Chapter 411: The key to the kingdom of God and the **** of magic

Going deep into the kingdom of the magic goddess from the layer of the magic net, and connecting to the kingdom of directly along the faith, obviously the latter is simpler, more secret and more convenient-although the latter is normally only with the magic goddess Mystra Only a life with a real name can do that without the physical body of the high-strength line of faith.
What Cheng Bin wants is to let Angel's real name play the role of connecting the goddess of magic goddess. After the connection, things have little to do with Angel.
"Usually, this is no different from provoking the gods, but if my prediction is correct and the negotiation goes well, then there is nothing bad to say."
Regarding Angel's worries and concerns, Cheng Bin replied indifferently: "Rest assured, you do n’t need to do anything after you establish a simulated faith connection and seduce the introduction process. The rest is my business ...
"If there are any sequelae-such as angering the lady and being remembered, I promise in the name of the gods that it will definitely help you and will not have any negative impact on you and your black dragon collar. "
If Cheng Bin predicts misalignment and fails to negotiate, blocking the mouth of the magic goddess is the most important task, and the wide-ranging impact of directly touching the magic net is nothing to care about.
If the magic goddess refuses to cooperate, then Cheng Bin can only regret to let her go to sleep for a while or fall directly to the incident-with his ability, a lot of research has been done in advance, and the core of the magic net has been invaded by the connection of faith. Magic God Kingdom, then it is okay to suppress the negative reaction of the magic net for the first time.
After all, even though Mistral is an extremely powerful deity, due to various historical issues left on the inner layer of the demon's net, the purely idealistic abilities of his are probably not as good as the who can completely control the shadow of the kingdom of God. There are many loopholes that can be found in the mechanism of the magic net operation.
And a who lost consciousness or even died naturally had no chance to remember the little Angel.
Although in theory, the mysterious magical goddess Mystra will not refuse the bright future brought by the cooperation with the source of the light, even if this future lacks evidence for the time being, it is much better than her current situation. ...
It is natural that Cheng Bin did not need to talk to Angelo about these dangerous things at the level of the gods. Anyway, the other party is only a relatively suitable entry key, and it has nothing to do with the black dragon lord no matter what the result.
Angel seemed to want to understand something, and he asked with some confusion: "In fact, even if you don't explain it to me, you can directly control my soul to do what you want to do? And, if What if I refuse? "
"Aside from my personal ideas and preferences, your knowledge and willingness will allow me to omit a lot of troublesome operations on the real name level, but as you refuse ..."
Cheng Bin continued with a small smile: "The thousands of planes in the astral world, I still have a lot of souls that I feel through the divine function. You are just a legendary class and I have a good relationship with my priesthood. Just guys, as long as you try more, there will always be someone willing ...
"Even if one is really unwilling, I still have many ways and relationships available. I can always find a volunteer anyway."
Although the volunteers' requirements for legends are a bit high, Cheng Bin is not without the ability to elevate people to the realm of legends. Angell himself is an example.
Use the experiment with no loss to change the chance to promote the legend, even if this loss is not very reliable, there are not a lot of people who come to register voluntarily?
Moreover, not to mention the far-reaching network resources related to Shengguang or Morrigan, Cheng Bin feels that the legendary mage Dior, who is helping Ivey to debug the interplane transport, will not refuse to help.
It's just that Dior seems to be very concerned about the physical changes of his apprentice Ivey, so he has some opinions about Red Dragon in his heart. Cheng Bin naturally has no choice to touch his mold.
"Okay," because Angel came to the door and asked for something, Anger had a subtle feeling of being a special existence, but this indescribable feeling completely collapsed in Red Dragon's random answer, and he nodded helplessly. Then asked, "What do I need to do?"
The stone red dragon wandered a few steps in the hall and walked back to the original platform where he was staying. He looked back to Angel and said, "You don't need to do anything special, but it will take a little time depending on the situation, but for you, This time will not be longer than half a day at most, and you can take it as if you need to sleep. "
Angel heard and nodded thoughtfully.
