Chapter 399: What a fuss to be a god?

The Scroll of Knowledge was originally an intelligent artifact that Ogmar used as a template to shape, and its ability to identify and judge through various divine arts and details was not worse than Ogmar himself.
Since the Knowledge Scrolls believe that the red dragon entering the tower has reached the standard of awakening the spirit body, Ogmar, who was awakened from the deep sleep, naturally knows the outline of the red dragon.
The biggest difference between the of the gods and the supreme lies in the perspective of the world and all aspects of the concept, because once in a crystal wall system contacted with a thought to knock down the gods of the gods "O", Ogma for Cognition and judgment in this area are still a bit dim.
After being awakened, he obtained a lot of information from the Scrolls of Knowledge, and examined the side of the red dragon observed by other lives in the river of destiny with the convenience of the priesthood. Ogmar had already regarded the red dragon as a very distant heart. A from above in a strange world.
Faced with this kind of existence that is more powerful than a single dimension and requires only one thought to wipe itself out of time, Ogmar's attitude in the conversation seems cautious.
Even if the unknown, who bears the name of the demigod Red Dragon Casa, clearly stated that he wanted to cut a part from his intellectual clergy and use it, Ogmar had no offensive anger or other emotions--
He couldn't afford to touch the mold of a in order to be a weak and divine incarnation with a slim chance of reaching the summit.
After all, although he seems to be independent, in fact, the soul has been strictly restricted by the supreme divine being maintained anchored. There is no such thing as independent survival consciousness. Besides, the priesthood splits the priesthood and the godhead is taken away, and the gods will not die directly.
Since this Red Dragon Casa deliberately gathers all the goddess of the crystal wall system to obtain the supreme position, there is not much of the weak and inferior power Ogmar of the foundation, even if you give up the incarnation here, there will not be much pain.
The headaches are those who are at the peak of powerful divine power and know some secrets, including the dragon Io, who always keeps an account in his heart. For this, he is very happy.
However, even if the existence of the incarnation can be abandoned, there are some things that Ogmar intends to fight for-because he, like many gods, strives to maintain the cognition, concept, and emotion of things before the original being God. appearance.
Ogmar still has a lot of things to care about, like the few prayers in his kingdom who are converted from the promotion of good-sex pious believers, as well as the bishops and pastors in the mortal church.
In the process of sleeping on the body, Ogmar also often differentiated into non-combat avatars, walking and traveling in various planes in the form of an ordinary bard, in order to maintain the normal operation of the mind in this near-initial appearance.
This habit is formed in order to keep the heart and avoid being eroded by the priesthood, and becomes a puppet controlled by the priesthood. Many gods have it. It is like staying in the dwarf city and drinking the drunk Morrigan. .
In these travels, there are many people who associate with Ogma and are eventually drawn to the Church of Knowledge. Unless it is impossible, he must consider the future of these living people.
But this kind of thing needs to be euphemistic.
After packing all the knowledge he has accumulated about this crystal wall system through the artifact scrolls and sending it to the Red Dragon Casa, Ogma observed the silver-haired elf who was reading and analyzing the information in front of him. After thinking for a while, he tempted Asked, "I don't know what you think of believers?
"Although the most difficult part of ascension of the gods is the godhead level, the divine support provided by the core beliefs is also essential."
Cheng Bin immersed himself in analyzing the big gift package sent by the of knowledge, and casually said while translating it into the data in his own local knowledge system: "Is n’t the issue of the priesthood discussed before? The priesthood cannot be directly matched. Is there a certain divine power in material change? "
"The divine power comes from the human heart, and there is some divine feedback, just because my priesthood is closer to the human heart," Ogma shook her head. "Believe in God is not a ruled rune god. I want to get divine power to support my promotion. Is always a believer ...
