Chapter 327: The Materialist Debate, the gradual death of Samer

At the moment when Samuel's authority split, Cheng Bin suddenly felt great pressure.
Across the high-dimensional dimension of the world and time, the Samarkian demon who was originally silent because of being suppressed by Cheng Bin began to struggle violently and resist.
After all, compared to the situation of absorbing forces in order to get out of trouble, Samuel has now fallen into a real death crisis. All the benefits and concerns must be thrown away. He is freed from the cage of the time cycle to restrain the newly born weak man. Killing is the last word.
Since he has n’t really upgraded, Cheng Bin ’s influence on the quantum bubble is not on the other side of the world, and his influence is much weaker than the old high-dimensional life like Samal, so even if he occupies a bit of ground and mass It is still very difficult to suppress the Samaer who is doing his best.
In addition, Cheng Bin also scored the stability and safety of the time-keeping cage or the new Samer petri dish, which made him have no time to care.
At the level above the world line, the two rob each other of transforming their respective strengths, while competing for the World Devourer's heritage that was originally contained in the world line. This series of complex processes is projected into the changing cage of time, forming the cross and the The massive war between the Mobius civilizations spread to countless worlds.
Cheng Bin can provide the growing soil and nutrition for New Samal, temporarily isolating the high-dimensional contact between him and his father, but can he win the war in the end, grab the contact and control the time cage before Samal The source-Cheng Bin's part of the power eroded in the angelic ritual promoted by Samuel, to obtain the mass beyond the father, can only rely on himself.
Cheng Bin is relatively optimistic about the victory rate of New Samuel. After all, the reason why the evil of God makes the father feel tricky and fearful, in addition to the negative distance between the two that cannot be escaped, it also lies in the erosion of the father ’s power by the road. Conversion ability ...
The beginning of another time cycle on a certain world line.
In the hospital, Samaer, who was born prematurely, had just crawled out of his mother's body and had not had time to grow up. He looked ugly and completed the reconstructed divine network in an instant, and found that there was a terrible "tsunami" in the distance.
The invisible boundary takes the capitals of several ancient nations as the source point, and presents a ring-shaped explosive expansion at an ever-increasing speed. Everything in the boundary changes its type and form fiercely in the large amount of energy provided by mass energy conversion. Towering buildings and huge instruments quickly "grow" from the ground behind the boundary.
In the tide that wiped out all ancient buildings and primitive humans, countless humans with different appearances and uniform dresses are constantly flowing from a large number of man-made factories. These are citizens of the Mobius civilization reshaped by their own memory warehouses. -They don't need the kind of unstable memory cycle brought by the time cycle.
After countless qualities of human beings transformed into the pinnacle put into work, the huge gravitational well generator quickly took shape. The next moment, invisible ripples of time and space swept the entire Earth-Moon system at the speed of light.
Because a large number of believers were killed and brainwashed into ordinary people in the tsunami of intelligent atom transforming the world, the divine network built by Crusaders is close to crashing, and the relatively weak worldline of this world, Samer, watched silently all this happened Until the space-time fall caused by the gravitational well sinks it into a trough, the magical warp space is released to escape the danger of being stopped by time.
Samael, who fell on the moon, looked up at the earth in the starry sky, only to see that its land and ocean structure was gradually flattened. The azure planet lost its color among the intelligent atoms that swept by, and soon became completely A icy planet full of faint metallics.
As soon as the complex-looking Sammer's eyelids jumped, he saw a stack of intelligent atoms being dropped by his gravitational well generator in a space-shifting manner, and the moon began to quickly follow the footsteps of the earth.
Looking up at the starry sky, through the perceptual divine technique, Samael can see all the aggregation points of matter in the solar system, except the sun, including asteroid belts and individual planet comets, all invaded and eroded by intelligent atoms transmitted remotely. ...
Looking down at the only lunar soil at his feet, Samael glanced around the intelligent atoms undergoing complex reconstruction around him, sneering in a vacuum, the shock caused by the magic formed words, sweeping in the form of gravitational waves. Destroyed a large building: "Why don't you continue to try to imprison me like I just did?"
