Chapter 311: The Salem deal and the history of the high-dimensional war

Although it is said to be an old acquaintance, to be precise, Cheng Bin and Samer are the old enemies, or you are the kind of life.
After confirming the identity of the other party, Cheng Bin's human incarnation looked relaxed, but the body has been running at full power to investigate the underlying structure of SCP-738, trying to trace the origin of Samuel's advent.
However, it is clear that the power of the other party is invested from the high-dimensional world. Cheng Bin can only rely on his thoughts to obtain some plausible vague information in this respect. Besides analyzing the characteristics of the power operation in the world, he has achieved very little.
Cheng Bin didn't know what level of Samaer who could only interfere in the low-dimensional world through limited mental activity. I wanted to invest only a small amount of interference in the EVA world. If this involves regular SCP-738 It was created by it, which shows that Samal's total power here is far more than ever, and ... it is more familiar with the venue here.
After hearing the words of Cheng Bin, the giant snake like a galaxy turned into a ghost image and transformed into a silver-haired red-eyed boy in a white shirt who fell on the throne.
"Huh, Cheng Bin ..." Samaer leaned back against the gorgeous throne back, squinting and looking at the young man in black sitting on the high chair at the table, "I didn't expect you to stir Shit sticks are here too. "
"Old acquaintances meet, don't say anything so ugly," Cheng Bin smiled and shook his head. "You are acting as a devil wishing machine like SCP-738 here, but I didn't even expect it."
After carefully observing Cheng Bin, Samer suddenly laughed, then he raised his hand and slammed his fingers, the desk drawer between them suddenly opened, a piece of parchment paper, a feather pen, and a bottle of ink in the drawer out of thin air Appeared, and slowly flew out and placed on the table.
"I won't stay in this toy, it's just a connection medium." Samael's arm supported on the throne armrest swayed gently, and the quill automatically flew into the ink bottle and stained it, then on the sheepskin At the top of the paper was a string of chaotic symbols that saw no regularity.
Cheng Bin looked at the parchment. Although he did not recognize these symbols, the regular characteristics derived from SCP-738 were trying to write their meanings directly into the perceptual memory of this human incarnation.
Even if you do n’t cheat and play "the universe is up to you" without being able to directly interfere with the evolution and migration of the world line, Cheng Bin also has the ability to interfere from the bottom up. Generally, the world created by high-dimensional interference reflects the distortion of rules The wire local node beaming mechanism is not absolute to him. Interfering with destruction or usurping manipulation is still essentially fighting for strength and skills.
Cheng Bin's body reversed the underlying rules corresponding to SCP-738, and after understanding the operation process, he released restrictions to allow human avatars to interact with it. In fact, SCP-738's current ability to operate rules simply ignores the carrier of text content. To fully convey the writer's intentions.
In simple terms, what Samael wrote was just a general transaction contract title.
"What do you mean? You want to make a deal with me?" Cheng Bin spread his hands and asked a little curiously.
"My avatar capabilities in different worlds are not the same. Now my power is transmitted through this medium," Samer leaned over and knocked on the desktop of SCP-738, "want to have the greatest effect, Then naturally follow its rules, don't you want to know something from me? Yes, let's make a deal. "
Cheng Bin, who was able to dismember SCP-738 with one thought, hesitated, "This is not something you made? You are actually limited by this kind of power?"
In the face of Cheng Bin ’s ridicule, Samal leaned on the throne and spread his hands indifferently:
Of course I did n’t make it. Want to know more? Come on.

"I don't understand, what can you get from me? And what is SCP-738's ability to ensure that the transaction between us can be performed in good condition?" Cheng Bin gently moved his fingers, and the armrest of the high-back chair was pinched by him. Broken.
Judging from the experimental results of Cheng Bin's body, the regular characteristics of this SCP-738 are not strong. At least, if it is converted into pure world line interference power, the shoes of SCP-173 reinforced concrete dolls are not suitable ... uh, although that big head No strange shoes ...
"For a life like ours, only a win-win deal can be executed, and the truth is far more effective than a lie."
