Chapter 345: Cosmic Root Records and Prohibitions for the Arena

Between the strange world, the youth and the widely-spread emoji face each other for a while.
Uh, that funny face seems difficult to change the oblique eyes full of humorous temperament, saying that facing is just opposite.
Withdrawing his gaze from the rather funny three-dimensional and three-dimensional funny head, Cheng Bin raised his hands and took a closer look at the current situation of the body.
The familiar motivation that is slightly different from the mind is full of Cheng Bin ’s body, and the deep motivation at the nano level supports the surging mechanical unit in his body. The nano-mechanical cluster implanted at the cell level provides him with Comes with keen senses, speedy response, arrogant body.
This is the original version of co-working nanocell, and ...
Cheng Bin glanced aside, and just behind his side, a cuboid silver-white metal box with a height of nearly two meters was standing there.
Just a glance, Cheng Bin's mind came up with the pictures of his day and night research, and all the structural details of the powerful weapon designed and manufactured by himself.
"Zhu Rong, Energy Concentration Ring ... or ..." Seeing this metal box, Cheng Bin remembered his experience in the World No. 2 World Arena.
Recalling the scene in which the Cheng team with the halo was bombarded with a proton cannon, Cheng Bin's face showed some subtle expressions: "... magnetically constrained controllable fusion fusion energy release ring, which I attached to Cheng again On the team ... "
Turning his eyes back to the front again, Cheng Bin looked at the strange crystal under the funny head, and watched the unpredictable shape saying: "The shards of the relics of Yaowan civilization exploration terminal ... now it looks a little bit The feeling of the containment over SCP ... "
After a pause, Cheng Bin looked up and looked at the funny head and continued: "The system you pulled me here, are you ready to tell me something?"
The funny head of the system changed a little between the dizzy and the question mark emoticon, and then an exclamation mark appeared on the head and it returned to the original state: "... So, you are not Cheng Bin in Inner Domain No. 2 World, but No. 0 World Yes ... is this the virtual world of information? "
"Eh? Don't you know?" Cheng Bin said a moment, the system responded ... Could it be said in the so-called virtual world of information ...
The funny head made two turns on the shard of the relic, and it seemed to ponder for a moment, then turned into a smiley emoji: "The department ... I'm just a temporary low-dimensional avatar here, just like your mouth The Cheng team will not realize that my existence in the high dimension is the same. Whether I maintain information connection with the ontology depends entirely on the ontology, and I can think independently ...
"It seems that Ontology is trying to use my reaction and some special scenarios here to tell you something about high-dimensional authority and the virtual world of information."
Instantly thinking of a lot of things, Cheng Bin, looked at the chaotic world scene fragments around, and then laughed: "I probably guessed that the original high-dimensional authority and information virtual world are such things, which is really interesting ...
"It is no wonder that with my strong body and will that approach high-dimensional life, there is also the risk of being distorted by the soul of other low-dimensional parallel individuals during the ascension. It is true that things on this level cannot be avoided no matter how powerful they are before the ascension. .. "
"Although this situation is always encountered when upgrading, it is best to understand it in advance," the system flashed a big emoji, and then continued to laugh, "You can come here to meet me , It means that you have passed the preliminary trials, and have you encountered that? "
Cheng Bin sighed: "That? Do you mean the pawns of the Infinite Master, my unclosed parallel individuals?"
"Yes, this shows that you have begun to break free from deep reincarnation and touch some focus," the system used a spread expression, "I am letting you come here in a high dimension, presumably also intending to reveal something to you, you If you have any questions, you can ask me here, including some prohibitions. "
Cheng Bin shook his head silently. In fact, up to now, there is basically no unquestionable question in the universe at the level of his own body. Even if it was covered by the system in the past, he probably had the answer in his heart.
And some high-dimensional secrets can only be explored by the body itself. The low-dimensional system incarnations here may not be known ... but, all are here, so please ask for confirmation ...