"Furthermore, devout believers, especially those of the level of the Holy Spirit, who perfectly match the thoughts and paths of the gods, are very important points of support and anchoring for the gods who are separated from the physical world. They are not pan-believers or shallow believers. Can be replaced by quantity. "
Ogmar paused, and when she saw the silver-haired elf's red vertical pupil turned her eyes in focus, she stretched out her right hand without holding the piano in the dark void to show a three-dimensional picture.
With a little attention from Cheng Bin, he saw the scene where his followers appeared where Ogma was pointing—
In an academic hall full of mages, Ivey, who seemed to be jumping onto the stage, was loudly refuting the magic theory of a magic net mage across the table while she was taking a table. Embarrassed to gather the next face.
Is this some kind of academic debate? Ivey and Lacey seem to be having a good time ...
Cheng Bin, who didn't care about these trivial things, blinked, and looked away to Ogma who had specially made this picture.
It was also at this time that Ogmar had carefully looked at the essence of life of the Red Dragon Kasa's two believers, and what he wanted to continue to say could not help but be caught by his own discovery.
-Variant Elf Species ... Red Dragon Bloodline and ... Slime? The life of the two believers is so strange. Do you have any special criteria for receiving believers?
Oggmar, with a cough, managed to turn his attention back to his purpose. He said to the silver-haired elf who looked at him, "You can see that these two faiths are very religious, and you have the promotion of the Holy Spirit after you become a god. Hope ...
"The believers of the Holy Spirit level are the closest existence to the gods. To some extent, they can be regarded as eternal partners or another one. Their spirit must have a deep resonance with you ...
"As a god, it ’s very important to respond to worshippers who worship yourself. I do n’t know what your purpose is to become a god, but you better not let your believers down, otherwise the path of promotion will be full of danger-the truth of mortals The spirit has always been like a foundation, supporting the existence of a of faith. "
Next to Avilesi's picture, Ogmar unfolded various pictures of believers of the God of Knowledge, explaining in detail to Cheng Bin some key issues in the operation of the faith.
After hearing the information that was not classified in the objective knowledge package, Cheng Bin nodded thoughtfully-he probably guessed the potential intent of Ogmar to say this, but he didn't pick it out.
"I want to be the Supreme God just to gain permission to touch one thing," Cheng Bin glanced at Ogmar after summarizing a huge amount of knowledge. "I don't need to rely on believers to help stabilize the mind, anchor, and reality. Connection, as long as the divine power is enough to be promoted ...
"As for the requirements of the godhead, I can start from the devil side. I have the basic godhead of the god. Other problems ... There are only some details derived from the priesthood. We must talk to the of magic after we become gods to discuss it. a bit."
Knowing that he didn't need to breathe a sigh of relief, he didn't ask about the magic lady Mistral, but he was a little curious: "What needs the highest to touch?"
But I did n’t wait for the Red Dragon to answer. After a little recall, Ogma guessed the answer by herself: "Yes ... in the plane where you first came here, the fairy tree in the elven legend Branch? "
"... can you see that thing?" Cheng Bin, who knows the potential of the clergy of knowledge, is not surprised that Ogmar can detect this. After all, as a legend and knowledge of the elven tribe, the world tree tender branch will definitely be Ogmar's priesthood read from certain elves.
The knowledge package just received actually contains many similar legends.
"No," Ogmar shook his head. "Although I haven't specifically verified this legend, I have previously focused on the elf family's plane because of your sake. Even from the perspective of the gods, I can't find the world tree. Something is on that altar in the temple. "
"But it looks like you don't think the legend is false." Cheng Bin said thoughtfully.
"The legends of the World Tree exist in many crystal wall systems," said Ogmar with a smile. "And most of these legends are related to the elven family and gods, although in terms of physiological structure, other crystal wall systems There are some differences between the elf and the elf family of that plane ...
"In some crystal wall systems, the intelligent life directly refers to the crystal wall system as the world tree, and the gods are considered to be the fruit of the world tree ... involving such a wide range of legends that even cross the crystal wall system It is certainly not groundless.
