Chapter 305: Interesting creation set with SCP-X

"SCP Foundation? A world that matches this setting?"
Cheng Bin, who returned to the No. 0 world in the Inner Domain, looked at the information from the system and muttered.
SCP series works are relatively popular creation novels on the human network in the old earth era in the inner region.
With the format of confidential documents and the tone of case types, many humans circulated their own brains, conceived various strange and bizarre existences, and added them to the SCP's public database to form an increasingly large set of settings.
The SCP Foundation is designed to protect human civilization by looking for anomalous existences and controlling or destroying them.
存在 The existence of these anomalies is collectively referred to as containment.
SCP-173: A deformed reinforced concrete puppet that will not move when stared at, but as long as it blinks out of sight, it will break the heads of all creatures in the passageable space at a high speed that cannot be captured by the camera.
SCP-096: No matter how far away, as long as people see the face or facial photos and videos, they will break through all obstacles and chase wildly until they tear up all the "shy people" of the witnesses.
SCP-055: An unknown existence that cannot be confirmed. All information obtained from human observations and interpretations will be lost from memory. The Foundation cannot even determine whether this thing has caused any serious harm, nor does it know that it was contained by them. There are still some being inserted.
Similar to this, the containment objects are all weird things, with feedback principles of unknown principles. Among them, it is extremely difficult to continue containment and destruction, and may cause the destruction of civilization and even the destruction of the world.
The SCP thing still exists in Cheng Bin's memories related to human society. Although the humans in the inner world have entered the starry sky and the explosion of technology, such thriller and suspense works in the old earth era have been obscured. However, many ridiculous settings in its series have provided many humans with brain holes and inspiration, allowing their related information to continue to a certain extent.
However, even in the Old Earth era, the SCP also caused uneven documentation due to the public creation, and the size of the containment was also tens of thousands. The internal logic of the common environment of the work was quite difficult to maintain, let alone the various derivatives and subsequent ones. The magic version has been changed.
Therefore, the system sent over to match the information of the target, Cheng Bin will only look at the rough background.
"There are quite a few contained objects in the SCP that don't seem to be common sense. Although, with my current ability, even using the technology related to the four-dimensional space and vacuum zero point, most of the weirdness in the SCP settings can be reproduced. But since you chose this in the system, it means that those containment objects in the world to be traversed are related to the distortion of the rules ... "
Cheng Bin quietly deduced the world view that may be derived from the data based on the basic version of the SCP sent by the system, and then continued to the system: "The brain can be freely thought in the novel, but there must be behind the matching real world. The causal context, even in this early simplified version of the SCP set, there are too many places that can be mixed with water, and you need to take care of the system. "
"It ’s true that this crossing has some additional purpose besides your experiment with the host," the system Black Cat does not deny that he is accustomed to adulterating goods, "but at the level of the host now, the specific situation and development tendency of this system It is also impossible to accurately observe and predict that after you enter the world, the host will only know more details than this system, so you are not forced to do anything, you can do it freely. "
斌 Cheng Bin didn't comment on the system's rhetoric-in the final analysis, he still covered up something, and how he would choose something when he encountered something. The system he had picked out and cultivated by himself must be well-known.
In short, what can't be explained until now, it may only be directly related to high-dimensional life ...
I hope the high-dimensional existence on the opposite side will not be too strong. Although his body integrated into the Grand Unified Field is invincible, even if he does not consider high-dimensional wars, he only starts from outside the world, and it is not without eviction. His approach--
For example, if the world line is annihilated or the time axis is shaken, even if Cheng Bin cannot be killed, he can force him to transfer his consciousness to the part of the high-dimensional information body that has not been put into the world. He is actually forced to return to the inner domain.
Cheng Bin, who was thinking so, set out to cross the new world after the system was ready.
Uh ...
In the 21st century, human society is flourishing. Individuals and nations are moving forward step by step, but most ordinary people do not know what kind of turbulent undercurrents are behind their seemingly ordinary lives. .
