Chapter 434: Devil's Evacuation and Expedition

The space-time of this world is a secondary attribute extended by the element, so the high entropy attribute of the element brings not only the anomaly of the material composition, but also the space-time and the plane will be affected. The more it penetrates into the root system of the world tree, this The greater the impact.
After crossing a certain boundary marked by the order camp transport system and entering the next abyss, Cheng Bin found that the original magic torrent operation between the astral planes has changed significantly, and those planes that exist in the torrents, their The six-dimensional astral positioning and space-time barrier architecture are beginning to distort.
As a result of these changes, the original magic torrent that originally showed at least the root structure of the tree, began to appear anomalies such as retrograde, eddy currents, mergers, etc., and the planes among them were a large number of collisions, overlaps, merges, splits, etc. Mass unrest.
The high-entropy elements deposited in the plane are relatively stable in this frequent and chaotic plane-space turbulence, so as long as things in the plane are not unfortunately encountered by natural disasters such as time and space tearing, they will be returned. Can continue normal activities.
At least when Cheng Bin invaded a magnificent plane filled with strange black crystals, the snake-shaped demon stepped on by his foot, the upper body can also use the space-time turbulence to force the start of teleportation spells.
"The density of demons is obviously higher here ..." Flicking a tail to pat a meat-like creature into a meatloaf, smashing down a towering black crystal minaret, and the demonic red dragon stretched out its claws in an attempt to teleport The snake-like demon who escaped but was imprisoned in time and space mentioned that he looked around.
In the roar of the huge crystals falling and shattering, Cheng Bin turned over and studied the devil with a twisted arm at hand, and then stuffed this crazy struggling basilisk into the dragon's mouth, swallowed it twice.
As Cheng Bin expected, engulfing the demons increased the power of entropy and triggered more invisible information.
As far as the invisible information captured and parsed currently is concerned, the demons at this level will be given the ability to actively distort the body shape to adapt to the high entropy environment. This contains a set of universal space-time spells that use chaotic and turbulent space-time to cast. Ability.
This piece of talented ability Cheng Bin has no interest. He summarizes and analyzes the data obtained from several demon talent experiments, and tries to infer the source of the information from these end feedbacks, but only a small amount of results are obtained.
"The mechanism based on high-entropy chaos is difficult to crack. I don't know if we can find more common pieces and find something out ..."
Pushing away the crystal shards on the side of the building, Cheng Bin glanced at the lower half of the snake demon who had been assimilated by black crystals at his feet and thought: "It is said that among the group of planes in the abyss, those who can survive for a long time My face is more or less alive, and it seems to be true ... "
He stretched his claws and pulled a bit of black crystals and slowly crushed them. Nothing was found. The dark red dragon shook his head, then spread his wings and flew upward, or jumped diagonally and fell off—
In fact, this peculiar plane is not up and down in the strict sense, because the gravity and time and space here are a bit chaotic, and the space for biological activity is completely a cavity surrounded by black crystals, and there is no such thing as the sky and the earth on other planes. .
The air filled in the cavity is definitely not the air that ordinary humans in the world can breathe. Everything here is deadly poisonous to ordinary life without comprehensive protection.
"Capturing demons step by step, obtaining changed data for comparative analysis. With so many samples, just drop in. Just find the devil's base camp and see if you can go in and visit ..."
In the high altitude, Cheng Bin fell in accordance with the changing gravity and moved forward. Cheng Bin rationalized his plan, and then he saw his goal to enter this plane-
The surface of the bumpy, large crystals that often cross the cavity, an unusually striking flat area appears in the front, densely crowded creatures crowded there to kill, the sound of the roar and the collision of weapons, even if there is a substantial Shock waves spread chaotically.
The flat terrain was apparently created by countless attacks by the warring parties and the crystallization of flesh and blood.
"Is this depth of the devil already so strong?" Cheng Bin, overlooking the battle, said with emotion, "In the horizontal comparison, the strength of most of the creatures below is comparable to the legendary elven king who can physically break through the speed of sound. It ’s not as good as a dog, a legend goes everywhere ... "
However, for the current elven union civilization, this kind of legendary life that still relies on extraordinary abilities to stab people, the threat is not much different from a pet dog ... at least the latter can be bite without restriction. people.
