Chapter 283: Yuanqi Industrial System Construction Plan and Zhengyi School

Although the Five Elements Gate is a spiritual sect that is more open in the world and likes to analyze problems rationally, its members are born and raised people after all. The way of thinking and vision in many aspects are limited by the world itself.
For example, the most obvious and important tools for observing the world. One of these practitioners counts one, all relying on the Yuan God condensed in the realm of refining and gasification, and observing the world with the god's sentiment.
Primitives are fundamentally upgraded by the special spiritual consciousness formed by practitioners under the world's inexplicable feedback mechanism, such as Jiang Qing ’s kinetic energy and gravitational induction, but the ordinary practitioner ’s induction in this aspect is so small that it is hard to detect. Not as deep and clear as Jiang Qing.
Although each denomination has its own method of cultivating primitive gods, which is used to explore its own wisdom and thinking, and promote the formation of a universalized god, these weak and strong methods essentially only find and adjust a connection with the soul of the brain. The tightest special qi structure called Yuanshen.
Strictly speaking, this kind of unknown source is similar to the co-work made by Cheng Bin that can recognize the human mind operation and generate preset feedback.
The spirited things observed with this kind of problematic roots, is it really the physical appearance of this world, or is it something that existence wants you to observe?
Cheng Bin expressed skepticism.
This suspicion greatly shaken the mentality of some practitioners involved in the study of the Five Elements.
After all, the physical vitality of this world will change in response to the human spirit. This is already a common sense deeply rooted in the minds of all practitioners.
Guiding, sitting, forgetting, and imagining what kind of life spirit can cause what kind of vitality change, this law of law is the foundation of all the practice methods.
They never thought about why natural vitality has such a precise, complex, and logical pattern of recognition and feedback.
If you believe this kind of idea, and continue to dig deeper, it will be trembling.
"The refining virtuosos can dominate all the matching physical energies in this world. This kind of existence already has the kind of taste you describe, but the induction and matching of its power is still essentially unknown. It's hard to believe that all practitioners live in the palms of others. "
In the yin-yang sun-moon and five-element mountain at the core of the sectarian residence, in a space bubble with extremely high access requirements, the complex core array of the five-element gate of the magical instrument stretches in mid-air, and Li Zihao, who had previously been overthrown from the inside of this real gate After taking back his gaze, he looked complicatedly at the colorful jade charms floating in the air around him.
The fluttering jade charm shook a bit, and made a man's voice: "If I lose my concerns, I can actually do similar things in my own world, so I am curious where this rule logic is kept, you guys The matter of the world is just a form of vitality, which can be transformed freely with each other, and each vitality will respond
"Then this rule must exist at the bottom of every element of vitality. It is not known whether it is discrete and independent or whether the entire world is integrated into a core central control center."
This jade amulet is a special instrument specially made for Jiang Qing by Wuxingmen. It is similar to a communication device. It can feedback the information around the instrument and generate light and sound signals in response to some of the thinking process of the binder.
In this case, although Cheng Bin's interference cannot be separated from Jiang Qing, the deepest analysis of thought, through this magical instrument that uses mana and the rules of Yuanshen itself, it can also be independent from Jiang Qing and communicate with people, not for a long time. Seize his body.
Therefore, at this time, Jiang Qing, who finally got away from the research work, had left Zongmen, accompanied by a master of five elements, and went to the Zhengyi faction.
"Using divine knowledge, we can see extremely tiny maggots, and we can distinguish the countless types of vitality that are intertwined. However, no matter how you zoom in and observe, you can only see the shape and quality of vitality. I want to verify the inner structure of the vitality at the micro level. Can you find another way? "
Staring at the array of five elements in front of Zongmen's countless efforts, Li Zihao sighed slightly, then cheered up and discussed with Cheng Bin how to use the existing things.
