Chapter 350: Invasion of the Information Reality and Red Dragon Casa

The authority of the Infinite Lord can actually be traced from its title.
Perhaps it is the continuation of the former mother, that is, the end of the exploration of the alien universe of Yao civilization, the legacy of integrating all the variables of the universe to complete cross-universal communication.
Similar to a system that is good at self-analysis and differentiation to create its own gods, the Lord of Infinite is good at analyzing and creating other gods of high-dimensional life, in order to split and plunder its authority, and constantly expand the area under its control.
Although this behavior will greatly strengthen its strength and growth rate, it will obviously cause the vigilance and hostility of many high-dimensional life. After all, unlike ordinary high-dimensional wars, the Father and Son Bureau is inevitable and endless. Yes, this is unacceptable for eternal and comfortable high-dimensional life.
Therefore, Cheng Bin's plan is also very simple. It is to connect all the high-dimensional life created by the infinite Lord to create the reserve God Eater and invade it at the same time. Inside and outside should penetrate through the defensive fog covering his own body and expose it to Under the vision of many hostile high-dimensional life, he was beaten to death.
Well, it's unlikely that you can press the Lord of Infinitely directly, but it should be okay to let him be busy and distracted to pay attention to changes in the inner region.
Xiao Yan's plan to find her mother is very simple, but it is difficult to predict it--
As the system says, the Lord of Infinite must be very aware and highly vigilant of his own problems. Now that it can develop and grow smoothly and successfully, it shows that it has unique ability to deal with this offensive. Place.
However, the more and more defensive means the Infinite Lord has in this respect, it also means that the disadvantages it faces after being broken are deeper and more real.
There must be a lot of high-dimensional life trying to find the infinite master, but compared with other potential enemies of the infinite master, Cheng Bin has two unique advantages
First, the depth of his quantum incarnation power, according to the system, surpasses all the high-dimensional life in the currently accumulated data, whether it is to crack the world maze or eventually face the collision has a great advantage.
Secondly, because of his system, he has a potential connection with the Lord of Infinite because of the system. In the positioning and capture of the core country of Infinite Lord, the success rate is much higher than other high-dimensional life.
Moreover, the nails buried on the high-dimensional battlefield of SCP before the Lord of Infinite may be useful.
Just considering that before the phased success of the plan, it is necessary to prevent the Lord of Infinite from going back to the existence of the inner region through the invasion of Cheng Bin. Cheng Bin's invasion in this regard can only be carried out carefully.
Resentment being stripped and peeled ...
Furious wounded in battle ...
Breathing over the city while flying ...
Cozy lying on a pile of rare minerals and gems ...
Careful predation to avoid the injustice of the strong in your youth ...
Juvenile timid curled up in a cave inside the volcano to eat worms ...
In the dull depression, I broke the egg shell and saw the ignorance when I saw the light ...
Infinite pictures and sounds flock together, stirring and confusion in the infinite pain, until a natural and special consciousness is born between coincidences.
Cheng Bin, who was in a state of confusion, gradually felt the dreary depression around him. In accordance with some residual instincts, he drove his limbs to the surroundings, putting the sharp tip of his head on the cage that trapped him.
Like a piece of information in the soul, a layer of film was pierced by the acute angle of the forehead together with the cage, and Cheng Bin cut a large cracked hole and got out of the cage.
Somewhat awkwardly raised his short front paw to wipe away the mucus that gradually dried on his eyes. Cheng Bin looked at the cave exit full of fire-red light in front of him, and then turned his head to look at the fungus and bacteria with a particularly wide perspective Inside the worm's cave, the slender neck stretched forward and sniffed the eggshell that he had just broken.
Vision, hearing, smell, touch ... OK, the information receiving port is really not much different ...
In response to his instinct, Cheng Bin picked up a bit of flamboyant eggshell fragments and took a bite near his mouth. The eggshell that started to become crunchy in a short period of time was like some kind of cookie-no problem with taste , Although the recognition method is a bit different.
After he finished preparing the eggshells like dried grains, Cheng Bin recovered his consciousness a bit more clearly. He re-examined his hands or claws full of red scales, and turned slender in a way that humans can never do. Neck, examined his body from top to bottom.
