Chapter 290: The vast galaxy of the mind-like world, Baidi and the Maiden

The Pang Zhen that surrounds the demon empire condenses and quenches the negative Yuehua in a large unoccupied area nearby, and finally injects a part of it into Baidi City, so that the entire city is almost immersed in the feminine vitality.
Under the bright moonlight, the White Emperor City at night looks a lot more lively than during the day, and the nocturnal life such as corpses and grudges emerge from the area where they live to bathe in the moonlight.
In a secluded corner of the Baidicheng palace complex, Baidi squatted on a small square with precision magic arrays, and the demon figure floating in front of him was immersed in cultivation.
On the unfolded demon map, Jiang Qing's figure is looming, and the unique mana of time and space is revealed by the demon map simulation, allowing Baidi to manipulate and study.
Suddenly, a familiar sense of danger struck, Moon Rabbit stood with its ears up, and returned alertly—this feeling comes from the demon figure itself. From the past experience, it should be with Baidicheng and the demon. The map system is directly related to the one who confronts the magical depths.
Silently manipulating the demon map for a round of self-examination, Baidi quickly discovered the source of the anomaly—Jiang Qing ’s markings were touched. It should be that his practice reached a critical stage, which passively caused the induction of the demon master. , But was again interfered by the demon figure.
Through the demon map, Baidi can sense the abyss in the land of the night of the world, the glance of the existence who does not have a stable form and usually appears in the most fearful image of the contact.
Bai Di, who experienced this situation many times in a long time, snorted, mobilizing the huge power hidden in Bai Dicheng, and strengthened the protection of Jiang Qing's stamp by the demon figure.
The White Emperor City system and the gaze originating from one of the world's bipolars, a fierce conflict of power broke out through the demon figure, the dark magic light flashed, plants and even rocks and stones protected by the formation around this small square were all Strange activation occurred.
The branches and roots of the trees twisted like tentacles, and a large number of earth and stones gathered into several tall stone demons, attacking the only living white emperor nearby.
"How long did the little guy leave here? How could it be so fast to go from refining refined gas to the point where refining gods return to nothing?"
Baidi's three moved, and a little force was drawn from the demon's picture to spread around. Ling Ling's ring of frost flickered, and a series of clicks sounded in the short strong wind caused by the air contraction. Enchanted life was completely frozen, and shattered into the next instant.
Bai Di looked back, staring anxiously at the demon figure.
The more he studies the engravings left by Jiang Qing, the more shocked it is to hide the power behind it. When Jiang Qing's mana was traced back through some special methods to his birth process, the unclear orthodox concept made Baidi feel shudder.
Even if it was the vision of the demon emperor and the refining congregation, it was impossible to intuitively understand what kind of existence Jiang Qing had imagined, let alone to research and reproduce, but it is certain that its current exposure The magical properties in Jiang Qing's space-time mana are just the tip of the iceberg of its infinite power.
The objects to be conceived are generally based on reality, just as many practitioners like to contemplate the nature of the heavens and earth, their ancestors, matrix magic instruments, or monsters and beasts with unique talents.
And the thing Jiang Qing contemplates, even if only from the comprehensible outline, the foundation and rationality of its construction are far beyond any other ideas in the world. From this perspective, the water behind it is simply unfathomable.
With a sigh, Bai Di put away the strange figure that had been calmed down, and appeared in the high altitude outside Bai Di's city. He felt that he had crossed the boundary of the Demon Empire to close the circle, and carefully looked at the position of the Five Elements Gate.
Jiang Qing came to the pass and completed the promotion too quickly. Bai Di could not help but worry about whether its foundation is stable. Although the demon map can resist the erosion of the Lord of the Mobutz, it cannot completely shield it.
If the Lord of Moyuan successfully manages Jiang Qing in his hands and masters the terrible power hidden behind it ... then the Baidi City, which is completely incompatible with it, will be worried.
After carefully sensing it for a while, I didn't notice what abnormal Baidi appeared on the side of Wuxingmen, and he was slightly relieved, but at this moment, a transparent rainbow light appeared from Baijicheng across a distant distance in Baidi City. Above, a strange feeling that seemed to have met Bai Di's heart.
"This feeling ... last time did Jiang Qing stop?"
Stimulated by crisis instincts, Bai Di's vast mana instantly transformed into Jiang Qing's space-time mana in accordance with the demon's figure. In a lot of cultivation studies during this time, it was able to drive this mana to distort space-time.
Although I don't know why the efficiency is far less than Jiang Qing's, but driven by Baidi's huge accumulation, it is still extremely powerful.
