Chapter 334: Soul Fall and Information Illusion

There is a considerable tacit understanding between Cheng Bin and the system. This tacit understanding stems from some common pursuit of the two, which makes the war between them look much stranger than other high-dimensional wars.
Such tacit examples are--
Some conventional high-dimensional wars will focus on entangled battles. The actions of Cheng Bin and the system are like scratching each other. For places with extremely low cost-effectiveness, which may lead to both defeats and other high-dimensional lives, they are scorching hot. Pain into the bone marrow.
Before Cheng Bin was upgraded, the system would not use the superior power at the level of authority to do extra things, such as diffusing core information to avoid contact with the quantum avatar cluster. On the other hand, Cheng Bin would not destroy all low-dimensional carriers of the system by lifting the table. To avoid fighting on the level of soul consciousness.
Therefore, after Cheng Bin noticed the tentacles extending from the inner area, he stepped on without any hesitation.
After external observation, he can probably guess what means the system hides in these world lines, but he will not avoid such traps, either to crack the authority of the system or to warm up the soul war.
This is the choice of the system, as well as his own choice.
Cheng Bin, who was thinking in this way, mobilized a large number of quantum incarnations to rush through the burrs on the world line that converged in these inner domains.
There is no too high high-dimensional interference force on the target world line, and there is no systematic body carrier. Cheng Bin easily occupies every time segment of this short world line without causing any turbulence.
However, at the same time that Cheng Bin was completely occupied, a trace of power buried in the system was excited, and the power from the side of the dimension outside the world was conspicuously touching a certain quantum incarnation of Cheng Bin.
Cheng Bin, who obtained a large amount of data outside the quantum bubble world in an instant, unexpectedly discovered that a theoretical change in the section of the world line that he was completely in control of has occurred. However, apart from the violent ups and downs of the splitting trend and possibility on each time slice, Cheng Bin Bin did not observe any specific changes.
However, after looking back at the action form of the point of contact between the system and him, Cheng Bin realized in the bottom of his heart: "Is the reverse application of the World Line-derived probability close-up? This is the same as the division of Samuel's low-dimensionality in the cage of time. The individual approach is a bit similar, it's really interesting ... "
Because there is no higher dimension and no higher-level high-dimensional soul, every bit of power dominated by Cheng Bin's subjective consciousness built on the protocol network, or every quantum incarnation, actually contains his complete core information.
Utilizing this, the system integrated with Cheng Bin can easily grab a trace of its power into the preset trap, thereby using the trend of the universe's division and evolution to do something at the level of authority that connects the roots of the universe-
In those world lines exposed in the inner domain, those focal points where the system is in contact with Cheng Bin ’s forces, huge amounts do not exist on the real world line, but are wonderful in
. Information fragments were created.
Cheng Bin, a quantum incarnation associated with the debris, suddenly felt that his memory thought was completely stripped from the material level, then fragmented in a fierce fall, and finally stuffed into a rough and crude narrow cage.
In other words, the body of an ordinary human being is only transferred from a quantum avatar that can dominate the world to an ordinary human body with unsophisticated sense organs and thinking organs. For Cheng Bin and being dismembered into a cage on a spiritual level, it is not much. The difference is that this is not the same operation as the ordinary person incarnate who made the physical and mental match.
This violent process of falling and falling did not accidentally destroy Cheng Bin's core of thinking, as if it was not dismantled by violence, but by some kind of record to pull the silk and cocoon to restore it.
After adapting to the current situation a bit, Cheng Bin stumbled to rationalize the mental operation and regained the understanding and assembly ability of ordinary people's sensory information.
Cheng Bin, who had returned from the trance, moved his current body rustly, then sat up slowly, and looked at himself and his surroundings with some confusion.
Hospital clothes, cream-painted iron frame bed, smell of disinfection water ... and the familiar face in the mirror, which belongs to "Cheng Bin" ...
"Did I have been in a psychiatric hospital before coming into contact with the system? No wonder I'm familiar with it ..."
Cheng Bin groaned for a while, then unconsciously stretched out his arm from the cabinet next to the bed to put on his glasses, then opened the quilt and put on the shoes next to the bed and walked around for two steps.
The human body cannot carry the will of the quantum incarnation. Cheng Bin, who still maintained the state of self-examination during the downgrade, selectively performed a soul segmentation operation. In order to ensure that the core algorithm is not distorted, he abandoned a lot of memory. information.
