Chapter 32: Lunatics and giants

"The calculation result of the 76th adjustment of the fourth plan ..."
In the dim light, a skinny figure with a bare head full of raised blue tendons stood at the table, staring at the computer screen on the table in a daze.
The spare generator in the corner was annoyingly trembling and trembling with dirty air in a narrow space.
Suddenly the underground laboratory shook as a whole, and the low roar echoed in the enclosed space. The skinny figure shook all over, but did not even lift his head, but slowly turned around and walked to the experiment after regaining his thoughts. Side table.
经过 After repeating a skillful operation that has been transformed into instinct, the skinny man in a dirty white coat looked at the microscope and only barely showed the chromosomes.
的 The electron microscope and gene probe lacking a maintenance and stable power supply are long unusable. He can only rely on his senses and abilities to try the operation ... but what is the purpose of his experiment?
In the maggot, a deformed cell in the center of the microscope's field of vision stopped moving with magical ability, and the tiny chromosomes inside the cell began a complex and orderly disintegration process. The entangled double helix gene chain gradually cut and recombined.
The severe vibration and high temperature interrupted the experiment. The thin figure saw the scene under the microscope cluttered up. He raised his head somewhat dullly and looked in the direction of the sound.
The metallic isolation door of the Labium left only a hot, dark red outline, and its main body turned into several streams of metal fluid. The flesh and blood tentacles behind the isolation door were torn and incinerated with horrible high temperatures, clearing a wide road.
Chengbin Bin walked into the laboratory not covered by a blood blanket with the heat wave.
His gaze swept over the abandoned instruments that were full of surroundings. Cheng Bin looked back strangely and no longer tangled with the scarlet tentacles in the back of the passage, and turned his attention to the bald white coat in front of him.
"Who are you?" Cheng Bin glanced at the man's feet in doubt, and the information resonance body in the qi induction was just below the laboratory floor. Then he said silently: "System, you don't mean that there is only one surviving world left. Is it human? "
I didn't wait for the system to reply, before staring dumbly at Cheng Bin's skinny figure, I suddenly raised my hands and flung towards Cheng Bin!
"Hey!" Cheng Bin fluttered along with his thoughts in surprise, avoiding this person's messy attack in the narrow space.
"I am not a monster but a human! Are you crazy? You ..."
He glanced at what happened, and Cheng Bin suddenly became silent. He waved his hands. The man's white coat and pants turned into a solid cage under the influence of thought, and instantly overwhelmed his uniform on the floor.
The card on the man ’s chest flew to Cheng Bin ’s open palm. He wiped the dirt on the surface of the plastic card with his thoughts, and looked at the two largest characters in the middle—
Cheng Chengbin.
He looked at the identification plate with the doctor's rank information in a complicated way. Cheng Bin cast his eyes on the stranger who was still struggling on the floor, and suddenly found that his posture was very abnormal.
At this time, the system finally went online to remind: "Host, be careful, the thing in front of you is just a body."
The skinny figure, who had been struggling at random, suddenly calmed down, and a murmur passed to Cheng Bin's ear--
"Antibodies ..."
Uncle's tentacles tore clothing out of the skinny figure, Cheng Bin stepped back subconsciously, and noticed that the floor was shaking violently.
A large hole was cracked in the ground in the center of the lab, and numerous twisted tentacles were sprayed out along with a wavy blood blanket. The skinny figure lying on the floor flew into the flesh and blood wave in a blink of an eye.
Numerous cracks cracked in the entire underground laboratory. Cheng Bin could feel that the only room not covered by the blood blanket was groaning under the pressure of flesh and blood rolling around.
In the gradually distorted room, the lines of the generator and the link were engulfed by Manyan's tentacles. In the laboratory that suddenly fell into the edge of darkness, Cheng Bin receding to the corner saw a mess of bright spots flashing in the darkness in front of him--
There are countless horrible eyeballs of various sizes suddenly opening on the flesh and blood tissue. The bloodshot eyes converge the eyes and stare at him deadly.
The resonance of the information sensed by Tanianqi is in the biological tissues where the eyes are.
After a brief confrontation between the frightened Cheng Bin and the deformed monster, the laboratory finally couldn't withstand the squeeze of the surrounding flesh and it completely collapsed.
At the moment when the room was not allowed to send hair, a huge amount of internal energy was absorbed and transformed by the energy. The earth and stone metal falling above Cheng Bin's head experienced countless severe cold and fiery transformations in an instant, and was crushed by the ensuing kinetic energy shock.
Amidst this fiery fiery spin, Cheng Bin's figure penetrated through several layers of reinforced concrete and soil. When he stopped before his eyes lighted up, the entire research institute had been drilled by him from underground to the rooftop.
"Just kidding, what was that thing just now?" Cheng Bin looked in shock at the embodied system around him, "Are you sure that I will have information that resonates with a mass of flesh?"
"This only shows that the other party is not an irrational monster. It should still retain a certain human thinking structure." The system signaled to the hole in the rooftop: "Host, you should care more about this now."
The dense tentacles of flesh and blood were drilled out of the channel opened by Cheng Bin, and the ground building of the Institute was somewhat torn and collapsed under the force of the majesty, arousing a huge amount of smoke and dust.
The moment when the visual channel is obscured by smoke and dust, Cheng Bin outlines the outline of the scene under the smoke and dust through the tremolo induction of the panorama. he found a huge organism crawling out of the institute.
By comparison with the wreckage of the building, this reluctantly humanoid monster is several stories high on its own.
"Hey, this is too foul, right?" Cheng Bin saw the ubiquitous blood blanket dragging a lot of little monsters to gather together in the institute. The monster in the smoke and dust slowly stood up while continuously swallowing the blood blanket. Up.
Cheng Bin, who turned from looking down to looking up, stared blankly at the crimson giant that blocked most of his vision. He suddenly turned back to the system and asked, "What is the power of this product? What does he rely on to maintain consumption for such a huge body? Should the organism be so long overwhelming itself? "
"How does this system know, host you can ask him, maybe he will answer you?"
Cheng Chengbin made a cut and flew towards the monster's seemingly head.
Near Hou Chengbin, with countless eyeballs turning around, he broke his head and used qi to burst out a huge voice: "Hey, hey, try a sound, can you hear me?"
Under the stimulation of sound waves, countless tiny tentacles appeared on the surface of the giant's skull, and suddenly a large black hole-like mouth opened in the center of the face.
With a huge amount of air flowing, a fuzzy roar came out of the giant monster's mouth, and after a short time, he adjusted out the words that Cheng Bin could barely recognize--
"... sleep ... research ... me ... antibody ..."
After a short pause, the monster's tentacle fluttering body suddenly appeared countless sharp bone spears, neatly pointing at Cheng Bin.
As a huge monster slammed into his right hand, countless bone spears tore the air and shrouded Cheng Bin, and at the same time came the monster's deafening roar--
"Dead! Bugs !!!"
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