Governments are extremely anxious about the anomalous nature of the earth, and have to cooperate with the SCP Foundation, a professional processor who does not know when it appears, while secretly fighting, but even if they have mastered the top of the nuclear arsenal that can destroy the earth's countless times in the ecosystem The country also does not know how terrible the SCP Foundation is.
There are too many anomalous things that subvert common sense in the SCP Foundation's concealed secrets, enough to raise their power far beyond the surface of human civilization on the surface.
Take, for example, SCP-018, a singular ball with an elastic efficiency of two hundred percent, which will bounce to two meters, four meters, eight meters, etc. after falling from a height of one meter, and it can be easily used properly Achieve near-infinite energy supply.
Another example is SCP-004, "The Door Through Rusty Keys". This old wooden warehouse door, combined with the rational use of multiple keys, can allow the Foundation to control an extremely large extra development space far beyond the surface area of ​​the earth. Manipulation of various time and space scales is performed around this particular subspace.
Although the technology tree is a bit crooked, with the help of numerous anomalous objects, the level of the SCP Foundation has far surpassed human civilization on several levels on the bright side. The colonial starry sky is just a matter of thinking rather than being able to.
The reason why the SCP Foundation still maintains the normal development of superficial human civilization is entirely because of the rigid requirements made by the founder of the Foundation under the influence of SCP-001, and the unified judgment made by some containment related to the ability to predict. .
And now, in the special space opened by SCP-004 through the rusty key door, SCP Foundation has SCP in the core control room of Site 62, which far exceeds the level of the earth's technology, like a science fiction movie scene. The highest level of the Foundation's five personnel, part of the O5 Council, began a rare meeting.
Even the gathering of the most powerful people in the same camp was full of defense and alert. None of the participants came in at all. All of them projected in the conference room a white human figure that was blurred to the point where the five senses were a little unclear. The transmitted audiovisual information is also processed and converted by various filters.
These are necessary measures, as SCP Foundation contain a number of memes of terror that can be transmitted through information and thought activities.
Besides ... Although most of the senior executives of the Foundation are of human origin, they still have a human body that can meet directly in reality. I am afraid it no longer exists.
Strictly speaking, the size of the currently gathered O5 members has exceeded the standards of the latest version of the Foundation's code, and the 13 O5 council members have attended more than half.
In the past, in order to prevent accidents caused by a pan of fire, even if only through the heavy conversion of audio-visual signals, so many high-level officials are not allowed to gather together at the same time. Even major decisions in the past were mostly carried out through the information system forwarding copywriting.
"So, Dr. T, what is your purpose of convening this meeting? You have to know that everyone has been very busy recently. The new anomalies that have appeared in recent batches are a headache." The top leader of the SCP Foundation does not know the number On behalf of O5-1 formally spoke.
The SCP Foundation internally uses codes or codes to communicate, because some containments can have specific functions based on names only. For example, a recently captured containment-writing the name of a person who knows the face-can be manipulated. Black laptop with its death process.
"Because there are more important tasks that are directly related to you than the things you have at hand," and after turning into mechanical sounds, a tired voice can still be heard from the figure representing O5-2. "Hell, I have I do n’t know how many times I made this opening statement ... "
"Huh?" Other white people heard the news and turned their eyes at the same time.
As the highest level of the SCP Foundation, members of the O5 council with almost all permissions are free to use those containments managed by them. Many of them have extremely terrible effects. Only they can be transferred, and even some of them are afraid to record in SCP. In the archives of the foundation.
In the batch of containments managed by the new generation O5-2, which is called Dr. T, there is also a top-level existence in thousands of anomalous containment, which has a terrorist ability that crosses the timeline and the world line.
So everyone just heard Dr. T's words and knew that he hadn't known how many times he had used this thing, and the meeting in front of him was not just held only two or three times.
"We believe you will not violate the Foundation's rules, but the impact of frequent use of that thing is too bad," O5-1 said seriously, "I hope you can give a reasonable explanation, Dr. T."