When he settled in this body, Cheng Bin encountered the shock of information again. It seemed that the original soul of the body was intertwined with him.
Perceived the source of this part of the information and the intention of the system to pull him down from his strength, Cheng Bin did not choose to give up this sense of power to self-destruction, but instead incorporated it along the inexplicable mechanism.
"Huh?" Thinking of this, Cheng Bin raised his hand and took off the eyes on his face, looked in front of him, and then looked down at the shoes he had put on casually.
Do you take the initiative to wear glasses and shoes? This natural movement ... It seems that the previous information shock has caused memory and thought to be affected, but for ordinary people, the body instinct is originally part of the soul structure ...
Thinking about it, Cheng Bin sorted out his clothes and left the room to the corridor outside. He observed the hospital building that looked familiar everywhere by pressing the railing.
Speaking back, what is the intention of the system to create such a scene that should be captured by the ontology in the context of authority, and to pay such a price to pull in a force of itself? Although it must be related to the battle of uplifting souls ...
Because of the loss of knowledge and strength, Cheng Bin was unable to carefully observe the changes in himself from an objective point of view. For a while, he felt a bit lost in direction.
At this moment, Cheng Bin felt that his body suddenly instinctively tightened, a kind of restlessness and anxiety washing his soul.
After frowning, Cheng Bin followed his instinct to look to the right, and saw a dark sludge squirming next to the right hand pressed on the railing.
Suppressing the vigilance and irritability that originated from the body's instincts, Cheng Bin stretched his right hand and stabbed the black mud, and found that his fingers were weak, as if the shadow had no substance, and strangely, Cheng Bin could In the darkness, the tiny dimples on the railing were accurately cut.
"The dark shadow that does not block the actual sight ... is this before the attachment of the system in the hospital ... no, is the visual signal debugging phenomenon during the attachment process?"
Cheng Bin shook his fist slightly in confusion-why is his body so nervous and disgusted? I remember that before entering the mental hospital, I was used to this dark illusion when I was hospitalized due to a car accident in which my parents were killed.
There was a sudden grunt in the abdominal cavity. When Cheng Bin realized that the ordinary person's body was still in need of food, his body had already entered the staircase subconsciously, all the way down to the first floor, and walking towards the canteen in the hospital go with.
During this process, the ever-changing darkness in the light of the corner of the eye hovered around Cheng Bin.
Suppressing the marvellous feeling in his spirit, Cheng Bin observed with interest the operation of his body. Unlike the previous process of wearing glasses and shoes, he smelled a bit of abnormality from the action of turning and going downstairs. .
Although he lost a lot of extraordinary senses, Cheng Bin can still confirm after careful tasting that his behavior of sliding all the way to the cafeteria is completely beyond the influence of consciousness, which is far from being explained by the words of instinct and subconsciousness.
It's almost the same to say that another personality is using the power of instinct to drive this body.
After realizing this problem, Cheng Bin felt that the strange
between himself and the body became more obvious, just like the mind sinking into the water and observing the outside scene through a layer of water.
So it ’s the case, I merged in the form of a potential second personality? The original consciousness of this body was still there, but didn't realize that I existed at all?
With an inexplicable feeling, Cheng Bin watched as "self" hurried to the cafeteria for breakfast as if to avoid the shadow chase, and then hurried back to his residence to wash again, and then brought a document on the table. After checking the key phone, I went out again.
With the improvement of the consciousness of the body itself, the information that Cheng Bin could feel gradually reduced and blurred. After seeing "self" pulling out some supporting documents and successfully leaving the hospital through the gate, he realized that Completely sank into a quiet darkness.
I waited in a silence that is difficult to think about. I do n’t know how long, Cheng Bin ’s thoughts were awakened by a strong pain and complex emotions. When the soul floated, he saw that the sky was a little dim, and his own hand was smashing Amidst the hard rock, a pitch darkness was wriggling at hand.
After instinctively shaking his hands and attacking the air-like shadows several times, Cheng Bin indirectly controlled the body. He closed his painful fingers with tingling, and found that he could hear in his ear. A little murmured.
Is the debugging process of auditory signals ...
Glancing at the dark shadow that always lingered in his sight, Cheng Bin glanced at his fist, and then cast his eyes on the rock that had been inflated with this fist.
Or, tombstone.
The previous self was attacked by the dark shadows under the driving of strong emotions. Did his fist hit the tombstone ...
