: Fanwai-One-Thirty-three Metamorphic Self and High-Dimensional Experience

扭曲 The distortion of self-cognition is earlier than Sakura Kyoko expected.
She received the information of parallel individuals and other timeline nodes through the soul gem at all times. In an inadvertent encounter, she completely lost her self--
Sleep, eat, walk, sit ...
The confusion of perception and even memory, and the overlap of countless different experiences, make the red-haired girl forget her own time point after 恍惚.
As if consciousness was completely removed from a single world and time, Sakura Kyoko, whose soul is connected to the body of countless girls, completely lost the ability of human beings to perceive and flow in accordance with the flow of time.
The moment she finished her transformation, she almost collapsed because of the countless different thoughts that erupted deep in her heart.
到底 What is the definition of "I"? Girls who don't understand the problem can only try to live first.
Fortunately, the soul magic that governs the mind can still work. Inspired by Wen Wen's touch, the girl who has learned something inexplicably uses her own power to clean up and constrain her thoughts, starting from the simplest of counting and integrating herself little by little. Chaos consciousness.
How terrible is He when he controls the power of the soul and acts on himself?
As long as the girl is willing, she can completely wipe out the abnormal appetite caused by long-term hunger, can easily eliminate all the irritable emotions, drive herself to do everything she feels should be done but can't persist, and even wipe out everything Redundant "self" ...
After counting an unusually large number in the "time" for which I don't know how long, the girl finally regained her complete thinking ability, and then she was shocked by the dazzling vision of "kaleidoscope" in front of her-
In the day and night, in the clear sky and heavy rain, in a variety of environments and times, the red-haired girl with a long ponytail closed her eyes and folded her hands, sitting quietly in an abandoned church, as if In silent prayer.
But Sakura Kyoko knows that she is only counting in the bottom of her heart-also thanks to the magical body of the magical girl, she can move, and if she does not drink or eat for a long time, there is nothing wrong with it. The incubator's technology is still reliable.
However, she gradually understood the status quo, and soon discovered that in addition to the mind, she also needs to learn from the beginning how to control her own body—
A normal person conforms to instincts and consumes time. There is no obstacle to moving the body, but she is different. She needs to sense and control all the shells on the axis at the same time, and spend countless times to coordinate the shells at different time points to complete a continuous action.
It's like grabbing the middle of a line and changing its form while maintaining continuity. Otherwise, her body that is downstream of the time axis will be torn by the soul due to the distortion and feedback of time shock, and exist in the mind. Confusion and pain at the operational level.
Fortunately, other people and things on the timeline are basically a fixed vein in her eyes. Her control of the body only needs to be coordinated once at each time point, and even if she does not control the body, Affecting her consciousness and having the body sit there would not be wrong.
However, the information she can perceive comes from the original perception of the body of each time segment. To get more information, it is necessary to let countless people act on their own.
But before acting, Sakura Kyoko first controlled his consciousness, struggling to spread along his low-dimensional body toward the upstream of the time axis, or to touch the body to perceive the memory that was not integrated in the body.
Theoretically, she can touch her body at all points in time after she owns the soul gem. In this way, as long as she goes back to an earlier point in time, she can find herself who has not broken her house and stop the tragedy that made her despair. .
However, trying to spread to the past, she found that there was no way ahead.
The self who should have existed in theory as a magical girl for a long time did not even appear in front of Kyoko Sakura, as if she was born suddenly and "continued" life not long ago.
After feeling the incredible attempts of Sakura Kyoko, she turned her head and explored the future. Soon, she once again touched the time-like fault like the dark abyss, just like the past.
She looks like a magnificent world with a splendid history, but in her eyes, it is only a small space that is only a month or so surrounded by boundless darkness.
Seeing everything seemed perfect but with only a trace of time, Sakura Kyoko couldn't help but have a coolness in her heart. She increased her control of the body and looked deeper into those perceptions and memories that were deliberately suppressed in order to maintain the unification of consciousness Try to find other possibilities in the perception and memory of parallel individuals.
