Chapter 275: Your recharged grandpa has arrived and sees what he has on his head ...

Jiang Qing was startled, and sat back with strength on his back.
Immediately, he was struck by a severe headache with a soldering iron and lay back.
Once again, Jiang Qing felt that her memories had been turned over and over and chewed a little, and several pictures rose from the ocean of memories, and appeared in front of him in overlapping overlaps--
Unbelievable and desperate fear when hacked in life, doubts and throbbing when the incarnate corpse holds the heart and awakens the mind, hearing the world is a curiosity when the hollow spherical shell is wrapped around the sun and the moon, accidentally making a strange smell of gas The chicken flying dog jumps, the first time to use its own power to control the airflow, the shock and excitement flying in the sky ...
All the moments of intense emotions in life were printed on the scroll of life as a beacon, Jiang Qing could not help but tour it from scratch.
Then the inexplicable voice reappeared in his mind, and said in a light tone: "Well, isn't this wonderful and rich? Ah-why is the vertical illumination of the sun always fixed at a fixed distance for all seasons? Why is it not blocked? Moon will be cloudy and clear?
"You obviously have so much interest in what you want to do, why show a ghost that looks through the dust and has no desire?"
Jiang Qing, who had completely resolved the headache, heard that his body jumped up and stood up, taking a deep breath.
With a smiling voice, he continued to say, "Ah, that's a really good curious baby. At this time, you still have thoughts in your heart-why do corpses with no heartbeat still breathe?"
Jiang Qing, who tried to keep herself calm, turned dark and drank aloud, and said, "I've always been lurking in my consciousness, and it's you who's doing the West? I've become this step by step. Isn't it all you? Good thing? "
"No, no, no such thing as a black pot ..."
The voice in Jiang Qing's mind denied: "You have to understand that I am quite convergent when you are physically and mentally involved. Basically, I have not touched the core of rational adjustment and fertilizer addition. You can come to this step. I'm still a bit surprised, please remember--
"You were finally selected by me because you grew up like this, not by external forces after being selected by me."
Jiang Qing, an apprentice in the countryside who was honest and honest with me during my lifetime, is totally two. Okay, are you kidding you? Uh ... it seems like I belong to the genus Demon ...
Jiang Qing reluctantly pressed the back of his head, but his heart was slightly relieved-from the perspective of tone, it seems that this guy who has been lurking in his own spirit is not too malicious.
"Yes, I don't really have any bad intentions against you, ah, boy Jiang Qing, don't get excited about a little mental activity, it's all a communication need ..."
The voice of unknown origin turned the topic and explained his identity to Jiang Qing: "About me, strictly speaking, it should be Jiang Qing's second personality. It depends on your memory and thinking, but it is obvious that My personality is just a tool port. Ultimately, words and deeds come from external interference.
"So, I am you and not you. For the sake of convenience, you can call me" Cheng Bin "-speaking, the language of your world is quite similar to my mother tongue, both in grammatical structure and vibration frequency.
Second personality? Cheng Bin?
Knowledgeable Jiang Qing still knows what personality means. He chewed Cheng Bin, the obvious common human name, and asked curiously, "Why do you want to appear in my spirit? You ... won't be true Is it the extraterrestrial demon? "
"Extraterritorial Demon ... The information you know from Sun Lang is still too little and rude, I don't know what level" Extraterritory "and" Telemon "are in the mouth of this world's practitioner, naturally I don't know what I count Not counting extraterrestrial demons. "
Cheng Bin replied with a slight chuckle, "But this is not important. As for the purpose of my coming here ... boy, I appeared in your mind and retrieved you, the unconscious corpse demon, and let you You have to take revenge, shouldn't you return this life-saving grace? "
"First talk about what you are going to do." Jiang Qing consciously has a bottom line and principle that transcends life and death, but will not unclearly agree to the requirements of a strange existence--
What if the other party is really a terrible demon, and wants to take a body and kill the world? Although the body is a corpse demon, Jiang Qing, who is sitting on the side of an ordinary person, is unwilling to help him ... Ah, what is he?
"Too naive young man ... I don't think you know much about the difference between the second personality and the alien demon that erodes the soul. Let me give you an impressive education class."