With complex feelings, Cheng Bin thought for a while and asked: "Here is the inner arena of World No. 2, World of No. 2 and some other parallel worlds. The system is why you collect and destroy What about these world lines? "
"Ask me knowingly ..." The system uses white-eye expressions. "On the one hand, to avoid being responsible for monitoring the high-dimensional life in this cosmic region, and to detect some problems through the world line changes caused by the upheaval of civilization, and on the other hand ... "
After a pause, the system said with a serious expression: "... naturally to avoid being hostile to high-dimensional life such as the Infinite Lord, intercepting your parallel individuals in the outflow world line, for example, you encountered before That kind of. "
Unsurprisingly, Cheng Bin was silent for a while, and then asked, "Do you know what happened to Dr. Cheng? Hasn't he been taken away by the Lord of Infinite?"
"Dr. Cheng? I don't have any relevant information here. After you go out, communicate with my ontology," the system used the expression booth again. "Cheng Bin, you know, the parallel individuals in the physical world line, and the virtual world of information Internally intercepted low-dimensional individual information, the two are fundamentally different ...
"It is unavoidable to be eroded from the virtual world of information, but I can guarantee that you absolutely have no physical world line and parallel entities fall on the hands of other high-dimensional life-all of them who deviated from the inner area were destroyed by me The only remaining ones are intentionally exposed traps and contact ports. "
Before the dimension upgrade, the so-called Cheng Bin parallel individuals were actually part of the high-dimensional system, and Cheng Bin could only sigh about it. After that, he continued to ask: "Where is this difference reflected? Or, so-called information What form of existence is the illusion? "
"You should already know that the high-dimensional authority is on the side of the common dimension of the underlying unit of the universe outside the world, right?" Asked the system.
Seeing Cheng Bin nodded, the system continued: "If all the underlying units of the universe are considered as one through the common dimensions connected to each other, then the only existence that contains all the information of the entire universe can be called as The roots of the universe, and the imaginary world of information, exist in the records of changes in the roots of the universe ...
"In a way, this root record can be seen as the timeline of the universe as a whole, for example ..." The system thought about it and said, "The world we are in is actually destroyed. Or merged? "
Cheng Bin, who is thinking deeply, nodded after hearing the words-speaking, in this "past" scene, talking about the scene itself only exists in the past ... This feeling is really amazing.
"After the world line changes, no matter how you go back to the world timeline, you will not be able to retrieve what it was before the change, because it changes the state of all world nodes on the timeline."
After a pause in the system, there were two backslidings on the relic fragments: "But now we are still here because the root of the universe contains all the information of the universe, and naturally there is a record of its own change process. Dimensions ...
"As long as you have the ability to access this and find out the original look of the World Line from the information level, you can find the carrier matrix of the original World Line and reset it based on the World Line information."
"So we and the world today are just a historical record at the root of the universe?" Cheng Bin asked, "Then this information-level record can be distorted and modified?"
"The information is still based on the underlying unit of the universe. Of course, it can be modified. Do you think our current conversation is in the original record? But ..."
The system continued with a funny face: "Unless you can control all the variables of the universe and eliminate all interference, all your actions in the roots of the universe will also leave a record. In that case, even if you modify the original record, you modify The entire recording process, along with the state of the world line before and after modification, will still be recorded. "
Cheng Bin nodded silently. After knowing this information from the system and combining it with previous experimental conclusions, he quickly thought of the specific reasons for the three major obstacles to upgrading and the ways to deal with it.
"Back to the question at the beginning," the system turned back to the topic, "the parallel entity on the real world line and the information body intercepted from the root record, the essential difference between the two is that the former has a complete, born from the universe The root records that continue to the beginning ...
"Like the example I gave you before, although you have only met me for more than two decades before, the material that made up or used to make up yours has existed very early in the timeline of the Inner World. The same is true of the root records of the universe. "
After looking at Cheng Bin, the system booed, "This kind of cosmic time-level record is very important. This is also one of the root causes of the complete failure of the Yao civilization exploration terminal that came to this universe in an information state."
He unveiled several prohibitions that were very curious in the past, but Cheng Bin didn't feel much joy. He continued after a while of silence: "Then ... the way to cross the universe, the so-called 'transverse communication device' what exactly is it?"