The construction dust crushed by the turbulent space-time instantly completed the transformation and reconstruction. In the face of Samaer, who maintained the appearance of a teenager, he condensed into a young blond and white man in uniform. He looked at Samael and said, "Look at you The performance on Earth does not seem to intend to confront us in this world? Do you have any thoughts to talk to me? Would you like to come to me? "
The younger Sammer snorted and stared at the younger version of the gods in front of him. "Don't feel too good about yourself. You are just a piece of chess that Cheng Bin has dealt with me. You think you have invaded his source of strength." Can I survive to the end? "
The younger Sammer looked at his father who was obviously affected by the function of the human carrier, and then nodded slowly—yes, he just felt that he could live to the end.
The younger Samuel looked stagnant, then angrily said, "Did you get water in your head? Cheng Bin is not even a demon, you and him can't even conclude a vassal contract. Why do you think he will not continue weaving in this cage? Go through this cycle of derived iniquity until you are washed into a puppet, you guy who usurped him? "
"It seems that you are still isolated on this world line, and your interpretation of Cheng Bin's road is not deep enough," said Divine Samer with a shrug. "We have said before that for high-dimensional life, there is only a win-win situation. Only the basis of the execution of the transaction, and I'm useful to Cheng Bin, Cheng Bin is also useful to me, naturally not the kind of things you think. "
"Again ..." The youth helplessly spread his hands, "... Will you let me go? Even if you say yes, do you think I would believe as another you?"
"Useful?" Regardless of the self-voicing behind the young man, the younger Sammer groaned for a moment and then said, "Do you mean that after this war in the cage, Cheng Bin has other things you need to do?"
The younger Samuel replied, "You can't say that either. It doesn't take me to look at Cheng Bin to be precise, but in the high-dimensional battlefield outside the cage, the only way for the winners between us is Cheng. Bin wants it. "
The Lord of Infinite? I do n’t know how many things I thought of, the younger Samuel was silent for a while, then switched the topic and said,
Do you really think that the current path of authority is stronger than our original? Cheng Bin ’s concept of knowing the grid, do you Don't know the hidden problem? "
"The reason why I was born is that you shake and hesitate about Cheng Bin ’s power," said Young Samer, shaking his head. "Cheng Bin reflects the depth of power beyond ordinary high-dimensional life, essentially because it tries to be objective in the universe. From the perspective of law, to explain the ability of life that relies on the level of authority to resonate with the information. If you want to gain this kind of power, you naturally follow this line of thinking ... "
"However, does the universe really have objective laws? By relying on Cheng Bin's method of cognition, can it really exhaust all changes in the universe?"
Regarding the evil spirit's identification with Cheng Bin's power and road, the younger Samuel sneered: "Now he relies on what he has discovered, the so-called" law of quantum bubbles ", so he has thought about what this law is Are you here?
"The so-called materialism always requires objective research objects, but if the universe is really built on a materialistic objective foundation, then there must be a larger box outside the universe that contains all the properties of the foundation of the universe ...
"No matter how many rules Cheng Bin has studied and how many boxes have been broken, as long as he continues to follow this materialistic path, there will always be a larger box waiting for him outside the box ..."
After a pause, the younger Samuel said word by word: "Even if Cheng Bin did not fall in the scourge of becoming a god, the road of materialism will never reach the end of omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent! Only Will it continue to destroy the foundation of the road itself, don't you understand ?! "
The young is silent, he knows that everything he said in the past is true--
The so-called path of materialistic knowledge and truth is based on the objective existence of everything in the universe. As long as it comes to the end, one cannot avoid the question-why does the root of the universe exist? Why is it like this?
This questioning and thinking will run through the way of the seeker, as the past himself said, whenever the material seeker knows all the truth, he will necessarily begin to question the basis of denying the existence of the results he has obtained, and try Discover the deeper secrets.
From the earth to the planet, from the planet to the starry sky, from the starry sky to the world, from the world to the cluster of world lines on the time axis, to the entire universe, and even to break through the universe to a higher level ... Cheng Bin's road will never be Satisfied with the status quo, always questioning all the ends encountered, so the road will never end.
