Chapter 422: New-style deity experiment, crazy real name

The gods of this world are the products of gods beyond the understanding of the gods. In the past history, each time gods appear, they can cause extremely horrible damage. In most cases, the gods can only suppress the seal of gods and let them Time passes slowly, and there is no way to kill them directly.
But after Cheng Bin observed and looked at the shadow gods being formed, he became aware of the nature of this strange life.
The gods have no way to take the iniquity. In essence, they still control the depth and accuracy of their own power. The combination of the iniquity and the godhead exceeds the rules of the gods in some respects. It can even be regarded as the godhead awakened to a certain degree. Chaotic intelligence, in turn, controls the real name and priesthood of the deities.
As the mystery of this world is second only to its real name, the server-like goddess supports the operation of the entire system. When this multifunctional computer suddenly gains authority and intelligence, it replaces the software and runs itself. The power it possesses naturally It's a little scary.
Not to mention anything else, the gods that completely dominate the performance of the gods must have the computing and processing capabilities far beyond the master consciousness of all the gods, and the control of the control of the divine priesthood is also extremely small.
If the gods are normal in intelligence and know how to think, and know that they are going to get some sources of divine power, Cheng Bin dare to say that all the local gods in this world will not necessarily hit the weakest gods.
Regrettably, the IQ of Divine Injustice cannot be seen at all, even if it is very good to reach the level of brainless beasts-most of the Divine Injustices in history broke down and died directly in internal contradictions shortly after birth. Even more gods have no chance to be born in a stable form.
Fortunately, they have a stable form of divine iniquity. Basically, they cannot draw the power of real names to form divine powers. They are better at killing deities and devouring divine powers. They are stupid and hold the birth time. Spend your divine power with a little less.
Therefore, the special life of God's sin, which has internal errors, has a life span that is unimaginably longer than mortals, but it still has its limits.
On the sidelines, Tyre, who was constantly strengthening the protection of the isolation zone, looked at the dark shadow that was getting deeper and stranger, and couldn't help but feel a little uneasy--with the peak of his powerful divine power, he was almost unable to understand the shadow of the evil. The internals have changed, and let this development evolve ...
Tier could not help but turn to look at the red dragon who was still interested in observing the creeping shadows, and urged him: "Have you seen enough? The harm caused by the true birth of a is unpredictable, maybe directly. Just because the priesthood endangers a lot of planes, are you sure that you can suppress this monster? "
Had it not been for the Red Dragon that had shown a lot of operations that challenged the three perspectives and common sense of the gods, so that Tyre had a lot of confidence in his ability, he would not let a of evil develop and grow in the core area of ​​the Source of Holy Light
Even if he can't stop the development and growth of God's evil, he can't kill it, at least Tyre must throw it to the extreme edge of the world to seal it-there is a very good garbage dump over the abyss.
"Don't worry, it's very stable," Cheng Bin responded intently. "I found that many structures of this thing can be used in the new style of the structure for reference. It doesn't hurt to see more. The transformation experiment will be much more convenient later. . "
旁边 Next to the shadow of the evil spirit, whose strength is constantly rising, Tir looked at the red dragon and said nothing but finally he still pulled his beard and forced himself to choose to believe in the unbelievable existence of the red dragon.
Of course Cheng Bin will not lie. He must not be afraid of this evil, because ... according to the general definition of the evil in this world, he is probably the strongest evil in this world.
Regarding the analytic control of the godhead and the subtle manipulation of divine power, Cheng Bin confessed that nobody in the second world would dare to recognize the first--even the dragon Io, who had the same problem in history.
There is no intelligence in the cricket area, and there are still various bugs in it. Cheng Bin stepped on one foot without panting, right?
So under Tyre's unintelligent onlooking, Red Dragon fiddled with the indescribable creeping inky and turned it around for a while, then poked his claws, and in an extremely delicate and difficult to identify and describe the conflict of divine power, this strange The shadow of God's shadow has been poked into a dazzling crystal that seems to have an infinitely detailed section.
The God of Shadow exudes the soul's final counterattack and the dark gods that can change the color of the gods. It is so destroyed by the Red Dragon that there is no smoke and fire, leaving only the last bit of core structure, like black smoke. Flowing in the real shadow godhead.