Using sleeves to wipe the tears at the corners of the eyes and the blood on the ridgeline of the tombstone, Cheng Bin used a calm and indifferent will and strong self-control ability to suppress the depression and anger in the body. The severe wheezing of the lungs and throat returned to stability.
After glancing at the mother's name on the tombstone, and then pulling out his mobile phone from his pants pocket, and glancing at the date, Cheng Bin shook his head secretly: "Is birthday and death day ..."
He remembered that he used to take a leave of absence from the hospital to see his parents' grave one year after the accident, because the condition was special and his thinking was normal. The process of getting the leave was smooth.
However, the situation of touching the scene to attack the illusion shadow has never happened ... This world's own seems to care about the shadow unusually.
I am afraid that in the eyes of "Cheng Bin" in this world, the shadow is not an illusion, but something that exists in substance. It is the culprit who caused the death of his parents in a car accident ...
Cheng Bin, who was thinking in this way, suddenly remembered it. He felt the agitation deep in his body, and then took out a paper towel while wiping the blood on his right hand that had not completely stopped, while watching the invisible black mass on the tombstone. Ying casually asked: "Does this have anything to do with the former Inner Domain No. 2 World?"
The original shadows of unknown meaning squirmed together and turned into a black cat squatting on the tombstone. After looking at Cheng Bin with a strange look, he tilted his head and said, "The material that builds this virtual world is originally the second world in the inner domain ...
"... Strange, is it that I underestimated the power of your quantum incarnation? The soul has been broken and decayed to the level of ordinary people. Can you still retain complete and continuous memory thinking?"
"Manipulating the soul by hand is my specialty ... the virtual world?" Cheng Bin, who handles his right hand, looked at the black cat in the system a bit, "I thought this was the second world line in the inner domain."
"Virtual is just a description used to compare with the normal world line, but virtual is not false," said the system black cat slowly shaking his tail. "This is a possibility that the information on the outside of the world is interwoven and formed. If you succeed in upgrading If you look at it from the perspective of true high-dimensional life, you will find that this world is not much different from the normal world ...
"... If it weren't for this more information-oriented level, I think it would be difficult to crack your quantum avatar and take away your soul."
After pondering about the information provided by the system, Cheng Bin asked: "So, what are you trying to get me here to do? Create gods like I imprisoned Samer? What does this mean to people like me? Not big? Besides, haven't I upgraded yet? "
"A small test is also to fulfill some of my promises to you, to unlock the prohibitions related to this world ..." After a pause, the system black cat raised his claws and clicked Cheng Bin. "Multi It ’s useless, you're better at 'sinking' a little bit deeper, otherwise the 'effect' would be greatly reduced. "
"Hey ..." Without waiting for Cheng Bin to respond more, his spirit sank into the back of his mind again, and blended more deeply with the body's original consciousness.
After being stunned, Cheng Bin returned to his heart. He followed the faint pain in surprise and glanced at his right hand wrapped in several layers of paper towels. Firmly stuck together.
After looking at the dark shadow still hovering in the field of vision, Cheng Bin pressed the heart that was beating gently, and found that his previous anger and irritability had disappeared.
After taking a deep breath, Cheng Bin glanced at the autumn leaves, glanced at the dim sunlight left in the sky, and then took out his mobile phone to look at the time.
"Going back ... Aunt Wang, haven't they come yet ..."
Cheng Bin turned his gaze and looked at the grave next to his parents with a trace of guilt. He was asleep there when he was in a car accident due to the shadow illusion. He followed the drive and lost his life.
Although Cheng Bin avoided many legal responsibilities and punishments because of the driving safety distance and psychiatric appraisal, Uncle Liu's relatives' emotions will not be calmed by these things and his explanation, but will be more prosperous.
Since then, the two parties who had been close to each other have been strangers, and Cheng Bin has never contacted them.
After secretly sighing, Cheng Bin turned and walked towards the gate of the cemetery.
I don't know why, after this worship service, Cheng Bin felt that there had been some changes in his heart. He was so impulsive that he couldn't lift his heart—
When you go back to the hospital for treatment, start studying hard ... One day, you need to dig out the nature of the dark illusion that has ruined his family ... Recently, Dr. Yang is trying to treat himself with hypnosis, if he can take the opportunity Just let him believe in himself and the true existence of the shadow ...
Cheng Bin with various thoughts in his mind, just carefully tearing the paper stuck to the right hand by the blood, while slowly away from his parents' tombstone ...
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