the smell of blood and death ... Jiang Qing's mind was instantly filled with chaotic memories.
The demon, who did not need to breathe, felt dizzy and suffocated in the disordered memory. He was struggling on the ground like fresh dehydrated fish, as if there was an invisible hand in his mind.
All the memories, from children to teenagers, from books and albums that I just glanced at recently, to the blurry lights and sounds when I was just born, have been dug out a little bit.
Only after this information had completed some sort of integration he couldn't understand, Jiang Qing's unparalleled headache gradually disappeared, and he breathed and breathed.
"I'm Jiang Qing ... now a ghoul demon ..."
After a moment of death-like calmness, Jiang Qing reached out and picked up the heart that had fallen from his hand before the ground, and sent it to his mouth to test it and take a bite.
The tough heart was easily cut by the sharp teeth, and Jiang Qing swallowed this flesh without the slightest aversion and resistance.
Some intangible thing was released from the chest and abdomen as the flesh fell, and it was mixed with the health qi formed by Jiang Qing who had studied medicine for several years. Now maybe it should be called yin qi qi qi qi ...
The body seemed to become stronger and stronger, but the desire for flesh and blood was also higher. Jiang Qing felt the change of the body silently, and then lost the broken heart in his hand.
"Why do demons particularly want to eat people? Even human bodies?"
The demon with a strange change in spirit slowly stood up and whispered to himself: "What is the difference between eating people and eating other things? What do the demon want to eat, what is in the body? Blood? Yang Qi? Soul? Which is increasing the power of the demon? "
The whimsical information heard by the hearers, the occasional common sense teaching of the old white-headed doctor, and the pieces of information put together are not enough for the rural teenagers who have been to the farthest town to know the answers to the questions they are curious about.
The demon at night had endless strength, Jiang Qing dug a large pit, took a circle in the unrecognizable village, threw the corpse of a once acquaintance, and buried it.
Then he returned to his home where he was burned by half, Master Jiang's old doctor, and took out those books that were very precious to Master and survived the flames. He read them in the moonlight just outcropping.
Under the influence of unknown forces, Jiang Qing, who was not wise before, realized that he had become unforgettable, only looked at it once, and all the words were deeply imprinted in his mind.
The act of reading book knowledge touched Jiang Qing's spirit, which had just been calmed down. Difficult and obscure knowledge, as long as it was slightly related to known information, would be quickly separated and understood in his mind.
The interlocking information chain touched, and another round of memory storms that seemed to be racking their brains could have formed signs, scaring him to quickly shake his head to clear all current thoughts.
The face of the corpse monster did not know why it became slightly normal. After collecting some things that may be used in the village, Jiang Qing relied on the instinctual smell of the deformed body and followed the direction of the chaos.
Following this wave of chaos, you should be able to find something useful to the corpses ...
I do n’t know which country ’s army killed everyone in the village, including myself, and who the other soldier ’s generals are, but Jiang Qing turned out the faces of those who were mad during the memory storm and will never forget ...
In the cave, Jiang Qing, who stared at the huge ghoul on the stone platform, turned back to him.
He blinked and looked at the finely divided muscle texture along the bone gap in front of him. Each organ was taken out separately but still holding a weakly active ghoul. He couldn't help raising his dirty hands and rubbing them. His own brain: "Ah, here it is again ..."
Starting from being transformed into a corpse demon and awakening the spiritual memory, Jiang Qing will be touched by a variety of things, and in his mind will have scattered thoughts spreading like a flood.
A sentence of why involves more why, the endless unknown stimulates the growth of something called curiosity.
The information collided with each other, the pieces were intertwined with each other, and the vacancy of the puzzle was filled with a new concept. Some things that were never heard were shaped by the description of known information, and rightfully implanted in his heart.
In this involuntary soul storm, Jiang Qing can perceive her more and more obvious changes--
He transformed from a simple villager and a simple medical knowledge learner into a demon eager for revenge and intelligence, and then quickly changed in a weird direction.
He was curious about the sun and the moon in the sky that were changing to yin and yang. He began to measure the basic scales of general units such as length, width, weight, etc., and he explored the relationship between time, power, distance, and angle ...