"Look, isn't this easy?" Cheng Bin pinched the shadow godhead on his claws and looked around, and then turned his neck to Til, saying, "Seriously, the gods with brains abandon those self-righteous fighting skills, Purely controlling the true power of the gods in an idealistic way, I have more trouble dealing with it. The mindless thing like God is simply a weak chicken. "
Tier rubbed his old man's handle on the ground with his hammer in his left hand, and sighed helplessly: "I who wielded the hammer to fight is also one of those gods who you think is self-righteous in combat skills, right? You just have the guts. That's it ... "
"The objective facts will not change because of your sentimentality," Cheng Bin replied casually, holding the godhead before starting the experiment. "If your ideas are as enlightened and flexible as the of fire, it will not be harmonious. I have been using the same old things for so long, and I haven't opened a small stove for the Source of Holy Light. "
"Using a firm will to consolidate the Holy Light to defeat evil, but it supports my belief that I have been to this day," Tir shook his head. "It is so easy to say how to change, in the final analysis, your set of materialist theories cannot escape the true name and There is no evidence of the physical nature of the godhead. What wrong is it for us, the gods, to consider the sense of real name as the source of all things? "
Alas-but isn't it better that I am stronger? Uh, although my strong power lies in the ability to control the soul to the limit, to a certain extent, it seems that it is ideal.
Cheng Bin nodded at Tier at will, but muttered secretly: "So the only difference between Materialism and Idealism is whether to continue to open the box, but at that time, even if the box is really opened, it is idealistic. It can also be said that his own cognition created a higher world ...
"After all, at the lowest level, I still want to open the box. This behavior itself is looking for a higher dimension than his own world. For idealists, it is like the omnipotent God wants to create a stone that he cannot afford. It is purely consuming their own authority to create the higher existence they want, and actively surrendering the deep control of idealistic authority to the past ... "
Logically speaking, there is really no big problem for idealists to think this way. Without process bins, it is naturally impossible to identify with that kind of thinking circuit that is almost self-consoling. Although in the eyes of idealists, Cheng Bin this This kind of infinite digging of deeper mysteries, it is no problem to put a timid label that scares you ...
The idea of ​​shrinking and running away, Cheng Bin focused on the shadow godhead at hand.
If Cheng Bin personally manipulated it, the new type of god's manufacturing experiment actually does not need any props, and an old is used as an experimental consumable, just to get some credible data to reassure those gods who have taken the transformation path, and it is also convenient in the later stage Figured out the transformation channel that he does not need to transform himself, so the state of the old props is actually not very strict.
Even if the of shadow becomes a and is almost poked to death with one finger, it will not have much effect on the experimental process.
After thinking about it for a while, Cheng Bin, who finally finalized the experimental process, immediately started to work, and the shadow godhead led by a trace of forged belief links disappeared instantly.
In order to facilitate Tyre's viewing and understanding, every step that Cheng Bin began to extract the real name of the from the godhead was transformed into a recognizable appearance in the normal vision of ordinary gods.
In Cheng Bin's field of vision, the information vacancies that penetrate deep into the bottom of the data and do not have the concept of up, down, left, right, left, and right have been distorted from the shadow priesthood that had been distorted due to the birth of the gods. The correspondence between specific things such as fog, shadows, shadows, and shadow planes has been deleted, and the focus has shifted to the shadow concept of intelligent life.
The shadow clergy that changed greatly later re-embedded the emptiness on the edge of the clergy with memory, thinking, and knowledge.
The next moment, the consciousness of the shadows in the minds of all the intelligent life in the entire astral world was sensed by the clergy agreement, and the infinite information was fed back to the place where Cheng Bin was located along with the changed shadow clergy.
"The first step is completed, the next is the real name ..." Through the connection of faith to control the half-dead shadow gods, Cheng Bin looked at all the intelligent life sensed by the shadow priesthood, and then began to analyze and capture by this priesthood induction. The souls of all those who sense, and follow the context of the soul, locate the real names of these lives in the void.