The ceiling of the crystal cavity plane is not high, so the nearby red dragon quickly attracted the attention of some flying units. Originally, the devil would cut off friendly creatures without going crazy, and the red dragon with obvious demonization characteristics was killed by some. It is not surprising that the rising devil is the target.
The red dragon that deliberately converged its shape and strength when it was created by the avatars appeared to be a few laps smaller than the average adult dragon, so there were not many demons attracted.
Cheng Chengbin tore up several dragon-shaped and bird-like demons and swallowed several high-level demons, leaving a strange flying unit like a flesh-and-worm to fight a fake game and paddling the water upright.
I looked at this strange twister who used space-time distortion as a flying engine. Cheng Bin turned his eyes back to the ground after analyzing the source of his flight ability with great interest.
Aside from the chaotic sky, the battlefield on the ground like a meat grinder is easy to see the factions--
的 The demons gathered from all directions all the time, rushing towards the center of the battlefield while killing each other, the chaotic transmission light flashed frantically, drawing a clear boundary.
Surrounded by countless demons, is a position with a variety of complex functions such as isolation, teleportation, order protection, and order. Above the position is a group of humanoid life with a neat appearance and style-the devil.
These different kinds of devil are fighting against the endless stream of demons with near-perfect tacit understanding and cooperation. Even if the strength of a single demon is similar to that of a demon of the same level, the battle on the edge of the front is a slaughter.
The devil is constantly performing internal and external rotation trimming. The well-equipped devil rely on coordination, positions and multiple BUFFs to easily crush all the demons encountered. Except for some guys who are unlucky to be caught by stray bullets, the devil's cube has almost no No combat casualties.
恶魔 This demon side's battle scene is just like a game with no consumption, no cooling and no resurrection interval. Several first-level whites are blocked by a group of full-scale gods and tacit heroes. The picture is simply unbearable.
However, in theory, this can persist to the Devil's Legion to thicken the crystallized ground of the plane with several layers of demon corpses, but the positions are shrinking step by step, but this is obviously not because of the pressure brought by the killing of the demon.
Cheng Bin looked curiously deep into the Devil's Legion, and found that in a folded space, the devil opened a portal next to the central system of the field position, and the inner devil trimmed and entered a little orderly The portal moves away.
"No wonder ..." Cheng Bin thought about it and knew what was going on. "Tyre's pulling people around so much. The abyss expedition is already known in the world. Hell the devil evacuated everyone in advance to fight. The troops in it are also normal, after all, they want some kind of balance, not the cannon fodder in front of the source of light. "
After thinking for a moment, the demonized dragon that had swallowed a lot of demons in the paddock in the sky roared, and the demonic worm that was moving at high speed in the twisted space-time penetrated a large hole through the body and died instantly.
The dying red dragon's corpse shattered and fell on the ground battlefield in the aftermath of the chaotic attack, which very "coincidentally" hindered the attack of a demon, causing a bad luck to be slightly blown out of the front by a stray bullet set fire. The dying devil picked up a life.
The tall devil with a red body and wings retreated into the circle under the cover of his comrades, and then rushed to the center of the legion following the guidance of restoring a stable spiritual connection, walking into the folded and hidden space with the twisted space-time waves in.
Although there is no entropic fire that distorts the proliferative flesh to repair the injury, the devil's constitution and regeneration ability are not weak. The deep prison refining demon with a backward curved corner and a thick tail repairs the chest and abdomen with the assistance of logistics healers. After the huge wound, he walked into the queue by himself and recovered from other minor injuries.
In front of the queue where the red smelting demon is located, there is a mirror-like portal. The injury is almost fatal. It is obviously placed in the priority evacuation team. After all, it is a relatively high-end devil species and will not be injured. Go to battle for cannon fodder ... Although the concept of cannon fodder is rarely found in the Devil's Legion ...
The orderly retreat queue has been moving forward quickly. The tall and deep prison refining demon came to the portal soon. He tilted his head and looked at the center of the position on the other side, then looked back at his reflection, red eyes. A subtle gaze flickered into the telescope mirror.
Due to the continuous evacuation, the demon legion with fewer and fewer combatants gradually could not suppress the chaotic attacks of the demons. Before the pressure resistance reached the critical point, the commander of the devil's side overdrawn the center of the position, combining a wave of abandoned devil's Desperately, successfully covered the last core devil and evacuated into the portal.
