Chapter 340: Divine Slime and Ready to Open

Like the palm of the giant god, the blue tsunami that blocked the sky canopy hit the area where the red dragon and the elves are.
The horrible physical shock that can crush the mountains stirs up a circle of shock waves in the boundless blue ocean. The large ocean where the impact point is located sinks deeper, and the ringed ripples around it squirm inward, and they will be combined. The two lives that invaded the plane were completely engulfed.
The seemingly shocking attack is actually not very conspicuous on the miracle creature occupying the entire plane space, because its size is too large.
By analogy, the bombardment of the tsunami and the engulfing of the entire sea area is probably equivalent to ... human beings frowned.
The red dragon and elves engulfed in the blue sea are like tiny bugs pinched by human wrinkled skin.
Although they are not dead yet.
"Can this be called a novice ?! I never thought that Slime could be so strong ..."
Surrounded by an invisible line of soul, Lacey hiding in the red dragon's protective circle looked a little bit coldly, watching the dense blue gelatinous tentacles around, constantly digging and eroding into the protective circle.
Raising his hand again and rubbing the place where the body was damaged by the corrosion, Lacey could not help but said, "Master Casa, please stop joking, and think of a way!"
After drinking the Slime solution, Cheng Bin analyzed the most restrained rune formations and elemental changes, so he was impatient and he used space-time magic to isolate and reduce the physical crushing caused by Slime ’s huge size. Press, while casually speaking to Lacey: "Calm, the situation has not deteriorated, what is the matter."
The circle of faint translucent white cold light around the red dragon forms a protective layer without dead corners. It can plunder away the halo of a large amount of elemental energy in the instant of contact, making the slime tentacles appear to slow down and shrink, and can only constantly change the shape and nature and try to erode. Go in.
The elf seemed a little disgusted with this shaped creature ... Cheng Bin, who comforted the believer, smiled in his heart, and then continued to observe the changes in this "ocean".
In addition to destructive spells such as space tearing, space-time spells work well in an environment close to the main plane. Many pre-casting steps can be skipped by relying on an abnormally stable space structure. Some spell effects are also obtained. Increase.
Cheng Bin is now just laying out some space permeable layers around him and Lacey, so that the physical pressure brought by the blue ocean jumps and spreads and self-cancels layer by layer. To a certain extent, he and the deep-sea fish that balanced the internal and external water pressure I can't feel the power of infinite water pressure.
However, the Blue Ocean Slime also has the ability of space-time, although it has not reached the level of precision magic, but it can also instinctively transform the physical attributes to defend against the erosion of space and time. After all, in this world, space-time has a lower status than elemental matter.
After observing some information, Cheng Bin finally started to act with Lacey's constant urging.
He mobilized the power of real name to control the magic, and began to carve an aggregate of elements with a certain logical structure in the organ of the dragon body, and at the same time preached to Lacey: "To deal with enemies that are so large that they cannot be identified, You must first test how deeply the opponent controls the body.
"I'll try a wave of viral erosion first to see the effect. I can judge a lot of key information from the other party's solution."
After brewing for a while, the red dragon's giant jaw exhaled an off-white breath, and the thick spit struck across the line of time and space and collided with the thick blue ocean, and immediately merged into it.
The highly targeted micro-element virus eroded the organization of the Blue Ocean on the spot, using it as a hotbed to start infinite self-replication, and soon spread.
Under the impact of the elemental virus, a large area of ​​the ocean has lost its activity as if it had been petrified. The wildly spreading gray-white color has multiplied and expanded at an increasing speed, and soon extends to the end of Lacey's sight.
Cheng Bin watched the change on the grey-blue and azure junction on the distant side unexpectedly, and said to Lacey casually, "In the environment close to the main plane, you can have such a total amount of horrible magic. This slime is indeed powerful. But if you look closely, you can see that there is no magic rune system like nerves in his body ...