Because he often invokes the unique talents to simulate other demons, Baidi has a lot of experience on how to control special mana. It follows the instinct of mana in the light of the road, and rises in the wave of time and space, avoiding the worst Situation ...
Coming across the sky and manifesting in the sky above the White Emperor City, is a legal matrix with a complex vitality system inside.
The power of yin and yang and the void surround it, and the layers of the two hexagrams and gossips are detailed and complex, as if it contains a world that can be magnified and observed indefinitely.
After the agreement with Haotian Boys, this is the life of the bizarre legal array that was slipped out of Haotian Palace, the world ’s only one.
Because Moyuan just changed again, Haotian now has to continue to confront his old opponent.
Fortunately, Liangyi Fangzheng reached an agreement with him. He has embedded the thread again in it, and he can't let Haotian Palace, which has just resumed operation, continue to harden with the Fangjin. He simply released it to travel in accordance with his mind. .
The line head is in Haotian's hands, it is impossible to directly control the legal array, but it is no problem to pay attention to its trend and ensure the channel of the amount of suppression, as long as the Liangyi Void Array does not run into the range of Moyuan.
After exhausting his thoughts, he finally got rid of his birth place. Liangyi Void Array expressed interest in the power that appeared on the side of Baidicheng and had similar characteristics to his own, so he flew straight towards Baidicheng.
Born to be a half-step refining to return to the realm of life, the magic circle of life is flying into Hongfei. It didn't take long to come to the sky above the White Emperor City, and also saw the big white rabbit that seemed to be staring at something in the sky.
"This is the white emperor in the data? The feeling on the demon map is really more complicated than the message returned by Thor ..."
The speeding thinking made the decision-making life instantly when it was separated from the state of Hongfei. It was compressed into a palm-sized body and unfolded suddenly, creating a dazzling complex three-dimensional array in the void. He did not hesitate to do something to Bai Di in the realm of Lianxu.
All substances in a wide range were suddenly decomposed into yin and yang, and then absorbed and consumed by the array. A large-scale space-time distortion appeared in the sky. Tsunami-like space-time fluctuations instantly passed over the white emperor who had just turned his attention. , So that it fell into a state of rest with the heavens and the earth.
In the still space-time, the circle of life slightly converged, approaching Baidi to cover the demon figure into his control range, and then fine-tune the time and space, preparing to synchronize the time and space where the demon map is located to the time-stop plateau and synchronize it with Bai Di split up and study it.
However, at the moment when the demon maps completed synchronization, something unexpected happened-the still white emperor turned his eyes, the powerful mana was released from the demon maps, and the twisted space-time cracked the corner of the plateau, so that Bai Dipan attached and gained a little mobility.
Relying on the ability to find out from the engraving of Jiang Qing Demon during this time, Baidi avoided the crushed ending without resistance, but he was not familiar with the power of time and space, and used it completely based on instinct and intuition. Void arrays with two instruments that can control the spatiotemporal changes are still at a great disadvantage.
"How come another time-manipulating ... what kind of formation is this? Unattended, it's almost like life ..."
With the complete synchronization of the demon map to the time-stopping plateau, Bai Di, who transferred the manifestation of Yuanshen, looked at his own body that was many times slower, and watched the array of complex and changing shapes in front of him vigilantly.
To strengthen the strengths and avoid the shortcomings ... The Emperor God that Bai Di manifested on the demon map was shocked. Numerous demon engraved on the scroll emerged, and turned into a layer of overlapping shadows and merged into the emperor of Bai Di to excel in attack and defense Part of the demon's imprint is the core of the Tao, which merges an unprecedented and powerful Yuanshen.
Just the extended imaginary wave of consciousness can move mountains and rivers, and Bai Di controls this powerful fused primitive to suddenly invade the changing map.
The unattended law formation can easily be eroded and usurped by the Yuanshen. Even if this law formation has the ability to attack and defend at the Yuanshen level, Baidi does not believe that the other party can be stronger than the Yuanshen who has countless demon talents. Besides, it also comes from Jiang Qing's hole card ...
Then Bai Di broke into the formation of the consciousness and plunged into layers of vitality and space-time maze.
It is normal to have this defense, while Baidi erodes and controls all the labyrinth structures that he comes into contact with, while exploring the operation mechanism of this legal array in depth, looking for its hidden control core.
However, before the White Emperor continued to erode, the Array itself suddenly lifted the maze defense, exposing the core in the layer-by-layer barrier, and a unique Yuanshen wave was perceived by the White Emperor.
