: Fanwai-I-47. Urgent time, pressure of learning

"The apostle of the ring ..." Kyoko Sakura chewed the word "apostle."
The apostle generally refers to the messenger or disciple of the god. It represents the mapping and manifestation of higher-level power in the world. The principle of the circle that exists in higher dimensions really deserves the title of God and is sent by him. What kind of will and mission does the apostle to earth represent?
Using the ability to dominate the mind, Sakura Kyoko, who analyzed her thoughts little by little, noticed in her heart more or less, that strange feeling that she had about the identity of "the apostle of the logic of the ring".
It was an extremely complicated feeling-in addition to familiarity and closeness, there was a touch of sadness and resistance.
This subtle feeling from the heart made Sakura Kyoko choose to believe the information provided by Wenwen after hesitating for a while.
From this point of view, the expression before Mishu Sayaka, and the dialogue with Lumeyuan and Xiaomei Yan, you can see a lot of hidden meanings ...
But obviously ... she's just an ordinary person who can't observe any abnormalities on her body.
After communicating with Wenwen for a while on this issue, some troubled Sakura Kyoko launched his soul magic to dominate his own soul. In the case of stripping off the special feelings towards his friends, he thought carefully about this "variable without variables" appearing on the plan The impact-
If Sayaka really represents a part of the will of the circle, what is her relationship with Madoka in the world?
Originally they decided to let Madoka give priority to the completion of the magic girl's awakening procedure, but the complicated procedures related to the theory of the ring seemed endless, and new questions kept coming up ... Do you need to change Madoka? Before the character tried and tested on Sayaka's side, this is really a lot of observation and thinking ...
In the beautifully decorated apartment, Qiubi, who squatted on a triangular coffee table, looked at the books and various papers and materials next to Lei Chengshan, and looked at the model of the human nervous system and the detailed cell changes projected on the other side. Those dense data.
Then he looked back and looked at the sofa lying side by side, Bama Mei and Wenwen, who were wrapped with a yellow ribbon around their arms, and said with emotion: "It is a wisdom to control your thinking and improve your intelligence. The foundation of civilization towards the vast stars ...
"Although this foundation is very important, it is really too early for human beings to come into contact with this aspect-whether it is physical body or spiritual cognition, human beings are far from ready ... even this human It's you."
Wen Wen opened her eyes slightly. She glanced at Qiubi and turned her head to look at Bama Mei, who still had her eyes closed. Then she touched the yellow silk ribbon wrapped around her arm and whispered: "I'm really not ready to go The 'Heart Plan' that governs his own mind is now unconditional ...
"But ... Magic girls like Chubby and Bami Mei don't need to analyze their high-level complex soul from a materialistic perspective, and find out the details of the material changes of their souls at the bottom of the universe. They What is needed is just to start from biology and psychology to objectively recognize the memory and thinking models generated by the neural structure of the human brain ...
"Only based on this redefinition of the concept of 'I' can they hope to survive the self-soul shock of the parallel world and multiple timelines."
The yellow ribbon with the characteristics of continuity, connection, etc., is the soul magic in Bama Mei, and it is difficult to tear it off by ordinary methods before it unconsciously changes the characteristics of the ribbon.
Wenwen tried for a long time, and found that if she did not directly offset with high-dimensional interference, she simply took the unilaterally weak force simply by relying on the horrible physical force brought by the speed sweeping body.
"... Is there any hope of survival?" Ba Mamei opened her eyes, she gave Wenwen a complicated look, and then with a finger, she pulled the yellow silk ribbon connecting them and made it invisible.
Looking around a living room that was stuffed with all kinds of materials and was basically unrecognizable, Bama Mei sighed and covered her head and whispered: "From basic biology, chemistry to neuroscience, psychology ... normal people learn I can only get started in one of these areas for a few years ...
"... I'm just an ordinary junior high school student. How can I integrate this knowledge in half a month ..."
Seeing a gloomy expression rarely seen in a mature blond girl, Wenwen and Qiubi looked at each other, then she comforted the girl: "Aren't you looking for various methods to test? Before we tried to learn synchronously Isn't the process feel good? Is there Sakura Kyoko's soul magic to assist ...
"I do not have the ability to dominate my mind. Even if the standard is lowered to this level, I am struggling to learn ... Actually, we don't need to integrate all that knowledge, all we need is Use these knowledge and skills to change some of your cognition and strengthen your core will ...
"... In short, don't be discouraged. Let's work together. Time is not as urgent as we seem.
Bama Mei took a deep breath, and then she lowered her hand and stared at Wenwen quietly, and then looked away at Chubi on the coffee table, whispering: "Why, this must be done within a limited time What happened?
"Even to avoid the future of witchcraft, we must master the ability similar to Kyoko, but why is time so urgent?"
Bami Mei's sight lingered between Qiubi and Wenwen: "All I know is that this city will have a night of witches near the time limit in your mouth, but with Kyoko and your strength, there should be no problem in defeating the night of witches Right? Why is there such a short time limit? "
Wen Wen gave a dry cough, and could not help but stare at Qiubi.
Qiubi squatting on the coffee table shook her tail and said: "The original 'I ~ EbookFREE.me ~' should be like in past history, calling a magical girl to expel the witch's night ... after all, you can't let the witch's night Realization really destroys humans?
"Of course, the 'I' who disclosed the information of Witch's Night to Bami Mei should be the 'I' that existed before the fault on the upstream of the timeline. Whether or not the 'I' and those things really exist must be fought. What about the question mark. "
After a pause, Qiubi's red eyes looked at the confused Bama Mei, and then she turned to Wenwen and asked her, "So, do you want to tell the magic girl like Bamamy about the fault?"
Wen Wen, who was stared at by Bama Mei with strange eyes, hesitated for a moment, then sighed to the girl: "Although the secrets about the witch and the soul gemstone have already increased your mental capacity, the latter ones are related to the world itself. The things are really sensational ...
"Let's learn a little more, expand our brains and horizons ... Anyway, we have everything about the parallel world before. Let's just add some advanced physics and math knowledge to the learning list ..."
Bama Mei, who was about to speak, looked stagnant, and then she looked at the materials that occupied a lot of space in the living room, and she could not help showing a bitter expression ...
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