Chapter 358: He changes to her with the Dragon Squad

() The forest is like a green ocean. At this moment, the waves are undulating, and the waves of green waves are passing in all directions with the swing of the leaves.
The continuous ripples that washed away the dense forest ripples came from the red dragon that was constantly cruising and flying above.
At extremely high speeds, the air wall is like a substance. It is constantly shattered and squeezed in front of the red dragon wrapped in scarlet flames. The air explosion sound and the roar of the element engine spread far away, dispersing the wild animals in a wide range.
After possessing magic power and expanding the interference channels other than the fire element, the ability of the Red Dragon has been greatly improved comprehensively. Just by regulating the aerodynamic layout, increasing or decreasing body mass, and additional kinetic energy interference, changes in flight are reflected. It has multiplied his maximum speed and agility several times.
After testing his current limits, the Red Dragon turned off the elemental punching engine that no longer required a harsh starting environment, flew over an arc and pulled upwards, and at the same time, the dragon's body suddenly shrank several circles like a leaking balloon.
The mass change was used to reduce the inertia that affects the speed change, and at the same time allowed a large amount of kinetic energy to be transformed. The Red Dragon lightly separated from the sonic boom, and then extended the wings to glide down to the ground.
The red dragon, which shrank while gliding, became even smaller than its infancy after landing, and its tail was less than half a meter long.
"The dragon body and magic power are very high, and it is convenient to transform elemental matter, but is this the minimum limit to maintain a stable structure?"
Standing at the edge of the coagulating blood pool, the young red dragon looked at the state of the elves, and then tried to wave the dragon wings with full force, causing a gust of wind.
"It is not unexpected that the physical strength is reduced along with the body shape, but the dragon body is one of the important channels for the release of magic power. If it is too weak, it will weaken the magic efficiency. Conversely, the use of mass conversion should strengthen the body, but it will also reduce it Magic efficiency ... "
Looking at a blood pool that is many times larger than his body size, the red dragon cub fell into a deep groan: "If it can only act on itself, this ability to transform magic and quality is of little use ... if it does not affect the ability On the basis of learning to change the cell morphology, you can come up with something similar to deformation. "
After a seminar with Lacey, Red Dragon had a comprehensive basic understanding of the various characteristics of this world element. Although this did not allow him to immediately grasp the magic knowledge accumulated by the elven clan, it also made him clear about the various This kind of magic element depends on the actual process of element attribute changes.
It is just like being burned by fire when you do n’t know the nature of heat conduction, but you know how to make a vacuum insulation layer to protect against high temperature injury.
In short, in addition to the leap in actual combat capabilities due to increased precision, controllable magic power surges, and increased magic intervention methods, Red Dragon has background knowledge on gravity, space-time, and the Shengk and evolution of various elements. It must be understood that his resistance to various abnormal conditions has been improved subjectively, gratifying and congratulating.
After completing part of the immediate ability improvement study, the miniature version of the red dragon came to the edge of the blood pool to take a closer look at the elf Lacey who had been slowly changing the body structure.
Although the magic release ability is weakened after the body size is reduced, most of the magic can make room for other things, which makes the mini red dragon's panoramic sensitivity and micro-control power go up a step, which allows him to observe more closely. Dragon blood erodes the elves that are nearing their end.
After sorting out the recorded data of the body changes of the elves at various stages, Red Dragon nodded secretly from the bottom of his heart-from this experiment, we can see that the fantasy dragons in this world and the science fiction dragons in the never-ending world are in between. The homology is considered a real hammer.
Although there are huge differences in the laws of the world and the nature of material carriers are completely different, some things on the information and structure levels, especially the dragon family gene operation process that unlocks the middle layer of dragon blood and promotes cell upgrades, and Cheng Bin used to be in an endless The observed, cheap apprentice Amy's transformation of Dragon Blood Warriors is highly consistent.
In other words, this world already has the Lord of Infinite, the one behind the elves, the one behind the dragons, and at least three high-dimensional lives have intervened.
If you consider that the elves have some humanoid appearances that do not conform to the laws of natural evolution, maybe the information of the ancestors of the most holy saints behind this world is potentially affecting.