The Red Dragon habitually lay on the high platform of the idol, posing in the same pose as the body on the seat of the source of the Holy Light, and then his body gradually became stiff: "Okay, let's go, you are ready to call me A name notification is enough, goodbye. "
"... bye, bye."
In response to the chatter-like divine discourse, Angell Bamba responded, and then he found that the red dragon stone statue had completely rigidified and lost all signs of activity. Its natural natural feeling was as if it had been carved out. Look like.
Anger stood quietly for a while, and reviewed the communication with the just now.
Then he immediately raised his hand and covered his face, talking to himself with the subtle emotions of the dark history: "This is a god, what did you say, Angel?"
Angel adjusted his mentality in situ, then looked at the red dragon stone statue whose posture had changed completely, then turned and walked outward.
Although there is nothing particularly big about the Black Dragon Lord now, in terms of its special organizational structure, the things that the Lord Anger can do are really endless, but those trivial matters are naturally neither It's not important anymore.
So after returning to his office room, Anger faced the clerk who woke up and repeatedly apologized. He directly sorted out all kinds of affairs and put it there, conveying the news that he was going to rest and sleep for a while. The subordinates arrange work for themselves.
The news spread quickly with the astonishment of the clerk, and many insiders immediately rushed to the rescue-the diligent black dragon lord who was diligent and finally going to sleep.
Many people were relieved after knowing the news, and felt that the inexplicable pressure on their shoulders had eased a lot.
In response to the response of many people, the legendary black dragon Angel, who has a wide sensing range, was a little bit crying. He looked at some guys discussing whether to have a celebration and relax, and slightly shook his head and said with emotion: "I hope I wake up There will be no mess in the territory. "
After observing and feeling the reactions of the people, Angell carefully looked at those guys who were quietly discussing to take the Black Dragon Lord away from doing anything. After identifying them, they were all listed on the list and handed over to them. Trust the henchmen to focus.
Then he was still uncomfortable and uneasy. He forced himself to return to the core area of ​​the Lord's Castle, lay down in the bedroom that he had rarely used a few times after it was built, and began to call the of knowledge ...
In a theme far away from the black dragon collar, in a certain entertainment place in the bustling capital of the human empire, a beautiful woman with long black hair at the waist and wearing a close-fitting blue skirt with a split fork approaching the thigh roots suddenly surprised. Turned to look at the sky outside the window.
After putting down the gorgeous wine glass in her hand, the thoughtful woman thought, and the man next to her who was dedicated to her stood up mentally and turned away.
A quiet space was isolated in the not deserted hall without being realized by anyone. The woman with extraordinary ability quietly looked at the sky outside the window and thought for a while.
This woman sitting on a high chair with her legs crossed and exposing her flawless skin is the legendary magic goddess and the master of the magic net, Mistella.
To be precise, it is the incarnation of the main consciousness that Mystra infused.
Suddenly Mystra pulled out of the wine and music because she noticed a strong belief feedback.
The deep faith connection that appeared without warning was more closely related than all her saints and voters in the past. This strange phenomenon will naturally attract Mystra's attention.
And most importantly, that devotional and legendary life has died, her consciousness has been completely transferred to the real name level, and under the operating mechanism of the magic kingdom controlled by the gods, it is slowly turning into the magic kingdom. Top prayers.
The precious existence of this level of Holy Spirit is not too much for any deity, and each one will be happy for a long time.
But Mystra is not keen on spreading beliefs-although divine power is useful, she can rely on the power of the magic net to function normally even without a believer.
The power of the magic net that secretly controls a large number of elemental changes in the astral plane makes Mistra less dependent on divine power, so she rarely voluntarily spreads her name. She has nothing but a mage and voters in the world. Serious church power.
... maybe the derivation of those lovers and children can be counted.
After recalling the recent experience, I was sure that I didn't do anything that might give birth to the Holy Spirit belief. Mistra thought for a while, and then looked around in the astral and void space, but found nothing abnormal. .
