Chapter 307: Negotiations with the SCP Foundation, the style of painting is abnormal ...

"Again ... welcome?"
For the sudden appearance of a middle-aged thin man in a white coat and his apparently problematic words, Cheng Bin's face did not show any unexpected look.
Because of being in it, Cheng Bin's various changes in the subspace of Site 62 have a little concern. When he put the avatar in the cage where SCP-173 is located, he realized that the SCP Foundation was manipulating it. SCP-004 has twisted this space-time.
In simple terms, the space-time area where Cheng Bin and SCP-173 are located is stripped and sunken, distorting the scale of time, and making the time velocity of Cheng Bin's avatar much slower than the outside world.
The original state of SCP-004 can shred people who use it inappropriately. The fragments are scattered in different space and time in the spatiotemporal chaos. It is not surprising that the foundation can adjust the space-time scale after the targeted enhancement and transformation.
Seeing that the Foundation seized the time difference to deal with various other chicken fly dog ​​jumping containment incidents, and did not show any subsequent hostility, Cheng Bin did not care about this matter and continued his own SCP-173 observation experiment .
As for the guy who looks like O5-2 "Dr. T" in front of him, his name is directly reported in the mouth ... Cheng Bin is not even surprised.
After all, when he used the ontology to perform a global scan from the bottom up, he thoroughly searched all the existing records of the SCP Foundation, even the SCP-X file about himself mentioned during the O5 Council meeting. Over again.
It ’s just that the deeper secrets of the SCP Foundation, the details of its own files, and appendices are stored in the memory of O5 members whose real life forms and information complexity are quite abnormal. Cheng Bin did not dig deeper.
Anyway, before the crossing, the matching information given by the system contains a lot of interesting containment items in the SCP Foundation. When and when are trains, time machines, and other things available, members of the senior O5 council of the SCP Foundation can cross the time axis with He repeatedly met for the first time, and Cheng Bin was not surprised.
Although theoretically, one more dimension of attribute information is grasped on the quantum bubble of the bottom unit of the universe, it is possible to achieve a crushing effect on low-dimensional people in battle, not to mention the extremely important dimension of time. Already.
But Cheng Bin still didn't feel any pressure.
At first, the high-dimensional life that we have come into contact with, such as the SCP Foundation, which uses anomalous containment objects, does not even go deep into the unified field, let alone intuitive interference with the underlying units of the universe.
Secondly ... Although Cheng Bin ’s main consciousness only occupies one point on the world line and time axis, he is not a real ordinary life. The volume of the high-dimensional information body behind him is not small, and he is not afraid of these unknown reasons. High-dimensional blow.
... Honestly, if Cheng Bin himself is willing, with the help of his current accumulation and inland, he can be promoted to a high-dimensional life no less than Hongjun of the vitality world in a blink of an eye, and start to multi-worldline and timeline Upstream and downstream spread and grow, but this is not what he and the system want ...
Back to the topic, judging from the behavior of merely trapping his avatar in the trough of time and space, it shows that even if the SCP Foundation can make multiple contacts with him across the timeline and the world line, it still does not realize that his essence is What kind of form and what level exists can be regarded as exposing many limitations of their power.
"O5-2, Dr. T, right?" Cheng Bin will parse and organize the SCP-173 data archives, and then compare and analyze with other containment data. Then he turned around and looked at the man in the white coat next to him. His gaze As if looking at something else through the figure of a man.
"Yes, I'm glad to meet you in such a peaceful scene, Mr. Cheng Bin."
Some subtle glances at SCP-173 without any movement. Dr. T knew that it was impossible for him to use "direct sightings" to limit SCP-173's movements, but now Cheng Bin turned his attention to him. , SCP-173 doesn't seem to move as if still being stared ...
