: Fanwai-One-Seven Seeds of Fighting and Lamentation

定位 After locating the traces of the magical girls related to the plot, it is not difficult to find the witches along the traces of their activities.
However, when Wenwen inspected each of the speed swept marks, he found that the black long straight back board monster named Xiao Meiyan, after looting the military base, began wandering around the city with high efficiency while conducting various field operations. Measure and arrange all kinds of equipment, and handle all the rising witches at the same time, and the scope of this kind of activity is also expanding beyond this city.
This makes Wen Wen overlooking the city somewhat observing the subtle feeling of those great videos that manipulate the game characters frame by frame to play extreme manipulation.
"How many reincarnations has she experienced?" At the same time that the mysterious witch opened her enchantment and tried to devour humanity, Wen Wen hardly saw what was happening, and those unnatural mysterious beings were flashed by Hei Chang. Straight girl invaded the enchantment and erased in the stop.
The stupefying Wen Wen rubbed his eyes and flickered his eyes while shifting his eyes, and turned his eyes to the other monitoring screens that appeared on the system panel-
In Chobe's mouth, under normal circumstances, there is only one magical girl in a city to guard. The black long straight girl who has not signed a contract is obviously an out-of-specification character, and the one who should have fought as a city guardian has long blond curly hair. The young girl named Bami Mei wandered in the empty city with a blank expression.
I don't know what expression to show for this young girl who was robbed of work but away from danger. Wenwen, who was flying in the sky, sighed and turned off the surveillance that only she could see, and started looking around to find another city closer.
后 After the city is dominated by the black and long straight shadows, Wenwen who is not easy to get involved and hardly get involved can only find the witch to study it from a distance.
"Basically every magical girl has me on my guide, so with some special exceptions, witches are rarely exposed for long periods of time without being destroyed," Gone with speed beside Wenwen Synchronized Chubi lay on his back and stroked his four short legs. "If you move faster, there is an active witch in Fengmieno next door. It should be too late to be destroyed."
"Oh, can't you let other splits and paddles delay?" Wen Wen squinted her eyes, then suddenly plundered part of the earth's surface with the speed of rotation, and the whole figure broke through under multiple accumulated vectors. The speed of sound flew towards the city next door.
"How does this work? This is against the incubator's principle of action ..." Qiubi, who effortlessly kept up, passed the words to Wen Wen's ears, ignoring the sound barrier, "and the magical girl herself has a way to track the witch, The magical girl in that city has already begun. "
"Cut," Wen Wen came to the sky over another city in a few words and stopped, "Don't talk nonsense, what is the direction?"
He Qiubi stretched out his white short legs and nodded to a large prison on the edge of the city. "That's it."
Tong Wenwen bet on the past, and then the entire land fell down towards her as if it had collapsed. In an instant, she came to the position where the straight line pointed by Qiubi's short legs intersects with the building.
Wen Wen frowned slightly at the top of the prison cell building. After coming here, she did feel something strange, just like she felt in the world line a long time ago when she met other powers. The subtle sensation of the conflicting nature of powers.
In the open area of ​​speed swept, apart from the exploration using various physical effects, all the detection functions supported by the speed swept power are disturbed to some extent, and the source of the disturbance is deep in the prison.
"Speed-sweeping ability, according to the system of knowledge seekers, but the high-dimensional interference force that penetrates the bottom of the world, and the power that can interfere with it ... Is the magic of the witch really related to the high dimension ..."
After a moment of thought in her heart, Wen Wen raised her hand with a five-finger, and the rooftop floor made of reinforced concrete in front of it bloomed like petals. After her figure fell into it, she immediately tangled and reunited and merged together, and restored the usual appearance.
Wen Wen, who is wary of twisting the light path and flattening the sound waves, did not attract anyone's attention. She glanced at a large number of independent cells enclosed by metal grids in the building, and then walked towards the abnormal point that was sensed.
On the way down, Wenwen frowned as he watched adults in various prisons: "Didn't the witch become a magical girl? This is not a female prison or a junior detention center. Do you have adulthood? Do men transform into magical girls? "
Qiubi innocent would never be seen by any normal person: "There are more suitable targets for girls, how can I choose other objects? The witch's power fragments, that is, the witch's messenger, are likely to be in the witch. After death, a certain amount of humans are converted into a new witch. "
After a pause, Qiubi smiled with unknown meaning: "So, some magical girls will have the habit of keeping witch fragments in order to get more witches that can drop magic witches that can restore their magic power. The use of various rules and mechanisms is really flexible. "
Qi Wenwen paused, stared at Qiubi and re-scanned around with a strange look-she always felt that Qiubi's words meant something ...