Some unfortunately looked at the figure dancing with the music on the stage. Mystra put down the wine glass in his hand, brought the avatar into contact, and returned the main consciousness to the kingdom of God.
A Holy Spirit believer is worthy of being picked up by any deity.
However, Mystra, who turned his consciousness back to the kingdom of God, didn't have time to look into the specific situation of the believer, and found that the Holy Spirit had completed the mechanism of God's kingdom to absorb the faith without the guidance of God. The lead-in procedure has entered the kingdom of God.
After the death, the true spirit of the horror can do this kind of thing in the void storm?
When she realized that something was wrong, Mistral raised her vigilance and separated and isolated the area of ​​the Holy Spirit from the kingdom of God. Then she secretly activated all kinds of protective measures. Then she carefully divided a ray of thought into the quarantine and separated Area.
Suddenly lost the quarantine zone associated with the big environment. Most of the original floating arcades in the style of the Arcanist Country were broken and crashed. Most of them were transferred by Mystra to the ruins of all the residents of the kingdom. Floating in the air.
Mystera, with her black hair and blue clothes, had just moved in, and she saw the crimson dragon in the air. Even if she focused on pleasure without asking about the world, she recognized the new-looking on the other hand.
The connection of faith can be exploited so deceitfully. It is indeed a light pioneer who can easily break through a large number of gods ...
Mystra's lips were slightly frowned, and then she exclaimed: "It's you, the of knowledge, the Red Dragon Casa ... you deceive your faith into this kingdom of God with such a posture, thinking that I'm like those weak Like evil gods, can they be easily defeated by the source of your light?
"The new who despise the power of the magic net, my magic will tear you to pieces!"
"... I should say" Sorry "here," Red Dragon said with a pun and a smile after hearing Mystra's words, and then asked, "I came in this way, can't you guess my Purpose? Mystra? "
After recognizing the identity of the intruder, Mystra began to mobilize the power of the kingdom of God, and his eyes flashed after hearing the words.
The way of the Red Dragon invading the kingdom of God is certainly not bright enough, but to say that the other party quietly feels bad intentions ... people do not just choose a barely passing unobtrusive faith connection to simulate, but they will definitely cause the master of the kingdom of God The way to pay attention is to choose the Holy Spirit faith that has never been stronger.
Obviously, the other party wanted to make her pay attention to avoiding the sight of all the gods in the void and try to communicate with her alone.
But what is it that will make this high-profile red dragon killing the evil make such a choice? And the use of inconspicuous avatar contact in the world is secretive enough, why is it necessary to invade the kingdom of God by deceiving faith?
When the gods are serious, they have a thinking speed far beyond ordinary people. Mistra is not a fool. Combining the past performance of the source of the Holy Light and the special ability shown by the seeker to invade the kingdom of God, she can infer some things ~ www.mtlnovel .com ~ As the master of the magic net, and personally experienced the history of the destruction of the Arcanist civilization by the gods, Mistra certainly knows what her magic net means to a deity who is clergy-seeking.
After a quick thought, Mystra snorted softly, and then whispered coldly: "Whatever you do n’t see God wants to talk to me, it is a fact that you twist your faith to deceive me and invade my kingdom of God. I do n’t care if you have Whatever the scheme, you have to bear the anger from the magic net first! "
-First bear the anger from the magic net? I always think there is something in this guy's words ...
Cheng Bin thoughtfully looked at the opposite magic goddess. His gaze passed through the appearance of the kingdom of God and observed the huge amount of information changes between the demon net and the magic god. Then he found something and laughed: "Indeed, If I don't prove that I have the ability to defeat the magic net, there is no need to talk about many things. "
Mistral raised an eyebrow, then raised the mysterious jade and pointed the red dragon into the air.
The twelve-level magic net spell that is not open to the life of the world and touches the realm of the realm of the realm of the heavens-God of Slaughter Magic from the Arcanist civilization blasted to the Red Dragon on the spot.
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