"This is the final prohibition. After you have successfully upgraded and taken everything from me, you will naturally know gradually, then, before you leave ..."
Without saying a word, the system changed from an emoji to a little black cat familiar to Cheng Bin in a blink of an eye. Then he looked down at the relic fragments under his foot, looked up and changed his tone, and continued to Cheng Bin:
"The time here is almost the same as the time on the world line. Anyway, it doesn't make much sense. If you are interested, you can go inside the arena and take a look at it. In that case, you must have a deeper understanding of the root record thing. If you know this kind of thing, you can grind it a little bit. "
Cheng Bin looked along the paw raised by the little black cat, and saw a dark hole appearing in the chaotic world fragment scene next to it.
After looking at this dark channel, he looked back at the black cat in the system, and then Cheng Bin stepped into it with a strange smile.
In the endless darkness, as if falling momentarily and eternally, Cheng Bin turned back suddenly and found himself standing firmly on the top of a low rock mountain.
Looking at it, no matter it is a beautiful lake or a distant town, it is extremely desolate. Even if Cheng Bin is connected to the remaining satellite network through the nano-unit in this body, he cannot find a second figure on the vast earth.
"Fighting arena of World No. 2 World ..." Cheng Bin rubbed his side of Zhu Rong's metal box and said with a little emotion, "... I feel like it's been a long time ago. It's a very distant thing ..."
The cohesive force of the micro-magnification is amplified by the co-constructed nano-units. The invisible electromagnetic field fluctuates at high frequencies around Cheng Bin's body. The nearly two-meter-high metal box eases the body. Some nano-machines are integrated into the rocky mountains, and some nano-machines become a metal The ring, quietly floated behind Cheng Bin.
With Cheng Bin's ringing finger, the hydrogen isotope deuterium and tritium in the mechanical ring impacted and polymerized with the help of pulsation, and the energy generated by nuclear fusion became larger and larger between cycles, but was still firmly constrained by a strong magnetic field.
Looking back at the ring that gradually emits a bright light in the working state, Cheng Bin nodded with his chin: "The Cheng team ’s motivation and mind are a little different. Zhu Rong has been operating for a long time, and the high energy generated by fusion The son will cause wear to key components. No wonder he didn't keep the halo before. "
However, you don't have to wait too long before leaving the virtual realm of information.
Between the tremor of the world ~ ~ A figure appeared out of nowhere under the rocky mountain where Cheng Bin was located. Cheng Bin probably had the bottom of his heart ’s record about the gladiatorial field of the middle-range team of this universe. He just After glancing at the pupil with a mechanical texture, he flung a sub-light proton cannon with a finger.
In the ionized water constrained by a strong electromagnetic field, hydrogen ions were extracted and converged into tiny shells, which were then stabbed out into a violent beam of light during electromagnetic acceleration.
The refreshed figure was too late for the reaction, and was penetrated by a thin beam of light. The nuclear reaction caused by the proton cannon hitting the molecular atoms formed a cone-shaped residual wave, melting a large area around the figure's refreshing ground into the dazzling fire.
Cheng Bin glanced at the lava crater at the foot of the mountain, and then turned his eyes to the lake. The electromagnetic thunder light around him surrounded the sky like flexible hands and feet, as if a million thunders hit the lake at the same time. Decomposed in electric mans.
Various ions were surrounded by electromagnetic force and returned to the rocks. They were added to the material reserves such as hydrogen ions around Cheng Bin's body, and some of them were directly converted into isotopic deuterium and tritium with the assistance of Ninth Dynamics. A firewood.
Cheng Bin waiting patiently in the gladiatorial field, while pondering the information he has recently obtained, while dealing with the constantly refreshing gladiator gladiator, he finally saw him after he had just dismissed a guy who did not argue with men due to parallel self-entanglement. To the one who waits for himself--
In the huge lava crater at the foot of the mountain, a young man in black appeared out of thin air. He casually looked at the lava that wrapped his legs and feet, and then raised his eyes and looked at the top of the rock.
Wearing a halo, Cheng Bin flashed a weird eye, then stepped forward and stood by the cliff, nodded and smiled at the young man in the lava pit below: "You are finally here."
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