The most crucial point for the new clergy-like deities to maintain their own existence is to establish a close-to-belief, real-name connection with the connected life directly according to the clergy field, and then rely on extremely complex algorithms to integrate their consciousness into all cloud networks connected by their real names. .
The biggest difference between and the old is that the new-style deities of the soul distributed architecture no longer have bound goddess, and they don't even have their own real names-the point is here.
You must know that those non-deity void creatures will be detected by the origin of the world and given their real names after the core complexity of thinking reaches the standard of intelligent life.
The new beta version of the current version of the gods is the strongest support for survival after being separated from the godhead. In fact, this is the mechanism that the origin of the world detects and gives the real name. Cheng Bin has established a special project to study this thing after he became a god. He has already cracked the world clearly. According to what criteria to judge whether a life is intelligent life.
After figuring out this standard, it is very simple to deceive the real name-granting mechanism of the world and use the most mysterious and powerful force in the world—at least for the designer Cheng Bin.
The existence of new-style deities with extremely ambiguous forms essentially lingers on the edge of the judgment standard of the real-name giving mechanism.
The new type of touches the origin of the world and is given a real name. Then, in a split second, the power of this real name is reversely converted into the power of the cloud real name network. Then the real name is refreshed and reset in the next hover, and the process is repeated continuously.
来看 To a certain extent, you can also think that the real name network formed by all intelligent life has become a of belief, and all new gods have become an alternative believer of this to feed back their divine power.
In this way, as long as the more intelligent lives associated with the new-style deities 'priesthood, the more open their real names are, and the deeper their identification with the new-style deities is, the higher the new-name deities' real-name refresh frequency and the efficiency of divine power conversion will be. The more divine power you receive-far more divine power than the same number of devout feedback.
Moreover, using the shock brought by the real name granting mechanism as a trigger and a source of power, the specially designed new gods have a solid enough spiritual foundation. Before the mystery of the real name in the deepest part of the world can be cracked, they will never be because of the large number of endpoints of the real name network. What changes affect the thinking.
Naturally, only by being able to clearly observe and manipulate this process, and analysing one's own soul into the existence of the true name, can the true power of the new type of deities be exerted.
"The biggest question that remains is whether the existence behind the world can lift the table without seeing the anger ..." Cheng Bin's gaze passed through the void, watching the new-style shadow he made with mad frequency Constantly changing the ghosts and animals, constantly refreshing the real name to extract, my heart could not help but murmur.
程 In Cheng Bin's eyes, such a thing as divine power can be regarded as the number of executions of the interference command that the real name has in a unit time. The deities can accumulate divine power by the number of times a believer transfers to him along the faith connection every night.
The new style of the shadow is the blank real name that was abandoned once it was used in a crazy refreshing real name and extracting divine power accumulated into the sensed real name network of intelligent life ~ ~ In just a while, it has broken through five Digits, and the number is still soaring at an increasing speed.
The first experiment can be done so quickly by Cheng Bin's manual push ... In fact, even without refreshing the real name, Cheng Bin, the new type of architecture, can't get it out-it's just that the power to interfere with the world will be weaker.
He mainly wanted to take the opportunity to test another problem-there is no upper limit on the real name of this world.
"So the problem is back to the source and the direction of the real name," Cheng Bin wondered, watching the ever-increasing divine value in the new form of the shadow data table. "Similar reincarnation experiments have proven that many real names are not made temporarily. It's a cycle between life and death ...
"If there is no upper limit on the number of real names, then the architecture of the shadow can continue to be used. If there is an upper limit ... how many new-style deities of this architecture need to run at the same time to test the limits of the world?
"Theoretically, the real bottom of this world is consistent with my judgment. If it is a data-like world, making more real names is just a matter of changing the value. The increased calculation amount is completely insignificant for a world, so there is no upper limit or upper limit. The possibility of approaching infinity is greater ... "
程 While Cheng Bin was obsessed with the experiment, Tier lifted the isolation and blockade against the evil of the gods, and then the core temple of the source of the Holy Light suddenly squeezed in a bunch of gods that were previously blocked out.
Then they were shocked by Cheng Bin's special transformation and display of the new-style shadow soul flashing to Tyr.
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