: Fanwai-I-Eleven brings desperate desire and the magic that governs the mind

Kyoko Sakura's father, who runs a non-mainstream church, is a rather idealistic person who has been trying to promote his religious philosophy.
Xiangshan's principle is always right, but it is far enough from life. How many people in this world will care about a seemingly suspicious emerging religion?
Men who are paranoid about their faith have not given up their efforts to find other ways out. The increasingly desolate church has gradually collapsed their family's economy. Even his two daughters have to endure hunger for a long time, often relying on prayer and half an apple. Degrees.
I didn't feel that the red-haired girl whose father was telling the truth was wrong, and in hunger and perplexity she made a wish to Chubby-I hope people can listen to her father's words patiently.
She is immature and she believes that as long as people listen patiently for five minutes, they will be persuaded by his father's great truths to make the situation in the church and the family better.
The miracle that Changli could not achieve, so that she became a magical girl, has the magic that twists the mind.
The people who were dominated by psychological hints gradually rushed to the church, and the flame of faith rose inexplicably, and everything seemed to be moving in a good direction.
However, when her father discovered her identity as a magical girl and learned that people's respect for doctrine did not originate from faith, but after the distortion of will by magic, he had the deepest belief and collapsed.
I was furious and drunk, and accused my daughter who was secretly fighting the witch of being a witch, and finally the broken nerves took him to the most extreme path-
He killed the girl's mother and sister, and devoted herself to the sea of ​​fire with avid believers.
Sakura Kyoko, who relied on the power of the magical girl, couldn't understand what happened, but left the ruined church in despair, sealed the power that governed the mind and illusion deep in the soul, and began to use magic power for himself. And live days.
Uh ...
所以 "So it's stupid to use precious wishes for such inexplicable things, right? People still have to be selfish."
Everywhere in the desolate church full of signs of destruction and burning, Sakura Kyoko carrying a large bag of apples glanced over the place he used to know the most, and then turned back to Wen Wen, who was walking slowly, "I was not as good Wishing a lot of money, maybe the magic of making money? "
Qi Wenwen's gaze turned around the church, just to observe the signs of destruction and to deduct the process of reducing material changes, she could imagine the hysterical mood of the vandal.
For teenage girls, such a scene is almost like a nightmare.
I randomly found a broken table and sat down. Sakura Kyoko, who was in normal clothes, shook her white legs under the hot pants, and chewed the apple, and said, "Don't take that nasty look, I'll tell you these are not Wanting sympathy from you doesn't mean that I treat you as a friend who can communicate these things ... "
After throwing away the kernel, Sakura Kyoko held one's neck with the sect emblem attached to the soul gemstone and stared at Wenwen. "In normal form, I ca n’t shake your finger with all my strength. , But with such a powerful power, there is no breath of soul gems on your body ...
"In exchange, can you tell me your secret? If there is a way to bypass the soul gem pollution and magic limits, I will naturally not waste my energy raising the witch."
"Scent of soul gem?" Wen Wen sniffed, anyway, she couldn't detect anything special about the girl except apple fragrance.
"I know, you don't even feel this ..." Kyoko Sakura picked up an apple again and began to sip on it after being cooked and disinfected with incomparable magical power. "Otherwise you won't regret it. It's on my body and it makes it easy for me to track it down-but you run really fast. "
"No concealment?" Wenwen muttered helplessly, "I have all been thrown into the subspace. What breath can I smell through the four-dimensional fault?"
Among the wood fragments, several jumped Chubbs looked up at Wenwen and said, "Obviously, the keen sense based on magic is also unreasonable. Maybe there is a close connection between the souls on some level. Maybe. "
Qi Wenwen heard the thoughts-the fusion souls like pseudo-high-dimensional life are closely related to each other? In this case, isn't it even more suspicious what is hidden in the soul of the intelligent life of this world?
"What are you mumbling about?" The red-haired girl who ate the remaining apples in the bag with almost three or four mouthfuls screamed loudly, "I have torn the wound like this, you still avoid me That ’s a bit overkill, right?

"We haven't reached any agreement before. Are you talking to yourself?" Wenwen sighed. "I can only say that my power is not fundamentally different from the soul gems of your magical girls. Do you know some secrets? It must be a good thing. If you ask the principle, you might as well go to Chobe ...
"If you simply want to become stronger, I can give you an idea-use your true strength to fight me once, I want to experience your ability intuitively."
"Ha?" Kyoko Sakura took the seed of lamentation and turned it. "With this thing, I can at least mobilize the magic on a large scale and use two real combat forms. You are really interested in continuing to communicate with me. But? To be honest, I can meet you like this powerful existence ~ EbookFREE.me ~ I am still a bit excited ... "
"The real combat form?" Wenwen shook his head. "If it is only a simple increase in strength, speed, and quantity, it is meaningless. What I really want to see is the miracle that matches your wishes, the distortion , The magic that governs the heart. "
Sakura Kyoko was silent for a while, then she jumped off the table, and her usual clothing was transformed into a crimson magical girl's battle dress in the flashing red light.
Staring at the woman with unfathomable power ahead, the red-haired girl condenses red light and practically turned into a customary long gun. She set the tail of the gun on the ground, and the crimson rhombus patterns linked to each other began from the point where the long gun touched the ground The explosion spread and spread rapidly in all directions.
"... Scars are not so painful if you expose more, but there will still be unhappy ..." The girl pointed the spear at Wen Wen in the distance. "Since you have so enthusiastically requested, Then try it out! "
Suddenly without warning, Wenwen suddenly found that his chest and abdomen were penetrated by a crimson spear coming from behind him, blood and visceral debris flying in front of her eyes, and the expression of the girl with the gun in front was a little dark.
The next moment, countless spreading rhombus patterns were woven into a cubic cage, and the magical enchantment was instantly formed, engulfing and enclosing the large and small women and everything in the cage into another weird space.
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