Chapter 387: Do what you do, the difference of ideas and information exchange

proceed if you can! ?
After a fierce debate, Morrigan blocked by a string of logically clear systems and rigorous expositions at the corner of the wall, with the cultivation of the gods, barely suppressed his temper, and agreed with the Red Dragon to establish a soul connection with his incarnation. Conduct a test on the processing of belief connections.
Facing the Red Dragon, Morrigan's mood was actually very complicated.
Not long ago, he buried the divinity on the Red Dragon and planned to draw it into his own bowl to take advantage of it. Both sides said that there was nothing wrong with hostility. The old friend was purely joking.
Although this attempt was aborted because of the horrible growth rate of Red Dragon, Morrigan simply sent out the intact divinity, but he did not feel that this barely good destiny could reveal the difference between the two. Liangzi.
However, I did not expect that the red dragon did not care about this matter at all, and was even more awed by the gods. Instead, he was very interested in him who took a step back and could communicate. He repeatedly called for the name of the to harass. Here comes the door.
For Morrigan, who is a dwarf, this kind of tangled trouble is actually annoying. He regrets that he accidentally discovered the outsider and provoked the other party.
If it was n’t for the last epoch, a real old friend who had a relationship with him would come and exchange advice in advance, maybe Morrigan would really start the kingdom of the earth and lower the fighting incarnation, and raise the hammer to fight the red dragon who is too bullying. Let's talk.
However, although the message from the incarnation of the priest who has the priesthood related to communication and messenger came from an old friend, behind it is the will of the orderly gods who like to hold groups.
Since the of destiny tried to incorporate the dragon Io into the river of destiny and failed, the forces related to destiny have been fragmented and scattered. A large part of it has been taken away by the order system. It is necessary to say that the destiny is a glimpse into the future. Power, they must be much stronger than Morigan's half a bucket of water.
So the advice from an old friend over there, Morrigan was still able to listen to it. His in-depth observation of the fate of the Red Dragon had to be traumatized, and it was better to believe in a professional.
But this guy who is quite inattentive in some respects, will the future behavior really be the same as the judgment of the gods?
Looking at the sincere silver-haired elf with his face on his face, Morrigan murmured in a low voice, and established a soul connection with him according to the magic model he showed.
The avatars used by the gods to walk the world have certain independent thinking ability. The level of wisdom and strength is determined by the material structure of the avatars themselves.
As long as the divinity with high complexity is added to the avatar, the deities can retain their complete memory and thinking in the avatar, and make the avatar have various powerful abilities.
Morrigan's stay in this dwarf city is just a pure entertainment incarnation, with only some solidified magic arts simply inscribed by divine power-such as portals or something.
If it hadn't been for the souvenir square hammer that contained the divine character, Morrigan wouldn't have even made a decent attack.
But even as an ordinary incarnation, Morrigan is always connected to the spirit body. As long as he sinks his heart, he can see the glorious kingdom of God outside the material world and the dense line of faith.
Detecting the invisible hand of the soul, Morrigan picked up a line of faith, and at once, his mind was filled with hundreds of different kinds of spiritual words, and layers of words were in his ears. There was a squealing noise.
Worship, prayer, bravery, sorrow, happiness ... Endless feelings and thoughts came through the feedback linking faith, Morrigan snorted, raised his hand and rubbed the simplistic avatar's head to disconnect the induction.
The blurred vision gradually reorganized, and the scenes in the material world gradually became clear. Morrigan shook his head, staring blankly at the silver-haired elf around him, looking for a strange expression on his face while asking: "Feel how about it?"
Cheng Bin, who had experienced hundreds of mental shocks with Morrigan, nodded slowly after a while, and said, "Easier than I expected. Except for the devout believers, other believers only reported a high degree of concentration. Some of the thoughts are more complicated than the pictures and sound records of the recitation of the name of God. "
Morrigan, who was ready to watch the Red Dragon joke, jumped from the corner of his eye, and said with a cough, nothing said: "This is a fairly small-scale experience, including those other than believers from the call of gods, rituals, priesthood The information in the field, even if it is weak, must always face hundreds of thousands of times more feedback than this. "
The Milky Way in the Inner Domain, no, in the Earth period, there was just a hot online game server. The information connection and feedback to be processed are probably not less than what you said ...
