Chapter 419: God of Fire, you need to learn a lot

Take the of fire as an example. Although it gave up the powerful influence of embedding subjective consciousness in the rules, it does not mean that it cannot add various rules in its favor to the rune of fire.
After all, the rules and gods are not fools. If their corresponding rules are not good for them at all, how can they create and maintain their own rules?
Judging from the extremely scarce rules and gods related records, in addition to the immortality brought by the rule of runes, the existence of such a of fire is generally bound with several extremely powerful special functions in the rules of runes.
The most basic is the elemental form corresponding to the rune-the habitual life in the world has forgotten that the fire element, which is one of the cornerstones of all things, is only a stable ground state of the magic element. The appearance of this form is originally related to the elemental The physical and chemical properties are closely related to the flame rune.
In other words, before the extremely ancient of fire determines his own elemental rules, is there any such thing as the fire element that is the cornerstone of stability for everyone in this world?
规则 And the regular gods have a feedback mechanism like the connection of faith-all elemental reactions related to the fire element, all life in the thousands of planes that touch the runes related to the fire, will bring a trace of power and knowledge to the of the fire element.
In other words, although the of the fire element cannot control the fire element of the entire world, the things related to the fire element in the entire world are giving it feedback bonuses, and all the wisdom research and improvement of the intelligent life based on the fire runes will be summarized To the of fire, let it always control all the most powerful and advanced fire-related technologies in the world.
To be honest, if it is not for the current rule gods to give up control of their own rules to radiate things, Cheng Bin is not sure to completely shield the eyes of the rule gods in the pilot plane embedded in the new version of the magic net. After all, many of the operation processes of the magic net are Stomp on a part of the regular deity's body.
After re-examining the rules of the gods at hand, Cheng Bin looked at the pure elemental plane of fire that exists in the special hub layer of the Six-dimensional Astral Realm, and mobilized the divine power to create a red that is no different from that before becoming a god. Dragon body.
The terrible pressure far beyond other planes caused the newly formed Red Dragon wings to shrink their necks slightly, but then the delicate rune array that appeared on the inside and outside of the body began to operate, as if it were a substance of infinite fire. At the moment of contact with the dragon scales, it is transformed into magical power and incorporated into the circulation system, against the endless high temperature and pressure in the environment.
"I feel like a hometown of civilization"
After a sigh of emotion, Cheng Bin took control of the Red Dragon's body, fluttering open the sea of ​​fire and flying towards the depths of the elemental plane of fire.
The various elemental life that should have existed extensively on the elemental plane was quite rare in this core and purest field of fire. Most of the aggregates of elemental fire seen by Cheng Bin flying all the way could not be regarded as intelligent life, and Their lifespan is extremely short in a riotous environment, where death and death are considered longevity.
However, the elemental life that can survive for a long time in this environment is very powerful.
划 In the twisted and turbulent space, he traced the winding trajectory constantly approaching Cheng Bin, the core of the elemental plane, and encountered an alternative life incompatible with the painting style and environment.
It was a huge fire elemental life with a dark red appearance and a shape similar to the eyeball. The red dragon flew past, and that broad sphere that almost occupied most of the red dragon's field of vision. The pupil-like structure has always followed the red dragon's. The figure slowly turned, like the eyes staring at the red dragon.
But after a little exploration, Cheng Bin knew that it was not an eyeball. The dim color of the surface of the sphere was that his body was surrounded by a layer of regular spherical space-time distortion to reduce the chaotic torrent of fire in the balanced environment.
And the bright pupil in the center is actually the eating mouth of life after swallowing the fire element after balanced transformation. It has been facing the red dragon just because the red dragon in the flight has twisted all the dense elements in time and space, causing its natural response. .
"This body size and strength accumulation far exceed the average elemental lord, but unfortunately there is a problem in intelligence." Cheng Bin, who hasn't crossed the big eyes for a long time, couldn't help but marvel at the huge body shape beyond the ordinary plane. .
飞行 As he flew, he looked at Cheng Bin, who was interested in the internal structure of this spherical life, with an interest and tilted his head. After leaving a distance, he saw the predation process of this life.
Turn the slender neck and turn to face the red dragon behind. You can see that a strange fire element life like a vortex follows the torrent of elements flowing around the big eyeballs, and then the vortex of flames around it combine with the torrent of surrounding elements. The direction changed slightly, an acceleration hit the big eyeball before it reacted, and began to use its own high-speed flame storm to cut away the outer structure of the sphere.