Suddenly, the devil who left the temple was severely wounded and wounded in front of the crazy army of demons. Then the next moment, the entire devil's position was detonated, and the remaining demons and large demons were dying in a strong light.
And the devil's departure is not just an explosion. They destroy the only point of time and space stability on this plane, completely detaching a key foundation in this astral area and let this past be the central node. One of the planes began to distort during the turbulence.
The black crystalized earth moaned and twitched like life. Frequent tears and overlapping large expanses of time and space wiped out the shadow of the demon. The black crystals began to assimilate everything in the cavity. Eventually, the black crystal pillars filled the cavity again. Fewer and fewer demons teleported here and died in the blink of an eye.
After the turbulence of the original magic torrent and the plane group, the space-time relationship of the plane in this area has fallen into a period of rapid change. The next relatively stable central node plane will not know how long it will take to reshape. In the chaotic situation, the demons that spread everywhere are obviously more difficult to restrain.
However, this chaotic phenomenon does not require the demon to evacuate to have a headache. The gods who want to start the expedition must spend a lot of energy to straighten out the tributaries and planes of the original magic that gathered these places-after all, killing the devil Not encroaching on conversion sites is of little significance.
Uh ...
When the Red Dragon incarnation fell, the gods of order who negotiated the benefit distribution plan have officially set off to start the abyss expedition.
The incarnations, legions, and divine power of the gods all rely on the open platform of the source of the holy light for integration and unified scheduling. Because the gods of the holy light source are equal to directly taking the body and the kingdom of God as the expedition main force, other gods are not much What to say, can only be embedded in the combat platform of the source of the Holy Light according to the instructions sent.
The actual commander of the Abyss Expedition is Tier, the of justice and courage, whose strength, power, and credibility are at the top. However, he directly controls and integrates the complex powers of the different realms of the gods, but lays down from there to sleep. Red Dragon Casa.
In the control center of the Source of Light combat platform, after listening to the description of Red Dragon, Tyre looked at the dizzying divine power changes around and said, "Is it? The devil's corps of the world began to retreat ... presumably its high-end power is very high. We will evacuate soon. I am afraid the pressure on the front will be great. We need to speed up. "
Cheng Bin, who controls the operation of the center of divine power, glanced at a large number of new incarnations of gods on the seat of the Source of the Holy Light, and then shook his head with emotion: "It's not me who limits the speed. They are really slow to learn.枉 I also translated it into the version you are used to ... "
Tirgan, who was also unsuccessful in learning, coughed: "The gods are thinking and learning fast, they just don't get used to it and have some vigilance ~ ~ Trying it step by step will naturally slow down a bit. "
"Forget it, you don't want to control it anyway," Cheng Bin turned the topic back. "By the way, your means of transforming the plane is too simple, right? Even if you really start the expedition, how can you not get up? Right? But we have to rush into the deepest part of the abyss in one breath. It is impossible to go step by step. "
Now the steps of the order gods to attack the abyss are to send a large number of mortal relatives and believers to invade the abyss plane while attacking the abyss in the void to attack and suppress all the demons owned by the demon lord-a gathering of a large number of demon real names Demon lord, the physical layer of demons will be affected after a large number of demons.
Although this effect is obvious for believers who have not believed in God's destruction, it has also greatly helped the battle between the gods and the demon lord.
After the demonic lord of an area is destroyed, the planes it covers enter the transformation period from the capture period. The gods need to smooth out the original magic torrent and adjust the plane structure at a macro level, and the believers' relatives also need to be on the plane. Eliminate the remnants and new demons, transform materials, transform the environment, and cultivate life.
"... guide the plane to produce normal life, and guide the real name power of a large number of lives through environmental stimuli to spontaneously reverse the elemental entropy properties of the plane. Doing so can greatly reduce the divine power consumed to reverse the nature of all elements of the plane."
After explaining the process of transforming the abyss into the abyss plane, Tyr said with a strange look: "After all, the power of faith is limited ... Of course, if you use the power of the power of the God of Shadow to make more, then It will be much easier and faster to transform planes and reduce the extent of the abyss. "
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