"Even if it is more than a legendary life, as long as it has not become a god, it will not be possible to directly control a body of this size with its limited real name power. Even I need to carefully adjust the body of the red dragon. From real name to magic to elemental control system, seeking the best price / performance ratio ...
"Combined with its stress response to the elemental virus, it can be concluded that every part of this slime's body has an independent instinct, and the overall coordinated operation relying on magic is very difficult, so I said It's a novice. "
After being educated, Lacey observed the stiff gray monster body around, and then asked with some doubts: "The type that plural individuals aggregated? But its magic power is the same and integrated, which shows this Monster consciousness is unique, not discrete. "
"This involves another problem. If the monster's magic and consciousness are also discrete, it might be a little trickier, so this monster with a bloated body that doesn't match the only consciousness ... um ..."
Cheng Bin recalled the picture of the astral plane that he saw before he landed temporarily: "This plane has a good positioning card in the astral plane. When I decided to find a plane to trim before entering the main plane area, I took it for granted. I chose this plane which is pleasing to the eye. You must know that the positioning of the plane is generally not so stable ... "
Lacey stunned, and then responded: "This monster does not show the super spatiotemporal ability to control the entire plane, it is impossible to anchor the coordinates of the plane in the astral plane, so it is not the existence of traps in this fishing existence."
"That's right ..." Red Dragon unfolded its wings and rushed straight up after the nearby petrified monster organization completely died.
In a blink of an eye, the red dragon took the elves to smash the stiff monster wreckage all the way, and returned to the high altitude close to the plane barrier in the huge roar and scattered fragments.
"Sure enough," sweeping the boundary between gray and azure in the distance, Cheng Bin looked at the barrier of the plane, then nodded, "The space interference that suppresses the transmission has little to do with the monster. It has been blocked. "
Lacey couldn't help but yell: "What a big deal, what is the man who created this trap? What good is it for someone to die here?"
"It is not difficult to estimate my path to the main plane from the astral context, but the guy who can accurately determine my location should not exist, and I have not avenged anyone here. Time is wrong ... "
Is there no organization behind that vampire? The Red Dragon shook his head, staring at the gray boundary that the distance no longer advances, but began to recede thoughtfully: "Anyway, to completely remove this trap, the black hands will always come out and look behind the scenes, right?"
I do n’t know if I instinctively adapted to the virus or found a way to crack it subjectively. The plane-level slime who was petrified a small part of the body finally responded slowly, gradually changing the physical properties with magic power, and swallowing the elemental virus in turn .
It is not simply destruction. Slim, which analyzes the assimilation of elemental viruses, draws some advantages from its structure. The speed at which it consumes gray remains and transforms itself back into the body has continued to increase. color.
However, a lot of information was also exposed in this process. Following the context of Slim's coping strategies, Cheng Bin easily found the super slim Slim's thinking center hidden deep inside the huge body.
"Divine creatures, but no godheads, I do n’t know where the godheads came from ..." Through the unknown body, Cheng Bin can only roughly judge the core condition of this strange slime, "... There is A unified consciousness is also a good thing. The attack effect from the spiritual level will be significant. "
However, the life that combines consciousness and divinity is highly resistant to ordinary soul interference. If Cheng Bin himself had been promoted along with soul magic as the root, he also possessed a demigod and interfered with divinity at the real name level of the soul. Creature is not that simple.
The entire ocean gradually rippled with layers of light. After eating a big loss and almost dying, the slime Slim stunned all the magic in his body this time, preparing to attack the red dragon in the sky.
However, before the dull monster actually acted, the red dragon had already glared at the spiritual level that can only be reached in the realm of God. According to the previously observed mental characteristics, he found the soul of Divine Slime and cracked it by himself. The outgoing real-name interface dropped a lot of packets into it.
The erosion of thinking that ignores all distances and obstacles makes the glowing blue ocean suddenly violently twitch. Each monster's body is distorting and changing its own shape. There are faint signs of independence, it seems that the internal consciousness is dull Has completely collapsed.