This prison looks like the place where the world abolishes the death penalty and holds all the heavy prisoners whose sentence is longer than the life. In a sense, this place filled with numbness and despair is indeed a good environment for the development of the witch planting industry. .. It's almost the same in a hospital that is prone to death ...
However, using death penalty prisoners as an experiment, in Wen Wen's original world where the power was flooded, she was commonplace as a high-level power organization ... After turning her mind, she put her thinking on another issue. on--
Previously, she guessed that the magical girl and the witch were the product of a large number of parallel world individuals resonating and condensing high-dimensional power, but the fragments of the witch's power can devour other human lives to grow, which is a bit different from previous speculations ... Difficulties caused by insufficient exploration and research capabilities.
No matter how tough the obstacle is, it can't resist the tear caused by its own vector fault. Wen Wen, with a trace of irritability at the bottom of the heart, directly lifts the heavy floor and straightly reaches the special point in the special underground cell.
Facing the dim metal railings, Wenwen frowned and looked at the faint chaotic fog in the black-and-white scene of the speed-sweeping field in front of the cell: "This is the so-called witch?"
"To be precise, it is the entrance to the enchantment that the witch just formed," Qiubi jumped over Wen Wen's shoulder, and said with curiosity, "You can actually see this thing? Ordinary people who have not signed a contract, will only Unconsciously seduced by a witch into an enchantment trap ... "
Unconsciously, Wenwen responded to Qiubi's question and stretched out his index finger with a black ring.
Electromagnetic waves, kinetic energy, thermal energy, gravitational waves ... Wen Wen with all sensing modules fully open, but found that he could not use normal physical methods to analyze the composition and operation of the witch enchantment in front of him.
"Useless," seeing Wen Wen's attempt, Qiubi shook his head and said with emotion, "The power of the witch is strange, contrary to the laws of physics, and the normal scientific and technological means not infected by the magic is that there is no way to understand and destroy the witch enchantment Yes, only if you sign a contract with me to become a magical girl, you can actually hurt it. "
Qi Wenwen glanced at the white creature that rested on his shoulder, and then stepped forward to touch the unknown mist that can only be depicted in the swept field.
Suddenly, the reality outlined by the multi-perception module broke down, Wen Wen just felt that his eyes were spinning, and then he found himself on a dark, icy cement ground.
In thrilling tunes woven with overlapping metal percussion, endless darkness swept from the distance of the earth and surrounded the women in black.
In the deep darkness, a lintel made of metal railings that looks like a child's graffiti, as if a bird fluttering at a high altitude, the rectangular metal rail "wings" constantly patrols in a circular trajectory, and the gaps emit bright light. , Illuminating the figure in the middle of the dark fog.
In the noisy music that stimulated the heart, Wenwen frowned and listened, and found that in the dense metal railings, there were numerous human painful screams and regretful crying ... It seems that the witch and her enchantment itself The manifestation is closely related to the individual and the environment that gave birth to it.
"It's too reckless, how can you be pulled directly into the core of the enchantment? It's too bad to fight the witch here ..." Qiu Wen on his shoulder complained, "The one above should be the witch's body !Be careful!"
Qi Wenwen looked up, and saw that in the light scattered by the metal gate, there were a lot of strange shapes falling fast along the light.
"Bomber?" Wen Wen let go of her mouth, sideways avoiding a square object that was spinning at a high speed like a blade, and after she resolved the bonus impact of the high-speed falling object embedded in the cement floor, she suddenly found that it was better than ordinary The door is even bigger, suddenly a notice that the appeal was rejected.
After looking at the notice whose text was distorted to be difficult to clearly recognize, Wen Wen ducked again to avoid a series of two-dimensional huge hammers and judge hats that smashed a large pit on the ground. She stood at the top of the garbage mountain to disperse flying dust. , Looked up at the strange flying bird whispering from the high-altitude continuously emitting harsh metal friction:
"Iron doors and windows that lead to hope, and judgments scattered from the light of hope? Isn't that implication too straightforward?"
He seemed to be irritated by Wen Wen's ease and attitude. The metal gate in the sky dropped bombers and stopped directly above Wen Wen, and the light emitted suddenly gathered and concentrated.
雯 Wen Wen, who was shining in the beam of light, found that the dark vortex lingering around was suddenly pressing close, and then a large number of huge chains entangled with twisted human faces and arms emerged from the darkness, breaking through the light from all directions towards her.