"The level of the Supreme Holy One of the ancestors of man is a little far away from me. Aside from this, there are at least four high-dimensional forces involved in this system, including me and the system, and there are various other aspects in this world Such a plane is really lively ... "
As long as he doesn't touch the real world line and make positive contact with other high-dimensional life entities, Cheng Bin doesn't have to worry about causing too much uproar for the time being, but the future exploration plan also needs to be revised.
Just as the mini red dragon was meditating, the fuzzy human figure in the blood pool suddenly moved.
For a long time, there was no solidified dragon blood faintly exuding high temperature, and it quickly faded in a short time. The red dragon could feel the magic in it gradually absorbed by the elves.
Then a blood-red slender palm rested on the edge of the blood pool, and the blood-stained elf climbed up from the dying blood pool silently.
The blood-stained steam permeated in the heat wave, and the elf staggered a little for two steps, then stood firm.
"I can directly see the changes of the external elements ... is this the vision of the legendary creature?"
Watching the sky's elf erupt, the blood on his body slowly dried up and shattered in the high temperature, and with the slow movement of his limbs, he turned into a powder and sprayed it into the wind, exposing the white skin covered by the blood.
The mini red dragon looked up at the elf several times taller than himself, and a little unexpected look appeared in his eyes--
Except that the eyes became red, vertical pupils, and the skin color changed a little, the elves did not give birth to dragon features like dragon wings, dragon horns, dragon tails, but ...
His originally smooth and flat chest had obvious bulges, and there was a gap between his legs.
It ’s true that dragons are bisexual. It is reasonable to say that creatures eroded by dragon blood are closer to dragons in their physiological structure, but why are they human? And ... the sexless elves are eroded into females by their own blood, so ...
The head of the mini red dragon turned down more than a hundred degrees, and looked at the side of his face without the obvious uneven structure of the lower body.
I didn't pay much attention when there was no comparison in the past, so ... the red dragon Casa ... is it a male dragon or a mother dragon?
The unruly mini red dragon was lost in thought, and then the dragon-elven spirit Lacey, who waved the from her hoe, looked down at her hands, and then looked at the mini red dragon moaning in front of her feet.
"Even a rampant dragon, it can look so cute as long as it is small enough ..."
He—no, she should be said now—bent over and leaned down with a smile, hugged the mini red dragon that was faintly feeling into the undulating arms of the mountains and frowned.
In a border city similar to the structure of the elven king city, there is a hall on the ground floor of the central shaft without shade.
The bright lines slowly build a complex three-dimensional pattern. As a flash of light passes, an elf appears in a slowly disappearing three-dimensional light array.
When Ivey returned to God, he found that he had returned to the teleportation platform in the border city.
He firmly held the green leaf given by the high priest in his palm, and tried to evoke a trust in the elder in his heart, and used this trust to suppress the anxiety and doubt in his heart, and hurriedly left the transformation platform transformed by the huge stump.
The teleportation team, which was activated only in an emergency, did not allow Ivy's Shadow Leopard to go with him to the King City, so after spending a lot of time, Ivey got rid of the teleportation management officials and found his animal companion with Lacey. .
Since the encounter with the Red Dragon, Ivello has been trimming. After finishing the necessary items to go out and feel a bit tired, he used the spell to overdraw a bit of energy, and then immediately walked through the tree city into the wilderness again. , Relying on the contract signed by Lacey's animal partner and direction to find his companion ... and that red dragon.
Shortly after Ivey left, the small teleportation array he had used lit up again, and three magnificent elves walked out of it.
The headed silver-haired elf stretched his body, and then two jumps to the entrance of the teleportation hall.
After nodding to the manager who was saluting, the silver-haired elf wearing dark red scale armor had a slightly curved figure on his knees, and he jumped more than ten meters high. He reached out and gently stood on the dome of the teleport hall to stand up. On the roof.
Raised his hand and adjusted the position of the big sword behind his hands. The silver-haired elf with huge vertical scars on his face looked around high, then lowered his head and laughed out loud at the other two elves who slowly walked out of the hall. : "It's much more here than when we came last time!
"Sure enough, you should go out and walk around, always staying in Wangcheng, even your country does not know what it is like."
