Chapter 45: 1 wave to take away

"What the is that alienation?"
I glanced at the police car ambulance lined up outside the villa, and Wen Jun Cheng Fang, who was entertaining with a few leaders there, Cheng Bin turned his questioning eyes to Wen Wen.
"A group of idiots who think they are superior," Wen Wen picked up the envelope that had been dropped towards Chuang, and said, "Eating humans, wearing humans, using humans, everything is created by humans ... Obviously vulnerable to human weapons, like quails, they still feel that they are more noble species. "
After reading the contents of the envelope, Wen Wen snorted softly: "I heard that these people changed their bosses last time when they met in the capital and started to use their threats such as threats of violence to expand their power everywhere, but I didn't expect It's his turn so soon, it's troublesome now, and these guys will be entangled if they fail to achieve their goals. "
"Are there any conflicts in the future?" Cheng Bin frowned, and the writers in this world still felt close.
And the Wen family is also willing to help Cheng Bin rebuild the laboratory. It would be too annoying if he got caught in this endless trouble battle.
"Do you know where the organization's base camp is?"
"What do you want?" Wenwen looked at him in surprise.
"Take them away," Cheng Bin calmly said, "I don't have so much energy to spend on these guys."
"You are not kidding, I admit that you are very capable, no one in the circle I know should be your opponent."
Wen Wen frowned slightly and persuaded Cheng Bin: "But after all, you are just a person, not to mention those strange abilities, and the potential military power indirectly controlled by the alienation organization is comparable to some small countries, even if you are iron How many more nails can I make? "
"At present, my ability to show is less than my true level." Cheng Bin shrugged. "You can directly tell me, is it possible that that alienation will be killed by a stick? The feasibility of beheading is How tall? Don't kill one head and two more. "
"One in ten thousand? Do you tease me?" Wenwen imagined what Cheng Bin's output was 10,000 times, and could not help but chilly: "If you really have this level ... then I don't care Just ask you not to expose yourself and us.
The alienated organizational structure is nothing more than grading layers to bully the weak, to run away after the defection, etc. If the high-level and core force are used in one pot, there are few estimates that they are loyal enough to revenge the organization. "
"That alienated base camp?"
"I remember that they have two different types of core bases, one in the Middle East and one in Sakura. The specific coordinates will be contacted by the Mutual Aid Society and I will tell you later."
"Middle East and Sakura Country ..." After a sigh, Cheng Bin whispered to the worried Wen Wen: "Wash the road with peace of mind, big husband and big breasts."
Yunwen Wen glanced at Cheng Bin, walked to the side and called: "Hey, sister Jian ... you already know about Chaochuang?"
"No, no, we are fine. Can you help me find the information that alienates those guys' base camps? Last time I saw it in the database, could you send the graphic data and the longitude and latitude data directly? Hey, don't worry What am I doing, I don't want to do anything ... "
After whispering for a while, Wenwen walked back and made a gesture of ok.
Cheng Chengbin took the pink-shell mobile phone she handed out, pulled out the newly made electrical signal converter from her body, and connected it to the panel.
After dealing with Wenwen's non-stop questioning, Cheng Bin briefly toured the alienation organization's data in the panel, and then let Wenwen take it to a corner where no one was.
In the surprised look of Wen Wen's eyes and pink lips slightly widened, Cheng Bin floated in place and said goodbye to her, and then started to hide and flew towards the sky.
Uh ...
"The base here in the Middle East is a big barracks ..."
Cheng Bin, who was flying in the sky, was in stealth, approaching the oasis that was unusually conspicuous in the Gobi Desert below. He took a closer look in the gorge covered with defense buildings.
"No wonder Wen Wen said that the alienation organization's military power is comparable to some small countries." Cheng Bin looked at the tanks and helicopters that were parked in the open air and were simply covered, and looked at the old planes in the semi-buried underground passage.
In the panorama, there are many people above and below the ground in this base. Some are resting and some are training. Except for those who are using the ability, Cheng Bin can't tell who the power is, but it is recorded in the information. The high-level alienation saw some.
确定 "I'm sure it is the base of the alienation organization, so which option should I choose to start ..."
Finally compared the data, Cheng Bin pondered for a while and made up his mind.
Cheng Chengbin ascended to the sky, he was not interested in running into the complex building below to fight with those abilities.
Although he ca n’t beat him, he has a way to take away the following bases, so why bother?
I happen to have plenty of sunshine here in the Middle East.
Cheng Chengbin glanced at the hot sun shining almost vertically on the ground, and cast his gaze at the foot of a canyon that was the size of a round table. He lifted his invisibility while spreading his breath toward the surrounding speed.
It has been almost a month since the return from World No. 1 World. Although Cheng Bin has not been able to carry out many studies due to lack of experimental conditions ~ ~ the ability has not yet undergone qualitative changes, but the spirit is in the range, power, control force, accuracy Other improvements have made him a lot stronger ...
In the base of alienation, some people who were doing physical training on a simple playground suddenly felt dark, and they looked up in confusion, and found that a thin layer of cloud suddenly appeared in the cloudless sky, and that cloud was now It became more and more heavy.
I don't know if it is an illusion, they feel that the air suddenly becomes very dry.
The thickness of the cloud and mist seemed to have crossed a limit, and it suddenly faded away, but the sun that was re-emerging from its original poisonous sunlight did not know why it had softened, and the brightness was constantly decreasing.
The people below me shivered, an unpredictable feeling spread in their hearts.
From the turbulent base, one after another ran out from the building and the underground. They looked at the increasingly dim sky. So they shouted-they would not know that such a terrible change in the heavens was actually a person capable of releasing His power.
it's dark.
The astonished man stared at the blue sky with a stare, as if there was a hole in it. An unknown sky was completely occupied by black, and the sun was obscured.
With the exclamation, the alienated person turned his eyes and found that as the sky darkened, a piece of ground with a diameter of hundreds of meters suddenly lighted up, and the light reflected from this ground was shrinking. The radius is getting brighter and dazzling.
At this point, the wise man finally realized what was happening, but it was too late.
光 The iris on the ground suddenly shrank into tiny dots.
Immediately after that, the sound of terror exploded in the canyon, drowning the terrifying cry of the alienation.
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