Jiang Qing froze, then found in horror that his hands were lifted uncontrollably, and gently took a special square packet from his chest and tore it to his face.
Jiang Qing, who made this thing by himself, certainly understands how the material inside it will react after being torn apart, and what will be released ...
His expression was distorted, and he wanted to throw the things at hand, but he couldn't control his body, and could only stand rigidly all over his body.
The horror breath from Hell, which was more disgusting than the reincarnation of grains, was released from his hands, and relentlessly penetrated the corpse's stronger and more sensitive nose than the living.
"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah-"
In the mind of Jiang Qing, who was free to dance and dance wildly, Cheng Bin said faintly, "Now do you understand? If I want to take your body, you are already dead ... why are you still able to I talked like this because I had basic humanitarian care, and secondly ...
"After all, you are the original master of this body. It is more suitable than mine in the exploration of the operation of native life, and it is less prone to omissions, so please cooperate with it."
Jiang Qing's corpse was even swollen with eyes. He shivered to find the water storage place and washed it for a long time. However, unless the temperature was high, the odor was difficult to wash off for a short time.
Except for the accident at the time of the first production, this was the second time Jiang Qing, who had been washed for a few times, stopped helplessly. He sighed in the sky, "Why, why are you all with me ... you Isn't it my second personality? Aren't we all in the same body? Don't you smell the smell? "
"..." Cheng Bin sighed after a moment of silence. "It's a bit stinky, but it's just some kind of perceptual information, and it's good to overcome it with determination."
Jiang Qing froze-really smell? Your will is so determined!
After recognizing the reality of her inability to resist, Jiang Qing reluctantly said, "Okay, okay, now I'm the fat on your cutting board. What on earth do you want me to do?"
"Relax, just the prank just made you deeply understand that I really have no bad intentions towards you and this world," Cheng Bin slowly said, "In fact, I will basically not use such coercive means to restrict myself in the future. You, because what you want to do is actually what I need. Why do you think I would choose you? "
What I want to do is what you need? Jiang Qing pondered for a moment—what do I want to do now?
The experience of the incarnation of the corpse demon awakening again came to mind, the scroll that recorded all the moments of intense emotions stretched past Jiang Qing's eyes.
After thinking about Jiang Qing for a while, he came back firmly and said firmly: "I want to practice, I want to have a strong power, let me approach the sun and the moon to see what it really looks like, and let me penetrate the earth from the outside. Look at the spherical shell of the world ...
"I want all ordinary people like me to have the opportunity to chase and embrace this kind of power, to live with freedom and dignity instead of struggling and obscurity, and not be inexplicably destroyed by anyone."
"Wow ... the ideal is very ambitious." Cheng Bin sighed softly. "The front part can be started first, and the back ... is a little early for you and me now."
Cheng Bin in the four-dimensional space, looking at the most important observing interference object at hand, sighed in his heart ... The apostle civilization that embraced the end of the last world gave him an unusually heavy lesson, before he truly found the way to hope He was unwilling to take civilization to the road of death.
"Is it a bit early?" Jiang Qing glanced around this absolutely uncomfortable wild house, then whispered, "I don't believe you really have no other desires, so just say what you want me to do Well, I do accept your affection, as long as I don't exceed the bottom line, I will not refuse to help. "
"Juvenile, change to Grandpa or the system, your attitude will be obliterated ... well, if you really want to say, I want you to do a game of puzzle solving and treasure hunting."
Cheng Bin controlled Jiang Qing's hand to lift up and pressed a handprint on the wall gently. The hard rock did not show any obstruction like foam.
"You have experienced this kind of power, right? It's called Nianqi, and its power and use are far deeper than you think."
Cheng Bin paused and continued: "My ontology exists somewhere in this world. Your task with me is to constantly explore the rules of this world, tap the mystery behind the vitality, and carry out your favorite adventure activities everywhere, until You have the ability to perceive the existence of positive and negative space structures in this world, and touch my being with your mind. "
Taking you to find yourself? Jiang Qing froze, not knowing why, he suddenly remembered some horror stories, some mortals were tempted to break the seals on strange objects, and drilled out a scene of the devil ...