Although similar scenes have been seen in the past timeline ... But at that time, the form was more urgent than now. Dr. T did not have the opportunity to ask the reason, so he asked curiously, "What did you do to 173? What? Have you cracked the anomaly on it? "
Cheng Bin glanced at the motionless reinforced concrete puppet and said at will: "It has a strong principle of defense and action. I need more research to compare it. At present, it only slightly modified it to recognize 'direct sightings'. The relevant rule setting can be regarded as a permanent state of direct sighting. It can be regarded as temporarily powerless. Do you have any opinions? "
Dr. T's projection shrugged and said briskly: "Of course not, the purpose of our foundation is to destroy harmful containment. 173, such malicious containment that is full of life, is best to destroy nature. Yes, in the past, I just couldn't find a proper way, I could only isolate it with time and space. "
"Oh?" After thinking about it, Cheng Bin raised his index finger against SCP-173 in a stroke, and suddenly a dark crack was ripped out in the air, which was enough to destroy all material structures. However, after the restoration of space-time synchronization, its figure reconnected with the calm space-time, and there was no trace of damage.
"Sure enough? Well ... to a certain extent, SCP-173 at the material level is only a projection generated by the twisted rule, and attacks that do not involve its essence are meaningless," Cheng Bin's eyes turned to Dr. T. The tone is intriguing, "This form of existence is very similar to Dr. T ...
"If it wasn't for my observation ability to see your full picture right now, I would be more interested in your research than other containment objects."
Dr. T helplessly spread his hands: "This timeline, I went to O5-13 to help transform the ontology, but did I still hide it from you?"
Now Dr. T here is nothing more than an empty shell with ordinary human phenomena. He has five senses, can speak, and can eat, but these are nothing more than the assembly of countless human external phenomena, and he The body ...
With the help of O5-13, Dr. T has used multiple space-time-related containment objects to embed his consciousness in a mess of time. He is no longer a human, but a monster wandering in the chaotic time. In front of Cheng Bin, only the avatars maintained in accordance with specific rules.
From the perspective of the morphological structure, Dr. T and Cheng Bin have seen many similarities in the "gravitational strangeness" of the shell of the apostles. Maybe it should be called the time stranger?
Regarding this behavior of forcibly leaping with foreign objects, Cheng Binzhang marveled: "How dare you do it, to a certain extent, you can be considered a pseudo-high-dimensional life? Is it just a step jump of consciousness across the world line In the past, first realize consciousness across the timeline ...
"Even so, I'm afraid you can only be a server? Real subjective consciousness exists in the projection avatar. Isn't that equivalent to driving yourself crazy and squeezing a new one by default ... "
Speaking of which, Dr. T uses the time interference ability, which is similar to the process of Cheng Bin calling the interference of high-dimensional information bodies. His consciousness cannot exist at multiple points in time, but this is avoided. The potential risk of destroying consciousness by its own timeline shock.
Anyway, according to the standards of the Foundation, Dr. T is already a containment.
"No way ..." A face-to-face Dr. T who was seen through the nature sighed sighed, "There is a limit to human ability ...
"We have learned one thing from countless lessons. The more we use ordinary people's ideas to access the containment, the more we will find that human capabilities have limits ... unless we surpass humans."
所以 "So," Cheng Bin blinked strangely, "You will not be human?"
"... There are too many malicious containment objects for human beings, so starting from the fourth level of the Foundation, relevant personnel can reasonably use the containment objects to transform and strengthen themselves to deal with unknown dangers, but after all, the containment objects are all It is difficult to figure out the existence of this essence. Such transformations are accompanied by great risks and there have been many accidents in the past. "
Dr. T shook his head, then continued: "From a timeline without any record, the Foundation requires all O5 members with the highest authority to get rid of their ordinary human identity to deal with the increasingly severe situation. ..
"In fact, it is precisely through the increasingly exaggerated use of containment materials to strengthen ourselves that we have truly defeated vicious containment organizations such as the Chaos Insurgency and solved the crisis of countless world destruction ..."
Dr. T looked at Cheng Bin and said slowly, "... including you this time."
Bian Chengbin blinked, his expression was quite innocent-he could even guess how the Foundation ’s files about his SCP-X, the "world-class destruction and creative ability" judgment comments come from ...
"Mr. Cheng Bin, the big shock event known as SCP-X-3 caused by your arrival in this world has affected a large number of containment objects, causing numerous destruction and out of control incidents ... After experience, we finally managed to manage it in this timeline. "
The big impact of SCP-X-3? Cheng Bin thought about it, this should be caused when he just entered the world and broke the underlying rules and twisted the net like a bubble.