Relying on powerful computing power, Cheng Bin easily shook his faith and shook his head. He raised his hand and slammed his finger. A semi-transparent plane appeared in front of him. Then he pointed and drew graphic lines on the plane. "The amount of information is not the key to the problem at all ...
"How much more information comes back is nothing more than optimizing the processing logic and increasing the computing power. In theory, even if the feedback information exceeds the perceptual limit, it is at most unable to handle downtime. As you said That mental pollution ... "
Cheng Bin, who finished drawing the picture, thought for a moment, and continued to Morrigan: "The reason why you just felt great mental pressure just because the calculation and processing of this part of the information feedback overwhelmed you. , And your avatar does not have much computing power, and most importantly ...
"You haven't separated perception and thinking from the power of faith at all. Information feedback not only acts on your perception channels, but also directly embeds your thinking operation. You should just listen instead of experience. .. "
This is also one of the problems that I have to face. How to make the information of the dimensions outside the world resonate with the level of the soul algorithm and put it on the perception interface ... It is more interesting to think about the way of faith in this world what.
Morrigan frowned at the strange figure drawn by Red Dragon in midair. It was a complicated structure diagram constructed by icons such as input, judgment, processing, pointing lines, etc. Although it was a bit novel, it was based on his true spirit. It is not difficult to understand the ability of general analysis and analysis.
That is the flow chart that integrates the changes related to the belief. From this picture, Morrigan can see what key knowledge the Red Dragon lacks in the gods.
While Morrigan stared at the belief flow chart, Cheng Bin wondered while asking: "You incarnate here, the brain is used to process the belief feedback, but the side of your body is relying on the powerful calculations provided by the Godhead and Analyze processing power to maintain belief feedback?
"Then have you thought about how the goddess that has endured a flood of beliefs that does not belong to your consciousness can operate so intelligently?"
Staring at the figure, Morrigan was silent for a while, then he showed a stunned expression, he turned his eyes and looked deeply at the mysterious existence from outside the Thousand Planes, said in a low tone: " I understand...
"You are treating the spirit as something that can be objectively analyzed and recognized. From the thinking embodied in your picture, you can see that in your eyes, there must be a carrier for the consciousness of the gods, so you will believe that The process of connection and feedback can be manipulated and changed ... "
Cheng Bin frowned slightly, "Isn't it? Don't you know a little about the interface of real names?"
No one in this world knows more about the spirit, soul, and real name than the gods ... Morrigan subconsciously wanted to deny the view of the Red Dragon.
The gods exist in the pure spiritual world, and they are in charge of the real name power of thousands of souls. Morrigan clearly remembers how he got rid of the mortal body step by step in the last era and gradually deified the consciousness into the kingdom of God Go.
Without matter and without a carrier, the power of the gods is idealistic, rooted in the mind and real name, and the consciousness of the gods cannot examine the structure of their consciousness from the perspective of objective matter.
In his long life, Morrigan has seen many lives that study the soul and the soul. Whether it is a lich or a demon, they study the soul on the basis of the soul. No one thinks that spirit and matter belong to the same level.
Even pure mortals have a real name that surrounds the inner core of the soul, and will not be dissipated immediately by the destruction of the physical body.
Morrigan wanted to loudly blame the red dragon's concept of apostasy in front of him, but he also knew that this red dragon came from outside his cognitive scope, and the other party must have some knowledge beyond the world, no matter what he proposed How challenging the theory is, it is worth thinking about.
