: Fanwai-One-Thirty-One

Before the time goes back, what is the huge power that appears on Xiao Meiyan?
Judging from the changes in the mental state and soul gems of the black long straight girl, it seems that it is the witchification caused by the collapse of the will in the high-dimensional soul.
However, the transcendent texture and coercion of the splendid soul gem that explodes is far above all the witches Wen Wen has seen, and even the Witch Night, which fuses all the witch remains in history, cannot look at its back. , Can not be classified into a type and level at all.
As long as she thinks about the previous scene, Wenwen has a lot of fear-she feels that if she shoots a little bit late, the entire form and history of Xingyu will be distorted and rewritten in an instant.
This level of power does not belong to the level of the magical girl who can be recognized by ordinary people on the earth. It is something that can only be possessed by a high-dimensional existence.
"From her words and deeds when she appeared abnormally, did the demonized Xiaomei Yan-'Flame Demon' who had usurped part of the power of the theory of the ring in the script information-also existed? That affected Qiubi and Xiao before. Is Mei Yan's consciousness of the ring or the flame demon? "
After standing on the rooftop for a long time and thinking about the cool breeze, Wenwen sighed helplessly: "Looking at her sad look before, it should really be the principle of the circle-'round god' that affects her consciousness. .. it's getting more complicated ... "
While Wenwen was pondering and thinking, Bai Mengwu jumped to the railing on which Wenwen relied twice, tilted her head and said in a strange tone: "It's really curious, although you ignore me, but use human emotions and thinking models To analyze all the performance after you appear, but you can draw very interesting conclusions ...
"You who have never been in this world seem to be quite familiar with me. Who are you? What are you waiting for?"
Wen Wen tilted her head and glanced at the white cute object on the railing at hand, then looked back at the urban night scene frowning-she was waiting, naturally Xiaomei Yan.
Regardless of whether it explodes again enough to distort Xingyu's power, restore his senses, or even lose a memory with the reset time, Xiao Meiyan's traces should appear in Wenwen's sight on time.
But now, the world has not been eroded by the magic of chaos, and the girl has neither come to see the situation of Wenwen as an outsider herself, nor has she been attracted by Qiubi as in the last timeline ...
There must be something wrong.
After giving up the useless waiting, Wenwen took out a piece of information that he had picked and sorted out and stored in the seeker system-the seeker system that always follows the consciousness of the main anchor point, which is essentially derived from high-dimensional interference. It will not be affected by time backtracking.
After examining this information, Wen Wen, who was concerned, added a few details, and then used the neutron star ring to convert this information into the gravitational language taught by Qiubi in the previous timeline, creating a high-dimensional shock. On Chobe.
Under normal conditions, the strength of the body is not much different from that of ordinary small animals. In the high-frequency changing spatial distortion, the gravitational drop tears it into pieces.
But this level of contact-level damage is irrelevant to the incubator.
The next moment, another white cute thing appeared in the hand of Wenwen out of nowhere. He glanced at the place where his former body was destroyed, and then sighed to Wenwen: "Is there such a thing back in time? Human potential It was terrible ... "
I do n’t know what information I got through the communication channel of gravitational language. Qiubi next to Wenwen adjusted her perception of strangers in a blink of an eye, and said quite familiarly:
I think you care most now It should be the girl who goes back in time--
"In this timeline, there is an individual named Xiaomei Yan, but compared with the girl in the message you passed to me, the difference is a bit exaggerated-she has not yet become a magical girl. , And her ability and character are closer to her appearance in the early timeline of reincarnation in your mouth. "
Not a magical girl? Wen Wen froze, and immediately asked, "Where is she?"
Chubby shook his tail, then his red eyes glowed, and a three-dimensional image was projected on the rooftop. In a large and beautifully decorated apartment, blonde, pink, and brunette girls wore the same School uniforms are sitting together, talking over a triangular coffee table ...
A pink-haired girl with a red ponytail and a double pony tail, Lumeyuan curiously said, "... My parents know that Ma Yimei is here. I ’m using the excuse of this boarding to stay home, but it ’s Homura. How about you? If you don't go back so late, won't your family worry? "
The dark-haired young girl Xiao Meiyan with two long braids and red-rimmed glasses whispered: "I, I've always lived alone ... it's okay not to go back ..."
"Huh?" Bama Mei's golden curly hair shook with her dignified frame. She lowered the cup in her hand and said hesitantly, "I live alone because my loved ones have passed away in a car accident. .. do you ... "
When I saw that I had touched the sadness of Xuejie, some introverted Xiao Meiyan lowered her head and rubbed her clothes with both hands: "Sorry, I'm sorry ... I'm just hospitalized here for a long time because of a heart attack ... at home Everyone is abroad ... "
Wenwen on the rooftop was blowing the cold wind, looking at the comforting inward-looking black long-braided girl, and she couldn't help but have a doubtful look on her face: "Qiubi ... Bama Mami and Shikamura are magic girls? "
"Yes, they just rescued Xiao Meiyan in a witch attack, and the overall development process is very close to the initial timeline of reincarnation you described ..." Qiubi replied, "If it is not your message, use Only high-complexity channels that I can confirm, I can hardly believe that two ordinary humans, such as Lumuyuan and Xiaomeiyan, will be special to that extent ~ EbookFREE.me ~ Yes, I ’m also hard to believe that the world will change That's it ... are they really the same? "After Wenqiu stopped to show, Wenwen groaned for a while, then the figure disappeared from the roof.
The change of the world is so weird. It is unpredictable to rush to contact the two girls. It is better to try to verify the situation of this world indirectly there ... If she is still the original one, she can get it. More information ...
By habitually anchoring the earth's rotation by borrowing speed, Wenwen pierced through the clouds in the dark, crossed a high parabola, and pierced his head towards another city.
After gazing at the prison in the corner of the city with no strangeness in the sky, Wen Wen's figure fell straight in the other direction, and soon she landed smoothly in front of a deserted church.
Quickly walked into this broken church where the gate was gone, Wen Wen saw the only bright red color among the dim wooden wrecks on the first glance ...
The red-haired girl sitting on the steps casually turned her head and looked at Wenwen's face. The girl with a look like a dry well calmly said, "You are here ..."
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