The casually answering Samer raised his hand and sucked the quill between his fingers, and bored the magnificent magic circle in the air. Often, only a hand shake, there was a complicated and colorful three-dimensional magic circle. Slowly disappearing, including the tail-snake anemone snake, the inverted twelve-winged angel ... it's almost like fireworks.
Cheng Bin looked strangely at these unclear legal arrays, and then nodded to Samer: "Trade and trade. Let me first talk about what I will pay? It will not be the kind recorded in SCP-738's past records, in my mind. What do you take very seriously and lose when you lose? "
"Of course not, although I'd love to see what it looks like when you're in pain ..." Samer heard that he threw the quill away, and the fluttering quill went around an arc of parchment falling on the table. Edge, re-stained in the ink bottle.
Then Samuel's right hand resting on the arm rest propped his head, tilted his head and sneered at Cheng Bin: "... but those standards are meaningful to you guy who dare to tamper with your soul?"
This is also true. If Cheng Bin cooperates with SCP-738 to conduct transactions in a rigid manner, he can completely distort his soul in advance, name a cockroach Xiaoqiang and set it as his most important thing, then SCP-738 will After taking away as a price, he will be extremely painful ... for a short while, then execute the scheduled return mechanism to change the soul setting back.
After the gossip, Samer stated his trading conditions without any ambiguity: "Kill SCP-682 the Immortal Lizard completely, and then dispose of the newborn containment, as long as you promise to come down. , I can pay you in advance what you want to know. "
Sameer said that the feather pen on the table quickly wrote a large mess of symbols on the parchment paper, Cheng Bin glanced at the parchment paper, and the mechanism of SCP-738 completely realized the true meaning in the words of Samer Showed it to him--
The immortal lizard is not so easy to kill. The so-called total kill by Samuel means that Cheng Bin uses the containment to cross the world and time to continuously destroy all the immortal lizards at all points in the SCP Foundation-related world. In order to continue to weaken its fundamental power until Samuel can completely kill it.
After that, the situation of handling the new batch of containment items is even more complicated. If you do not kill the immortal lizard, processing those containment items will only have the opposite effect against the original intention, and at least it will destroy all the related parallel worlds. After the Sinister Lizard, what problems will be caused by handling these containments? Samael himself does not know, those only know some higher existence in the nearby high-dimensional world.
For example, Sameer's head boss once tampered with the physical constant of the EVA world and pushed it into the "master" of the cycle of destruction.
"Why should I do such a troublesome and unknown risk? Your intelligence has such a high value?" Cheng Bin frowned, knowing that since the deal was proposed by Samer, it means that it has some confidence. I agree.
"So, I will prepay you some information as a basis for your consent to the transaction."
Samer shrugged, then casually told the biggest secret behind the SCP Foundation-related world cluster: "God, Lord of Infinity, Immortal Lizard, these three are fighting each other with the nearby world as the battlefield. Currently He Most of our forces are in entanglement and stalemate. Naturally, subordinates like me have to run. "
Previous observations and studies have reached similar conclusions, so Cheng Bin was not so surprised. He raised an eyebrow and asked, "Is your boss the god? Is he the one in the SCP Foundation containment who claims to be the creation of the world?" SCP-343? "
Upon hearing Cheng Bin's words, Samer sneered: "It's just a fake body waiting to settle in. Even the SCP-001 gatekeeper is closer to heaven than he is."
After a pause, Samer explained in detail to Cheng Bin the current situation in the high-dimensional world.
It turned out that this high-dimensional war was originally a paradise full of infinite light. When it continued to spread the information to consolidate the world line to expand, it found a very dangerous new world devourer, so it started the high-dimensional war. It was under siege.
The core authority of this indescribable high-dimensional monster is chaos and destruction, or the soil it thinks is suitable for its own existence is chaotic, so it destroys all the world it touches, and no one survives from life to time and space. Then weaving in the ruins the chaos and destruction rules that are unique to it.
In comparison, when heaven and the oneness of expand and grow, the method of merely disseminating relevant sectarian information for localization seems to be much milder. After all, they do not absolutely prohibit other high-dimensional life for the outer world line. The dissemination of information will also cultivate intelligent life as a carrier in the deserted world.
