Chapter 28: A world with few variables

斌 After attaching and accelerating some lead copper wires with thought air, he destroyed the spider-like lunar detector, and Cheng Bin returned to his senses.
"See it ..."
Awkwardly scratched the helmet of the radiation suit, Cheng Bin turned his eyes back and the system eyes widened.
那么 "So, host, do you want to set out for Outland now?"
Cheng Bin thought about it. Although he was carrying enough supplies, he would have to go through space radiation for at least one day when he returned to Earth. Secondly, it seemed that he had just been discovered by the Mi people, and he was facing a pile of metal. Fly back, the probability of being watched all the way is really not low.
"Let ’s go, you can directly transmit to the earth when you return from the outer area, right?" Cheng Bin confirmed to the system.
The system nodded, and explained to Cheng Bin a few notes about the outer domain—
1. This system can follow in the outer domain, so if there is a problem, talk slowly, tired dog!
What did you say? !!
Cheng Chengbin didn't respond, he felt light all over, and there was an instant roaring wind around him.
After Cheng Bin adjusted his posture, he saw the figure of the Earth King coming!
Missing the layers of air buffering the kinetic energy of the fall, Cheng Bin fell on a mountain rock with a tongue in his mouth—would it wear?
"Host, don't you be so surprised." The system's black cat figure emerged beside Cheng Bin. "At present, the host does not have high-dimensional perception ability. It is transformed into a high-dimensional information body and passed through it. The host remembers it. It is also normal to skip the missing. "
"Okay, okay, but the system ..." Cheng Bin disintegrated the surrounding half of the metal ball, took off the bloated protective clothing, and restored the cool summer clothes. He looked at the long-lost surface scenery with the naked eye, and then The system asked, "What world is this?"
"I don't know," said the system, shaking his head and shaking his head. "After the host next obtains another relic shard, this system can filter the matching outer world according to the information provided by the host."
"Before that, this system can only observe the outer world at the macro and high-dimensional information level. As for this world ..."
System looked at Cheng Bin with a secret look and continued: "The world that was screened out by this system and once split from the inner region was a world with few variables and low potential danger."
Split from the inner domain? Cheng Bin froze. Doesn't it mean that the whole world is not much different from the zero world? There may also be parallel individuals who have informational connections with him?
In short, investigate it first.
Buried the protective equipment with a little radiation effect after space flight into the ground, Cheng Bin opened the stealth and ascended to the air to identify the position, and flew towards the nearest artificial building-a wide highway.
Cheng Bin, who is flying in the sky, did not observe the ground carefully. He was chatting with the system about some questions about the outer domain—
"I can't feel some of the thoughts that have solidified in the inner world."
"The mind will be integrated when crossing the outer domain. If you want to use it, you can only go back and re-anchor it."
"How to return?"
"Like the Intranet, as long as the host is determined, this system can start the regression process at any time."
"I feel like I feel more delicate."
"The fusion of the host's soul and thought has improved. Isn't that the best benefit of crossing?"
Uh ...
After Gao's height dropped to a certain level, Cheng Bin, who had been in a rush with the system, suddenly became silent.
Cheng Bin, with a ugly face, landed on the highway pavement, looking at the ruin in front of him--
A large number of various cars quietly parked on the highway, scattered almost all over the road.
Cheng Chengbin caressed the surface of the worn-out car in front of him, only bringing up a large group of floating dust ...
Under what circumstances will a highway that is obviously a national trunk road be filled with the remains of dusty cars?
Has the world, this country, completely ceased normal operations?
Cheng Chengbin opened the door with a bit of thought, watching the broken human bones in the driver's seat silent.
In the fifth car, Cheng Bin manipulated Nianqi to pick up a mobile phone with dark blood on the corner of the accelerator pedal.
I know the brand model ...
Cheng Chengbin looked at the phone that was still intact, and he tried to turn it on, but there was no electricity as expected.
Cheng Bin pulled out the electrical signal converter installed in the shielding box and checked it. After confirming that he did not burn out, he plugged the Android interface into the phone. Cheng Bin ’s thoughts oscillated at a special frequency on a component of the converter at a very high speed Up.
Weak current stimulated the phone's circuit, and the recharged logo was quickly shown on the tarnished screen.
Chengbin Bin opened the Nianqi panel, called up the virtual computer desktop, and accessed the memory of the identified mobile phone. Fortunately, the two worlds were consistent in terms of network data communication protocols.
This is also normal. The large network of information stacked by countless protocols always tends to be consistent in the macro direction.
After pulling out information such as video, picture, text message, voice, and other items, Cheng Bin's face became more gloomy—
The phone is full of personal information of the owner, but in the application cache of browsers, text messages, and social software, Cheng Bin still sorted out the reasons for the ruins in front of him.
In general, a year or two ago in this world, a long incubation period of infectious diseases gradually spread in the world. The onset of humanity started as a mild cold, but gradually evolved into various cancers, eventually or will People become irrational puppet monsters, or cause people to die directly.
传染 This infectious disease seems to be caused by a new type of virus that spreads freely in the atmosphere, shrouding the entire world under its shadow. Desperate humans named the virus Z, meaning the final end—
终结 The end of humanity.
"Is this a biochemical crisis?" Cheng Bin took a deep breath, and he unfolded the panoramic view to deepen his perspective to the micro level.
Crossing the outer field took the mind a step further. Cheng Bin soon surpassed the previous accuracy record, and the perspective went deeper than the cell.
In the smallest scale that can be observed by optical zooming, Cheng Bin's sight glanced across the panorama and locked on an octopus-type virus made of stacked molecules.
Combining the illustrations in the news on the mobile phone, Cheng Bin confirmed that this is the culprit responsible for the destruction of humanity in this world-Z virus.
Watching this nearly ubiquitous terrorist virus permeated in the atmosphere blocked by the filter of Nianqi, Cheng Bin was relieved and rejoiced--
Qing Xing he was from the moon before, fortunately he has built a spirit protection that can automatically adjust the living environment!
Cheng Bin, the air link of the living environment, UU Reading www. uukanshu. Com is set to be composed of oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide and some water vapor in a certain proportion. In order to deal with the dangers in space, the mind will automatically adjust the surrounding environment according to the settings, blocking all unknown substances that can be blocked.
Without this level of environmental protection, Cheng Bin would be infected without knowing it. If he brought this long incubation virus back to the No. 0 world in the region, the consequences would be unimaginable.
多少 "How many novel protagonists have made their mark in the world named Biochemical ... 啧, why am I not happy?"
新型 "New type of flu", "Cold causes cancer", "Unprecedented number of infected people", "Biochemical experiment?" !! "The Destruction of Humanity? 》
Cheng Chengbin watched the news on the phone and said to the system, "System, do you really not know what this world looks like?"
"I don't know, but when the system says 'Variables', you should be aware of the host." The black cat's expression was a little serious: "In addition to the magic inverse entropy system that can resonate with parallel world information-intelligent life Besides, what can be called a variable in this material world? "
"This is the so-called 'less variables'?" Cheng Bin's tone was a little low, and then he threw away the cell phone without a signal, and the whole person flew towards the air.
Cheng Chengbin's figure flew to the high altitude. After recognizing the terrain, he confirmed that he was in the southeastern part of China, and then he moved quickly towards the central part of China ...
"If there are few, are there survivors?"
"Well, one can be considered a few."
"The whole human race will survive one six billion to seven billion? Who will it be?"
"Have you already guessed the host?"
"I would rather not guess it."
Uh ...
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