Fragments of memories and emotions are constantly impacting the consciousness of the girl. In the experience of immersiveness, she saw herself who kept breeding witches alone, saw herself learning from Bama Mei, saw the beauty of Kameme and her friends. Tree Sayaka became a friend of herself ...
At the same time, Sakura Kyoko, who is constantly learning information, also comes into contact with something that makes her feel complicated--
She saw the process of Mishu Sayaka incarnation as a witch on a certain timeline, and the process of the powerful and mature Bama Mei's mental breakdown due to the doomed witch, attacking and killing her against the magical girls, and in some episodes. Here, I saw the Xiaomei Yan who has the ability to travel through time and grows in the plural world line ...
A deep sense of danger prevented Sakura Kyoko from rushing to touch and control her own body in other world lines. After watching the obtained information, she continued to explore the upstream and downstream of the timeline.
She soon discovered that no matter what world line, there is no past or future at all.
"In a month, this is exactly the same as Xiao Meiyan's reincarnation ... This fault must be inseparable from her."
The girl who turned her attention back to her original world line was preparing to control her body to go to the city next door to look for the black long straight girl to observe. However, she began to control the body from the beginning of the fault, but she suddenly found a person who had been herself. Inexplicably ignored question-
Where did the woman named Wenwen easily defeat herself?
But someone who has been in direct contact with the front end of the time period ... Why can't she be seen in the information summarized by the body feedback?
In a high-dimensional class that does not have the concept of time in the normal sense, Sakura Kyoko checks his body feedback during the time he fought with Wenwen, but finds that the timeline of the past has long been sitting in the church and counting. Cover it yourself.
In other words, for the body in the world, after counting for a month, she has never contacted a person named Wenwen ...
However, just after Sakura Kyoko remembered Wen Wen's existence, a piece of information emerged from the messy pieces of information, and the girl saw a little in her heart after seeing it—this was indeed a message Wen Wen gave her.
The content of the message is quite rich-Wen Wen gave the girl a detailed description of various high-level aspects of various points and precautions, and then reminded:
"... Now that you see this message, it means that your consciousness has been successfully stabilized at the core level of the soul gem. Thank you for your luck ... However, I don't think you are willing to go back Looks like it?
"So please try to live in the world line distortion that may occur, and wait until I meet you again to tell me what you see and feel, which is very important for me and your magical girls ... "
"It's important to us as magic girls?" After reading this message, Sakura Kyoko sighed, "I'm a form without a human being, is it still a magic girl?"
If it is not the magic that is dominated by the mind, you can arbitrarily modify and modify your thinking and emotions, I am afraid that I have already died in the shock of countless emotions of emotions and memories ...
No, it should be said, it ’s the consciousness incarnation of the witch ... I do n’t know who I have touched more body, what the witch shape will become, and at what point in time ...
The girl whose consciousness transcended the time axis almost lost the sense of time in the field of vision with only a static time slice. She only felt that she had sorted out the information and knowledge gathered, and the world line mentioned by Wen Wen was suddenly distorted. happened.
At the end of the timeline of about a month, Sakura Kyoko's body in the church suddenly feedback a feeling of palpitations and fear, and then this feedback quickly spread upstream of the timeline, sweeping the entire time before the girl responded. paragraph.
In the shock of time, Sakura Kyoko felt as if her soul had been torn to pieces, and the bodies who had sat in the church for a month changed their state at the same time, scattered in a huge city with a complex action trajectory.
In the sorrow and pain of the consciousness approaching, the girl felt a hint of warmth from an extremely distant place—as if her body was immersed in the hot springs that made her comfortable and relaxed, and she was exposed to the squall storm, but she stretched herself out. Part of the arm out of the water ...
The next moment, as if there was something that grabbed the arm and tore off the amputated body from the torso, the incomparable contrast and pain crushed the young girl as a limb, and even her soul magic could hardly restrain the deepness of the division. Pain and emptiness.