He never thought that he would feel strenuous even reciting a recipe for decocting medicine. He would slowly dismember the human body slowly, and write every structural detail and every operation process that the human body can understand into strict causal logic. In the body of knowledge in memory.
Every baptism of the information storm has made him stronger and more frightened--
For not being like himself at all, for another consciousness that has emerged from him a little bit, for his fear of being gradually worn away in the wave of information ...
"Calm, calm ..." Jiang Qing shook his head, and gathered his divergent thoughts again, "... no matter what it is, let me survive and give me a chance to avenge ..."
Murmured Jiang Qing packed up the pieces on the stone platform, and reassembled the dead ghouls according to the information he had obtained during the previous analysis, except for the semi-solidified body fluid scattered around and the large peeled skin. This thing doesn't seem to have much abnormality.
After manipulating the magical power in the body to wipe off the stains on his body, Jiang Qing sighed softly: "This corpse demon was once a Qi-refining warrior, but no meridian involving Qi was found on him. Is it something you can only feel with your heart as written in the medical book? "
Jiang Qing's exposure to the most amazing thing in the world, "qi", began with his doctor and master, who learned a method of conditioning the body for breathing.
However, at that time, he could only feel a warm current in his body. Until the corpse became a demon, he could manipulate the abnormal gas in his body to produce some practical effects.
However, in addition to making up for the consumption of his corpse action, he can only clean up dirty things and add energy to the array he picked up, and the charging effect is getting lower and lower.
In contrast, another strange power based on his senses, cognition, and mind is more magical and more incredible.
But Jiang Qing didn't dare to use this kind of power--the more he used it, the more frequent the storm of memory and thinking, and the change of his whole person will be faster and faster, more and more obvious ...
The array next to it suddenly flashed a light, which was shaking like a wind to construct a blurry image, and then suddenly extinguished together with the diffused light in the cave.
"Broken?" Jiang Qing, who was able to see the night, blinked, walked to the side and picked up the cracked disk, and then watched it cracked a little bit into powder, apparently no longer available.
Jiang Qing sighed, this disc that can manipulate light, shadow and airflow, but the most interesting thing he found when chasing the battlefield, unfortunately ...
There is no manual to explore and use based on feelings, and there is no way to end it ... well, speaking, Minghe books, manuals, this new word coming out of my brain is easy to understand ...
Jiang Qing didn't know that this was an array of twisted energy lines that caused the energy line to be twisted. It was a manifestation of overload damage when it encountered external force interference to start a warning.
On a sunny day, at the entrance to the cave hidden by the phantom, a young man in a black robe fumbled in his wide cuffs and took out a small sword or dagger with a ripple of water in his hand. Upside down.
"... It turned out to be an illusion maintained by an unmanned instrument, but it didn't respond after it was removed?"
He hesitated to look at the cave passage that was not too deep but tortuous in front of him. The young man reluctantly took a picture of his own mind: "The trace looks like a corpse demon. During the day, its sensing of the breath of life is weakened by the sunlight It is normal for me to fail to notice that there is no cover up ...
"The corpse demon can pick up the magic weapon and use it. Mostly, he has awakened some sages. Well, what should I do?"
The young man in black robes is not a problem of entanglement.
The lowest-level corpse demon, even if his more versatile watercraft flag is left to the students and sisters who are testing the gall in mass grave, just in case, he can easily relax with the only division-level watercraft sword he has. A chopped string.
He was wondering whether to pull the newly introduced teachers and sisters into combat. After all, he really only let them deal with some lonely ghosts who could only be scary. It was too strict to say that they would not be approved by the teacher ...
"Anyway I come out and go around, in addition to eliminating possible dangers, I am also looking for a suitable target. There is a wise corpse monster, which can be used barely ..."
After thinking about it, the young man thought to send a message to the water line flag that was mass grave not far away, and then went to the cave with a dagger.
After all, the real situation of a wise man is more difficult to predict. Let ’s go in and actually measure the opponent ’s level. If it ’s too difficult, you can cut the two swords to balance it ...
In this way, the young man in the black robe who walked into the cave and walked through two curves turned his eyes in the dark with the blood-haired young man who turned his head when he smelled alive.
Smelling the terrible sense of threat on the practitioner, Jiang Qing sank her weight and completed all the preparations before the outbreak in a short tremor.