In terms of proportion, there are some stout bodies and legs, with two curled up wings, and a tail that takes up nearly half of the body.
"Is the red baby dragon?" Cheng Bin groaned for a while, finally remembering who he was and where he came from.
In the brain of the young dragon, around the singular spar that has a complex interaction with the magic elements, the unique soul of this world is undergoing an encryption operation process that breaks through the horizon.
Previously in the space-time corridor, he was the elf-type magician who locked the meteorite in ancient earth. With the help of the system, he penetrated the virtual realm of information associated with it. He intends to lock the trace of the infinite master through this guy.
However, it is too obvious to directly manipulate the reserve God Eater who came to Earth for the first trial. The impact of being noticed by the Infinite Lord is difficult to predict, so Cheng Bin locked his other Items from the same world are corroded by related information.
The item locked by Cheng Bin is the dragon skin scroll used by the wizard to release meteorite.
Although the raw material of this dragon skin scroll has long been removed, but for the system, the information contained in it is sufficient to support it to find its associated carrier that is sufficient to support the existence of wisdom.
It doesn't matter which world or time the carrier is in.
After finding the relevant carrier information, the system did not directly set foot in the world on the other side, but extracted the information to create an unreal world line on the level of possibility in that world for Cheng Bin to invade.
Just like the Zerg who invaded the cloned world line of civilization, as long as the action is smaller, the erosion at this level is more difficult to detect and prevent. Even if it is found, there is no good way to stop or pursue it.
As far as the information is concerned, there is no difference between the virtual world and the real world line. All the secrets of the world can be explored in it, and the reasons for the infinite expansion of the possibilities caused by the cosmic mechanism, even if blocked or encountered by accident It doesn't matter if you fail billions of times, there is a possibility of success.
After all, time in the world is meaningless in a high-dimensional perspective.
Cheng Bin, who has just transformed into a red dragon larva, is a probe whose subjective consciousness penetrates into this information imaginary world.
"It's a bit troublesome. As for the ontology, you can quickly know the results in the change of the world line, but I don't know how many times to try and how long to try to achieve the goal ..."
The young red dragon staggered to the corner of the cave after two steps, and picked up a handful of worms drilling in the ashes, mixed with a little fungus and chewed in the mouth-taste, taste, nausea and so on , Is insignificant for the soul consciousness used to replacing sensory information with data.
Compared to taste, Cheng Bin is more curious about how these creatures multiply in the dry volcanic environment, but there is a world with supernatural powers like magic elements. Many things should not be seen in the common sense of the earth.
However, the body that is not completely in control has not instinctively repelled, indicating that these foods are still good for young dragons ... probably ...
"Well, to put it another way, for me to be successful, I just tried it once. I wish I was the one who succeeded."
After filling his stomach, Cheng Bin went to work in this relatively safe volcanic cave in a short time. He first took advantage of the only advantage he had—distorted soul through information interference.
Because the larvae are fragile and they have to incubate their complete consciousness of high-pressure encryption, the dragon that Cheng Bin kept during the erosion process has few original memories, and they are all described in general terms.
So what should have been, all the things that depended on the soul's talent, magic, and inheritance of memory were all lost. He did not pay much attention to this. He mainly kept the dragon's knowledge of the world background during the erosion process.
However, because the dragon's life is purely mixed eating and waiting to die, most of the time it conforms to instinctual needs to act like a beast, Cheng Bin has little useful information sorted out.
In general, this place is a closed space in the world of Red Dragon. It is a "plane" structure in the popular sense, but the world contains many different types of interrelated planes.
In the plane where the red dragon was born, the civilization that made up plants and elves occupied the main position. The creature of the red dragon seems to be an invader from other planes ... the product of the original species' blood vessels that erode the plane.
In other words, the hybrids left by outsiders are two or five.
"Isn't this the rhythm of the world?" Cheng Bin murmured, seeing here, lying on a relatively flat ground, "the dragon and the elf have long life spans, and the reserve Eater didn't know if it was born? , But it does n’t matter if it ’s not born, I ’m here to find his process of reaching the Lord of Infinite, and the guy behind him.

In any case, improving your strength is the most important thing right now.