Suddenly, she seemed to see two inexplicable grand beings, and her powerless herself was falling in the abyss between the two who could not see the full picture ...
的 The will honed in the long shock of counting and personality differences finally made the girl survive.
Surrounding the magic of the soul, the girl who slowly recovered her consciousness from the count again, sighed at the timeline vision that seemed to have not changed--
What does the previous event represent? Why is there such a feeling of loss in my heart ... Wen Wen, who reminded himself in advance, can understand those things that I felt before?
I hope, she will really appear again.
I watched my silent prayer-like self at many points in time, Sakura Kyoko waited silently ... waiting for a new change in the river of time.
For a moment, or ten thousand years? In a high-dimensional world where time has no meaning, the girl who waited silently returned to her from the soul stabbing caused by the time shock that spread to the downstream body. She turned her eyes to the beginning of the time shock-still a month. The length of the front of the time paragraph.
He controlled his body during that period of time, opened his eyes, and turned his head. Sakura Kyoko watched the woman in black appearing in front of the church door and said calmly, "You are here ..."
Uh ...
Looking at the calm girl in front of him, Wen Wen frowned slightly--
Imagine that this red-haired girl was wild and full of vitality, almost overflowing, but now, there is only ice-like peace on her face ...
I recalled how I felt when I first came into contact with the Quantum Incarnation Cluster. Wen Wen shook her head and sat down beside the girl and said to her:
"Although I can understand the change of concept brought by the increased perspective of the field of vision, do you not even completely eliminate the emotional activities? I should have mentioned in my message that such things as self-mind interference must surround Did the clear core soul algorithm work? "
Almost immediately after Wen Wen's voice fell, the girl calmly answered, "I can't do the extremely precise digital analysis of the soul you said. The effect of feeling control is very vague, so I can only suppress it first. Living with excess emotions, you will try to master more when you become comfortable and skilled in the future. "
"Okay, you know the importance," Wenwen nodded. "Since your consciousness has continued to this timeline, then you must have experienced the process of twisting the world line, don't you know your kind of high-dimensional vision? Can you get some high-level information and describe to me how you feel? "
The red-haired girl who was still stuck in Wenwen's words just nodded and said, "Yes, but let me experiment ..."
As soon as the other party's words fell, Wenwen suddenly noticed that the girl in front of her suddenly disappeared. She looked at her slightly changed position and body posture, and then looked back at the girl who was felt in the speed-sweeping field behind her. : "You ... aren't high speeds or teleports, it's impossible to stop at all times, right?"
"I just walked behind you normally," the red-haired girl shook her head, "but it started from twenty seconds ago. I didn't expect you to react to the timeline shock at this time .. . Mingming is just a low-dimensional individual ~ EbookFREE.me ~ but your existence on the timeline is really strange ... "
Wen Wen glanced at the description of the passive effect of the inline mode "non-anchor body protection" marked on the panel of the eye system, and then shrugged: "In the past, you should only see the light, shadow, temperature, Kinetic energy and all other physical changes associated with me, but I'm afraid I can't directly touch my body-
也就是说 "That is to say, my body at other points in time is only a physical illusion under the inertia of time, and my consciousness is only active on anchored nodes."
"So, I have to change the body to be manipulated backwards to talk to you. It's really troublesome," said the red-haired girl with no nutrition, and then she turned the subject back, "I will tell Everything you and I felt before, in exchange, you answer me some questions ... "
"Hmm ..." Wen Wen nodded and agreed, but then she turned her eyes to the side and signaled, "However, you do n’t open your enchantment and use soul magic. Is it okay to tell me this?
"I don't care anymore, but you really don't mind being aware of your current status by this guy?"
The red-haired girl turned her head along Wenwen's gaze, and saw the white Qiubi squatting aside, and looked at the two who were interacting strangely with curious eyes ...
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