Regarding Jiang Qing's thoughts, Cheng Bin laughed: "You don't really have to understand it this way, except that I will reward you after I come out and complain that you came too late to swallow you up. It's time to bet on trust and character. "
"Hey," Jiang Qing let out his hands helplessly. "Don't spy on my thoughts, okay? You can't count on yourself."
"Oh, shy boy ... OK, I can choose to ignore you."
"..." Jiang Qing was speechless about this operation, and he shifted the topic. "You have the magical power of mind, why don't you find an empty body to settle in yourself?"
"Nian Qi will work with your consciousness, but can you apply Nian Qi outside the body?" Cheng Bin asked rhetorically.
Jiang Qing turned her gaze to the bottles and cans on the stone platform, trying to take it out of nowhere with thought, but finally she shook her head: "... As before, it still doesn't work."
"That's right, my existing form is your second personality, but this personality is actually just a simple input and output port. Essentially, mental decision-making is generated through the interference of mental energy, which is the key to my connection to this world. "
Cheng Bin sighed: "For now, if I control my mind, I can only act on your spiritual level. From the perspective of my own body, I ca n’t recognize your limbs and hands. You can find a little bit of transformational kinetic energy. The usage is unexpected ...
"But this transformation also depends on your spirit. The human body in this world is obviously closely related to the spiritual body, so you can use thoughts in yourself ...
"However, after you have tried to convert kinetic energy into mind, the kind of kinetic energy induction that appears is a bit strange, and I ca n’t be sure if it is related to mind ... The underlying physical structure of this world must be very interesting. In short, I can only Follow your thoughts and stay with you, let it be. "
After nodding his head, Jiang Qing asked, "Do you have any plans? I actually feel quite confused now, I don't know where to start now."
In this regard, Cheng Bin said lightly: "It's expected that you can't catch the point. If you're smart enough, I don't need to show up. How good it is to guide in secret ..."
Jiang Qing closed her eyes and pressed her face: "You just mean I'm stupid?"
"Obviously, you don't think clearly about the most important things right now. Are you stupid?"
Cheng Bin hated the iron and sighed: "Power, dear, you are a demon, dear, not only did you let off a wave of practitioners after being hanged, but you also destroyed the enemies and a group of cavalry in the high position. You treat yourself Isn't there a compulsion in the current situation? "
Jiang Qing hesitated and said hesitantly: "You said that someone would come to trouble me specifically? Finding someone in the wilderness is a haystack, isn't it easy to find it?"
Cheng Bin snorted softly: "In the world of monasticism in my impression ~ ~ monks who can not predict the past and the future without knowing the world without going out can simply leave the group, even if not Do you think this kind of man who has slaughtered the demon for many years will not have the ability to track and search against the demon? "
Realizing that the situation was severe, Jiang Qing looked serious.
"About gaining power in this world, you currently have two paths," Cheng Bin said slowly. "The first are the bottles and cans you fiddle with, and gain unlimited power by exploring the objective laws of the world's matter .. .
"Second is the short-cut that the creators or dominators of this world have given to souls—practicing. Vitality will produce very beneficial changes according to life and spiritual operation. The practitioners have sorted out various practices for this, giving individuals strong power and life. .
"Although the former is Kangzhuang Avenue, its effect is too slow and has many obstacles, and it is related to the‘ too early ’thing, so you can only use it as a secondary force to learn from. Now you can only rely on the latter ...
"From the information you have gathered, there is a method of practice that is very suitable for you. It is far more suitable than the guidance method you toss. I help you spiritually. This method of cultivation can give you the fastest. Strong enough. "
Cheng Bin paused, and found out a widely spread basic practice method from Jiang Qing's mind: "That's-seeing ideas."
Oblivion and imagination are among the types that most heavily rely on spiritual adjustment.
The practitioners in this world who know it or not, how many people have the ability in this respect to fully analyze the human soul algorithm, and Cheng Bin, who often manually adjusts the thinking operation without any discipline.
Without knowing that he was about to be carefully dissected at the spiritual level, Jiang Qing was glad to visit the practice method modified by Cheng Bin. 8) More exciting novels, welcome to visit everyone's reading school
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