"You are no longer the Elven King, Garlot, don't always hang your own country on your mouth." The gray-robed elf holding heavy books in both hands looked up helplessly at his companion, "Don't waste Time is running out, we cannot accurately locate without the magic equipment of King City, and the target may be completely out of our sight at any time. "
"Don't always scratch my feet, Dior, I can't walk anyway and it's not my turn." After seeing enough in the center cavity with good vision, the border tree city structure similar to that of King City, Gallo Te jumped from the roof and reached out and patted him Dior's shoulder.
After rubbing the tingling shoulder, Dior turned his attention to another companion around him: "Velun?"
The silent elf with a long bow on his side nodded silently, and then turned his eyes to the sky.
A huge shadow was descending vertically along the shaft, and soon fell on the open space in front of the teleport hall with the gust of wind and the attention of many elves.
This is a blue bipedal dragon with ice attributes. It is one of the sub-dragons whose shape and ability are closer to the dragon.
"Come here so soon ..." Silver-haired Garlott was about to step forward, but found that his two companions had reached the back of the two-footed flying dragon with super fast speed, and sat safely in the only one of the dragon saddle Two grooves.
"Hey ?!" Garlott spread his hands. "Velun, you're just calling this one?"
Velen glanced at him and didn't answer, but patted his animal companion lightly, and the two-footed flying dragon immediately instigated his wings fiercely, and began to take off with the magic in his body.
The silver-haired elf who was almost flashed by a two-footed dragon took a step back, and saw Dior in a gray robe moving his mouth in the wind that was gradually forming. The plain words penetrated various noises and came to his ear:
"There are not many creatures that can resist the real dragon dragon power. Besides, if the target can really surpass the sound, no more troops are cannon fodder. This is not the same as the last dragon slaughter ... you will leave it alone, I 'Former' Elven King. "
Seeing that the two-footed flying dragon gradually lifted off the ground, the silver-haired elf shrugged, stepped forward two steps directly, reached out and caught the flying dragon's feet.
Yalong glanced down at the elves hanging on his own paws, then suddenly carried two elves and sped up and flew upwards. After leaving the shaft, he turned sharply and turned again, following the screams of the silver-haired elves. Velen's guidance flew away.
Ivy running through the woods heard the long tweet, and when he looked up, he used excellent vision and spells to capture the source of the sound in the green space, and saw the sky moving forward in the same direction. Bipedal dragon and its feet hanging ...
"The last elven king ..." Ivy could not help looking pale.
The elven king in charge of administration does not require much force, but the previous elven king Garlott is a versatile person, and is one of the few top warriors in the elven kingdom who has stepped into the legendary realm.
At the same time, it was also the main force of the battle for the dragon slaughter before Lacey was born.
If it hadn't been for the blood bathing battle that left him seriously wounded for a long time, I would say that Garrott would still be the supreme leader of the elven kingdom.
This kind of character appeared here and went in that direction again ...
"How come so quickly ..." Knowing that the mission entrusted by the high priest would be ups and downs because of being late, the anxiety of Ivy's Shadow Leopard suddenly accelerated a bit.
The male and female male and female, soft embrace does not make much sense to the Red Dragon, he carefully explored the great changes of the fairy Lacey, and got out of his arms after filing the data records.
"Are you leaving?" Lacey, whose voice did not change much, picked up her scattered clothes and put them back on, and adjusted them with the magical power that changed in essence ~ ~ Then she looked away Put it on the red dragon that is getting bigger.
After reverting to a fit-for-juvenile figure, Red Dragon looked strangely at the kidnapped kidnappers: "Although I am also interested in your spiritual changes, I do not have the data to analyze the soul at this time. Ability, so for the time being ...
"I still have a lot of interesting things to see. I will go to your kingdom sooner or later. At that time, if you are interested, you can be a guide for me. Now ... don't you want to return to your companion? "
Lacey froze slightly, freeing herself from the pulse of the blood, and then she smiled helplessly, and curiously supported the dragon veins on her chest and sighed, "I don't know if Ivey they will Won't accept me? "
"That's your thing. I didn't force you to undergo the erosion experiment. Goodbye." The red dragon waved his tail to smooth out the previous pool of blood, and completely burned it with magic. Then his figure eased without any extra movement. Slowly drifted off the ground.
Raising the dragon's head and looking at the blue sky with no sun and no stars, the red dragon who was planning to fly vertically to try to touch the boundary of the plane suddenly lowered his head alertly, and expanded the panorama for a wide-area deep exploration.
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