Seeing Jiang Qing's strange appearance, the young man in the black robe gave a faint sound, but when he saw that he was rushing, he had no time to speak, and he could only raise his hand holding the Sword Sword.
There was no rule in this haste, he just urged the power accumulated by the Sword Sword itself, and produced transparent waves to converge in front of the sword, as if the wave erupted and swept out.
The semi-closed cave set off a fierce air wave like an explosion, and a large number of pieces fell and fell on the rock wall like a wave shot, and then chased around with the water vortex.
The charge was suppressed by the invisible water waves, and Jiang Qing's ankle turned decisively to the stone wall on the side by the force of the current.
In the messy scene, Jiang Qing identified the movement trajectory of a large number of things with the touch of eyes and ears, and the simulated image clearly displayed in his head was deduced several times like lightning. The body immediately followed the chosen strategy and began to act extremely accurately.
The sight of the black robe swordsman chased Jiang Qing, but he did not check the organs of the ghoul that was blasted by his sword, and a stack of disgusting intestines was just under the flowing air waves and Jiang Qing's touch. Go around.
The vision was half-shadowed by the disgusting things that appeared continuously at close range. The young man took a step back to urge the decision, and suddenly remembered that the protective water flag was not on him ...
At the moment of obscuring the sight with the help of debris, Jiang Qing exploded to change the direction of the body's full strength, using hard nails and strong power to run the ceiling out of an arc as a flat ground, and then his legs slammed into the black robe. Back of the person.
He looked at the young man in the previous direction along his inertia. He noticed that the body was too late to dodge when the bad wind hit his head, but when he moved his mind, the water sword in his hand automatically jumped up like a lightning. Pared off.
Jiang Qing, who has never seen Fei Jian, was a bit surprised, but he had a rare opportunity to get close. If he gave up and gave up, he might not even be able to run in the future, so he had to bite the bullet and mobilize the power derived from his mind. , Flip on the left hand to the side of the blade of 凛冽.
This small flying sword is obviously far superior to the array he picked up before. Just looking at the texture, you know that it is definitely a magic weapon for blowing hair and breaking hair. In Jiang Qing's hand and twisted flying sword At the moment of contact, he could not help but feel a little nervous.
"If it's just the power of 'movement' ... there should be no problem ..."
The white palm slowly touched the flying sword, which turned the blade sharply like a spirit. Jiang Qing's palm was cold, and the extremely sharp blade had cut off the hair on his body.
All the attention was focused on the palm of his hand. The inexplicable words emerging from Jiang Qing's mind and the recently verified phenomena and rules all converged, and another round of information storm set off in his heart, accompanied by incomparable clarity. the power of...
Jiang Qing felt the "movement" that Feijian passed to his palm through contact. The mysterious power attached to his palm resolved it, captured it, and reversed it ...
"Huh? This change ... is kinetic energy analysis?"
Cheng Bin in the four-dimensional space ~ ~ looked at the change of his observation object, with a smile in his heart.
"Let me just say that no matter what the underlying structure and laws of the material are, the existence of human beings shows that the macro phenomena have something in common. The kinetic energy and the classical physical mechanics formulas can still be used ...
"So continue to interfere?"
Looking at the information structure that had changed significantly during his slight touch, Cheng Bin thought about it and shook his head.
Except that the obvious opportunity for binary information bodies was found in the past, Cheng Bin's current intervention is only to help the information body straighten out its operation and strengthen its logical structure that has been proven. He identifies the information element.
After all, this world is completely different from his past cognition in terms of material. Even if a stable information body is found, it is difficult to completely understand the true content of its information in the absence of material contrast.
Just like the color blindness paradox, which is often difficult to prove, you ca n’t make a person who looks at the sky green to draw a real green sky—because the pigment he chooses is the same as the green he sees, it is absolutely true blue. color.
The basic definitions are different. Do n’t expect the same observations ... For Cheng Bin, it is quite good to recognize the specious concept of kinetic energy in the consciousness of the intelligent life of this world.
"Stabilize first, it is rare to have an object who can in turn cooperate with the mind-qi interference ... Anyway, looking at this development trend, it is sooner or later to really get involved in the material level."
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