Wenwen snorted, and the speed-sweeping ability instantly marked out the velocity vectors of all moving things-even though she couldn't use the power directly to capture the speed of these things derived from magic, but it did not affect her use The real ability of speed swept after the second evolution-
That is the ability to define "fast", anchor the future with the help of high-dimensional interference to confine the world line, ignore all material rules, forcefully distort itself and the movement of the target, and make yourself change from thinking to action than anything that locks things. Have faster capabilities.
Ignoring the ability to withstand, she can be faster than the chains that surround her, faster than the sound in the air, faster than the rotation of the earth, and even ... she can collapse time and space, than 300,000 per second The extreme speed of light for kilometers is fast!
As if avoiding all the water droplets in the heavy rain, Wenwen ran through the terrible storm woven by chain and flying bombs, and numerous attacks that could instantly smash ordinary people ’s bodies were almost from her. Zhou swept past, not even a single strand of her hair.
Qiubi, who was trying to cling to Wenwen's shoulders, was drowned and crushed by Wenzhou's attacking barrage, which was frantically bombarded.
The butterfly-like figure of a piercing flower bypassed the trajectory like a string in the gap between the chain and the bomber, and in a blink of an eye approached the metal lintel hovering in the air.
The door knocker that kept shaking off the mini-bomber in the gap of the railing seemed to be startled, and quickly flapped his wings and flew upward, but Wen Wen, who had locked the speed-swept mark on it, followed up like a shadow, a lift He hacked directly on the metal railing.
Suddenly, all the vectors that could be captured and controlled by Wenwen in the entire space were concentrated on the heels of black leather boots. The terrible impact of extreme speed and focus caused the metal lintel to fall to the ground like a meteorite. A large pit exploded in the ocean of debris and chain debris.
的 The chain extended in the dark storm lost power and fell down, but then re-flyed like a viper, with Wen Wen falling slowly towards the end.
Qiubi climbed from Wenwen's back to her shoulder again, glanced at the seemingly intact metal lintel that flew up and then flew up on the ground twice, then turned to Wenwen and said, "Useless There is no way for a simple physical attack without magic to hurt the witch, and it can affect it, just because the witch still has human knowledge of the laws of the physical world ...
"You don't have the magical power of a magical girl to resist the erosion of the witch's enchantment and reduce the control of the witch's environment. If you continue to fight like this, you will be trapped in the core of this enchantment, or sign a contract with me and become a magical girl Come on! "
Wu Wenwen glanced at the white creature on his shoulder who was beginning to persuade again, and then hummed quietly.
Suddenly, the figure of the woman in black disappeared from the air.
The incomparable shock wave seemed to distort the space, and in the dark storm briefly created a shaft that reached the ground. Chubby at the well's mouth was too late to turn and was torn into pieces by the aftermath.
At the bottom of the shaft, Wen Wen, who walked like a normal person in the bullet time, came to the metal lintel which was slowly being pushed away by the impact in two steps, condensing the most essential high-dimensional interference force of the speed-sweeping ability in the chapter. The edge of the palm, then raised the right hand and waved sideways.
Hedging against unknown forces to counteract the interference, UU reading book www.uukanshu.com The speed sweeping force synchronizes everything that hinders the movement of Wen Wen ’s palm in the direction of her slashing, her palm is like the front of a white paper Like a blade, easily cut off the metal lintel.
As if the prison guard suddenly broke into the prison, the dense metal percussion stopped abruptly at this moment. In the countless deep sighs, the black storm abruptly abruptly, and the countless bombed and accumulated debris melted like snow and ice in the sun. The whole The witch enchantment of the absurd painting style distorts and dissipates like a faded oil painting, revealing the original appearance of the prison.
A ball-shaped gem with a sharp bottom needle like a spinning top emerged from the air and slowly fell on the ground of the prison.
That's the soul jewels of the magical girls, the source of the witch's power-the kind of lament that can absorb the magical girls' soul gems to contaminate and restore their magic.
Uh ...
Not far from the prison, a crimson long-haired girl with a black bow tied in a ponytail simply dropped the apple core in her hand and wiped her hands with the apple juice.
Then she turned to look at the direction of the prison, staring at the aftermath of the witch enchantment that only the magical girl could see.
After I was silent for a while, the young girl's tiger teeth bit her lips slightly, her face with a dangerous expression on her face: "Hey, break into other people's territory, and harvest the fruits that others have fortunately planted and cultivated. Is this too arrogant?"
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