Watching the yin-yang, five-element gossip matrix, which represents the highest achievement of the Five Elements Gate, and watching the huge amount of vital energy branches that gradually differentiated above, Cheng Bin lamented: "Your past work is of great significance--
"In the world on my side, at the atomic level, there are only a hundred kinds of natural elemental materials that make up the world, and the vitality properties of you here are innumerable. If you haven't accumulated them through your long-term research, the vitality properties It ’s difficult to start the subsequent work with the correlation data between each other. "
After sighing, Cheng Bin pondered for a moment, and then discussed with Li Zihao: "All changes in the material level on my side are finally unified into electromagnetic force. The only thing that is independent is the gravitational force generated by reaction with space and time. What do you think of this world? What is the most fundamental and common thing about the vitality change? "
"Yin and Yang," said Li Zihao, looking at the ever-changing vitality of the yin and yang hexagrams on the map. "We have no clue what the congenital Yuanzhang before the yin and yang differentiation, but the material foundation of the world after Tai Chi is no doubt Established on the basis of yin and yang
"After all, the five elements of vitality is just the standard for the classification of five types of yin and yang aggregation. Jinmu Shuihuotu is just a name that describes its general properties. Based on yin and yang, it can continue to be refined in depth."
Yu Fu shook up and down, Cheng Bin continued, "Then, after other people's projects are completed, we can start to make observations based on the objective laws of primal energy and mana against this and the connection between time and space and matter. Tools. "
The spirituality of the practitioner cannot observe the deepest changes in the yin and yang between the vitality. The refinement of the vitality of the Wuxingmen has progressed slowly in the later period. Besides the large base, there are also reasons for this.
Moreover, understanding the world with divine knowledge, even if the short-circuit of the practice of providing practice is unskilled, it will produce a problem similar to the "observer effect", and it is difficult to obtain real and objective micro-level specific information.
Although it is said that the existence behind this world's vitality system is completely capable of covering all cognitive channels outside the yuanshen, and even deceiving everyone's perception to engage in the brain, it must be tried again and again.
Anyway, as long as we finally get into Cheng Bin's body, everything is very simple.
"Hmm" watching the array of this world's collection of material knowledge. The high-speed elemental spirit of Li Zihao mobilizes the power of the Five Elements, continuously extracts a huge amount of information contained in the array, and deduces and simulates various natural qualities. The combination and reaction method under the nature, find the part which is suitable for making objective tools.
Cheng Bin, who uses Jiang Qing's spirit as a carrier, cannot read and process external information at a high speed like Li Zihao. He can only read the material contained in Yufu slowly, and use the ontology analysis to make various designs, and slowly Download here.
Wuxingmen has accumulated abundant resources and manpower, and has experienced Cheng Bin to provide ideas and designs. He wants to create a complete local gas industry system and create a variety of experimental tools and equipment that do not require spiritual participation. It should not be too big. problem.
While Cheng Bin was obsessed with conducting research and experimenting with a group of professionals in Wuxingmen, his cheap apprentice Jiang Qing was led by Sun Daquan, the pinnacle of the refining and gasification god, to the Zongmen station of Zhengyi School.
He also accompanied Sun Lang who had been punished by his adoptive father and master Sun Daquan.
Compared to Sun Lang, whose appearance is more in harmony with Mana's mana, although his master Sun Daquan also started by mana, he is completely a burly giant like no other warrior.
A man with a slap that can cover Sun Lang's head, more than twice his height, is covered with a muscular man who looks like a steel muscle.
Unlike the Five Elements Gate, which is hidden from time to time by even the Zongmen Gate, the orthodox school of Taoism opens directly on the famous mountain. Not only is there no cover at all, even ordinary mortal people can go to the column incense if they have nothing to do.
Shangxiang's petition is hopeless in the hope that the pie will fall from the sky, but the practitioners stationed in the external Taoist temple are happy to help the ordinary people under shelter to solve some problems involving the mystery level. Accumulated merit, so word of mouth is good.
Besides, there are still many people who heard that the Zhengyi faction came to ask the immortal, so during the opening time of Taoism, this kind of traffic density is just a daily situation. This is the fact that the Zhengyi faction divided the road up and down the mountain. The RUF has unified the direction of people flow and the time limit for staying.
However, no matter how crowded the road up the mountain, Sun Daquan can still have a lot of space around it. After all, its looks are too deterrent. It is too close to be knocked down and kicked to death. Wronged?
Sun Lang and Jiang Qing followed the whole body of Wushuang Meng Sun with a subtle expression, and it was considered cheap.
Sun Lang is more accustomed to the feeling of being watched by everyone. After all, he was picked up and raised by Sun Daquan, and it was not the first time that he went out together, so he looked at the bustling surroundings naturally.