Cheng Bin himself has obtained information about Crusaders and God from the system. He knows that there is far more than an independent high-dimensional core node, and its background, capital, and methods must be much stronger than monsters with temperament, so Hearing here, he knew that the monster would most likely kneel.
The fact is the same. Whether it is the search and matching of the enemy's core world or the ability to hide itself, Heaven has the advantage in all aspects.
It was n’t long before the monsters that encroached and destroyed everything were rubbed by God on the ground. The core world lines that were gathered by them were completely locked and gradually eroded by heaven. The chaotic rules were twisted and reset a little in the direction of adapting to heaven, and finally even completely changed the sky It has become the appearance of adapting to the birth of life, and there has also appeared human beings as an excellent carrier of heaven.
The high-dimensional mechanism of measuring distance by information offset has gradually brought these worlds closer to the core area of ​​paradise, which has greatly enhanced the interference power of paradise in these worlds.
The core inner area has been eroded to this extent, and the unnamed monster is basically finished. Its high-dimensional information body is close to collapse. Most of its power has subsided and distorted under the intervention of heaven. The crystals of power are scattered in many worlds, and the core consciousness of the monster is broken and degraded, and finally lodged in the remnant called the immortal lizard.
The SCP Foundation's containment is essentially the product of heaven's robbing and distorting the crystals of monster power. What gatekeepers, God, Cain, and Abel ’s biblical containments are formed under the interference of heaven ’s information and the distortion of the rules. They are a good medium for intervening in the world, just as Samer, who is currently representing Hell, is using SCP-738 "to make things easier".
That's why Samer mocked that the elder of SCP-343, who claimed to be the creator of the world, was an empty shell waiting to enter.
These containment objects have a part of the monster's original high-dimensional interference power. In fact, they are similar to the high-dimensional force crystals left by the terminal in Cheng Bin's inner world, that is, the relic fragments.
After the victory of the war, the paradise naturally considered preventing the enemy from escaping and harvesting loot.
So they used the twist of the rules accompanied by the containment to lock the possibility of the world line to split and increase the depth of erosion of the world, so as to prevent the immortal lizard from disintegrating completely and escaping to the split world line downstream of the timeline.
With the mechanism of infinite division and evolution of the cosmic world line, it is difficult to completely kill high-dimensional life in this way, unless the volume difference is so large that the world and time involved in the high-dimensional information body are completely covered, otherwise they can always find a Possibility continues its message.
Heaven ’s plan is like this, using its own power to cover all the world line where the indelible lizard is located, and twist the will a little bit to destroy its foundation ~ ~ But even if they succeed in the end, they will not destroy the evil The lizard is completely covered, and the will of high-dimensional life is not so indelible.
Killing high-dimensional life completely is bound to be a very, very long process.
Just like the high-dimensional dead body that Cheng Bin encountered at the beginning, he directly stated that as long as he did not give up, he would never die.
In any case, the situation in heaven on this battlefield always looks great.
But Shunli smoothly turned over the monsters and was licking the paradise, but suddenly they were cut off--
A large number of newborn containments were forcibly embedded in a large number of parallel worlds, which not only messed up the ending work of heaven, but also allowed the indestructible lizard to seize the opportunity to regain some of the original monster's strength, and tore up a bit of turnover. .
The conflict between the canary in the aftermath and the newcomer "Infinite Lord" directly erupted into a direct conflict. The final victory was slammed into the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, and the three parties froze in this world.
In general, the paradise side still has the advantage, but the purpose is to take away the infinite master of the indestructible lizard. Before the indestructible lizard is out of contact with heaven, it is naturally its natural ally. Although their power here is Shallower, but giving up the power to lift the table and run is no problem.
But Heaven and the Infinite Lord couldn't bear the cost of their continuous investment, and the immortal lizard whose corpse had not died yet naturally did not want to actively give up, so the three parties who were jealous of each other stalemate here-
After all, if you give up running, it will be very troublesome for everyone to harvest this wave of fat.
After listening to what Samael said, after this mighty war with countless worlds as the battlefield, Cheng Bin, who was still not uplifted, couldn't help but feel a bit of pain in his heart-saying that the system left him here. What are you doing?
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