So after a long silence in contradictory thoughts, Morrigan shifted the subject with a cough: "You came to me to learn some knowledge of the realm of God? After reading your picture, I probably know what you lack , Your theories wait for you to become a before trying to prove it yourself. "
The most powerful part of the is the long life and rich accumulation. Morrigan has enough patience to study and analyze, or wait for more concrete evidence to support his choices and actions.
In any case, the purpose that Morrigan thought at the beginning, for the purpose of establishing some plans to connect with outsiders in the future, was achieved in a circle, and it seems that there may be many additional gains, so pay in advance There is nothing wrong with information as compensation.
Coming here to find Murray is basically to get the high-end knowledge of the world from the true god. The expression on Cheng Bin's face naturally switched from the seriousness of the discussion to listening carefully.
The knowledge of the gods is high-level secrets in any plane. The gods have a potential tacit understanding without spreading this knowledge, but Morrigan unknowingly regards the red dragon as an existence equal to the gods. He is very Naturally told the Red Dragon about God:
"You are already a demigod. Not only has you fully digested the divinity, but you have also obtained the godhead from that vampire. You are actually a little short of the accumulation of faith and a godhood ritual, but I think you need some more about it now. The message of the priesthood ... "
Morrigan took Cheng Bin back and returned to the Stone House lobby. He took a few bottles of wine and sat opposite them at the bar, drinking and talking about the gods.
The incarnation of the dwarven deity still blushes when drinking, but Cheng Bin's sip of alcohol is decomposed and transformed by the magic furnace. There is really nothing special about it.
However, the information about the gods that Morrigan said made him nod frequently and felt that he had gained a lot-just need to translate in his mind and integrate the words of his gods into the theory built around the real name interface Go in the system.
A large map of the plane from the upper boundary to the abyss, the names and power distribution of the gods, various points in the choice of priesthood, the various skills that the gods need to master, the ethnic civilization of each plane, some important history and common sense ...
After the half-full cabinet on the bar side was almost empty, the god-level symposium set off by the Wine Bottle City finally came to an end.
Putting down the wine glass at hand and standing up, Cheng Bin watched Drunk Morrigan falling drunk on the table and shook his head—
Judging from Morrigan's situation and description, the gods of this world are not just incarnations, even the subjective consciousness of the ontology has not escaped the characteristics of the mortal period.
Alcoholism, lasciviousness, irritability, irritability, attention to the skin ... with the name of God, but does not really belong to the soul of God.
Whether it is to remember the past or to maintain the soul algorithm, it is not a problem to keep some sensory stimuli and emotional responses, but if you cannot immerse yourself in observing and subjectively controlling these thinking activities, you can only say that it is upside down.
The existence of the initiation ritual does not change their own inertia in the transfer of consciousness. They cannot recognize and transform themselves, so they cannot intuitively and actively grasp every trace of faith.
"Exhaustion, fear, despair ... the gods can't do the absolute self-control they want to delete ~ ~ they can only resist by will, so they can't bear the impact of mental torrents."
Walking along the passage back to the open-air platform beside the small forging yard, Cheng Bin looked at the magic furnace of the crater reconstruction and thought about the next plan.
"The good news is that the accumulation of beliefs and rituals are not the kind of hard requirements that Reinhardt knew about the vampire. With my ability, I do n’t need many devout believers to stabilize the soul and reduce the risk. Deep faith connection, I also do not have to worry about the problem of being unable to perceive the physical world after becoming a god.
"It is not urgent to spread the faith in this way. At most, a believer is difficult to accumulate divine power. It is more difficult to adjust after becoming a in the priesthood than before becoming a god. Please pay attention first. I originally changed the attributes of the divine nature according to the field of fire. Substandard ... "
After pondering for a while, Cheng Bin murmured thinking of the clergy issue: "It is also a problem that clergy conflicts lead to clergy. Strangely, Morrigan is a middle-level deity whose teachings are similar to the development of productive forces. That clergy involves knowledge. Why are the gods of truth and weak gods?
"Know that knowledge is power. There seems to be some hidden problems behind that deity ... go see it, anyway, you have to talk to him about the choice of clergy ..."
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