With complex eyes on Cheng Bin, Dr. T sighed, "However, these are not the most troublesome things ... in the X-1 timeline, you have had direct contact with SCP-343 'God' after entering the world, Without being able to observe the specific process, the world was directly destroyed by 'BOOM '... "
With both hands clenched and fists apart, five fingers separated to make an explosion gesture, Dr. T took a deep breath and continued to say:
"Although you reset the world backhand, but this is not the end we can accept, so I went back to the time when you were not here and started to try to make a change ... Fortunately, the memory and consciousness of God also has The ability to cross the timeline, avoiding contact with you in the later timeline, gives us little humans a chance to breathe. "
Looking at Cheng Bin solemnly, Dr. T emerged from his hand with a document and handed it to him: "Our foundation and you have no conflicts and contradictions, so I came here just to show the foundation's cooperation. Attitude, and remind you in particular what research on containment will cause consequences that everyone does not want to see. In addition ... here are some of your research results in the past timeline. "
Dr. T, who handed in the information, paused, and then stopped his words-there are some things that are not suitable for mentioning with Cheng Bin now, we have to look at the situation and say, if you are unlucky, you can't come again ...
I glanced at the thick file bag at hand, and read the contents without opening Cheng Bin. After the file automatically disappeared, Cheng Bin nodded to Dr. T: "This saved me a lot of effort, thank you ... After all, the experimental data is reliable after collecting it by hand, but I will pay attention to the research methods later ... So what do you want from me? "
Dr. T, who has some understanding of Cheng Bin's character, was also polite. He said directly: "Help our foundation, handle some very difficult containment, or control or destroy ... If you are in the process, you are willing to teach us Some knowledge about these exceptions is even better. "
"The former is okay, the latter ..." Cheng Bin groaned after a moment and said, "It is OK to help you analyze the level of the operation principle of the containment. As for the specific knowledge ... wait for me to understand the back of your series of worlds. What are the circumstances? "
After a closer look at Dr. T, Cheng Bin fumbled at the bottom of the world, imitating some of the characteristics of the contained items that have been researched, created a special rule setting based on the information format, and then implanted the characteristic description of this thing Dr. T projects the avatar's perceived memory.
To Dr. T, who was unconsciously covering his brain, Cheng Bin said, "The information stored in this format, regardless of whether the carrier is paper, electromagnetic waves, or space-time shocks, will be recognized and passed to me regardless of the environment. Just contact me and I'll help. "
After a pause, Cheng Bin said with emotion: "I still can't make it intelligent and popularized to create such a conceptual level of containment, otherwise it can switch the communication object and implant information into any form of life. It ’s good in my sensory memory ... the containment cracking ca n’t stop.

The principle behind the special rules behind a containment like SCP-173 ~ ~ Cheng Bin has a clue, but more comparative experiments are needed to make a conclusion.
So, first go to the file given by Dr. T, and look at the several containment items that have the most influence on you in the previous timeline?
Cheng Bin thinking of this, disappeared from SCP-173's cell without saying a word of greeting-anyway, the communication protocol for Dr. T can carry very complex and large content, and that communication is not much worse than face-to-face conversation.
The next moment, Cheng Bin's figure appeared in a transparent glass room. His gaze looked at the high platform in the middle of the small room, where the latest containment from the Foundation, labeled as Safe, was placed. Thing.
Looking at a few soft orange cushions on the high platform with red stars inlaid with orange stars, Cheng Bin's expression was a bit subtle: "I thought there was any misunderstanding here. I didn't expect it to be this ... Why is there such a thing in the SCP Foundation world? This setting is too far away from the style of painting? "
Re-examining the information Dr. T gave himself, and flipping through the foundation's general database, Cheng Bin looked at the small black book labeled Keter grade in the file, which was said to kill someone by name, and In a large number of other familiar items that appeared in the same period, the desire to vomit in my heart kept rolling.
"I always feel that the situation behind this world is a little troublesome ..." Cheng Bin groaned for a while, then set his sights on another closed cage in the subspace. "Looking at the relevant information of the timeline, I should be able to get from SCP-682 Then, knowing the secrets behind some worlds, do you want to pause and experiment first? "
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