Compared with Sun Lang, Jiang Qing's condition is a lot worse, and he is not uncomfortable with this environment-he is a guy from a corpse demon, and the lower limit of martial arts is much lower than ordinary people.
The reason why he shows a lackluster appearance is because
Although his master became a Yufu and went out to work independently, there is still a part of the spiritual resources occupied, and Cheng Bin has been using that part of the mental memory for the longest time. If Jiang Qing does not concentrate, he can easily fall into the spirit. Sting goldfish status.
The three people with different expressions were so slowly mixed in the flow of people that they walked all the way to the open Taoism of the orthodox school like ordinary people.
According to Sun Daquan, an old friend he knew in Zhengyi likes to mix with mortals. The friend who has stayed in this external Taoist concept for a long time doesn't like the practitioner to show his magic here. If the practitioner does not go directly to the party, For the reception of Shanmen, it's better to walk honestly.
Um, it ’s okay to fly behind after being invisible, but Sun Lang ’s invisible water line flag was broken by Jiang Qing. Jiang Qing herself has not learned how to use gravity to distort polarized light in space or to create a space-time bubble to hide, and Sun Daquan
The practice of Wuxingmen, after the single-attribute mana is perfected, has to practice the other five-element mana along with the symbiotic attributes until it is complete, and Sun Daquan has opened a new path for the brain hole in the later stages of the five-element mana. Now he has been transferred to practice the practitioner. There is no means to bend light and invisibility from spells to implements.
The mighty man took the two juniors into the Taoist Temple slowly, and walked straight to the side hall.
Jiang Qing, who was behind Sun Daquan, suddenly struck a spirit and turned back from a trance. He looked a little puzzled and looked at the huge statue of Taoism worshipped by everyone.
The texture and sculpture are not so amazing. The face of the giant portrait is a bit fuzzy, but I don't know why, Jiang Qing always feels that the portrait has a strange feeling that cannot be said.
Maybe it ’s because there is any special array law for the Zhengyi faction. Jiang Qing, who glanced at him, turned around and walked two steps to keep up with Sun Daquan.
Sun Daquan walked to the gate leading to the inner courtyard of Taoist Temple. The young Taoist priests who seemed to know him knew him, and naturally opened the door to the area where passengers were not allowed to enter.
The spirit returned to the flashing state. Jiang Qing felt only a stunned god, and he had already come to a messy wooden house. A robe was not dirty but messy, and a white-bearded old priest and a grandson with large sleeves rolled directly onto their elbows. Daquan sat at the round table full of food and talked together.
The old priest held a roasted chicken leg and whispered, "Sun Daquan, are you doing meat and silly? Are you going to find a backer for this new demon, what am I doing for the old man? You just let him go directly to the square of Baidicheng Can't just press a fingerprint? "
"You're silly every day, aren't you?" Said Sun Da, who was squatting under the pressure of Ma Buxu, and said poorly. "How can ordinary monster markings for a trip?"
After annoyingly speaking, Sun Daquan shouted to Jiang Qing sideways: "Jiang Qing, let your mana be released to the old cow's nose."
Jiang Qing, who had learned a lot of general skills in Wuxingmen before, blinked, and then slightly released the control of the mana in the body.
The absent-minded old Taoist glanced at Jiang Qing ~ ~ Suddenly, he suddenly stabbed his bones. He didn't control the bones of the chicken leg and the bones. He swallowed the contents of his mouth and stood up and walked to Beside Jiang Qing, he looked around Jiang Qing with amazement.
"Is there a new type of demon with talents and mana related to the void?"
The old Taoist priest sitting back on the chair quietly deduced Jiang Qing's magical characteristics, and then couldn't help but release his consciousness and wanted to take a closer look at Jiang Qing's inner body, but was stopped by Sun Daquan's hand.
After accidentally glancing at Sun Daquan, the old Taoist priest was silent for a while, and then gave Sun Daquan a serious look.
When Sun Daquan coughed, he turned to the two juniors and said, "Sun Lang, take Jiang Qing to Baidi City first, and we will follow soon."
Sun Lang, who had visited the monster empire near Zhengyi faction, looked strangely at the old Taoist priest, then nodded, and called Jiang Qing to go out.
After the party left, the old priest waved his hand to set up the next tight isolation matrix and frowned and said to Sun Daquan: "Neither reverse his foundation nor kill him, do you want to destroy the world?
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