"But even the Supreme God did not touch the instance of the World Tree."
"It's okay," Cheng Bin smiled. "I don't really want to get the young branches of the world tree, but I just want to get some information from above using a less rude, special rule-compliant method, as long as the level in the system has been raised , Dig deep into the fundamental mysteries of the world, there is always a chance to touch. "
After a pause, Cheng Bin said, "After my purpose is achieved, the Supreme Godhead is not so important to me, and many things can be said at that time."
A demigod is indifferent about the question of the acquisition and abandonment of the supreme god. Whoever believes that you are not the of God ... Ogmar nodded eloquently.
Under a certain magic tower, Ivey and Lacey appeared in a twisted and turbulent space-time. They were slightly embarrassed and they rushed for two steps before they stopped, then turned their heads to face each other.
"You see that we were really kicked out?" In the eyes of the people around who were attracted by the beautiful scenery, Lacey raised her hands and pinched Slime's cheeks and pulled to both sides. "You will die if you converge a little. ? "
Ivy, whose cheeks were stretched to a weird shape, said in pain, vaguely: "Aren't all academic debates like this, magic knowledge is very rigorous, and I think that even the magic runes and universal runes are divided The unshaven beard was waffling there. Where can I bear it ... "
"Then you can just follow the rules and say no, just ignore the rules of the venue and rush to the table to shoot the table?" Lacey desperately squeezed Ivey's face and complained.
"Hmm ..." Ivey murmured with a distorted face that horrified the onlookers. "It may be the residual effect of physical changes. After all, the original deity Slime was contracted by the chaos demons." "
"Find such an excuse in front of the legendary soul mage?" Lacey glanced at the magic tower behind which the entrance was shielded to isolate the entrance and exit, and dragged Ivey forward as he said, "Can I still see it? Are you pure It's been too long in my body. "
Ivy struggled with Lacey's arm around her head, and then looked at the blind spots in the eyes of the people around her, and restored her head to the Slime prototype. She slid off Lacey's hand and got rid of the imprisonment.
Startled, Lacey was frightened and looked around, and found that no one noticed the momentary movement of Ivey, and she was relieved — Slime is a serious monster, no matter how neutral the city of knowledge is, except the mage It is also difficult to see monsters outside the laboratory.
But just as Lacey turned her head to catch Ivey's complaining, she realized that Ivey had been held down by a silver-haired elf who did not know when it appeared.
The sight that turned around from time to time due to the extraordinary charm of the elves all converged back when the silver-haired elves appeared, and all pedestrians passively ignored the elven trio in the corner of the street.
Cheng Bin patted Slime's weird head, and flashed Ogmar's remarks about believers in his heart, and then smiled at Lacey who came over and said, "Have you played enough? Do you have other things? Do you want to do it? "
Although Lacey Ivey was very curious about everything on the theme side, but they were also clear about their priorities, so they shook their heads and said there was nothing to do.
Cheng Bin nodded, and then said directly: "If not, just prepare ~ ~ We are going to hold a godhood ceremony."
Lacey Ivey followed her subconsciously, and then she stumbled--this is about to become a god? Why are there no signs or atmosphere ...
Cheng Bin doesn't think it's a special thing to be a god. He raises his hands and lays on Lacey's shoulder with a strange expression. One teleportation takes two believers away from the place.
Soon, outside of the physical world and the real name of the soul's core, the invisible tremor instantly spread throughout the void.
Which daring guy is holding a deities ceremony? Actually, no announcement was made in advance ... without the reputation and deeds recognized by the gods, it is not easy to become a god.
The gods entrusted by the kingdom of God in the void easily noticed this familiar sign of becoming a god, and some of the gods who were interested cast their gaze towards the source of the tremor.
At the same time, some special lives parasitic in the void, and some moments peering into the existence of the main plane and even the kingdom of the gods, also shifted the unsightly gaze ...
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