In the dazzling light produced by the collision of fire and fire, the flame eyes were stimulated violently. The space-time structure around it changed instantly, and the bright white pupil transient shifted to the direction facing the flame swirl.
In the earth-shattering explosion inside the element of eyeball fire, a beam of extremely slender and dazzling horrific light shot out from his pupil, tearing the body in half like a sharp blade across the vortex of flame.
The flame vortex that destroyed the overall structure exploded on the spot out of control, and most of its remaining body was completely swallowed by the pupil of the eyeball element. Then the damage on the surface of this large eyeball quickly recovered, and the volume expanded again.
"Is the fire element version big fish eat small fish?" Cheng Bin smiled, turned his neck and looked forward.
Not far in front of the Red Dragon, there is a layer of material that can't see any strange boundaries. Those fire elements within the boundary don't seem to have any peculiarities, but they have essentially produced something with the void layer. Relevance and combination can no longer be viewed simply by physical properties.
This is also the reason why Cheng Bin drove the incarnation of the Red Dragon after a bird's eye survey in the void
Although the of fire element is not in the void realm, its connection with the godhead is deeper than that of the common belief gods. The god-level void power must be possessed. The invisible boundary is the core field of the of fire element core. It is not so easy to believe that the gods want to distort elemental matter by divine modifiers within that boundary.
A rule deity like the of fire, and giving up the of the fire element around the world is also a particular method. Although dominating the world's basic elements will make too many enemies and cause divine wars, this does not mean that the of the fire element cannot be in The rules set out to retain its dominance within a certain range.
This is also the reason that the gods have a physical body, and various pure elemental planes appear around the elemental gods. Otherwise, relying solely on pure material level strength, the existence of the of the fire element will not die even if it is easy, and gather real name power in various Faith is too fragile in front of the gods.
Cheng Bin, who is not good at directly using the divine power to erode the elemental body of the element of fire to investigate, can only visit Cheng from the outside while driving the incarnation.
However, as Tyre said, the of fire has a very irritable temper. After the long dragon yelling of the red dragon shaking the boundary of a wide area, he was greeted by a tsunami of fire elements like a supernova explosion.
The wave of elemental fire that reached the extreme peak broke out and spread at an unparalleled speed. In a split second, those elemental aggregates that Cheng Bin encountered were destroyed, which directly destroyed the entire elemental plane of fire outside the realm.
In the chaotic space of time when the planes collapsed and rebuilt, Cheng Bin stared at the plane slowly reshaping around the realm of the elemental gods of fire—no wonder the purest core plane in the cluster of planes of elemental fire was intelligent. The lord of the element of fire can hardly see the trace, and the feeling is that he knew that his boss was violent and fled for a long time, but the ones who did not escape were almost dead.
Just relying on magic technology to survive the crash and reconstruction of the plane, Cheng Bin, you can see that the entire field of fire has condensed and condensed into a colorless flame, and a grand consciousness has spread out from it. Shrouded Cheng Bin's red dragon body.
"Dare to disturb my sleep" Yu Huo raged to tear the transparent sea of ​​fire that destroyed the stability of the elemental plane of fire, then looked at the red dragon, and then he groaned through the language of the soul, "I know you, the of knowledge Casa, once touched my divine red dragon. "
Cheng Bin hesitated, and then thought of it—the divinity he originally obtained from Morrigan passively turned his hands and points to the realm of fire element. It must be that he touched the of fire element when he researched and analyzed that deity. of.
"You and your followers have made a lot of contributions to the expansion of the way of the flames, which has increased my strength." The God of Fire reviewed all the information and strength feedback obtained during his semi-sleeping period, and then the tone Slightly said, "So, say your purpose."
Looking at the preliminary observations at hand, Cheng Bin groaned for a moment, and then laughed, "Many things are very difficult to explain orally, so let's have a fight."
The transparent sea of ​​fire stagnates for a moment, and then bursts out with the loud laughter that tears the soul. "In this form, challenge me in this place? I like you a little, Red Dragon."
The next moment, the God of Fire element used his true abilities without hesitation.
The red dragon looks like dust in front of the transparent sea of ​​fire. All the elemental materials that make up the body are forcibly twisted into fire elements in an instant, and spontaneously disintegrate in the next instant. The red dragon's body is completely decomposed into a circle of bursting fire Discrete particles of fire element.