However, the red dragon has already kneeled, and even his real name is only "Casa Staz", and the inheritance of improving power is left without hair. Although in theory, this dragon can grind time in accordance with its instinct to eat and sleep Become stronger, but this is certainly not the choice of Cheng Bin.
If the quantum incarnation is here, Cheng Bin can start from the bottom of the world in a minute, and from the bottom to the top, he can crack all the mysteries of the rules of the world, and derive a complete technology tree that is suitable for the world.
Even if it has a little high-dimensional interference, using the latest version of the seeker system similar to the containment, Cheng Bin can easily discover the laws of the world from top to bottom.
But considering the size of the movement and the return on investment, Cheng Bin, who turned into a red dragon Casa, did not have those convenient plug-ins available.
However, this world itself has supernatural powers associated with life consciousness, and dragons have extremely long life spans, and it is not a big problem to study from scratch.
After sorting out his thoughts and plans, the young dragon lying on the ground stood on both feet, and after adapting the method of balancing the center of gravity with his tail, he tried to stretch the dragon wings behind him.
The soft dragon wings that curled into a ball trembled and failed to unfold smoothly. It seems that they have not fully formed yet. It seems that flying cannot be expected for the time being.
After taking two steps, he simply continued to crawl on the four-footed and efficient young dragon, and walked two or three times to the entrance of the cave filled with red light.
Like the remaining impression in Dragon Soul, under the small platform outside the cave is volcanic lava.
Cheng Bin can feel the warmth, comfort and strength that this red dragon larva produced in the high temperature near the lava.
After tasting this unusual sense that is different from the five senses, Cheng Bin climbed to the edge of the platform, raised his neck and looked around the protruding rock mass protruding from his head, and looked at the sky exposed in the rock wall of the crater.
After observing the environment around the crater and recording some vague data, Cheng Bin explored the cave deeper.
The zigzag cave is not large. Cheng Bin walked over the position of his eggshell and walked inside. The corner saw the end of the space slightly expanded. The ground inside seemed to be repeatedly rolled by extremely high-quality things, slightly sunken. At the same time it seems a little flat.
This seems to be the place where the mother of the young red dragon lived, but apart from some shiny metal fragments stuck between the small stone pillars, Cheng Bin didn't find any extra stuff.
In the impression of the red dragon being picked and peeled as a scroll, the juvenile worms that stayed in the cave were not too dangerous except for the dangerous breath that occasionally passed in the sky. It had never seen their own. parents.
Look at the situation where the raids are so clean, and the dragon eggs are left unattended. Most of the adult red dragons rolled away by themselves. I don't know if it is so natural or think that the larvae can grow to independence in the cave.
Cheng Bin observed the propagation of worms and fungi, and calculated the balance of rations in his heart ~ ~ Then he lay down on a smooth ground and began to ponder the problem of becoming stronger .
According to past habits, Cheng Bin began to integrate all the senses of the dragon body and explore his deepest perception ability.
Looking at the original impression of the Red Dragon in this world, it is certainly not a world composed of molecular atoms. The physical rules must be quite different from the inner domain.
So no matter what you want to study, the detection and perception of the first step is definitely inevitable.
Without a convenient observation tool, Cheng Bin's next research will be difficult to continue.
Fortunately, through the previous crater experience, Cheng Bin can at least confirm that the dragon body has abnormal senses beyond the five senses to high temperature, or to things like flame elements.
These elemental senses seem to be related to the complex soul system built around the brain and crystal nuclei in the dragon's body. If the mental power of the novel can be achieved, the problem of early development will be much simpler.
Because before the invasion through the information editing indirectly affected the young dragon's soul, Cheng Bin's exploration in this area is theoretically relatively easy.
After Cheng Bin weakened the soul's connection to the normal five senses information, he soon realized other interfaces of sensory information.
After a little dull trial and error, an ignition light lit up in Cheng Bin's perception, and quickly diffused and burned out a world of flames.
Through the dim, dim, and bright flames, Cheng Bin, who closed his eyes, saw a three-dimensional, three-dimensional picture. The bright dragon body, dim rock walls, and glaring lava are vivid.
Weird field of vision similar to thermal imaging, or should it be called fire element induction? I don't know how life and soul in this world are related to external material changes ...
Cheng Bin shook his head, throwing away curiosity that was not helpful to the current situation, and began to ponder the next research plan.
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