Cheng Bin, who was constantly interpreting the feedback information of his real name, gradually understood the soul profile of Divine Slime. As if a hacker, he gradually controlled his thinking operation step by step, and soon gained some dominance of his consciousness.
That is, at this time, Cheng Bin, who noticed some problems, stopped her destructive erosion, which in turn helped the divine slime to stabilize the soul turbulence.
The turbulent turbulent plane of the magic storm gradually subsided under the coordinated control of Cheng Bin and Divine Slime, and Slime's huge body with faint signs of division and scattered also restored stability.
Through the connection of faith, Lacey, who had witnessed the operation of the Red Dragon, asked in confusion: "What's wrong? Almost to succeed, why not continue?"
Cheng Bin groaned for a while, summed up his self-discovered divine slime soul data, and then sighed: "Regular verification is reserved in its magic structure. If the soul is eroded, it will cause a chain reaction. The current The thinking center will be abandoned, and the other bodies will form a large number of secondary centers, which will be a bit cumbersome to handle. "
"And," Cheng Bin said with some uncertainty. "In the soul of this divine Slime, there seems to be a trace of the real name contract. It is similar in structure to the animal partner contract of your elf family. It is possible to go deeper. Will touch the other side of the contract ... "
In fact, if Cheng Bin's erosion did not start with his real name, it was the erosion of the core thinking at the level of personality information that avoided the peripheral subjects of the soul. The existence of the other end of the contract may have been aware of the problem here.
"Oh? Someone can sign a contract with such a horrible creature?" Lacey looked inconceivable, "Is that the person who set the plane trap?"
Cheng Bin took a closer look at the hidden divine nature through Slim's soul, and groaned for a while before saying: "It may not be human, it may be God."
After coming out of her hometown with Red Dragon, Lacey, who encountered a divine event at every turn, showed no fear on her face. She examined Slim's soul through her faith connection and said, "Anyway, it's not cherished. Well-intentioned evil guy, do you want to lead him here? "
After Cheng Bin pondered for a moment, he turned to Long Shou and looked at Lacey on his back. Her delicate hair saw her hair all over.
Lacey, who was examined by the weird eyes, couldn't help shaking. "Why, what's wrong? What are you doing?"
After thinking about it, Cheng Bin made a decision, and he said to Lacey: "Before opening the blame, I need a real name to help me with insurance. Your real name is too closely related to me through faith, so there may be problems, so ... . Call out Ivey. "
In the face of upheaval, Ivey couldn't fall asleep on her own. She just didn't bother Lacey and the Red Dragon's actions, so when she heard the words of the Red Dragon, she got out of Lacey's body and solidified. The two-headed mini-elf simply asked, "What do I need?"
Lacey hugged the mini Ivy floating in front of her ~ ~ regardless of her struggle in the waves, she watched Red Dragon Road vigilantly: "Ivy has n’t even had a legend, do n’t let She is involved in dangerous things at the level of the gods. "
"I'm so vigilant when it comes to Ivey's affairs. How good are your feelings?" Cheng Bin cried and laughed. "Our deep faith connection can't be better than ... rest assured that it won't hurt you. The benefits are great. Yes. "
Although some benefits may not be liked by her, but it is purely an aesthetic issue. How can you say that you can only see opinions in the end?
Knowing that she was overreacting, Lacey threw her tongue out, and after struggling for a long time, Ivey couldn't help but looked down at her unobstructed chest, and then turned to look at her friend's body. Murmured secretly--
After the blood pressure balance experiment, both sides who have become women should have the same physical performance, but why is there so much difference in some places? But as long as you return to normal body and use some magic ...
"What do you want?" Cheng Bin interrupted some of Ai Wei's speculations and told her, "You don't need to do anything at first, but you should remember some important points after opening the strange ...
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