However, the nature of discrete fire elements has undergone subtle changes. The characteristics of fire elements that have never appeared in this world are woven and shaped by the condensed words of fire runes. The red dragon made of pure flames has once again appeared, and still In the rapid transformation and swallows all the elemental matter that belongs to the of fire, the elemental material swells and grows.
"Interesting, do you have the ability to use flames in front of me?" The of fire snorted, read the new fire technology used by Red Dragon directly through the power of the rune rules, and instantly integrated it.
After understanding the new rune language that the red dragon used to interfere with the fire element, the of the fire element only moved his thoughts and once again dominated all the elements that make up the flame red dragon's body, tearing it into pieces.
But for the next instant, the red dragon once again dominated the surrounding fire elements through the updated version of the rune technology and reunited the body.
"I use this method to rob me of control of the fire element, are you adding strength to me?" Unable to understand the behavior of the red dragon, the of the fire element strangely incorporated new knowledge into the rules, and the thoughts were dispelled. The body of the red dragon.
Wu Honglong unexpectedly re-assembled again. The of the fire element keenly found that the speed and intensity of its dominance of the fire element had increased to some extent, but this increase would only be absorbed by it as a nutrient.
The weird mode of the battle for the of the element of fire has continued. In the slowly strengthening and improving of the rune rules of the of the element of fire, Cheng Bin has also explored the ability and structure of the rules and gods in all aspects.
The transparent sea of ​​fire in front of me is just the strongest weapon used by the God of Fire to interfere with reality and the void and the base point of some rune rules. If you want to observe the nature of the rules and gods, you must start with the fire element and its control runes.
Cheng Bin has continuously innovated on the rune language of the fire system to seize the dominance of special fire elements in the core field of the of fire elements, and combined with observations of the process of the of fire elements absorbing and utilizing new knowledge, to gradually derive this The nature of life in which the rules of the gods are embedded in the rules of the elements.
The new knowledge and technology thrown out by Cheng Bin, although strengthening the breadth and depth of the rune rules of the God of Fire, are actually equivalent to the known and controllable variables of the experimental experiment, which can be used to help infer what he wants to know Those unknown parts.
Moreover, although the new power brought by knowledge is real, it does not mean that the new knowledge is really no problem.
When the of the element of fire, whose influence is soaring in reality, began to feel uneasy because of the endless stream of knowledge and technology, Cheng Bin, who had completed the preliminary observation plan, did not condense and regroup immediately after the red dragon's body was dispelled.
怎么 "Why, you are already poor? I thought you had the courage to dare to play with fire in front of me." The guardian of the element of fire felt a little overwhelmed by the vigilance--
Although I am a little disturbed by the strange behavior of the Red Dragon, in a short period of time, the expansion of its rune rules is comparable to the sum of several eras before the birth of the Red Dragon, which is quite rare ~ ~ Poor? I just taught you so many things, and it's time to come up with some questions to make you "the leisurely words of the Red Dragon, which made the heart of the elemental fire feel a bad feeling.
In the next instant, the already-familiar battle for control of the fire element has begun. The of the fire element subconsciously uses all the rune rules accumulated to absorb the newly-increased fire element control technology from the red dragon.
However, it smashed the blood in front of the brand-new knowledge-at the moment of absorbing and accommodating those newly expanded knowledge, the seemingly perfect and self-consistent rune system of God of Fire suddenly appeared a terrible contradiction, Let its power run down instantly.
It's like a student who has mastered real numbers and basic algorithms. When he thought he could use mathematics to explain and describe everything in the world, he suddenly encountered a paradox that violates common sense and can only be solved by new knowledge systems such as imaginary numbers, calculus, and set theory. In that case, the system that is clearly functioning is plunged into self-contradiction.
After the elementary consciousness of the fire element in the rune rules fell into chaos, the transparent sea of ​​fire between the material and the void plane was suddenly usurped control by Cheng Bin, and collapsed into a red dragon figure.
After occupying the core of the power of this of fire element, all the secrets of the ruled gods were seen by Cheng Bin. "The way the true name of the ruled gods is connected to the godhead is like this. Slightly adjust "
When Cheng Bin fully achieved his goal, the of the fire, almost hit by a wave of paradoxes, had just returned to God.
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