Is this long road of invisible hope really correct? Does Cheng Bin ’s quantum incarnation cluster that surpasses ordinary high-dimensional life rely on the laws of the universe to be truly objective? Is there a way he can prove that the quantum bubble he observed according to his theory is the true form of the bottom of the universe?
The nature and law of the multiple dimensions of the quantum bubble, did it exist there and was discovered by Cheng Bin, or did his observations and research create it?
In the eyes of each high-dimensional life, the deepest scene in the universe is different. Each high-dimensional life has a set of theoretical systems that can explain all the phenomena of the universe. Why does Cheng Bin think that what he sees must be real? Instead of a stronger but still unique and subjective system?
Seeing his own derivative in deep thought, the younger Sammer's face slowly and cautiously said, "Before, we had contact with the core of his soul in order to awaken the Devourer of the World, and at that time you saw it. 'Wisdom'?
"Now you are pinned on the Mobius civilization, and you think that scientific cognition is the most correct and righteous path for the development of life. Then, do you think that the devourer of the world who builds ontology with chaos and destruction is a wise life? Will there be special lives and civilizations called 'Destruction' and 'Chaos' in the ruined chaotic world where even the laws do not exist?
"In the chaotic realm where the world cannot be formed, there are life similar to the devourer of the world that cannot be described with your common sense of civilization. Do you know your self-righteous path that will destroy countless contradictions to your cognition? civilization?
"After understanding these facts, can you still insist that your path is true, correct, and just?"
After a long period of silence and thought, the evil God Samer suddenly laughed at himself, and then said to the boy in front of him, "But, what about it?"
In front of the expressionless teenager, the young blonde looked up at the metallic earth that completely lost its natural beauty.
In the conversation between the two Sammers, the planet-level curvature controllers of each planet have been completed, and the major planets of the solar system have turned into huge spaceships. They began to deviate from their respective orbits under the gravitational gravitational pull. The space-time channel advances towards the sun.
Through the distortion of the time scale, the Mobius civilization can obtain more research and development time, but the energy provided by intelligent atomic mass energy conversion requires a large amount of material supply. Several of the most cutting-edge large-scale research projects in the current civilization require huge To consume a large amount of material, it is necessary to try to obtain a large amount of material directly from the violent sun.
Watching the huge earth constantly accelerating and eventually disappearing in the four-dimensional space slit, the younger Samuel looked back and sighed: "This road to knowledge and truth, even if you can't see the end of the road Hope, but the scenery on the way is magnificent and intoxicating. What's so bad about UU reading books walking on this endless road? "
"Furthermore ..." Staring at the past self, Samuel whispered, "... We don't need to really reach the end of the so-called 'highest', 'single', 'omnipotent and all-powerful', as long as we continue to surpass Those who think that they are supreme, unique, and omnipotent will do. "
Juvenile Samer glanced back, he could ignore the restriction of the speed of light and see that the distant giant planet collided and merged, and the barrier that turned into the sky gradually swallowed the sun's super project.
Then he looked back and stared at the young man and sighed, "There is more to this method than climbing ... It seems that the biggest difference between you and me is the senses of a bubble-like civilization under this rule."
"I just think that a lot of times, the collective at the same level is always stronger than the individual?" Asked the youth. "Don't you feel a little touch? You in this world have also tried to gather together less blind believers to study and strengthen God." Technical system? "
Juvenile Samer is undecided: "I hope you can be so righteous after encountering only resources that can be controlled by only existence ..."
"Even if there is such a thing ..." Youth Samer spread his hand, "Cheng Bin's quantum avatar cluster is a good textbook. As long as the pursuit of the same, it is not so difficult to integrate the only will to meet the needs of all people. Yes, then ... how are you thinking? "
The two Samer looked at each other, silent ...
It wasn't until the sun spread to this solitary metallized moon that there was only a little bit of starlight in the darkness, the younger Sammer sighed, and the figure disappeared from the world along with the last bit of moon soil.
Or, assimilated by the iniquity of Samuel ...
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