"It's really difficult to violate the principles in the Foundation," O5-6 said in a mocking tone. "After all, the SCP Foundation itself is a quite powerful containment."
"In short, take a look at this document first." The usually talkative O5-2 does not seem to have much energy to talk about, and directly transmits a message to other participants. "He is the core topic of this meeting."
The people who received the information turned their attention to the documents at hand
: Keter / Thaumiel
: Unable to contain
: SCP-X is a 180cm tall young Asian man with yellow skin and black hair who is unknown in weight. He is accustomed to using the Chinese language and judges his ordinary human civilization from the beginning of the 21st century through external manifestations.
SCP-X has a three-view and stable behavioral logic close to human beings, and can communicate. It claims to be "Cheng Bin" and claims to come from a very distant world. The purpose of actively crossing here is to observe the various containment of the Foundation. Learn its underlying principles.
Within the X-1 timeline, SCP-X first appeared in the enclosed space of the Foundation's containment of SCP-173, and later in multiple timelines with special dispatch teams under O5, multiple containments, and contact.
According to the data in the appendix, it can be determined that the degree of danger of SCP-X cannot be evaluated, and it exhibits immortality beyond SCP-682's immortal lizard, has realistic distortion ability close to what it wants, has world-class destruction and creative ability, has World line crossing ability, but time axis roaming ability has not been shown.
Derivative SCP-X-1: According to SCP-X's description and words, it is a small black cat that cannot be observed by any means. SCP-X often communicates with it.
Derivative SCP-X-2: Beyond SCP-079's highly intelligent procedural life, it is called white by SCP-X. When communicating with humans, it likes to use the human shape of a little girl in a white skirt.
Special event SCP-X-3: A large-scale impact that affected all anomalies occurred before and after SCP-X first appeared. Many containment items failed or were destroyed, and some breached containment measures and caused major losses.
Special warning: Foundation members are prohibited from exhibiting hostile behavior towards SCP-X, and temporarily consider them as personnel with level 4 authority, and try their best to cooperate with their requirements without breaking the rules.
Note 1: It turns out that SCP-X has the ability to crack the working principles of some anomalous containment objects, and even reproduce them. According to the scientific and technological knowledge mentioned above, some containment objects can be converted into grades. See Appendix 1 for detailed data.
Note 2: O5-2 used to have contact with SCP-X in multiple timelines. Since the initial discovery of SCP-X, the timeline has been numbered X-1, and subsequent records are marked in this order.
Note 3: SCP-X has not shown the ability to retain all memories in multiple timelines, but has not shown doubts about Foundation intelligence sources during contact. It seems that SCP-X is aware of changes in the timeline. It is impossible to judge whether it really does not have the time-related ability ~ ~ After reading the document body and the appendix, the members of the O5 Council were silent for a while.
After silent thinking, O5-4 spoke and asked: "The appendix does not mention the contact of SCP-X with some special containment, but in theory they cannot be left untouched, so ... Dr. T, SCP- What did 343 say? "
SCP-343: In the eyes of different people, they have different appearances, but generally show the appearance of human elders with white long-haired beards. He claims to be the creator and manager of the world, and has been called God by SCP staff. It turns out that It is an existence beyond containment control, and the reason for staying within SCP containment procedures is that it claims to be observing sentient beings.
"Actually, I originally wrote 343 in Appendix 2 and belonged to the category that disappeared ..." Dr. T shrugged. "I confirmed before that 343 is also ahead of time in this X-4 timeline. It's gone, but judging from the changes in this information, it seems that 343 has not completely disappeared, and he does not like the record. "
O5-6 habitually mocked and said, "Our 'God' looks pretty embarrassed."
Dr. T said helplessly: "So, SCP-X's ability level is at least 343, but it seems that he is getting along better than God. From the perspective of a scientific researcher, it is quite pleasant to chat with him of."
The highest authority O5-1 shook his head: "For the time being, let's discuss the handling of things that may fail, destroy, and breach containment in the SCP-X-3 event, as well as the options after the appearance of SCP-X. . "
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