-This is the manipulator hidden in the legal array? No, right ... this feeling, this is the primordial spirit of the law array itself? A magic circle with a living spirit?
Some surprised white emperors didn't think much about it either. The powerful consciousness was linked with the Yuan Zhenshen, and the most dangerous Yuanshen war started between the two.
The vitality and space-time fluctuations in reality gradually disappear in the perception, and a unique mind-image world is instantly formed in the contact of the two gods that are crushing each other ...
White Emperor sneered perfectly in the mind-like world, and then there were endless figures around him. The huge demon legion that filled the real world outside was condensed and formed instantly.
Fighting the world with your mother? Let's first win the legion formed by the copy of all powerful demons since the birth of the demons.
Build an army of demons with all strength, and stop until the scale reaches the limit of his own Yuanshen. In the formed defense system, Baidi looked around and found that the world of the mind image is dark except for the land occupied by the demons.
Some confused Baidi responded to the primal induction, and noticed an invisible twist outside the demon legion. It knew that it was a phenomenon of different types of mental worlds eating each other, but outside of this, the life of the magic circle was sensed. Yuan Shen ... what is that?
As soon as perception left the range of twisted ripples, Baidi suddenly fell into a completely strange environment. The world incompatible with vitality caused his mind to collapse instantly, but his vision began to rise infinitely without control. The heart-like world passed to the heart of Baidi.
A horrible fireball that is as big as the real world releases endless light and heat, and the tongue of fire that can easily tear the globe of the globe stretches endlessly. At the moment when Bai Di grabbed it, the fireball gradually pulled away and turned into one. Little light spots.
Then the same light spots popped up in the darkness, creating a gorgeous picture in the darkness.
As the perspective continues to stretch, a vast river intertwined by light spots appears in Baidi's perception. The river gradually shrinks into a spiral light band. Several light bands form a beautiful rotating silver disk. Emperor's perception slowly rotated.
The vast and beautiful silver plate, composed of thousands of light spots in the book, runs in a precise and precise manner, but simply observes it in general, and Baidi feels the great pressure of Yuanshen.
In contrast to this rotating silver disk, the infinitely small demon legion disappears like a bubble under pressure, leaving only the condensed body of Baidi to shrink to the limit of its own realm, gazing at this infinite magnificent scene.
How could it be ... how could there be such a powerful Yuanshen? How could it be possible to build a large and complex world of mind images?
The white emperor who was shocked and stunned in his heart returned hard to God.
A complete defeat ... To know that the other person has not exposed the incarnation of the Yuanshen ... No, this vast silver plate or the rule of keeping the silver plate running is the manifestation of that magic circle in the world of mental images?
The Yuanshen War is extremely dangerous, and it is not unilateral to retreat. Bai Di, who cannot find other countermeasures ~ ~, sighed at the vast sight, and a demon appears in this world. Figure, expand it to extract the last demon mark above.
Watching this imprint that he is not very familiar with, Baidi made up his mind to incorporate the results of his retrospective research with the imprint into Yuan Shen during this time, and re-enact Jiang Qing's incomprehensible conception.
The pressure far beyond the silver plate almost crushed Baidi's Yuanshen, and the deficient Baidi himself is a refining apostate. Yuanshen is not as important as the practitioners who practice retreating below Xuhui, otherwise it is already a life cry. Already.
Bai Di could not understand or even imagine the existence, which was restored from Jiang Qing's markings, eroded into this world, and more horrible pressure fell on it and its opponents at the same time.
Under great pressure, Baidi just released the fusion of markings by insisting on simulation for a moment, but the vast and beautiful silver vortex was completely disintegrated and destroyed at this moment. The whole world of mental imagery was violently turbulent, which meant that both sides Consciousness has been greatly impacted, and the world is on the verge of collapse.
However, Bai Di ’s opponent seems to have some spare power. Bai Di, who is temporarily exhausted, finds that the world of mental imagery has quickly restored stability, and then a human figure slowly emerges in front of it that the avatar cannot maintain stability steadily—
It was a bright and delicate, small and delicate shadow. A black straight hair fell on the shoulders against white and delicate skin. The slender body was wearing a pure white dress, and the long legs under the skirt were wrapped in translucent white tubes. Thin socks.
The pure white girl tilted her head and looked at the unstable white rabbit in front of her, and then asked with a smile:
"It's an unexpected surprise ... Excuse me, where have you met my father?" 8) More exciting novels, welcome to visit everyone's reading school
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